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Combinatorial Image Analaysis: 15th International Workshop, IWCIA 2012, Austin, TX, USA, November 28-30, 2012. Proceedings

Mousumi Dutt, Arindam Biswas, Partha Bhowmick, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya (auth.), Reneta P. Barneva, Valentin E. Brimkov, Jake K. Aggarwal (eds.)
·324 Pages
·10.588 MB

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Weird Homes: The People and Places That Keep Austin Strangely Wonderful

David J. Neff, Chelle Neff, Thanin Viriyaki (photo)
·137.814 MB

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Into The Blast - The True Story of D.B. Cooper - Revised Edition

Skipp Porteous & Robert Blevins
·0.7116 MB

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Excitons and Cooper pairs : two composite bosons in many-body physics

Combescot, Monique; Shiau, Shiue-Yuan
·559 Pages
·2.956 MB

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