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Franz Boas among the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883-1884: Journals and Letters

Ludger Müller-Wille (editor), William Barr (translator)
·331 Pages
·16.038 MB

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Transgressive Readings: The Texts of Franz Kafka and Max Planck

Valerie D. Greenberg
·232 Pages
·21.079 MB

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Offener Brief an Franz von Papen vom 16. Oktober 1932

Adolf Hitler
·24 Pages
·18.487 MB

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The Jews Of Vienna In The Age Of Franz Joseph

Robert S. Wistrich
·724 Pages
·54.999 MB

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Sklaverei und Freilassung im römischen Recht: Symposium für Hans Josef Wieling zum 70. Geburtstag

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans Ankum (auth.), Professor Dr. Thomas Finkenauer M. A. (eds.)
·350 Pages
·2.282 MB

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Briefwechsel zwischen Franz Delitzsch und Wolf Wilhelm Graf Baudissin: 1866–1890

Otto Eißfeldt, Karl Heinrich Rengstorf (auth.), Otto Eißfeldt, Karl Heinrich Rengstorf (eds.)
·578 Pages
·17.12 MB

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Philipp Franz von Siebold and His Era: Prerequisites, Developments, Consequences and Perspectives

Professor Dr. Arnulf Thiede, Professor Dr. Gundolf Keil, Professor Dr. Yoshiki Hiki (auth.)
·199 Pages
·4.689 MB

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