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Training und Sport zur Prävention und Rehabilitation in der technisierten Umwelt / Training and Sport for Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Technicized Environment: Deutscher Sportärztekongreß Berlin, 27.–29. September 1984

Prof. Dr. E. Jokl (auth.), Professor Dr. med. Ingomar-Werner Franz, Professor Dr. med. Harald Mellerowicz, Privatdozent Dr. med. Wolfgang Noack (eds.)
·879 Pages
·22.544 MB

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Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET II: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, Schloß Elmau, Bavaria, October 15–17, 1984

N. D. Lang (auth.), Professor Dr. Wilhelm Brenig, Professor Dr. Dietrich Menzel (eds.)
·295 Pages
·8.056 MB

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Tunable Solid State Lasers for Remote Sensing: Proceedings of the NASA Conference Stanford University, Stanford, USA, October 1–3, 1984

R. L. Byer (auth.), Professor Robert L. Byer Ph.D., Eric K. Gustafson Ph.D., Rick Trebino Ph.D. (eds.)
·164 Pages
·4.452 MB

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Two-Dimensional Systems, Heterostructures, and Superlattices: Proceedings of the International Winter School Mauterndorf, Austria, February 26 – March 2, 1984

Wlodek Zawadzki (auth.), Professor Dr. Günther Bauer, Professor Dr. Friedemar Kuchar, Professor Dr. Helmut Heinrich (eds.)
·299 Pages
·6.457 MB

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