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Fourier Analysis: Pseudo-differential Operators, Time-Frequency Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Neal Bez, Mitsuru Sugimoto (auth.), Michael Ruzhansky, Ville Turunen (eds.)
·416 Pages
·4.527 MB

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The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor: Church and War in Late Antiquity

Geoffrey Greatrex; Cornelia B. Horn; Sebastian P. Brock; Witold Witakowski; Robert R. Phenix
·575 Pages
·34.106 MB

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Le >Declamazioni Minori< dello Pseudo-Quintiliano: Discorsi immaginari tra letteratura e diritto

Alfredo Casamento (editor), Danielle van Mal-Maeder (editor), Lucia Pasetti (editor)
·1.544 MB

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The Syriac Pseudo-Clementines: An Early Version of the First Christian Novel

Jones, Frederick Stanley
·349 Pages
·15.525 MB

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Theoretical Aspects of Band Structures and Electronic Properties of Pseudo-One-Dimensional Solids

D. Baeriswyl (auth.), Hiroshi Kamimura (eds.)
·293 Pages
·9.073 MB

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Operator theory, pseudo-differential equations, and mathematical physics : the Vladimir Rabinovich anniversary volume

Yuri I Karlovich; Vladimir Rabinovich; et al (eds.)
·425 Pages
·4.138 MB

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Pseudo-Differential Operators: Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, February 2–8, 1986

Michael Beals (auth.), Heinz O. Cordes, Bernhard Gramsch, Harold Widom (eds.)
·488 Pages
·8.714 MB

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Analytic Methods in the Theory of Differential and Pseudo-Differential Equations of Parabolic Type

Samuil D. Eidelman, Anatoly N. Kochubei, Stepan D. Ivasyshen (auth.)
·394 Pages
·13.448 MB

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