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Using MAC OS 8.5 PDF

884 Pages·1998·161.859 MB·English
by  MiserBrad
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Preview Using MAC OS 8.5

Using Mac OS 8.5 Jump Table Task Page Accessing files that others share with you 479 Adding ftems to the Apple Menu 126 Adding items to the Favorites folder 99 Automating your Mac with AppleScript 398 Browsing the \Neb 597 Capturing video a11d creating a QuickTime movie 228 Checking a disk by using Disk First Aid 734 Choosing backup hardware 686 Cleaning up your drives 727 Configuring QuickT ime 20l Connecting and disconnecting with a modem 538 Creating a slide show with MoviePiayer Pro 216 Creating an alert sound from a CD with SimpleSound 224 Creating and using your own desktop pattern 293 Creating your own keyboard shortcuts 372 Customizing fonts that Mnc OS uses 304 Customizing the Application menu 74 Defining a backup strategy 6H3 Defrab'lnenting and optimizing your disks 724 Downloading files from the Web 646 Filtering your email 579 Finding files by attributes 88 Fixing software problems 756 Formatting a PC disk on the Mac 490 Have yonr Mac start and stop itself 396 Identifying a virus infection 704 Initializing and partitioning a hard drive 114 Making your Mac talk to you 306 Managing Fonts 158 Manually configuring Outlook Express 552 Manually managing your System 348 Moving data between applications with drag-and-drop 268 Organizing the Apple Menu 126 Performing a clean install of Mac OS 8.5 option by using 810 the Custom fnstall option Contents at a Glance Working with Your Mac Working with Macintosh 3 2 Working with Folders and Windows 35 3 Working with Menus 65 4 Working with the Finder 79 5 Working with Hard Disks, Partitions, and Volumes 111 6 Working with the Apple Menu 123 7 Working witht the Control Strip 143 8 Working with Fonts 151 9 Working with Color and Graphics 161 10 Working with Multimedia 189 Using 11 Working with Mac Applications 237 12 Working with the Mac's Help Systems 275 II Customizing Your Mac 13 Changing the Way Your Mac Looks and Sounds 291 Mac OS 14 Managing Your Mac's Memory 317 15 Managing Your System Folder 335 16 Using Keyboard Shortcuts 367 17 Making Your Mac Do Your Work for You 395 8.5 Ill Using Mac Hardware 18 Understanding and Using Input Devices 423 19 Understanding and Using Output Devices 437 20 Understanding and Using Networking Devices 449 IV Using Your Mac to Work with others 21 Working with Other Macs 463 22 Working with Windows PCs 489 V Using Your Mac to Surf the Internet 23 Connecting Your Mac to the Net 509 24 Using Email: The Basics 543 25 Using Email: Advanced Techniques 573 26 Browsing the Web: The Basics 597 27 Browsing the Web: Advanced Techiniques 627 Brnd IV!. Nliser 28 Reading Newsgroups 661 VI Maintaining. Fixing. and Upgrading Your Mac 29 Backing Up 681 30 Fighting Viruses 701 31 Preventing Mac Problems 713 32 Fixing Mac Problems 745 33 Maintaining Your Mac Through Upgrades 713 VII Using Mac OS 8.5 Appendices A Installing and Maintaining the Mac OS 805 B Working with PowerBooks 817 C Speaking Essential Mac Lingo 837 A Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing, USA 201 W. 103rd Street Index 863 Indianapolis. Indiana 46290 Using Mat OS 8.5 Executive Editor Chris Will Copyrigh~l998 by Que Publishing Aquisitions Editor Chris Will All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in Development Editor a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, Marta Partington photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. No patent liabiljty is asswned with respect to the Project Editor Katie Purdum use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author Copy Editor assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability Marta Partington assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information con Indexer tained herein. Heather