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Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin: Experience and Form

Tim Beasley-Murray (auth.)
·225 Pages
·1.081 MB

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Scott 2009 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue

James E. Kloetzel, James E. Kloetzel, William A. Jones, Martin J. Frankevicz, Charles Snee, Steven R. Myers
·1286 Pages
·216.768 MB

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Reception of Walter Pater in Europe

Stephen Bann
·322 Pages
·20.016 MB

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Christsein in einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft (Festschrift Walter Künneth)

H. Schulze, H. Schwarz (Hg.)
·420 Pages
·14.099 MB

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F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (Bloom's Guides)

Harold Bloom
·144 Pages
·0.7 MB

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Arcades Project, Walter Benjamin - Binghamton University

Ruth Braunstein
·42 Pages
·0.18 MB

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