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MARSMHcALLULH AN UnderstaMneddiinag TheE xtensoifMo anns MARSHMAcLLLU HAN § c.: m UNDERSTAMNEDDIINAG GINGPKROE SS THEE XTENSOIFOM NASN GINGPKROE SS 3p agi(n<ma1is nr )e stnaenstcteaesp ftulo < PAGI1ND AE4 78 ) 00/olido LibroafCr oyn grceastsa loignpi unbgl icdaattiao:n McLuhanM,a rsh1a9l1l-11,9 80 Undrestainndgm edia:th eex teionnsso fm an/ byM arshlalM cLuh;a n p.c m. Inculdebsi bliogrraepfheirceanlc es. GINGK OP RESISn cJ.a,n ua2r0y1 3 ISBN9 7-81-854231-25-5 132Fi1fh tS treBeetkre;le ,yC aliifao9 r4n710 1.Ma ssm ediIaT..i tle. Phon(5e1 08)9 81 159,F a(x51 08)9 81 196 P90.M22060 3 Emaiblo:o ks@glr:!gkowess.com 302.23-dc21 www.gklrJowges.csom 2003012174 ISBN9 781--854231-2-55 Thea uthwoirs hteost hantkh epu bislherso ft heTi mesL iterSaurpyp lemfeonrt © 19641,9 9240,1 T3h eE staotfCe o rinMnceL uhan granthiimn pge rmistsoireo pnr tit nheed itorialo fJu ly1 91,9 6w3h,i cahp peairns thceh patreo nT hePr intWeodr di nt hibso okS.p eclai caknowledgaermdeeu net s Elecrotniecd intd ieoisgnS:c oBtotrn s toth eN atiloA nsasioatciono fE ducioantlaB rodacastearnsdt heU .SO.ffi ceo f Allr ightrse serNvoep da.ro tfth isb oomka yb er eprodourcute iidzl edin a nyf orm Educatwihooin n,19 59-196p0r oidvedlib erlaa idt oe nabthleea uthtoopr u rsuer e­ orb ya nym eanmse,c haniorcel aelcr otniicn,cu ldingp hotocinogpa yndr ecoinrgd, searicnth h mee diao fc ommuniiocna.t orb ya nyi nrfmoaitons toraagnedre rtielvs aystewmi,t hopuetr misisinwo rni ting frotmhe p ubislher. < > 1p agi(n<am1 i nr)e stannetsect aep itulo PAGI3ND AE4 78 10/olido thinigsa" q uesttihoaantd miotfsa w idseo lutTiheoreni .s l itletp osibsilityo fa n­ swerisnugc qhu eisotnsa boutth ee xteionnsso fm anw ithotuc onsidealrloi fn g thetmo getAhneyer xt.e nisonw,h ethoefsr k ihna,n do,rf ooatff,e ctthswe h olep s­y chiacn ds oclic aomlpex. Someo ft hperi ncilpe axtensionst,o getwhietrsh o meo fth eirp syiccah nds o­ cialc onsequeanrecs etsu,d iienthd is b ookju.s th owlit tlec onisedriaotnh asb een givteons ucmha tteirnts h pea scta nb eg atheredf rotmh ceo nstteiornno afo neo f Introduction thee ditoofrt sh ibso ko.H en oteidnd ismayt ha"ts eventpye-rcfi evneot f y our tot hFei rEsdti tion matelri isna ewA. s uccesbsofouckla nnvoettnu ret ob em oret hatne np erc ent new.S"u cahr i sks eemqsui tew ortthkain ga tt hper esetimnetw hetnh seta kesa re verhyig ha,n dt hen eetdo u nedrtsandt hee ffecotfst hee xtensoifom nasnb e­ comemso ruerg enbtyt hheo ru. Int hmee chanaigcaenl o wr ecedmianngy,a cticoonusl bdet akweint hotuoto JamesR estworntoe i nT heN ewY orTki me(usJly 7 ,1 957): muchc onceSrlno.mw o vemeinnstu rtehdtat hree actwieorend se layfeocdro nids­ eralebp erioodfts i mToed.a yt haec tiaonndt hree actoicocnua rl moasttt hsea me A healdtihr ec.t.ro.er p orttheiwdse ket haats mallm ousew,h icphr esumlya b time.W ea cutallyl ivem ytichalyla ndi ntelgy,ra asil tw erbeu,wt ec onintuet ot ihnk hadb eewna