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Upgrade of the ALICE readout and trigger system Technical Design report ALICE collaboration PDF

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Preview Upgrade of the ALICE readout and trigger system Technical Design report ALICE collaboration

Upgrade of the ALICE readout and trigger system Technical Design report ALICE collaboration CERN Geneva, Switzerland Document DRAFT Version 1.1 28th Oct 2013 1 Changes in version 1.1: Tables cleaned up, Pierre and Torsten comments about O2 2 implemented. 3 3 Contents 4 Contents 3 5 Chapter 1. Introduction and executive summary 9 6 1.1 Upgrade strategy 9 7 1.2 System upgrade overview 10 8 Chapter 2. Upgrade architecture 15 9 2.1 Introduction 15 10 2.2 System architecture 16 11 2.3 Trigger system 17 12 2.3.1 Heartbeat trigger 17 13 2.3.2 Trigger, Timing and clock distribution System - TTS 18 14 2.4 ALICE Detector Data Link - DDL 19 15 2.5 The Common Readout Unit - CRU 19 16 2.6 Readout of detectors not using the Common Readout Unit 24 17 2.7 Data framing, aggregation and event building 24 18 2.8 Detector overview 25 19 Chapter 3. Radiation environment 29 20 4 Contents Chapter 4. Central Trigger Processor - CTP 35 21 4.1 Introduction 35 22 4.2 Trigger architecture 35 23 4.3 Central Trigger Processor 37 24 4.4 Local Trigger Unit - LTU 39 25 4.5 Trigger and Timing distribution System - TTS 39 26 4.5.1 TTS via GBT 39 27 4.5.2 TTS via TTC 40 28 4.6 Software triggers 41 29 4.7 Funding and institutes 42 30 Chapter 5. TPC/MCH readout ASIC - SAMPA 43 31 5.1 System overview 44 32 5.2 ASIC building blocks 45 33 5.2.1 Front-end 47 34 5.2.2 Digital signal processing 49 35 5.3 Configuration and control 50 36 5.4 Trigger and dead time 50 37 5.5 Readout 51 38 5.6 ASIC I/Os 51 39 5.7 Schedule, funding and institutes 53 40 Chapter 6. Muon tracking CHambers - MCH 57 41 6.1 Introduction 57 42 6.2 The present system 57 43 6.3 Muon system upgrade 58 44 6.3.1 Front-end electronics 58 45 6.3.2 Readout electronics 59 46 Contents 5 6.3.3 Data rate and format 60 47 6.4 Schedule, funding and institutes 60 48 Chapter 7. Muon Identifier - MID 63 49 7.1 Overview 63 50 7.2 Very Front-End electronics upgrade 64 51 7.3 Front-end and readout electronics upgrade 67 52 7.4 Schedule, funding and institutes 70 53 Chapter 8. Transition Radiation Detector - TRD 71 54 8.1 TRD upgrade strategy 71 55 8.2 Frontend operation and readout 72 56 8.2.1 Current FEE readout 72 57 8.2.2 Readout with modified data formats 73 58 8.3 TRD Performance with new data formats 75 59 8.4 TRD readout and trigger 77 60 8.4.1 TRD readout unit 77 61 8.4.2 Trigger and busy handling 78 62 8.4.3 Schedule, funding and institutes 79 63 Chapter 9. Time Of Flight detector - TOF 81 64 9.1 Introduction 81 65 9.2 TOF present readout and limitations 82 66 9.3 Upgrade implementation architecture 83 67 9.4 Schedule, funding and institutes 87 68 6 Contents Chapter 10. Fast Interaction Trigger - FIT 89 69 10.1 Introduction 89 70 10.2 Performance of the current T0 detector 89 71 10.3 Performance of the current V0 detector 91 72 10.4 Required functionality for the FIT 93 73 10.5 T0-Plus detector concept 94 74 10.6 V0-Plus detector concept 103 75 10.7 Common front-end and readout electronics for FIT 105 76 10.8 Funding 107 77 Chapter 11. Zero Degree Calorimeter - ZDC 109 78 11.1 The present ZDC readout system 109 79 11.2 Upgrade strategy 110 80 11.2.1 Introduction 110 81 11.2.2 DAQ and trigger architecture 111 82 11.3 Schedule, funding and institutes 116 83 Chapter 12. Electro Magnetic Calorimeter - EMC 119 84 12.1 The EMCal detector 119 85 12.2 The EMCal readout system 120 86 12.2.1 Point to point links and SRU 120 87 12.2.2 Suppression of low gain readout 121 88 12.2.3 Implementation and test results 121 89 Chapter 13. Photon Spectrometer - PHOS 125 90 13.1 The PHOS detector 125 91 13.2 The PHOS readout system 126 92 13.3 Possible improvement of photon identification 128 93 Contents 7 Chapter 14. High Momentum Particle Identification Detector - HMP 133 94 14.1 Introduction 133 95 14.2 Implementation architecture 134 96 Chapter 15. Alice Cosmic Ray Detector - ACO 137 97 Chapter 16. Cost summary 139 98 References 141 99 1 Introduction and executive summary 9 Chapter 1 100 Introduction and executive 101 summary 102 1.1 Upgrade strategy 103 ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the detector at the CERN LHC dedicated to 104 the study of strongly interacting matter, in particular the properties of the Quark-Gluon 105 Plasma (QGP). The ALICE collaboration plans a major upgrade of the detector during 106 LongShutdown2(LS2),whichisatpresentforeseentostartinDec. 2017. Thescientific 107 goals of this upgrade together with a basic description of the detector upgrade plans can 108 be found in a Letter of Intent (LoI) [1], that was endorsed by the LHCC in September 109 2012. 