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(tng es reper 3nos 1} SECTERED NO, OL_cyevooraees 11 The Gazette of India EXTUORDINARY 0M Be PARE Seen 1 Sad PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY er a feet pea, RE 13,2612 He29, 19 CO) No. 42] EWNKLA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,2012 PAUA3, 1533 AKA) er ern ea gether Gad re Fa TS TA TT Seperate ang shan Partner hit iy be ida spurte em MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Lepilatne Depart) New Beth | Wh anwar, 20125Paue2%, WB (Sake) The following Act of Patan revived th astent of the President co the {20 Jan, 2012, and sherehy puihed fr general informatio: ‘THE CONSTITUTION (WINETY SEVENTH AMENDMENT) ACT, 2011 [120 Janay, 29121 ‘Am Act Rather amend the Consiuton of ina, ‘Be tented by Perit ia the Sings Yea of te Republic of Lia as fallons— 4. (0) This Net many be ead Be Const (Nine-seveh Anau Act, She ute 2. By 12) shall come ine free on such dite us the Cenzel Gavemnen ay. by rotation the iat Gaze, sppoin. 2. tn Put o he Conte. in ticle 19, slau 1), in ucla afer Amends of the words "or anions, he words “ez co-operative societies” dal be inserted, ae. 3. Pat IY of the Contin, afar ale 434, the following aie shill he tsicn of insrd aay Pons “431. Lhe Se aa endoavour to prometevolatary formation 209085 Frat Aanetiocing, demoereis conte! aud peofessional manegsment of eaperaine ctor {OR GAULT TROFINDIAEXTRAORDINARY iPaat— 4 Aller sn [XA of te Const, ths allowing Part shal 3° inne PARI THECODPERATINESCHENIES ARE, ths Bar ese the eomtet tere eR, (Southard pen nen 2 person reer to as such i eile 20 {8 "boun wen he hoard of eres an the govern body ofa ctroperative sci: hy haloveraame colo toi the seen San cine he managertent ofthe alfrs «Ca saci is suas {ey “cooperative wie means a sociee segterec or det tn terepiserd wade any La telaing to co-operative sities forthe time Beng in fre in any Sa; {wn State co-operative wel” mens Sci wich abjers sot confine 10 ove See and repitered Or deemed a e reise tuner any a ore ie big in ores lating ta uch co-operates, (coder ener” rene a resident, Vie reside, Chipeaon, ¥eee-Chuicper, Saat ar Tenner of a vnoperative cocky ad isoodse any eter pen soe lected by the bon of any co-perave (i texte” means the Comal Regiear sgpeist by the Cental Govenuove in elation fa he mul-Ste capa ose and the Registrar fer co-aperadvs saciees appoiated bythe State ‘vara under dhe ns made by Me Lessanre of Sate elisa vo enperaive societies 4) “Sate Aer aces ary fw only te ise a Se {05 Slate eel Savopeasic asin” acy x crn soe ving Reaves ofpeation tending the wisi ol» Sst and define ‘euch in any lw mado by do Legler ef Sart 2821. Saeco the provisions ofthis Pat, the Leche of State ‘ran hy la make revisions ie espest co hs Sororperstin, regulation To wird up of co-operative svites based cate pracples 2 waaay TDmeaioo. devesatic membercenel ciebel-seononsc paricpaion and auonomens (anton 24421, {) The bow shal const auch number af isto a5 ny he eovied by she Legale of Sta, by la rove at he maxima muaber of eet of ca-peralve sos ‘hal nl see ante Prose uty Rate Lire Sra shal. by La prof ‘ho reseretin of ue val For the Schode Caste the Scheduled! Tribes fav bv seats for woman and af every co-operate ciety consiting fiddle a¢ embers abd bang raeaers rom such class oF ee oF ers (2) Thea ef ofie of eletad membas ofthe boonl an is ofice tear shal Bs tivo years om Bie dae of election and the bt of office ewer shal be somtersoas with