tchtienlgisei ovn,a ttacakl iteltdeg irlan dh efrlu l-growcna t.B.o.t.h int hoel ,df ragmenstpeadca en dt impea tteorftn hspe r el-eecitcar ge. mousaen dc astu rivveda,n dt hein cidetni sr ecorhdeerdae s a remintdhear t Westemrann a cquifrreodtm h tee chnoolfolit geyr atchype o wret oa cwti thout tihngss eetmo b ec hagning. reactTihneag d.v antoafgf ersa gminegnh timselfin t hiwsa ya rsee einnt hcea soef Afttehrr teheo usaynedao rfse xlposino,b ym eanosff ragmenatnadmr eyc haicnal thseu rgewohnow oulbdeq uiteh elplesishf e w erteob ecomheu manilnyv olivne d techlongoietsh,We e stewronr lidsim ploindgD.u ringt hmee chanaigceawsle h ad hiosp etrioanW.e a cuqiredt haer otfc arinrgyo utth meo sdta ngersooucslio apera­ extenoduerdb oidesi ns pacTeo.d aayf,t meorr et haanc entuorfeyl ec trteicch­ tionsw itcho mlpeted etachme.nB tuto urd etachmewnats a postuorfne o nin­ nolowgeyh ,a veex tenoduerdc entlnr earvoussy stietmslf ei n a glolbe ambrace, volvemIenn tth.ee l ecatgreiw,ch eno urc entnrearlv osuyss tiesmt echnolllyo gica aboislhinbgo tshp acaen dt imaes f aars o urp laniesct o ncerRnaepdliy.,d w ea p­ extentdoei dn vlvoeu sin thew hole ofm ankinda ndt oi ncorpotrhaewht oele of proatchhfie n aplh asoeft heex teionnsso fm an- thtee chnioclalso igumaltioofn mankindi nu sw,e n ecesspaarriictliyp aitned ,e ptihn,t hceo nsequeonfoc uers conisocusne,ws hsent hec reatpirvoec eosfsk nowiwnilgl b ec ollectlyi avned evearcyt iIoitns n. o lo ngrep ossitboal deo ptth ael oaonfd d issocriolaeto efthd e corporeaxtteelnytd oet dh weh oleo fh umasno ciemtuyc,ha sw eh avael reeaxd­y literaWtees terner. tendoeudrs ensaensdo urn ervbeyst hvea iorusm ediWah.e ththeere xteionnso f TheT hearto eft hAeb sudrradm aiztetsh irse cednlietm mao fW estemrann t,h e conisocusne,ss oslo ngs ougbhyta dvertfiross epreifiscc p roducwtisbl,el " ag ood mano fa ciotnw hoa ppeanrostt ob ei nvolivnte hdae c tiSounc.ish t hoer igainnd < > 3p agin(a5ms i nr)e stannetsectsae p itulo PAGI5ND AE4 78 !%lido appeoaflS ameulB eckectlto'wsnA sf.tt ehrree t housayneda orfss pecliisaetx plo­ oft hemI.nt hfelu lc onfidetnhcaeitt i sp osibslteo w ina nu ndrsetainndgo ft hese sioann do fin creinagss pecisimaa lnda ilenationi nt htee chlongoilce axtensoifo ns formtsh awtill b ringt heimn toor delyrs ericveI,h avloeo keadtt heamn ewa,c cept­ ourb oideso,u rw olrd hasb ecomceo mpressbiyod nraalmtic ar everAssae ll.e c­tri invge rlityt olfet hceo nvieonntlaw isdomc oncertnhienmgO. n ec ans aoyf m edia calylc ontratchtgeel do,bi esn om orteh aanv illageE.le ctrics peeidnb ringinga ll asR obeTrhte obld1ah ass aiodfe conoicmd eprieosnss":T heirsoe n ea didtioln a soiacla ndp oliticalf unctitoongse tihne ar s uddeinm ploshiaoshn e ightened facttohrah ta sh elpceodn tdreoplr essainodnt sh,ai tsa bettuenrd erstaonfd ing humaanw arenoefrse ssp onibislityt oa ni ntednesrgee eI.it s th isi mplosfiavcet or theird evelopmEexnatinm.a"t ioofnt heor igainndd evelopomfetn htein