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Uniprior Index Coding Vijaya Kumar Mareedu and Prasad Krishnan Signal Processing and Communications Research Centre, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad. Email: {vijaya.kumar@research.,prasad.krishnan}@iiit.ac.in Abstract—The index coding problem is a problem of efficient linear code construction for single uniprior IC. It was shown broadcasting with side-information. We look at the uniprior that the code can be constructed using a polynomial-time index coding problem, in which the receivers have disjoint graphical algorithm. side-information symbols and arbitrary demand sets. Previous Unlikeintheunicastcase,ageneralunipriorproblemcannot work has addressed single uniprior index coding, in which each receiver has a single unique side-information symbol. Modeling be always considered to be a single uniprior problem. In this the uniprior index coding problem as a supergraph, we focus work,welookatthegeneralunipriorproblem,wheretheside- 7 1 on a class of uniprior problems defined on generalized cycle information sets are disjoint but not necessarily singleton. In supergraphs. For such problems, we prove upper and lower 0 particular, our contributions are as follows. bounds on the optimal broadcast rate. Using a connection with 2 Eulerian directed graphs, we also show that the upper and • DemandSupergraphs:We modelthe unipriorindexcod- n lower boundsare equal for a subclass of unipriorproblems. We ingproblemusingademandsupergraph,consistingofsu- a show the NP-hardness of finding the lower bound for uniprior J problems on generalized cycles. Finally, we look at a simple pervertices and subvertices, and edges. Each supervertex 3 extension of the generalized cycle uniprior class for which we representsa receiverand the subverticesof a supervertex 2 give bounds on the optimal rate and show an explicit scheme are the set of side-information symbols available at that which achieves the upper bound. receiver. The edges represent the demands. T] • Boundsfor GeneralizedCycles: We focusonunipriorIC I I. INTRODUCTION problemsonaspecialclassofsupergraphs(whichwecall . generalized cycles). We exploit the relationship of such s The index coding (IC) problem [1] consists of a source c problems with unicast IC and obtain lower and upper [ generating messages connected to a set of receivers via a bounds on the optimal broadcast rate of index codes for broadcast channel, each of which have some demands and 1 such problems (Theorem 1). possess some prior side-information. An optimal index code v • NP-Hardness and Explicit code structures: Bounds for for a given configuration of demands and side-information is 3 generalized cycles: Using an equivalence between gen- 7 an encoding of the messages with the least broadcast rate, eralized cycles and Eulerian directed graphs, we show 2 such that the demands are decodable. Different classes of the the class of generalized cycles for which the lower and 6 IC problem were studied based on the configuration of the 0 upper bounds on the optimal rate are met with equality side-informationsymbols and the demands. In unicastIC [2], . (Theorem 3). We also show the explicit structure of a 1 the demand sets of the receivers are disjoint. The unicast IC 0 problem can always be studied as single unicast, where each feasibleschemeforsuchunipriorproblems(Theorem2). 7 Further,wealsoshowtheNP-hardnessofdeterminingthe receiver demands a unique message. In uniprior IC [3], the 1 lower bound using this equivalence. (Theorem 4). Thus, side-informationsets at the receiversare disjoint. The general : v unlike single uniprior IC, obtaining optimal index codes multiprior/multicast index coding problem has been studied i forgeneralunipriorICorevencharacterisingtheoptimal X in [4]. All such IC problems have been extensively studied broadcast rate could be NP-hard. r using approaches from graph theory (see for example [2]– a [6]). While the optimal broadcast rate for index codes has • Extending generalized cycles: We then generalize the specialclasstoalargerclassofunipriorproblems,obtain beencharacterisedpreciselyforonlya relativelysmallclasses bounds on the optimal rate, and show a feasible