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Top 668 universities PDF Book Page 27

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Transforming Social Inquiry, Transforming Social Action: New Paradigms for Crossing the Theory/Practice Divide in Universities and Communities

Francine T. Sherman, William R. Torbert (auth.), Francine T. Sherman, William R. Torbert (eds.)
·310 Pages
·5.468 MB

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From the Universities to the Marketplace: The Business Ethics Journey: The Second Annual International Vincentian Conference Promoting Business Ethics

Pat Primeaux SM (auth.), Marilynn Fleckenstein, Mary Maury, Laura Pincus, Patrick Primeaux (eds.)
·259 Pages
·18.339 MB

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Позиционирование и продвижение томских университетов в коммуникативном пространстве Интернета: Positioning and promotion of Tomsk universities in the Internet communicative environment

Г. А. Окушова, М. Н. Бычкова, И. В. Гужова ; М-во образования и науки Российской Федерации, Нац. исслед. Томский гос. ун-т
·142 Pages
·6.454 MB

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