divild ua thaatl tetrhspe o stioino ft heNe gr,ot htee enra,ag neds omeo threg roupTsh.e y extensoifom nasns hould bep recedbeyda looka ts omeg enelra aspecotfts h e cann olo ngebrec ontaiintn hepedo ,l ilts iecnasoefli m iteads sotcioinaT.h eayr e medioar,e xtensoifom nasn b,e ginnwiinttghh en evr-eexlapined numbnetshsa t nowi nvoilnovu rel idv eassw, e i nth eirs,t hantkots h eel ecmterdiica . eacehx tensbirinognsa bouitnt hiend ividuala nds ociety. Thisi st hAeg eo fA nxifeottryh ree asoofnt heele ctrici mplostihoacnto mpels commitmenatn dp artiticoinpq,ua irteeg alersdosf a ny" poionfvti e w.T"h ep airalt ands peclizieadc hraactoefrt hveie wpinoth,o wevneorlb e,w illn ots ervaetal li n theele citcar geA.tt hien foriomnale tvlet hsea meu psehta so ccurwritehdt hseu b­ stitutiooftn h ien cluismiavgeef otrh me erveie wpoiInftt h.ne i neteceenntthu ry wast haeg eo ft heed itoiarlc haoiurr,i sst hcee ntoufrty h pes yicathrist'sc ou.cA hs extensoifmo annt hceh aiisar s peciaablliasttoi fto hnpe o sterasi oortro ,fa blaitve absluote ofb acksiwdhee,re tahsec oucehx tenthdesi n teraglb einTgh.ep syic­h atreimsptl otyhsce o ucshin,c ei rte movtehste e mptitoant oe xprepsrivsa tpeoin ts ofv ieawn do bviatthenese etdor ationlaizeev ents. Thea spiraotfoi uortn i mfeo wrh oleneemspstah,y a ndd eptohfa wareniesas s natular dajuncto fe lecritc tehcnologyT.h ea geo fm echiacnali ndustthrapytr e ­ cedeudsf ounvde hemeansts erotfip orni voauttloeo kt hnea tulmr oadeo fe xpres­ sioEnv.e cruyl taunrdee veargye h asit sf avitoerm odleo fp ercepiotna ndk nol­w edgteh aittis i nclitnope rde scfroierbv ee rybaonddey v erinygtT.hh em arokf o ur time is itrse vlsiuona giansti mposepda tteWren sa.r esu ddnely eagetroh ave thinagnsdp eolepd ecltahrireeb eintgostl ya.Tl heriesa d eefpa ittobh e f ounidn thinse wat titued- af aitthhac to ncetrhnueslt i mathea rmoonfyal l b einSgu.c ihs thfea iitnwh h icthhis b oohka sb eewnri tteInet. x lporetsh ceo ntooufro su ro wn extenbdeeindg si no urt echlongioess,e keintgh per incoifpin tlelelig ibilityi ne ach < > 1p agi(n2ma i nr)e stannetsect aep ftulo PAGI8ND AE4 78 20/olido does'tnk nowt hweo rds.H"u mori sp resumanbolt"y c ol"ob ecauitsi en cliunse s tol augahts omeitnhg,i nsteoafgd e itntgu se mphatillcyian volviensd o mehitng. Thes tolriyni es d roppefdr o"mc oojlo"k aensd " col"om oviaelsi TkheeB. e rgman andFe llinim ovideesm anfda mro rien vlvoementth adno n arrasthiovweAs s .t ory linee ncompasass eeostf e venmtusc hlik ea m elodliicni enm usiMce.lo dyt,h e melmoosd o"st,hre o ardo un,"di sac onintuou,cs onnecatnedrd e,p etsittriuvcet ure thaitsn otus edin t he" cooalr"ot f t hOer ie.Tn htea ratn dp oeryto fZ enc reaitne­ Introduction volvembeymn eta nosft hietn erval,n otb yt hce onneucsteiidont nhv eis ulalyo rga­ tot hSee coEnddi tion nizeWde stewronr lSdp.et actobre comaetrsis ti no rientlaa rbte cauhseme u sstu p­ plya llt hceo nnieocnts. Thes ectioonn " medihao ta ndc