Top 1200 1919 1988 PDF Book Page 47

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Eight Men Out: The Black Sox and the 1919 World Series

Eliot Asinof [Asinof, Eliot]
·1.1164 MB

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BL Lac Objects: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Como, Italy, September 20–23, 1988

J. Anton Zensus (auth.), L. Maraschi, T. Maccacaro, M. -H. Ulrich (eds.)
·485 Pages
·25.173 MB

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Stochastic Differential Systems: Proceedings of the 4th Bad Honnef Conference, June, 20–24, 1988

S. Albeverio, A. Hilbert (auth.), Norbert Christopeit, Kurt Helmes, Michael Kohlmann (eds.)
·351 Pages
·5.456 MB

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Cyclodextrins: Munich, West Germany, April 20–22, 1988

Friedrich Cramer (auth.), O. Huber, J. Szejtli (eds.)
·526 Pages
·21.612 MB

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Organic Free Radicals: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Zürich, 18.–23. September 1988

A. Alberti, P. Carloni, L. Greci, P. Stipa (auth.), Prof. Dr. Hanns Fischer, Prof. Dr. Heinz Heimgartner (eds.)
·245 Pages
·11.017 MB

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The languages of Joyce : selected papers from the 11th International James Joyce Symposium Venice 1988

Joyce, James; Marengo, Carla; Bosinelli Bollettieri, Rosa Maria; Joyce, James; Boheemen, Christine van
·297 Pages
·27.479 MB

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Propagande et pressions en politique internationale: la Grèce et ses revendications à la Conférence de la paix (1919-1920)

Dimitri Kitsikis; Université de Paris. Institut d'histoire des relations internationales
·543 Pages
·134.73 MB

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Conditions of Democracy in Europe, 1919–39: Systematic Case Studies

Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Jeremy Mitchell (eds.)
·519 Pages
·13.034 MB

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