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Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics: Proceedings of the 1984 Latin American School of Physics, Santiago, Chile, July 16–August 3, 1984

Mitchell J. Feigenbaum (auth.), Professor Francisco Claro Ph.D. (eds.)
·447 Pages
·10.54 MB

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Dynamics Done With Your Bare Hands: Lecture Notes by Diana Davis, Bryce Weaver, Roland K. W. Roeder, and Pablo Lessa

Francoise Dal’bo, Francois Ledrappier, Amie Wilkinson
·216 Pages
·6.057 MB

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16th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Internationale Gesellschaft für forensische Hämogenetik e.V.), Santiago de Compostela, 12–16 September 1995

Erika Hagelberg (auth.), Professor Dr. med. Angel Carracedo, Professor Dr. med. Bernd Brinkmann, Professor Dr. med. Walter Bär (eds.)
·709 Pages
·22.727 MB

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