110 The present ALICE detector is shown in Fig. 1.1, a detailed description of the detector 111 can be found in [2] and the performance is summarised in [3]. ALICE will collect 1nb−1 112 PbPb collisions before LS2, at peak luminosities of L=1027cm−2s−1, corresponding to a 113 collision rate of 8kHz. Hardware triggers based on event multiplicity, calorimeter energy 114 and track p provide event selectivity that allows sampling of the full luminosity. The 115 T maximumreadoutrateofthepresentALICEdetectorislimitedto500HzofPbPbevents. 116 The physics objective of the upgrade is aimed at precision measurements of the QGP, 117 which will be accessible through measurement of heavy-flavor transport parameters, 118 quarkonia down to zero p and low mass di-leptons. Since these processes do not ex- 119 T hibit signatures that can be selected by hardware triggers, they can only be collected 120 by a zero bias (minimum bias) trigger. Additional physics topics include studies of jet 121 quenching and fragmentations as well as study of exotic heavy nuclear states. 122 The ALICE upgrade strategy is therefore based on collecting > 10nb−1 of PbPb colli- 123 sions at luminosities up to L=6×1027cm−2s−1 i.e. collision rates of 50kHz, where each 124 collisionisshippedtotheonlinesystems,eitheruponaminimumbiastriggerorinaself- 125 triggered or continuous fashion. The LoI considers in addition the collection of 6pb−1 of 126 10 Introduction and executive summary pp collisions at the equivalent PbPb nucleon energy as well as 50nb−1 of pPb collisions, 127 both at a levelled collision rate of 200 kHz. With this program the statistics for the above 128 mentioned physics topics will be increased by a factor 100 over the numbers achievable 129 with the present ALICE detector up to LS2. In order to further enhance the sensitivity to 130 charmed mesons and to make even the measurement of charmed baryons possible, an 131 upgradeofthesilicontrackerwithsignificantlyincreasedsecondaryvertexresolutionand 132 high standalone tracking efficiency will be implemented. Highly efficient triggering will be 133 ensured by a new interaction trigger detector. 134 The overall goal of the ALICE upgrade therefore consists of replacing the present sili- 135 con tracker, upgrading the ALICE sub-detectors to read-out 50kHz PbPb collisions and 136 200kHz pp and pPb collisions at nominal performance as well as implementing a new 137 online system that is capable of receiving and processing the full detector information. 138 Since the TPC drift time of 100µs is 5 times longer than the average time between in- 139 teractions,thepresentlyemployedgatingoftheTPCwirechambersmustbeabandoned 140 and continuously sensitive readout detectors using GEMs will be implemented. 141 The idea of reading the full detector information, either upon a minimum bias trigger or 142 in a continuous fashion, requires one single trigger level based on an interaction trigger 143 detector only. However, in order to keep flexibility and to allow trigger contributions for 144 theeliminationofpossiblebackgroundsignalsaswellastriggersforcalibrationandcom- 145 missioning, a Central Trigger Processor (CTP) delivering several trigger signals will be 146 employed. 147 1.2 System upgrade overview 148 The specification for the ALICE detector upgrade is set by the collision rate of 50kHz 149 for PbPb and a collision rate of 200kHz for pp and pPb. The upgrade architecture is 150 presented in Chap. 2 andin particular the Common Readout Unit (CRU) that willprovide 151 the interface between the on-detector electronics and the online computing system. As 152 a baseline the CRU units will sit in a counting room outside the radiation area and will 153 receive data from the detectors through optical fibers via the GBT link. 154 The radiation load for the upgrade program is discussed in Chap. 3. For the sensors 155 closest to the beampipe we expect an ionizing dose up to 1MRad and a fluence of 1013 156 hadrons/cm2 in units of 1MeV neutron equivalent. 157 The central trigger processor (CTP) will be upgraded to accommodate the higher inter- 158 action rate, providing trigger and timing distribution (TTS) to the upgraded detectors and 159 backwards compatibility to detectors not upgrading their TTS interface. This upgrade is 160 described in Chap. 4. 161 ThepresentInnerTrackingSystem(ITS)isbasedontwolayersofSiliconPixelDetectors 162 (SPD), two layers of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) and two Layers of Silicon Strip Detec- 163 tors(SSD).Thisdetectorwillbereplacedby7layersofmonolithicsiliconpixeldetectors, 164 as described in the ITS conceptual design report [4] and the ITS technical design report 165

ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the detector at the CERN LHC dedicated to. 104 the study of . 164 as described in the ITS conceptual design report [4] and the ITS technical design report. 165 . The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is located at a distance of 115 m from the interaction. 216.
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