Goens International Standard Book Number: 0-7897-1614-3 Technical Editor Lisa Lee Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-81256 Proofreader Printed in the United States of America Jennifer Earhart First Printing: 1 ovember, 1998 Layout Temnidans Brian Borders 00 99 98 4 3 2 Marda Deboy Susan Geiselman Cover Designer Trademarks Maureen McCarty All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Que Publishing can not attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Warning and Disdaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accu rate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an las is6 basis. The authors and the publisher shall have neither liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in thjs book. Contents I Working with Your Mac Reading News That is Fit to Print-and Some That's Not 28 Working with Macintosh 3 Maintaining Your Mac 30 Mac OS Lives 4 Backing Up Isn't HHd to Do 30 Preventing Infection 30 Using the Mac 5 Preventing Trouble 31 Using Folders and Windows 6 Fi.:cing Your Mac 31 Using Menus 8 Growing Your Mac 32 Working with the Finder II Working with Disks, Discs, Volumes, and Using the Appendices 32 Partitions 12 VVorl.:ing with the Mac OS Installer 32 Using the Apple Menu 13 Computing on the Move 33 Using the Control Strip 16 Talking the T:1lk 33 Using Fonts 16 Understanding this Book 33 \Norking with Color and Graphics 16 Using Multimedia 17 2 Working with Folders and Windows 35 Working with Applications 18 Finding Help 18 Understanding Folder and Windows 36 Making Your Mac Your Own 19 \\forking with Mac Windows 39 Giving Your Mac a Face Lift 19 Using the Keyboard with Windows 41 Not Losing Your Memory 20 Setting Finder vVindow Preferences 42 Knowing Your System Folder 21 Using the Keyboard 22 \Vorking with Folder Windows 45 Making the Mac Your Slave 22 vVorking with Folder Views 45 Working with Mac Hardware 22 Using Icon Views 46 Inputting Information to Your Mac 23 Using Button Views 47 Outputting Infonnation from Your Using List Views 47 Mac 23 Setting Window Views Preferences 52 Connecting to the World 23 Using Hierarchical Folders 56 Working with Others 24 vVorking with Pop-Up vVindows 57 Preaching to the Choir 24 Working with Spring-Loaded Folders 61 Sleeping with the Enemy 2 5 Using Folder vVindow Features 62 Surfing the Net 26 Getting Connected 26 Keeping in Touch with Email 27 W.1lking the World \Vide Web 28 . IV Using Mac OS 8.5 3 Working with Menus 65 5 Working with Hard Disks, Partitions, and Volumes 111 Understanding Mac Menus 66 Understanding Hard Drives, Volumes, and Using Mac Menus 68 Partitions 112 V/orking with Contextual Menus 68 Understanding Drive Terminology 112 Understanding Contextual Menus 69 Using Contextual Menus 69 Initializing and Partitioning a Hard Adding to Contextual Menus 70 Drive 114 Using the Finder's Unique Menus 72 Mounting Volumes on the Desktop 119 Using the Apple Menu 72 6 Working with the Apple Menu 123 Using the Special Menu 73 Using the Application Menu 74 Understanding the Apple Menu 124 4 Working with the Finder 79 Using and Customizing the Apple Menu 126 Using the Apple Menu 126 Understanding the Finder 80 Customjzing the Apple Menu 127 Getting Information About Files and Working with Applications and Utilities Folders 83 on the Apple Menu 130 Getting General Information for Choosing with the Chooser 130 Appljcations and Documents 85 Calculating with the Simple Getting Sharing Information for a Calculator 132 Folder 87 Using the Graphjng Calculator 132 Finding Things with the Finder's Find Working with the Graphing Command 88 Calculator 134 Finding Files by Attribute 88 Figuring Out Fonts with Key Caps 135 Finding Files by Content 92 Taking Notes with Note Pad 136 Finding Information on the Internet 95 Creating Clippings with the Scrapbook 136 Working with Aliases 97 Creating Sticky Notes 139 Creating an Alias 98 Playing