index of problems(single uniprior is one of them), for most classes coding scheme for the larger class (Theorem 5). finding the optimal rate is NP-hard. Thus, most prior work focuses on obtaining bounds. Notationsandafewbasicdefinitions: Adirectedgraphalong The single uniprior ICproblemis a subclassofunipriorIC withitsvertexandedgesetsisrepresentedasG(V,E).Aunion where the side-information sets at all receivers are singleton, of two graphs is a union of the set of vertices and the set of and was studied in [3]. In [3], a given single uniprior index edges. A decomposition of a graph G is a set of subgraphs coding problem is represented as a information flow graph, which are edge-disjoint, and whose union gives the graph G. containing a set of vertices representing each message (and A trail of a directed graph G(V,E) is a list of distinct edges thustheuniquereceiverwhichhasitasside-information).The e ,...,e such that the head(e )=tail(e ),1≤i≤L−1. 1 L i i+1 edges of the information flow graph represent the demands Atrailisclosedifitsstartvertexandendvertexarethesame. made by the receivers. The authors of [3] characterized the A directed graph is strongly connectedif there is a path from length of an optimal index code, and also gave an optimal any vertex to any other vertex. For a directed graph G, let ν (G) denote the maximum number of edge-disjoint cycles (whichdemandsx ).Itwasshownin[2]thatthelengthofany e j in G. The quantity ν (G) is the maximum number of vertex- optimalscalarlinearindexcode(overF )isequaltoaproperty v q disjointcyclesinG.AfeedbackvertexsetofadirectedgraphG of the graph G called the minrank, denoted by mrk (G ). SI q SI isasetofverticeswhoseremovalleadstoanacyclicgraph.Let While computing mrk (G ) is known to be NP-hard [8] in q SI thesizeofaminimalfeedbackvertexsetbedenotedbyτ (G). general, several authors have given lower bounds and upper v Similarly, the size of a minimal feedback edge set is denoted bounds for the quantity, as well as specific graph structures by τ (G). Fora graphwith vertexset V,we have thatα(G)= for which the bounds are met with equality (see for example, e |V|−τ (G) is the number of vertices in a maximum acyclic [2], [5], [6]). From [2], [5], [6], we know that given a single v induced subgraph of G. An underlying undirected graph of a unicast IC problem I on G (with n message vertices), we SI given directed graph G is the undirected graph obtained by have the following. ignoring the directions in G. An undirectedgraph H is called n−τ (G )≤β (I)≤β (1,I)≤mrk (G )≤n−ν (G ). a minor of an undirected graph G if H can be obtained from v SI q q q SI v SI (1) G by a series of edge contractions and deletions. For more preliminaries on graphs, the reader is referred to [7]. A finite All the above quantities are NP-hard to compute for general field with q elements is denoted by F . graphs [8], [10]. q Due to space restrictions, some of the proofs have been omitted, but made available in [9]. III. UNIPRIOR INDEXCODING: MODELING AND BOUNDS A. Modeling Uniprior IC using the Demand Supergraph II. PRELIMINARIES :INDEX CODING AND SINGLE Definition1. ForagivenunipriorICproblemI withmessage UNICAST set X, we define a supergraph G (V ,X,E ) as follows. s s s Formally, the index coding (IC) problem (over some field • For receiver j in I, there exists a corresponding super- Fq) consists of a broadcast channel which can carry symbols vertex j ∈Vs. from Fq, along with the following. • Each supervertex j contains subvertices indexed by the • A set of m receivers side-information S(j)⊂X. • AsourcewhichhasmessagesX ={xi,i∈[1:n]},each • An edge (xi,j) ∈ Es with tail node being the subvertex of which is modelled as a t-length vector over F . x and head node being supervertex j denotes that the q i • For each receiver j, a set D(j)⊆X denoting the set of message xi is demanded by the receiver j. All such messages demanded by the receiver j. demands in I are represented by their corresponding • For each receiver j, a set S(j) ⊆ X\D(j) denoting the edges in the super graph. set of s side-information messages available at the jth j Thenotationxj denotessomearbitrarymessage(subvertex) receiver. inS(j).Forxj ∈S(j),wealsousexj ∈j withrespecttothe