olo" confusmeadn yre viewerso fU nder­ stanMdeidnwigha o w ereu nalbet or ecoizgent heve rlyrag es tructcuhraanlgi ens humaonu tlotohkaa tr oec cuinrgrt odaSyl.a nogff erasnim mediaintdee txoc hang­ JacPka amre ntiotnheahdte o nchea ds aidt oa y ounfgire nd",W hdyo y oukid su se inpge rcieopnt.Sla ngi sb asendo to nt heieosrb uto ni mmedieaxtpeiee nrcTeh.e 'cotoolm 'e an' hotT'h?ef" r ierneldiped ," Becayuosuef lo ksu seudp t hweo r'dh ot' studeonfmt e diaw illn oto nlvyalu es lanagsa g uidteoc hangpienrgc eptbiuotn , befowreec amealo ng".I ti st ruteh a"tc ol"oi so ftuesne ndo wadatyoms e anw hat hew iallslo s tumdeyd iaasb ringinga bounte wp ercelph taubaits. usetdo b ec onvebyye" dh otF.o"r mear" lhyoa tr gumemneta"n otn ei nw hichp eo­ Thes ectioonn" thmee dium ist hem essagcea"n p,e rhabpesc ,l iafiredb y plew erdeee plyi nvolvOendt .h oet hhearn da," coaottli te"uu dsetdo m eano neo f pointingo utt haatn yt echlongoyg radlyu acrleateas t oltlya newh umane niv­ detacohbejde ctainvddii stinyt erest.eI dntnh eosssdea yths ew or"dd isinterested"r onmenEntvi.r onmenatrsen otp asivsew rappinbgusta civtep rocesIsneh si.s meanatn olbeq ualoiftf yiarm indednesSsu.d deintlg yo tt om ean" coulcdanr'et splenwdoirkdP reftaoPc lea( tHoa rvUanrivde rsPirteys1 s9,6 3Er)ic,H avelockc on­ les."sT hew or"dh oth"a sfl alenin tos iimladris usea st hesdee ecph angoefos u t­ trasttsh oer laa ndw rittecnu ulrteosf t hGer eeks.B yP lattiom'est hwer ittewno rd lookh avdee vloepedB.u tt hsela ngt er"mc ol"oc onveayg so odde lab esidtehse hadcr eateadn ewe nvroinmentth ahta db egutnod eitbralizem anP. revilyot uhse olidd eoaf" hotI.ti" n dicaak tiensod fc ommitmenta ndp aritpiaioctnin s ituiaotns Greehkasdg r ownu pb yb eneofiftt hper oceosfts h te riebnyaccllp eodiTah.ehy a d thaintv olvalleo sf o ne'fsa cltieusI.n t haste nsoen,ec ans ayth aatu tomioanti s memoriztehdpe o etTsh.ep oetprso videds peciofipce ratliw oinsadofmo arl tlh e coowlh,e rethaes o lderm echanlik ciandosfs peclsiitao rf ragmen"tjeodba sr"e contingeonflic fi-ee Asn nL andeirnvs e rsWeith.t haed veonfit ndividdeuitba­rl "squaTrhee." "s quapreer"s aonnd s ituaatrineoo nt" cooble"c autsheem ya nifest alizemda na,n ewe ducioantw asn eedePdl.a dteoivs eds ucahn ewp rogrfaomlirt ­ little oft heh abiotfd eptihn volveomfeo nutrf acltieusT.h ey ounngo ws a,y eramteen .I tw asb aseodn t he IdeaWsi. tthh peh oneicta lphacbleats,s wiifise­d "Humoisrn otc oolT.h"e fiarv itoerjo kebse rat hiosu tT.h eays k",W haitsp urple domt oookv efrr otmh oep erioantawli sdoomfH omera ndH esiaondd t hteri bal andh ums?A"n swe"rA,ne lecgtrraipc"e W.h"dy o eisth um?A"n swr,e" Becaiuts e encyclopEedduicaa.tb iyoc nl aifisesdd athaa sb eetnhe Westeprrno greavme r < > sp agin(a9ms i nr)e stannetsectsae p itulo PAGI1N0AD E4 78 20/olido since. predecesisnotaron a rfto rWmh.e nw ritwiansng e wP,la ttor ansfothremo eldod r la Now,h owerv,ie nt heel ecticra ogned,a tcal aifiscsaiotny ieltdops a