with the Jigsaw Puzzle 140 Finding an Original for an Alias 98 7 Working with the Control Strip 143 Setting and Using Favorites 99 Setting Favorites 99 Understanding the Control Strip 144 Using Favorites I 00 Using the Standard Control Strip 145 Setting Finder Preferences I 02 Collapsing and Expanding the Control Strip 145 Telling Time with the Clock I 04 Using Control Strip Modules 145 Taking Out the Trash 107 Saving Energy I 08 v Contents Customizing the Cono·ol Strip 146 10 Working with Multimedia 189 Resizing and Mov;ng the Control Using the Ultimate Multimedia Machine 190 Strip 146 Using the Control Strip Control Digital Video, Sound, and Animation \\;th Panel 147 QuickTime 191 Removing Control Strip Modules 148 Understanding QuickTime 191 Finding and Installing Control Strip Playing and Editing QuickTime Movies Modult:s 148 201 Going Three-Dimensional with 8 Working with Fonts 151 QuickDraw 3D 219 Exploring the Digital Frontier 219 Using Fonts 152 Listening and Programming Audio CDs with Understanding Font Types 152 the AppleCD Audio Player 219 Understanding Screen Fonts 155 Listening While You Vlork 221 Understanding PostScript Fonts 156 Creating an Alert Sound from a CD with Understanding TrueType Fonts 157 SimpleSound 224 Managing Fonts 158 Programming the AppleCD Audio Player 225 9 Working with Color and Graphics 161 Watching and Capruring Video with the Apple Video Player 228 Using Color and Graphics on the Mac 162 Understanding Hardware and System Understanding Resolution 162 Requirements 228 Working with Your Mac's Resolution 166 Understanding Apple Video Player 230 Understanding Image Resolution 169 vVatching TV and Movies 231 Understanding Imaging Resolution 171 Capruring Still Images from Video 232 Capruring Digital Video 233 Working with Color 173 Understanding DVD 234 Understanding Color 173 Using Colors on Your Mac 176 11 Working with Mac Applications 237 Using ColorSync for Consistent Color Across Devices 180 Adding and Using Mac Software 238 Understanding Graphics 184 Assessing Mac Software Requirements 238 Understanding Raster-Based Assessing RAM Requirements 240 Graphics 185 Assessing Disk Space Requirements 242 Understanding Vector-Based Assessing System Software Graphics 186 Requirements 243 Assessing Hardware Requirements 244 . VI Using Mat OS 8.5 Installing Mac Software 246 12 Working with the Mac's Help Systems 275 Using the Eas>' Install Option 248 Finding Help Where You Need It 276 Using the Custom Install Option 249 Using Other Install Options 250 Using the Mac's Help Center 276 Testing Mac Software 2 50 Understanding the Mac OS Help Center 277 Registering Mac Software 252 Working with the Mac OS Help Removing Mac Software 253 Center 278 Using Installation Software to Remove Using AppleGuide 280 an Application 254 Understanding AppleGuide 281 Manually Removing an Application 254 Working with AppleGuide 281 Law1ching Applications 255 Using Balloon Help 285 Understanding Standard Application Understanding Balloon Help 285 Behavior 258 Using Balloon Help 285 Understanding Standard \iVindow Using the Assistants 286 Behavior 258 Understanding Standard File Menu Items 258 II Customizing Your Mac Understanding Standard Edit Menu Items 260 13 Changing the Way Your Mac Looks and Understanding Standard Open and Save Sounds 291 Dialog Boxes 261 Understanding Navigation Services Open Customizing Your Mac Is Fw1 292 and Save Dialogs 263 Understanding ACTION Files Open and Customizing the Way Your Mac Looks 293 Save Dialogs 265 Adjusting Monitor Settings 293 Setting Application Preferences 267 Customizing the Desk-top 293 Changing Icons 298 Moving information Between Customizing Menus, B:ighlight Colors, and Applications 267 Other Graphic Elements 302 Cutting and Pasting 267 Customizing \iVindow Options 303 Sharing Documents 267 Customizing Fonts 304 Drag-and-Drop 268 Customizing Nwnbers 305 Using Desktop Clippings 270 