For a message vector x ∈ Fnt, the source transmits a l- supergraph.Wealsodenotebyl∗(G )thelengthofanoptimal length codeword E(x) (the function E : Fnt → Fl, is known s scalar linear index code for the uniprior IC problem defined astheindexcode),suchthatallthereceiverscanrecovertheir byG ,andusetheterml∗ insteadwhenthereisnoconfusion. s demands. The quantity l is known as the length of the code We now give the definition of a cycle in a supergraph. E. The transmission rate of the code is defined as l. If t=1, t then the index code is known as a scalar index code, else it Definition 2. A cycle (of length L) in a supergraph Gs is a is known as a vector index code. A linear encoding function sequence of distinct edges of Gs of the form E is also called a linear indexcode. The goalof indexcoding C =((xi0,i ),(xi1,i ),..,(xiL−1,i )) 1 2 0 is to find optimal index codes, i.e., those with the minimum possible transmission rate. For an index coding problem I wherexij ∈ij,∀j =0,...,L−1andthesuperverticesij,0≤ (overF )witht-lengthmessages,letβ (t,I)denotethelength j ≤ L−1 are all distinct. A supergraph without a cycle is q q ofanoptimalvectorindexcode.Thebroadcastrate[6]isthen naturally called an acyclic supergraph. βq(I)=limt→∞ βq(tt,I). Clearly, we have βq(I)≤βq(1,I). Anindexcodingproblemiscalledasingleunicastproblem B. A special uniprior problem which is also single unicast if m = n and each message is demanded by exactly one We now define a class of uniprior IC problems which are receiver.Anindexcodingproblemiscalleda generaluniprior also a special case of single unicast IC problems. (or simply, a uniprior) problem if S(j)∩S(j′) = φ,∀j 6= j′. The single uniprior problem is then a special case of the Definition3(GeneralizedCycle). Ageneralizedcycledenoted uniprior problem with sj =1. by Ggc(Vgc,Xgc,Egc) is a demand supergraph satisfying the AgivensingleunicastindexcodingproblemI canbemod- following properties. elled usinga directedgraphcalled the side-informationgraph • The message set is Xgc and each message (subvertex) is [2], denoted by G (V ,E ), where the set of vertices V , demanded exactly once. SI SI SI SI identified with the set of message symbols X, represents also • Thenumberofincomingedgestoanysupervertexj ∈Vgc the the set of receivers (each demanding an unique message). is equal to s (the number of side-information symbols). j A directed edge (xj,xi) in ESI indicates the availability of • The supervertices Vgc are connected, i.e., for every two the message symbol x as side-information at the receiver j i,j ∈V , there is a path from some message in i to j. i gc Remark 1. For a single uniprior index coding problem, the definition of a demandsupergraph specializes to the informa- tionflowgraphof[3],andthedefinitionofageneralizedcycle specializes to a cycle in the information flow graph. Given a uniprior IC problem I on a generalized cycle, it is clear that I can be looked at as a single unicast problem also (making s ‘copies’ of a receiver j, each demanding j an unique single symbol in D(j)). Hence one can define its corresponding side-information graph G . It is easy to see SI that for each message x demanded by a receiver j in G , i gc thereexistss edgesinthecorrespondingG toeachmessage j SI (subvertex) in S(j) from x . i Equivalent to definition of ν (G) for a directed graph G, e let ν (G ) be the maximum number of edge-disjoint cycles e s of G . We now prove a result which shows that edge-disjoint s cycles of Ggc are equivalent to vertex-disjoint cycles of the Fig.1. Supergraphcorresponding touniprior ICproblem ofExample1 corresponding G and vice-versa. SI Proposition 1. Consider an uniprior IC problem with its demand supergraph being a generalized cycle G , and the gc corresponding side-information graph G . For any set C of SI edge-disjoint cycles in G , there exist a set of C′ vertex- gc disjoint cycles in G of the same cardinality, and vice versa. SI Thus ν (G )=ν (G ). e gc v SI Proof:We provethetheoremforasetoftwocycles.The extension to any finite number of cycles follows. Suppose C ,C are any two edge-disjoint cycles in G , 1 2 gc where C =((xi0,i ),(xi1,i ),...,(xiL−1,i )), (2) 1 1 2 0 C2 =((xj0,j1),(xj1,j2),...,(xjL′−1,j0)), (3) where xik ∈ik,∀k and xjk1 ∈jk1,∀k1. Fedigg.e2in.comSiidneg-iantfoarnmyaxtiioanndgrfarpohmfsoormthee‘bulnoicpkr’ioirndIiCcaptersobthleamtthoefreFiagr.e1e.dgAens As the cycles are edge-disjoint, we must have incomingatxi fromeachmessageintheblock (xik,i(k+1)(mod L)) 6= (xjk1,j(k1+1)(mod L′)),∀k,k1. Note that this implies xik 6= xjk1 for any k,k1, as each message is demanded precisely once in Ggc. {x2,x4,x7}, S(2) = {x1,x5,x8}, D(3) = {x3,x5,x9}, Consider the cycles correspondingly in GSI considered as S(3) = {x2,x4,x6}, D(4) = {x6,x8}, S(4) = {x7,x9}. follows. The demand super graph corresponding to the problem is C′ =((xi0,xi1),(xi1,xi2),...,(xiL−1,xi0)). (4) a generalized cycle, shown in Fig. 1. The demand super- 1 graph G in Fig. 1 can be decomposed in to four edge- gc C2′ =((xj0,xj1),(xj1,xj2),...,(xjL′−1,xj0)). (5) disjoint cycles : (cid:0)(x1,1),(x3,3),(x2,2)(cid:1), (cid:0)(x5,3),(x4,2))(cid:1), Such cycles clearly exist because xik ∈ ik,∀k and xjk1 ∈ (cid:0)(x9,3),(x6,4)(cid:1),and(cid:0)(x7,2),(x8,4)(cid:1),denotedbyC1,C2,C3 and C respectively. Corresponding to the cycles C , we get Cjk′1,a∀ndk1C.′AisnxGik 6=axrejkv1efroterxa-ndyiskjo,ikn1t.,itisclearthatthecycles the cy4cles (cid:0)(x1,x3),(x3,x2),(x2,x1)(cid:1), (cid:0)(x5,x4),(ix4,x5)(cid:1), 1The co2nverseSIfollows by picking vertex-disjoint cycles in (cid:0)(x9,x6),(x6,x9)(cid:1), and (cid:0)(x7,x8),(x8,x7)(cid:1) in the side- information graph shown in Fig. 2. G as in (4) and (5) and showing that corresponding edge- SI disjoint cycles exist in Ggc as in (2) and (3). We leave the Following the definition of a feedback vertex set of a details to the reader. directed graph, we define the feedback edge set of a demand supergraph G as a set of edges whose removal leads to an Remark 2. It is easy to see that Proposition 1 should hold s acyclic supergraph. The size of a minimal feedback edge set for all uniprior IC problems whose supergraph satisfies the is denoted by τ (G ). first property of Definition 3. For the purposes of this work, e s Proposition 1 is sufficient. Proposition 2. Let a generalized cycle G represent a gc unipriorICproblemI,andletG beits correspondingside- SI Example 1. Consider a uniprior index coding problem with information graph. Suppose the set of edges ninemessagesandfourreceivers.Thedemandsets,sideinfor- mation sets are as follows: D(1) = x1, S(1) = x3, D(2) = {(xik,jk):k =1,..,K,jk ∈Vgc} (6) is a feedback edge set of G . Then the set of vertices Lemma 2. An Eulerian directedgraphG can be decomposed gc into a set of edge-disjoint cycles. In particular, any maximal {xik :k =1,..,K} (7) set of edge-disjoint cycles of G is also a decomposition of G. isafeedbackvertexsetofG .Conversely,if(7)isafeedback SI Proof: We only prove the second statement as it implies vertex set of GSI, then for some K supervertices {jk : k = the first statement. Suppose some maximal set C of edge- 1,..,K} in G , the set in (6) is a feedback edge set of G . gc gc disjointcyclesisnotadecomposition.Assumethatweremove Thus, τ (G )=τ (G ). v SI e gc alltheedgesfromG whicharepresentinC,andsubsequently Proof: We first show that if (6) is a feedbackedge set of also any isolated vertices (which don’t have incoming or out- G , then (7) must be a feedback vertex set of G . Let G′ goingedgesafterthe removalof C)and lookatthe remaining gc SI SI denote the subgraph of G which remains after deleting the graph G′. By our assumption that C is not a decomposition, SI vertices{xik :k =1,..,K}(andthe incidentedgesonthem). G′ must have least one edge and thus at least two vertices. Suppose G′ is not acyclic, then there exists a cycle C′ in Howeveralso note that, for any remainingvertex, the number SI GSI thatdoes nothave anyverticesfrom {xik :k =1,..,K}. of incoming and outgoing edges must be the same (since for ThenbyProposition1,thereexistsacorrespondingcycleC in any removed incoming edge, one outgoing edge must also be G which does not have the edges in (6). This means (6) is removed). This means that G′ is also Eulerian, which means gc not a feedback edge set of G , which is a contradiction. The there is one cycle in G′ (and hence in G) which is edge- gc converse can be similarly proved;we leave this to the reader. disjoint