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Top 1200 juvenile nonfiction computers PDF Book Page 49

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Discovering Computers Fundamentals: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World

Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat
·574 Pages
·73.795 MB

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Discovering Computers: Fundamentals: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World

Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat
·574 Pages
·73.438 MB

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Language and Machines; Computers in Translation and Linguistics; a Report

National Academy of Sciences, National (January 1, 1966)
·138 Pages
·3.039 MB

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Words and Power: Computers, Language, and U.S. Cold War Values

Bernadette Longo
·151 Pages
·1.557 MB

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Alan Turing and His Contemporaries: Building the World's First Computers

Simon Lavington, Martin Campbell-Kelly, Chris Burton
·128 Pages
·6.26 MB

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Solution of Partial Differential Eqns on Vector and Parallel Computers

J. Ortega, R. Voight
·101 Pages
·6.459 MB

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Computers and Networks in the Age of Globalization: IFIP TC9 Fifth World Conference on Human Choice and Computers August 25–28, 1998, Geneva, Switzerland

Marc van Lieshout (auth.), Leif Bloch Rasmussen, Colin Beardon, Silvio Munari (eds.)
·386 Pages
·14.808 MB

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Decimation of the Dark Fleet and the Liberation of Terra, An Nonfiction Galactic Anthology

Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Commander Thor Han Eredyon
·269 Pages
·2.625 MB

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Telling true stories: a nonfiction writers' guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University

Harvard University. Nieman Foundation for Journalism.;Call, Wendy Louise;Kramer, Mark William
·0.453 MB

Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.