he term ofthe Bar se {HUG 1LOPINDEA EXTRAORDINARY Posed te: the board ma dil casual dauancy on the bord bs nominaoe out ofthe sume ols of re i eect fic the sau ‘acancy hac aie if hee of ofes of rh hu ev han ba of rigal em {a} The Legistmue of Statesal by aw make possi for omoptiva perso be members oh bard ving exponen ce Ril of banking, rmanagorcnt, inane or specialist oniv any ode ld relaing he obec snd actives undertaken by he conserve sues 35 members af thebnaed oF sh soe Provided that thems ofsucco-opted ment shall wot eaceed ae in sont tent one sets spesitiod in the Ts proviso ela (1: Provo Saree thet soc co-opted meniners sll at ave the ght 12 vote izanyelecton ofticee-parossoeeg lB apt os suebmembet or toboctigibletm he olcted ws offies Bosc uf the boa Provided ao tht he fcional dnctocsotaco-aperasin soe shall also bet meshes fe byeed such meebes shal be ete fre ‘upon of counting he atl numberof eco speitid inthe Hs Ovo sta, 432K. (4) Noeitsanding anything coursing in any fw ae ye ogilanre of a St, the elaecon of bard sl be contd Before Be capi ofthe erm ofthe bats a te ensue thar he ney lel memes ofthe erd assume office mrsditely onthe expe ofthe oie ofimmbern ef the ougoing ead £2) The copeimendence,ditection sl contol ofthe preparation of fetuorl coll fog ante comiuct ofall letion te ca-cpoative sie Shall et in soch an aay or Baan ay be provid by he egitare Of Sai, by la Provided tat che Legnanne of & ats ta, by Hy, pide fu the racedoreand guidlines fr he eon af soe elton, 2ENAL. (1) Noclesendng ryt consid in ay a tr Ye ane hang in foe, o Year sal persed ot Kept une xupersian t & peri exceeding nate Proved oar the boned may te saperseded or kept under suspension (jf. pesisent deus or {if neignce in the pertomnan ofis dtiess or ‘i oe boat hs coma any! prj the eres of Ihe ru-pertive soe or is eos ut (eyes is selec nthe cosiution oe futionsot ee boat: or (0) ke vy boty provided by he Legare of Sit yl unde else (2) of aicle 432K, hs failedto conduct ectons in ascvdance with hs provisions of te State Act Peon athe arte Dood of any such co-operative soe hal sot be ayperseded or Kepner auspenson wher there 30 Goverment ‘acco liing dr oan Ponca sence ova guarantee Cavern: Provided ao tht in ave of 4 co-operative wley carting on tho net a soe of banking, te poisons ofthe Dang exulaon Sk 1989 cha sto apy 4 ‘THECiAFETTEOYNDIAEXTRAORDINARY [Part Proved an at nea aa ewopelive soci chert a ve e-cgeraie scion camying one tunes ong the provisions hs clause sia have hele fr te won HNO the eds, ne ar al ban est 1 cine oC saposesson af x har theaainuenor apie tanage te sis of such e-opertve soy all ange for end exons witha eri apeiadin law) and andever he rnsmageen: feihe leat beard {The icine of Soe may. ty lm ake provisions lor the ctons af serie of herds. M1) Praag ofa Slat ny ya, mck visi lk sa respee 1b ta meruace of wecouns by the cvapertve sais andthe ean ning ect accom a ess ope a each anil yeu (2) Tae Fagistnare of Ste ell. by a, Dey dos th imu .qulRexionsandospeneace of tors andaubing is hl al beige or auditing aecons ote co-operative sot, 15) very te-aerative society sal cao be ue by an aca ot ‘uaa fester in close) appointed ote ener bd af he co opera sity ‘Providd tt soc aur or auting Firs sal e apie Fra fae! approved hy a Stte Gayermen or an ath anonsed ey the Sate ‘Goverment ins heal (#Thearcounsot exes co-pertne saci shll be anid hin i ment of he clase a he Gaal year o which ooh acount, (G9 te aa seport of he acon ofa apex coupes oie, a