to those in C. This contradicts the maximality of C and concludes the proof. We now give the main theorem in this section. Theorem 1. For an uniprior IC problem I on a generalized B. Eulerian Graphs associated with Generalized Cycles cycle G , we have gc Definition 4 (Eulerian Graph associated with G ). The gc n−τ (G )≤β (I)≤β (1,I)≤l∗≤n−ν (G ). (8) Eulerian graph associated with a generalized cycle e gc q q e gc G (V ,X ,E ) is the directed graph G with vertex gc gc gc gc eu Proof:AsI isalso a singleunicastproblem(represented set V =V and edge set E defined as follows. eu gc eu by,say,G )andbyProposition1andProposition2,wehave SI • For each edge (xi,j) with message xi ∈i, an edge from νv(GSI)=νe(Ggc), i to j exists in Geu. τv(GSI)=τe(Ggc). Remark 3. It is easy to see that the directed graph defined Furthermore, l∗ = mrk (G ). With all these facts, we can in the above way is indeed Eulerian, by the properties of Ggc q SI (using Lemma 1). From the definition it should be clear that invoke (1) to prove our theorem. the Eulerian graph associated with a generalized cycle could have paralleledges. Supposethere exists p edges between the IV. EXPLICITCODES, HARDNESS RESULTS, AND vertices i and j in the Eulerian graph G , then we refer to TIGHTNESS OF BOUNDS eu those edges as {(i,j) :k =1,2,...,p}. k In this section, we show an explicit achievable index code, and also show the NP-hardness of obtaining the lower bound in Theorem1, andobtaina specialclassofgeneralizedcycles for which (8) is satisfied with equality throughout. For this purpose we use the connection between Eulerian directed graphs and generalized cycles. A. Eulerian Directed Graphs Eulerian graphs [7] are those which contain an Eulerian circuit, which is a closed trail containing all edges. The following Lemma is found in [7] (Chapter 1), and will be used in this section. Fig.3. EulerianGraphassociated withthegeneralized cycleinFig.1 Lemma 1. A directed graph (with at least one edge incident Fig. 3 represents the Eulerian graph associated with the on each vertex) is Eulerian if and only if for every vertex, the generalized cycle in Fig. 1. We can thus obtain a Eulerian numberofincomingedgesis equalto the numberofoutgoing graphfromanygivengeneralizedcycle.Thefollowinglemma edges and the graph is strongly connected. shows that there is a generalized cycle correspondingto each Thefirststatementofthefollowinglemmaisalsoknownas Eulerian graph. Veblen’stheoremfordirectedgraphs([7],Chapter1,Exercise Lemma 3. Let G be an Eulerian directed graph with no 1.4.5). The second statement is mentioned in [11] in passing. isolated vertices (each vertex has at least one incident edge). Asaformalstatementorproofcouldnotbefound,weinclude Then there exists a generalized cycle G whose equivalent a short proof here. gc Eulerian graph is G. Proof: Let G(V,E) be the given Eulerian graph. We vertices xik,1,∀k are well-defined because if an edge constructacorrespondinggeneralizedcycleG withV =V (i ,i ) exists in G , then at least one message gc gc k (k+1)(mod L) eu as follows. Assume that the sets Vgc and V are indexed from xik,1 ∈ik must exist and be demanded by i(k+1)(mod L). 1 to m=|V|. Now with respect to the cycle C′, we pick a cycle 2 Consider a vertex i ∈ G having p outgoing edges equal C in G which is edge-disjoint from G as follows. 2 eu 1 (and thus p incoming edges as well). In the corresponding For some edge (jk′,j(k′+1)(mod L′)) ∈ C2′, if there is no supervertex i ∈ Ggc, we create p subvertices. For an edge (ik,i(k+1)(mod L)) ∈ C1′ such that jk′ = ik, then we pick an (i,j)inG, weconstructanedgeinGgc startingfromaunique edge (xjk′,2,j(k′+1)(mod L′)) for some message xjk′,2 ∈ jk′ message subvertex of supervertex i from which no previous whichisdemandedbyj(k′+1)(mod L′) (suchamessageindeed outgoing edge exists, ending at supervertex j. Clearly, the exists). number of incoming and outgoing edges at any supervertex Ontheotherhand,ifthereexistsan(i ,i )∈C′ k (k+1)(mod L) 1 i of Ggc is the same as that of i ∈ V. Furthermore, as G is such that ik = jk′, then because the cycles C1′ and C2′ are Eulerianand hasnoisolated vertices, itis stronglyconnected. edge-disjoint, there must be a message xjk′,2 ∈ jk′ which is Thus the