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Physical Processes in Comets, Stars and Active Galaxies: Proceedings of a Workshop, Held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, May 26–27, 1986

W. F. Huebner (auth.), Wolfgang Hillebrandt, Emmi Meyer-Hofmeister, Hans-Christoph Thomas (eds.)
·200 Pages
·6.802 MB

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Vorbereitung des Patienten zu Anästhesie und Operation: Risikoerfassung, optimierende Therapie Prämedikation 3. Internationales Erlanger Anästhesie-Symposion 2. bis 5. Juli 1986

W. Dick, H. Gervais, K.-W. Christian (auth.), Prof. Dr. Erich Rügheimer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Pasch (eds.)
·509 Pages
·9.57 MB

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Algebra Some Current Trends: Proceedings of the 5th National School in Algebra held in Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 24 – Oct. 4, 1986

Jörgen Backelin, Jürgen Herzog, Herbert Sanders (auth.), Luchezar L. Avramov, Kerope B. Tchakerian (eds.)
·249 Pages
·4.564 MB

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Surgery and Arthroscopy of the Knee: Second European Congress of Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Basel, Switzerland, 29.Sept.–4.Oct.1986

A. Menschik (auth.), Dr. med. Werner Müller, Dr. med. Werner Hackenbruch (eds.)
·735 Pages
·24.325 MB

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