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Avaliação e gestão: teorias e práticas

AvaliaçãoAvaliação educacionalEnsino superior – AvaliaçãoEducação e estado
·416 Pages
·3.15 MB

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David Stewart and Algis Mickunas

24 Pages
·0.07 MB

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David Bowie: Critical Perspectives

Devereux, Eoin(Editor);Dillane, Aileen(Editor);Power, Martin J(Editor);October, Dene(Contributor)
·342 Pages
·2.157 MB

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C++ Primer, 5/e

Stanley B. Lippman & Barbara E. Moo & e JoséLajoie
·18.2537 MB

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C++ Primer, 5/e

Lippman, Stanley B. & Moo, Barbara E. & JoséLajoie, e
·16.9643 MB

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King David : A Biography

Steven L. McKenzie
·253 Pages
·12.87 MB

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Processos e Práticas nas atividades criativas e culturais: reflexões e interfaces da comunicação e da indústria criativa

Marcela Guimarães e Silva; Renata Corrêa Coutinho (Orgs.)
·172 Pages
·4.4721 MB

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David, Abigail, Nabal - chiptape

13 Pages
·0.09 MB

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El arpa de David

106 Pages
·0.21 MB

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Hexen: Glaube, Verfolgung, Vermarktung, 2. Auflage (Beck Wissen)

Wolfgang Behringer
·116 Pages
·1.967 MB

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Geschichte des Römischen Rechts, 3. Auflage (Beck Wissen)

Ulrich Manthe
·128 Pages
·1.263 MB

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O tempo e o vento (V Único)

Verissimo, E
·6.3023 MB

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alejandro david leiva rodríguez

105 Pages
·3.48 MB

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