Ggc so constructed is a generalized cycle. distinct from xik,1 and is demanded by j(k′+1)(mod L′). We thus choose the edge (xjk′,2,j(k′+1)(mod L′)). This way, we C. Using Eulerian graphs to show a simple explicit code canconstructC2, correspondingtoC2′, andedge-disjointofC1 in G . This completes the proof of (9). The proof of (10) is The following proposition relates some properties of G gc gc similar as that of Proposition 2, hence we skip it. with G . eu Proposition3. LetG be ageneralizedcycle andG be the Theorem 1 gave an upper bound for the generalized cy- gc eu corresponding Eulerian graph. For any set C of edge-disjoint cle IC problem and it is clear that an achievable scheme cycles in G , there exist a set C′ of edge-disjoint cycles in based on the circuit packing bound on G of [5] meets gc SI G of the same cardinality, and vice versa. Thus the upper bound. The following theorem makes the structure eu of an achievable code explicit. For this, we need the idea ν (G )=ν (G ). (9) e gc e eu of encoding messages in a cycle, which is well known in Furthermore, we also have index coding literature for the unicast problem. For a cycle C =((xi0,i1),(xi1,i2),..,(xiL−1,i0)) of Ggc, we refer to the τe(Ggc)=τe(Geu). (10) setofL−1transmissionsxi0−xi1,xi1−xi2,...,xiL−2−xiL−1, Proof: We proceed in a similar way as in the proof of as the cyclic code associated with C. Proposition 1, using the propertiesof the generalizedcycle to Theorem2. LetI beanunipriorICproblemonageneralized prove our result. We consider two edge-disjointcycles in Ggc cycle G , and ν = ν (G ). Let C = {C ,C ,...,C } be a gc e gc 1 2 ν as in (2) and (3). We claim that corresponding edge-disjoint maximal set of edge-disjoint cycles of G . The transmissions gc cycles can be picked in G as follows. eu corresponding to the cyclic code associated with each of the ′C1′ =((i0,i1)m0,(i1,i2)m1,...(iL−1,i0)mL−1) (11) ned−geν-d.isjoint cycles in C is an index code for I with length C2 =((j0,j1)n0,(j1,j2)n1,...,(jL′−1,j0)nL′−1) (12) Proof: By Lemma 2 and by Proposition 3, the set of where(ik,i(k+1)(mod L))mk is themkth edgebetweenik and cycles in C decompose Ggc, in the sense that all the edges i(k+1)(mod L) in Geu, and similarly (jk′,j(k′+1)(mod L′))n ′ (and hence all the messages as well) of Ggc must lie in the k is the nk′th edge between vertices jk′ and j(k′+1)(mod L′). cyclesinC.Considerthecycliccodeassociatedwithanycycle To see why such edge-disjoint cycles can be picked, we C ∈ C. This code satisfies all the demands corresponding to first note that an edge can be common between the two the edges in C. Thus the cyclic codes associated with all the cycles C1′ and C2′ only when ik = jk′ and i(k+1)(mod L) = cycles in C satisfy all the demands in Ggc. The number of j(k′+1)(mod L), for some (xik,i(k+1)(mod L)) ∈ C1 (with transmissionsisn−ν (asonetransmissionis‘saved’foreach xik ∈ ik), and (xjk′,j(k′+1)(mod L)) ∈ C2 (with xjk′ ∈ jk′). cycle, and the cycles in C are edge-disjoint). This proves the However,in such a scenario,there mustbe two distinctedges theorem. in G between i and i , because the two edges eu k (k+1)(mod L) Remark 4. We call the code as described by Theorem 2 as in C1 and C2 are distinct. We can therefore find mk,nk′ the cyclic code corresponding to the generalized cycle G . such that mk 6= nk′, thus getting (ik,i(k+1)(mod L))mk 6= gc (jk′,jk′+1(mod L′))n ′. Continuing this way, we can choose two edge-disjoint cyckles C and C . D. Tightness ofthe boundsof Theorem 1 andNP-hardnessof 1 2 Conversely consider two edge-disjoint cycles from G as the lower bound eu in (11) and (12). Corresponding to cycle C1′ in Geu, it is easy IfGgc consistsofjusta singlecycle,thenitisclearthatthe to see that there is a cycle C1 in Ggc as follows. lower and upper bounds of Proposition 2 coincide. Since the generalized cycle G is highly structured and has properties C =((xi0,1,i ),(xi1,1,i ),...,(xiL−1,1,i )) gc 1 1 2 0 similar to cycles, it may be tempting to think that the same where xik,1 ∈ ik is some message symbol available holds for all generalized cycles. The following proposition at supervertex i and demanded by i . The from [11] will be used to show that there exists generalized k (k+1)(mod