ttreercno g­ dialogiunet aona rfto rWmh.e np rintngi wasn ewt hMei ddAlgee bse camaena rt nitiont,h kee pyh raasteIB M.W hend atmao vei nstacnltalsys,iio finics ta otof rag­ form".T hEeliz abethwaonlrd view"w asa v ieowft hMei ddAlgee Asn.d th ein dus­ mentaIrnyo .r dteorc opwei tdha taate l ecitcrs peeidnt yicpaslit uiaotnso f" inr­fo triaalg et urntehdeR enaissianntcaoen a rftro m ass eeinn thew ork ofJ acob maitono vreolad"m, enr esotrotht e s tudoyfc onfiguraltikeit ohnsesai l,o irn E dgar BurckhaSrideitged.f G rieiodni,n t urhna,si nt heele citcra get auguhsth owt os ee AllanP oeM'sa elstThreod mro.p -soituutiao tni no urs chooaltps r esehnatso nly thee ntiprreo ceosfsm echazantiioansa na rtpr oce.s (sMechaniTzaakteiso n begutnod evloepT.h ey ounsgutd entto dagyr owusp i na ne lectllryci ocnafigured Command) worlIdti. sa w orlndo to fw heeblusto fci rcuitsn,o to ff ragmebnuttos fi ntelg ra Aso urp rlioferinagtt echnolohgaivecesr eataew hdo le serioefns e we nviron­ patteTrhness .t udetnotd alyi vmyetsh lilyca andin deptAht.s chlo,ho owevheer , mentmse,n h avbee comaew aroeft hea rtass" atni-enivronmnets"o r" counter­ encournsat s eituaiotno rganibzyme eda nosfc lassiinfifeodr imoantT.h es ubjects enivronmen"tt shaptr oviudswe i tthh mee anosfp erceitvhieenn gv ironimtesnetl f. aruen relaTtheedayr. ve is ullayc onicveedin t remso fa b lueprTihnest utd.e ncta n Fora,sE dwrdaT .H alhla se xlapinedi nT hSei lLeanntg umaegnae r,ne e vearw are findn op ossimbelaen osf in vlovemetnf ohri msenlofrc, a nh ed iscohvoewrth e oft hger ournulde so fth eire nvironmseynsttaeolmr cs u tulresT.o dateych nologies educationlas cenree lattoet sh e" mtyhic"w orlodfe lectricoallnyp rocesdsaetda andt heciorn sequeennvti ronmseunctcsee eadc oht hesror adplyit hato nee niv­ ande xpieenrcteh ahtet akfeosgr r antAesdo .n eIB M execivuept utist ",M yc hl­i ronmemnatk euss a waroeft hnee xTte.chn ologbieegsit nop erfotrhmfeu n ciotn drehna dliv eds evellri faeimtesc omparteotd h ireg randpreantwsh ent hebye gan ofa ritnm akiunsga waroeft hpes ycahnidcs oiaclc onsequeonftc eecsh nology. gradoen e". Arats a n-teinivronmebnetc ommeosr et haenv ear m eanosf tr ainingp ercep­ "Thmee diuimst h em essagmee"a nisn,t e rmso ft heele ctronaigce t,h aatt o­ tiona ndj udgmeAnrtot.ff eraesda c onsumceorm modirtayt htehraa ns a m eans talyln ewe nivronmteh nasb eecnr eatTehde". c onteonftt h"in se we nvironism ent oft rinainpge rcieonpi tsa slu dicrouasn ds nobbaissal hw aysM.e dias tudya to nce thoel mde chanieznevdi ronomfte hnietn dustargieTa.hl en ewe nvironrmeerpon­t opentsh ed oorosfp erctioepnA.n dh eritei st hatth yeo uncga nd ot op-lreev­el cesstheeso lodn ea sr adlilcyaa sT Vi sre procinegst hsefi lm.F otrh "ec onteonft " searwcohr Tkh.e t eachhaeosrn lyt oin vitthese t udetnodt o a sc omplaentin ev e­n TVi st hmeo viTeV.i se nivronmelna tnadim percepibtle,l ikaele ln vironmWeen ts. toraysp osibsle.A nyc hildc anlis tt heeff ecotfts h