gy be elie the Stat Act, shale lt foe the Nite iliea une. maybe proved the tte Lagan, hy ie conenes 2ASEN. The Leisure ofa Sate uy by Las, make provinons thatthe annus peal body mestng a every coaperive silyl be convened hia 3 pei of sie mors of sloe othe Unum year to ans the business ey be provided such ba tou 2420. (4) the Leslee af State may, by ay, eave For secs to en every aber ofa co-apeatve secede hooks, infra rl accounts Ietwrstor ft couperatvesecey kept nega anglaise wih suc embe, (DT Lelie of Sate may byl mae pravisions ensue he purtcipaton of monbets in be awagecent ofthe co-operative sciot Providing mininum regiment of tending metres by the memes md nisin ths oui evel of srviees as cy he provided in ache 49 The Leyituame of «Stine may: by Ts, provi (er co-operative sti at iting Sars member. Rawr 24328 bvory o-qpeanvesocey sal Ki rotuns, wins monn of the close of every Fmd year, fo the wuhorty desma Wy the Sete Govermentiulating de flowing muster names — {e)anaaal ep of te ative (made tere of acount: pes or supa spn as approved by he gavel body of hs eoepeatve soe (bliscofamadments ote bye-tews of th eo- opera oi fay Se) ‘THEGAZETTLOP INDIAEXTRAORDINARY (2 dectoationersing date atoldng ots general body ing sed sotto eletons wc de; and (my ote information rquted by he Registra purmuance of any of he provision of tha Ste Act 245.20. /) Te Lelie of Stora by lav ashe provisions forks ceffencc relating ro the comparative soc and penis fr aac flees, (2) slaw made bythe Legis ofa Sate under claus () lll nfo ‘he commis ofthe folowing actar omission as ffenoes, wane eps cooperative ssi ra officer orinerberhereot wtaly aes fase eurmce Fabs [ie infmatien, or any pra wily et firises any interme ule fom hin bya eon herve in tis benalfander Fe provision ofthe Sap Act (@) any peson wy or without any rssonsleexesednobeye ny sonimans, equston or Iw nen rd sua! ender fhe rovsions af ho Sta Act (Qansemplyerwho, without ruicient cae, ils pay to a00- ‘operative sore amonatdedscted ay bi fom ls employee wikia» erlod of four daya tom the dc on which eh det eae, (d)any aticerarentedaa whe willy Bilt handover escndy ‘otooks, accounts, docunets ecurds each security nd ater poner) belonging tos co-operative sot of which ies an tere custodian, ean exbotaedperaan: and eyovar bere drag or ater the eestin af eins ofthe oat fie bear, adopts uy comapt pace 243 7R. Te povsiunsol his Pan balay to teal Seon operaive soe cubjec athe medion that any reftnoe i "Laisa of & ‘Sue, "Site At”o "Sa Gover sal he consid a eerence 12 "Pala, “Cen Ata" Conral Gavemnnent semeaah 24325. The revisions ofthis Par stl apy the on tire and shal ator application rion tele, hing oo Legilve Aembly si he toferances to tho Lagilatne of Site were 9 relerene to the ‘Minigater theootapoieted ender atele 299 andy in relation fo & Union tect having a Leginive Astmbl, out Legis ative Arsembl ‘Provided hac he President my, by noifeaton i the Oil Gaze, Amettharthe movin of tis Prabal pot ply t ny Union tartar or par thcrec hans’ speciyn ne tiation, S327. Narwithsanding anything ia he Part, sy seovinon of my ow elasog o co-operative saci In fees In Sul mainly beter the aqwaeucenect af he Contin (Ninety-seven Acealnwnl) Ae 204, ‘which is ieonsient wh he proviiow of Us Par, bal coiue tebe Soe force onl entender repeal bya competent Legis ree compet surhriyervot ieespoaofene yz Rom suck commencement, Which eles WHAM, Seg tthe Govt. of tnd Aralonton

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