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Iodine Prophylaxis Following Nuclear Accidents. Proceedings of a Joint WHO/CEC Workshop, July 1988 PDF

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Preview Iodine Prophylaxis Following Nuclear Accidents. Proceedings of a Joint WHO/CEC Workshop, July 1988

Titles of related interest MOULD Chernobyl: the real story CEMBER Introduction to health physics, 2nd edition Journals of related interest Annals of the ICRP The Annals of Occupational Hygiene Applied Radiation and Isotopes Health Physics International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Medical Dosimetry Nuclear Medicine and Biology IODINE PROPHYLAXIS FOLLOWING NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS Proceedings of a joint WHO/CEC Workshop July 1988 Edited by Eileen Rubery and Elizabeth Smales Department of Health London, United Kingdom Published on behalf of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe PERGAMON PRESS Member of Maxwell Macmillan Pergamon Publishing Corporation OXFORD · NEW YORK · BEIJING · FRANKFURT SAO PAULO · SYDNEY · TOKYO · TORONTO U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Room 4037, Qianmen Hotel, Beijing, OF CHINA People's Republic of China FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, Hammerweg 6, OF GERMANY C-6242 Kronberg, Federal Republic of Germany BRAZIL Pergamon Editora Ltda, Rua Ega de Queiros, 346, CEP 04011, Paraiso, Säo Paulo, Brazil AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press Australia Pty Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia JAPAN Pergamon Press, 5th Floor, Matsuoka Central Building, 1-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan CANADA Pergamon Press Canada Ltd., Suite No. 271, 253 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1R5 Copyright © 1990 Pergamon Press pic All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1990 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Iodine prophylaxis following nuclear accidents: proceed- ings of a joint WHO/CEC workshop, July 1988 / edited by Eileen Rubery & Elizabeth Smales. p. cm. "Published on behalf of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe." "Papers presented provided the basis for the development of guidelines . . . issued by the WHO Regional Office for Europe (Guidelines for iodine prophylaxis, Environmental health series, no. 35, 1989)"—Pref. 1. Thyroid gland—Diseases—Prevention—Congresses. 2. Iodine—Therapeutic use—Congresses. 3. Nuclear power plants—Accidents—Health aspects—Congresses. 4. Iodine—Isotopes—Toxicology—Congresses. I. Rubery, Eileen. II. Smales, Elizabeth. III. World Health Organization. IV. Commission of the European Communities. V. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. Guide- lines for iodine prophylaxis. [DNLM: 1. Iodine—therapeutic use—congresses. 2. Radi- ation Injuries—prevention & control—congresses. 3. Thy- roid gland—physiology—congresses. WN 650 I697 1988] RC655.I67 1990 614.5'944-dc20 89-72197 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Iodine prophylaxis following nuclear accidents 1. Man. Thyroid. Drug therapy. Iodine I. Rubery, Eileen II. Smales, Elizabeth III. World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe 616.44061 ISBN 0-08-037496-4 The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization Printed in Great Britain by BPCC Wheatons Ltd., Exeter Foreword For many years, as part of its overall programme of technical cooperation with Member States, the WHO Regional Office for Europe has assisted in the development of contingency planning for, and response to, different types of accident. In addition to the natural disasters that from time to time strike our region, such as earthquakes and floods, the number of technological accidents, some of which have had serious public health consequences, has been increas- ing. Following the accident to a nuclear plant at Chernobyl, USSR, the Regional Office set up an emergency centre that provided information to Member States on a systematic basis and responded to large numbers of ad hoc requests. Many queries were received about the appropriate application of iodine prophylaxis and whether side effects were likely to occur. On the basis of experience gained after Chernobyl, it was deemed necessary to develop guide- lines giving both a scientific rationale and practical information on formu- lation, storage, and application. Several countries have already indicated that they will build the guidelines into their national contingency plans for nuclear emergencies. As an important milestone in the preparation of the guidelines, a scientific workshop was held in Brussels in July 1988, jointly organized with the Com- mission of the European Communities. This meeting brought together a group of eminent experts in the fields of endocrinology, radiology, and public health. I am confident that this volume, containing the papers presented at the work- shop, will form an important reference work in relation to further research efforts and as background to the iodine prophylaxis guidelines, which have now been issued in the Environmental Health Series of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. J.E. ASVALL Regional Director for Europe World Health Organization vn Preface Following the nuclear accident at Chernobyl in April 1986, many European countries considered the possible value of iodine prophylaxis to protect the population from the possible adverse health effects on the thyroid from uptake of radioiodine. After evaluating the predicted levels of contamination and its probable timing, only a few countries officially recommended