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Retirement Security in the United States: Current Sources, Future Prospects, and Likely Outcomes of Current Trends

Jack L. Vanderhei, craig Copeland, Dallas R. Salisbury
·176 Pages
·1.042 MB

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Integrating Population Outcomes, Biological Mechanisms and Research Methods in the Study of Human Milk and Lactation

Per Brandtzaeg (auth.), Margarett K. Davis, Charles E. Isaacs, Lars Å. Hanson, Anne L. Wright (eds.)
·343 Pages
·9.107 MB

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Weighting Methods and their Effects on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model Outcomes in Water Resources Management

Noorul Hassan Zardari, Kamal Ahmed, Sharif Moniruzzaman Shirazi, Zulkifli Bin Yusop (auth.)
·173 Pages
·5.78 MB

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Theranostics and Precision Medicine for the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Volume 3: Translational and Clinical Outcomes

Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju (editor), Sarfraz Ahmad (editor)
·452 Pages
·15.597 MB

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