"iCLOUD" CLOUD STORAGE 1 Web location for this presentation: http://aztcs.org Click on “Meeting Notes” 2 SUMMARY If you use a Mac, an iPad, or an iPhone or an iPod AND you buy and install an "iWork" app you can use Apple's "iCloud" storage to protect yourself from the losing data files. 3 SUMMARY (continued) After you get an "iCloud" account, you can use "Windows.." computers or Mac "OS X" computers or "iPads" or "iPhones" to store and download files with "iCloud". 4 "iCloud" Server Farms • An unknown number of servers for Apple's online services such as "iCloud", "iTunes App Store", "iMessage", "iTunes Music Store" etc. • Server farms located in Maiden, North Carolina Santa Clara, California Reno, Nevada Prineville, Oregon 5 Server Farm in Maiden, North Carolina 6 Server Farm in Prineville, Oregon 7 Server Farm in Reno, Nevada 8 "iCloud" Server Farms (continued) • See http://www.forbes.com/sites/briancaulfield/20 11/05/18/another-massive-apple-server- farm-being-readied-in-santa-clara/ and http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/08/04/shot- from-the-air-a-photo-of-the-new-face-of- apples-icloud/ and http://appleinsider.com/articles/12/04/20/app le_will_invest_250m_in_new_oregon_data_ center 9 "iCloud" Server Farms (continued) • and http://www.electronista.com/articles/12/08/02/tax.b reaks.exchanged.for.1.billion.in.investments/ 10