the adminis- tration of stable iodine. In some others, members of the public took iodine tablets without or against the advice of the authorities. Enquiries at national and local levels by the World Health Organization revealed considerable con- fusion about the criteria that should be adopted for making decisions on prophylaxis. The WHO Regional Office for Europe was therefore requested to develop guidelines on iodine prophylaxis as part of a special project on the public health dimensions of nuclear accidents, funded by the Governments of Switz- erland and the United Kingdom. A survey was carried out on the use of iodine prophylaxis following the Chernobyl accident and a subsequent consultation, held in Copenhagen in September 1987, developed an outline for the proposed guidelines. A joint WHO/CEC workshop was thereafter organized in Brussels in July 1988, which was attended by 22 experts in public health, endocrinology and radiation protection, to review the scientific basis for iodine prophylaxis and to identify gaps in knowledge. The list of participants is given at the end of section 5. The papers presented at the joint WHO/CEC workshop form sections 1-4 of this book. At the end of this meeting, there was a discussion of the con- clusions that could be drawn from the data presented and preliminary recom- mendations were drafted. These were subsequently developed into the conclusions and recommendations of the workshop, in consultation with those present at the meeting. These are contained in the report of this meeting, which provides the rationale for the use of stable iodine prophylaxis following a nuclear accident and which forms section 5 of this book. The conclusion and recommendations of the workshop provided the basis for the development of guidelines on iodine prophylaxis that have now been issued by the WHO Regional Office for Europe (Guidelines for iodine prophylaxis, Environmental Health Series, No. 35,1989). Although it was considered important for WHO to issue guidelines to the responsible authorities as quickly as possible, consid- erable gaps in knowledge were acknowledged and several important areas for future work were identified. We hope that this volume will provide a stimulus to further work on the IX X PREFACE relevant aspects of the problems involved in iodine prophylaxis. The support of Dr G. Gerber of the Commission of the European Communities in organiz- ing the Brussels workshop is gratefully acknowledged, and all those who have given their time, experience, and efforts to this volume are cordially thanked. EILEEN RUBERY ELIZABETH SMALES Thyroid Physiology in Utero and Neonatally G. MORREALE DE ESCOBAR and F. ESCOBAR DEL REY Unidad de Endocrinologia Experimental, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas y Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autonome, Madrid, Spain The topic can be considered in three parts: (1) The fetus. (2) The mother. (3) The neonate. Within each area, information pertaining to the human fetus and neonate, and its mother, is considered where this exists. Findings from animal experi- ments are also discussed when inadequate information is available for man. 1. The fetus 1.1. Development of the gland Most human endocrine systems appear very early in life and are functionally well developed by birth. The thyroid is among the earliest to appear1.,2 It is first visualized at 16-17 days of gestation (dg), when it is in contact with the developing heart. At 3-4 weeks (wks) it appears as a flasklike vesicle with a narrow neck attached to the buccal cavity. It becomes bilobed and by 5V2-6 wks it is composed of a solid mass of tissue expanding laterally as it descends caudally. By 6-7 wks after rupture of the stalk, it reaches its final position in the anterior lower neck. It then weighs 1-2 mg. The gland continues to increase in weight to approximately 5 mg by the end of the 1st trimester (12 wks), after which the rate of increase becomes very rapid, to about 50 mg by 13 weeks, 100-300 mg by 20 wks (mid-gestation), 200-600 mg by 24 wks (end of 2nd trimester) and 1-3 g at term3."6 In all studies, individual data for fetuses of comparable age show marked variability. Histologically, three main stages are observed:7 the pre-colloid, the begin- ning colloid, and the follicular growth. The pre-colloid stage extends between 6V2-10 wks (47-72 dg), followed by the beginning colloid stage at IO-IIV2 wks (73-80 dg), after which follicular growth occurs. The dating of these 3 4 G. MORREALE DE ESCOBAR AND F. ESCOBAR DEL REY events is only approximate, as large individual variations are found in most studies. Between the 3rd and 6th month, follicles are formed throughout the gland, and near term follicles are well formed and filled with colloid.4 Although anti-thyroglobulin (Tg) antibody linked to an immunofluorescent label will bind to material in glands which still are afollicular, mature 19 S Tg, the specific marker of normal thyroid epithelial cells, is not found until follicles form and colloid appears.3'4'7'8 As the thyroid follicles and colloid increase, so does the total Tg content. From the mean concentration values reported by radioimmunoassay (RIA)6 and the changes in thyroid weight, the Tg content increases from about 1.2 mg at mid-gestation to 12 mg at birth. These are tentative figures, as individual variability in Tg concentrations is also quite marked. 