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Top 104 eeg PDF Book Page 5

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Wearable Brain-Computer Interfaces. Prototyping EEG-Based Instruments for Monitoring and Control

Pasquale Arpaia, Antonio Esposito, Ludovica Gargiulo, Nicola Moccaldi
·287 Pages
·11.652 MB

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Real-Time BCI System Design to Control Arduino Based Speed Controllable Robot Using EEG

Swagata Das, Devashree Tripathy, Jagdish Lal Raheja
·127 Pages
·6.559 MB

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Synchronization of EEG Activity in Epilepsies: A Symposium Organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria September 12–13, 1971

V. Braitenberg (auth.), Prof. Dr. H. Petsche, Prof. Dr. Mary A. B. Brazier (eds.)
·440 Pages
·19.987 MB

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