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About the rhymes in Tangut verses: reanalysis of Tangut rhyming poetry in San shi shu ming yan ji wen

荒川 慎太郎 西夏詩の脚韻に見られる韻母について:『三世属明言集文』所収西夏語詩 Arakawa Shintaro.
·31 Pages
·1.612 MB

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当我谈跑步时, 我谈些什么 /Dang wo tan pao bu shi, wo tan xie shen me

Cun, Shangchunshu; Shi, Xiaowei
·205 Pages
·27.055 MB

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深入理解计算机系统 Shen ru li jie ji suan ji xi tong = Computer systems ; a programmer's perspective

Randal E. Bryant, David O'Hallaron zhu ; Gong Yili, Lei Yingchun yi.
·851 Pages
·31.215 MB

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ある夢と数学の埋葬 : 陰と陽の鍵 /Aru yume to sūgaku no maisō : In to yan no kagi

アレクサンドル・グロタンディーク、辻 雄一(訳) /Grothendieck, Alexandre; Tsuji, Yuichi
·643 Pages
·21.638 MB

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