7.2. Onset of iodide concentrating capacity The capacity to concentrate iodide, as measured by determining the uptake of radioiodide in the fetal gland when radioiodide is administered to the mother, does not start to appear until 12-14 wks gestation.4'5'9'10 It coincides with the appearance of definite colloid-containing spaces. The study per- formed by Evans et al.4 showed that uptake of radioiodide by the fetal thyroid is very low (0.003-0.4%/gland) up to 18-22 wks, after which it starts increasing (0.18-0.8%/fetal thyroid). There is a rapid increase at 23-24 wks to about 0.6-3%/fetal thyroid, as illustrated in Fig. 1. There is a gap in the data between 24 wks (end of 2nd trimester) and term (40 wks), the few reported in vivo uptake data during this period being from anencephalic fetuses, with uptakes of 1.3 and 3.0% dose/thyroid gland. As calculated per gram of thyroid tissue, the uptake appears to be higher at mid-gestation than at term, but obviously lower throughout fetal life as compared to the first days after birth and in infancy (Fig. 2). The fetal data indicate a higher uptake as compared to adult thyroid glands. The results reported by Costa et al.5 were in general agreement (Fig. 2). These authors also found a tenfold increase in total fetal thyroid uptake between the 3rd and 6th month of intrauterine development, and uptakes which were ten times those of the mothers, on a weight for weight basis. Such results were obtained after maternal exposure to a single dose of radioiodide. Beierwaltes et al.n studied the concentrations in fetal thyroids of radioisotopes from fall-out, obtained within a 10-mile radius of Ann Arbor, Michigan, between 12 November 1958 and 1 August 1959, when atomic blasts from the USA, UK and USSR were frequent. Data were obtained for 27 fetuses from 25 pregnancies, from 5 months gestation to term. A very great variability in the concentration of radioactivity (the major radioactive compon- ent being 131I) was found for fetuses of the same age, even among twins. Despite this great variability, the average concentrations in the fetal thyroids were more than 10 times those in adults (Fig. 3). It is also interesting that the THYROID PHYSIOLOGY IN UTERO AND NEONATALLY THYROID UPTAKE OF RADIOIODINE, % THYROID WEIGHT, grams 3.0F= 1.5 P"- X I I A /· FETAL AGE in months FIG. 1. Changes in weight (Hght-hand panel) and in 131I uptake (left-hand panel) found for human thyroid fetuses at different stages of gestation. Taken from Evans et al.4 Results from Costa et al.5 are superimposed as triangles. The 131I uptake data are given as % of the dose given to the mother, and are not corrected for the amount of the isotope sequestered by the material thyroid. THYROIDAL UPTAKE OF I-I3I, % per qrom 40.0r 30.0 h 10.0 5 0 h 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 | | CHILD f FETAL AGE , in weeks AT BIRTH INFANT ADULT FIG. 2. Changes in thyroidal 131I uptake, referred to the weight of the gland, at different stages of development. Taken from Evans et al.,4 with data from Costa et al.5 superimposed as triangles. Fetal data do not take into account the proportion of the dose sequestered by the maternal thyroid. 5 G. MORREALE DE ESCOBAR AND F. ESCOBAR DEL REY 100 ■ύϊ. I ·*«" E 10 o ■ ' ; \ V i 1 I I I i i I I i_ Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July FIG. 3. Radioactivity, mainly due to radioisotopes of iodine, found in fetal and adult human thyroid glands obtained within a 10-mile radius of Ann Arbor, Michi- gan (USA), between November 1958 and August 1959 when atomic blasts from the USA, UK and USSR were frequent. Drawn from data by Beierwalte set a/.11. radioiodine concentrations were low in the thyroids of fetuses from a few mothers on desiccated thyroid medication, or receiving high doses of organic or inorganic iodine, even if the glands had been collected when fall-out was high. The authors calculated that the maximum total radiation delivered by fall-out to any fetal thyroid gland was 0.47 rads, an amount unlikely to result in hypothyroidism or to induce carcinoma. As a result of the capacity to concentrate iodine, the total iodine content of the fetal thyroid gland increases with thyroid weight, and with gestational age. The total iodine concentration is fairly constant, and not significantly different at 22-25 wks (37.5 ± 22.4 μg I/g) as compared to term (59.9 ± 42.3 μgI/g).6 As the weight is increasing, the total I content increases from 14 μg I/gland at the end of the 2nd trimester to 49 μg I/gland at 30-34 wks, and 44 μg I/gland at term.6 These values are approximate, as both the total I concentration and the thyroid weight are highly variable for fetuses of the same age. It is important to realize that during this stage of development there is a continuous accumulation of iodine by the fetal gland. It is therefore likely that in case of contamination of the environment with radioisotopes of iodine, the fetal thyroid will continue to accumulate the isotope, even when the gland of adults has reached a stage of isotopic equilibrium with the environmental radioiodine. This situation of positive iodine balance continues after birth; the total iodine content of an adult thyroid is of the order of 10 mg, that is, about 200 times that of the newborn. 1.3. Onset of thyroid hormone synthesis Chromatographie studies on fetal thyroid glands labeled in vivo do not reveal organically bound radioiodide until the 19th wk,12 despite the appearance of radioiodine uptake at earlier ages. Labeled T4 and T3 were

After the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, the confusion regarding the correct dosage of iodine for the protection of the population led to the request for the WHO Regional Office for Europe to develop guidelines on iodine prophylaxis. A joint WHO/CEC workshop was organised in Brussels in September 19
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