Customizing the \Vay Your Mac Sounds 306 Exiting Applications 272 Adjusting Sound 306 Customizing Sound Effects 307 Customizing the Alert Sound 308 Customizing Your Mac's Voice 311 VII Contents Putting It All Together with Themes 313 Using Extensions Manager to Learn About Choosing a Theme 313 Extensions, Control Panels, and Other Saving Themes 315 System Files 355 Using Extensions Manager 357 14 Managing Your Mac's Memory 317 Using Conflict Catcher to Manage Your Understanding Memory 318 System 359 Understanding Physical RAM 318 Using Conflict Catcher to Manage Your Understanding Caches 323 System 360 Using Conflict Catcher to Define Sets 361 Managing RAtvi 326 Using Conflict Catcher Defined Sets 362 Nianaging RANl for the System 327 Using Conflict Catcher to Learn about Managing RANI for Applications 327 Extensions, Control Panels, and Other System Files 363 Using RAM Substitutes 330 Using Conflict Catcher 364 Using Virtual Memory 330 (;sing Third-Party RA.i\II Extensions 33 I 16 Using Keyboard Shortcuts 367 Using a Virtual Hard Disk (or RA?v1 Working with the Keyboard 368 Disk) 332 Configuring Your Keyboard 369 Upgrading Rfuvl 333 Using Predefined Keyboard Shortcuts 3 70 15 Managing Your System Folder 335 Creating Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts 372 Understanding the System Folder 336 Creating Finder Keyboard Shortcuts with ResEdit 373 Setting the System Your Mac Uses 345 Adding Keyboards Shortcuts to Applications Understanding System Enhancements 347 from \.vi thin Those Applications 3 78 Adding Keyboard Shortcuts to Applications Managing Your System 348 with ResEdit 381 Creating Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts lvianually Managing Your System 349 with QuickKeys 383 Using Extensions Manager to Manage Your System 350 17 Making Your Mac Do Your Work for You 395 Using Extensions Manager to Disable Automating Your Mac 396 Extensions, Control Panels, and Other System Files 351 Scheduling an Automatic Startup or Shutdown Using Extensions Manager to Define Time 396 Sets 353 Using Extensions Manager Defined Using Startup Items 397 Sets 354 Using Shutdown Items 398 VIII Using Mac OS 8.5 Automating Your Mac with AppleScript 398 19 Understanding and Using Output Understanding AppleScript 399 Devices 437 Using Predefined AppleScripts 40 l Using Output Devices 438 Creating Your Own AppleScripts 403 Using Monitors 438 Telling Your Mac What to Do 409 Using Printers 441 Using QuickKeys to Make Your Mac Read to You 413 Installing and Selecting a Primer 443 Using ColorSync with a Printer 444 Ouqmtting Electronic Documents 445 III Using Mac Hardware 20 Understanding and Using Networking 18 Understanding and Using Input Devices 449 Devices 423 Connecting to the World 450 Worlcing with Input Devices 424 Working with Modems 450 Understanding Connection Understanding Modems 450 Technologies 424 Using a Modem 452 Understanding Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) 424 Understanding the Future of Modems Understanding Serial Connections 425 456 Understanding Small Computer Serial Working with Apple'Thlk Networks 457 Interface (Scsn 426 Setting Up an AppleT.1lk Network by Understanding Universal Serial Bus Using Setial Connections 457 (USB) 426 Setting Up an Apple'Thlk Network by Understanding Other Input Using Ethernet 458 Connections 427 Configuring an Apple'Thlk Network 459 Worlcing with Mice 427 Using Other Networks 459 ·working with Keyboards 428 vVorlcing with Trackpads 429 W Using Your Mac to Work with Others Worlcing with Trackballs 429 21 Working with Other Macs 463 Working with Joysticks 431 Understanding How You Can Work with Other Macs 464 ·working with iVlicrophones 431 Sharing and Transferring Files 465 \"'arking with Scanners 432 Transferring Files Among Macs 466 Understanding Digital Cameras 434 Sharing Your Files with Others 467

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