L) cyclesforwhichtheupperandlowerboundshowninTheorem cycle C ∈ C and ends at some supervertex in the same 1arenotalwaysequal.WenotebeforethatthePetersenfamily cycle C. of graphs(shownin [11])are a set ofsevengraphswhichcan Thus, Definition 5 means that G is demand-decomposable be obtained by transformations of the Petersen graph. s by C if no edges exist ‘across’ different cycles in C. We now Proposition 4. [11] Let G be an Eulerian directed graph, give the main result of this section. such that its underlying undirected graph has no minor in Theorem 5. Consider a uniprior IC problem I (with n the Petersen family. Then ν (G) = τ (G). Also, there exists e e messages) represented by a supergraph G . Let G and C Eulerian graphs for which ν (G)<τ (G). s gc e e be as in Definition 5. If G is demand-decomposable by C, s We thus get the following result as a direct consequenceof then we have (for any field size q) Proposition 4, Proposition 3 and Lemma 3. ∗ n−τ (G )≤β (I)≤β (1,I)≤l ≤n−ν (G ). (13) e gc q q e gc Theorem3. LetthegeneralizedcycleG representauniprior gc IC problem I with n messages. Suppose the underlying Furthermore, (13) is satisfied with equality throughout if undirected graphof the equivalentEulerian graphGeu of Ggc the the underlying undirected graph of the Eulerian graph does not have a minor in the Petersen family. Then, we have corresponding to G has no minor in the Petersen family. gc ∗ n−τe(Ggc)=βq(I)=βq(1,I)=l =n−νe(Ggc), Proof: We prove the lower bound first. Note that remov- ing edges (i.e. demands) from G cannot increase the optimal for any field size q. There also exist uniprior IC problems on s broadcast rate. Assume that we remove all edges from G generalized cycles for which νe(Ggc) < τe(Ggc), and hence which are not present in G , and let I′ be the uniprior ICs (8) is not satisfied with equality throughout. problemcorrespondingto Ggc. Clearly, β (I′)≤β (I). Note gc q q Example 2. The generalized cycle G in Fig. 1 has the the that the number of messages in G is still n. By Theorem 1, gc gc corresponding Eulerian graph Geu in Fig. 3 which does not we have n−τe(Ggc)≤βq(I′). This gives the lower bound. have a minor in the Petersen family; and hence ν (G ) = Now the upper bound. Note that cyclic code for G e gc gc τ (G ) = 4 (we leave it to the reader to check these correspondingtoCissuchthateverysupervertex(i.e.receiver) e eu statements). Thus, the cyclic code correspondingto the cycles in any cycle C in C can decode all the messages in C. Since picked in Example 1 is an optimal code with length 5. the start-message and the end-supervertex of any additional edge in G (and not in G ) are both in an identical cycle, As the final result in this section, we show hardness of s gc this means that all those demands (denoted by the additional finding τ (G ). In a recent work [12], it was shown that e gc edges) will also be satisfied. Hence the cyclic code scheme findingτ (G)foradirectedEuleriangraphG isNP-hard.Thus e of Theorem2 is an achievable scheme for G also. This gives we have the following result, by invoking Proposition 3. s us the upper bound and thus (13). The last claim follows by Theorem 4. Finding τ (G ) is NP-hard. Theorem 3 and (13). e gc We also remark that finding ν (G) for any graph (directed Example 3. Consider an uniprior extension of the uniprior e or undirected) is generally NP-hard (see [13], for example), IC problem of Example 1 by changing only the demands of and to the best of our knowledge there are no specific results receivers 1,2 and 3 as D(3) = {x ,x ,x ,x }, D(2) = 1 3 5 9 about the complexity of finding νe(G) for Eulerian directed {x3,x2,x4,x7}, D(1) = {x1,x2}. Then the supergraph graphs. correspondingtothisproblemisdemand-decomposablebythe set of four cycles described in Example 1. Hence the cyclic V. BEYOND GENERALIZEDCYCLES code which is optimal for the IC problem in Example 1 is optimal for this extension also. Fromourresultsintheprevioussections,wehavedeveloped a framework for studying the uniprior IC problem with the basic component being a generalized cycle. As a first step REFERENCES towards enlarging our understanding of the uniprior class of [1] Y. Birk and T. 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