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About the rhymes in Tangut verses: reanalysis of Tangut rhyming poetry in San shi shu ming yan ji wen

荒川 慎太郎 西夏詩の脚韻に見られる韻母について:『三世属明言集文』所収西夏語詩 Arakawa Shintaro.
·31 Pages
·1.612 MB

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Handbook for the Soul - writings by Jean Shinoda Bolen, Robert Fulghum, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Thomas Moore , Marion Woodman , Bernie Siegel , Joan Borysenko , Stephen Levine, John Gray , Brian Weiss, Ram Dass , Sydney Banks , Linda Leonard, Jack Canfield,

Richard Carlson (editor), Benjamin Shield (editor), Sydney Banks, Ram Dass, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Robert Fulghum, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Robert Fulghum, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Thomas Moore , Marion Woodman , Bernie Siegel , Joan Borysenko , Stephen Levine, John Gray , Brian Weiss, Ram Dass , Sydney Banks , Linda Leonard, Jack Canfield, Lyn Andrews , Nathaniel Branden, Gerald Jampolsky , Jon Kabat-Zinn , Wayne Dyer , Richard Carlson , Elisabeth Kubler-Ross , Anne Wilson Schaef , Stephen R. Covey , Matthew Fox, Jacob Needleman, Phil Cousineau , Angeles Arrien, Betty Eadie , Melody Beattie
·248 Pages
·9.796 MB

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The Kavanaugh Battle: The Fight for the Supreme Court and for the Future of the U.S. With Speeches by Judge Kavanaugh, Christine Ford and Senator Collins

Senate Committee On The Judiciary; Rachel Mitchell; Brett Kavanaugh; Christine Blasey Ford; Susan Collins
·1.065 MB

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ある夢と数学の埋葬 : 陰と陽の鍵 /Aru yume to sūgaku no maisō : In to yan no kagi

アレクサンドル・グロタンディーク、辻 雄一(訳) /Grothendieck, Alexandre; Tsuji, Yuichi
·643 Pages
·21.638 MB

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