teel ephoneo rt hread io ort he araew aroenly o ft h"ec onteonrtt h"oe l edn ivronmeWnhte.n m acihnep rodtiuocn motocra irn s hainpgt hleife a ndw orokf h ifsr ieannddsh isso icetAy.ni nclusive wasn ewi,tg radlyul caerateda ne nivronmtew nhosceo ntewnatst heold eniv­ listo fm edieaff ecotpse nmsa nyu nexpecatveeuden so fa wraenesasn di nvie­st ronmeonfta grarliifaean n dt haer tasn dc rafTthsi.osld ere nivronmenwta se le­ gation. vatetoda na rfto rbmy t hnee wm echaneincivraoln meTnhte.m achitunren eNda ­ Edmund Bacoonf,t hePh iladlpehia tow-pnlaninngc ommiiosns,d iscovered turien taona rfto rmF.o trh fier stimte m enb egatnor e garNda tuarsea s oruceo f thastch oolc hldirenc oulbdei n vuaalbler esearcahnedcr osl leaigntuh eets a sokf aesthaentdis cpiri tualv aluTehse.by e gatnom arvelt haeta irelra gehsa db eesno remakitnhgei magoeft hceit .yW e areen tinegrt hnee wa geo fe ducattihoaisnt unawaorfet hew orlodf N atuaresA rtE.a cnhe wt echlongoycr eateasne nvi­ programfmoedrdis coverrayt htehrai nns rtuciotnA.s t hmee anosfi npiunctre ase, ronmetnhtai sti t slfer egaradsec do rruapntdd egradYienttgh .ne e wo net urintss sod oesth e needf orin sighto rp atterrenc oitgionn.T hef amouHsa wthorne < > 3p agin(a6ms i nr)e stannetsectsae p itulo PAGI1N3AD E4 78 30/olido expimeernt,a tt hGee nelrE laecitcrp lannte aCrh icaregvoe,lea da m ystereiffoeucst oursit uiaotn. yersaa goN.o m atrth eowt hceo nitdionso ft hweo rkerwse raelt reed,t hweo rkers InC haeprtO net hearrese o mel inferso Rmo meaon Jdu liwhemits ilclyam odi­ didm oraen db ettweorr. Wk hethtehrhe e aatn dlig hatn dle isuwreera er ranagde­d fiedt om akea na llusitooTn V .S omer eviewhearvisem aingedt hathti wsa sa n versoerlp yle asalyn,tt heq uainttya ndq uaitlyo fo utpiumtp rovTehde.t esters involumnit-sqauroytt ioan. gloolym cionclutdheadtt e stidinsgt oedr tthee videnTchee.ym issetdh eal l­ Thep oweorf th e arttso a nticifpuartetu es oiacla ndt echlongoilcd aevl­e importfaancttth awth ent hew orkearrsep ermitttoej do ithne ire nergtioea s opmentbsya, g eneraatnidmo onr eh,a slo ngb eerne cogiznedI.nt hicse nrtyuE zra proceosfls e arnainnddg i scovtehrieny cre,a sdee fficieinspc hye nomenal. Pouncdal letdh eart is"thte a ntennoaft eh er aceA.r"at s r adraa ctass " ane alyr Ealrirei tw asm entionehdo wt hsec hodorolp- outs ituiaotnw illg evte rmyu ch alarms ysteamsi, tw" e re,e nalinbgu st od iscosvoeicarla ndp sycthaircg ientl so ts worsbee cauosfte h freu straotfti hosent udennetef do prar ticipioanti nt hlee ar­n oft imteo p repreat oc opwei tthh emT.his c onceopftt h aer tassp roptihce,c on­ ingp roceTshsi.ssi tu aitonc onceranlssth oe p rolebm of" thceul turllay disad­ trastwsi tthh ep opuliadreo af t hema sm eres elf-expiorne.Is fas rits a n" early vantacgheildd." T hicshl die ixstsn oto nliynt h es lumsb uitn crealysi nit nhgseu b­ warnisnygs tetmo,u "s eth ep hrafsreo Wmo rlWdar I Iw,h enra dawra sn ewa,r t urbso ft heu pper-inhcoommeesT .h ec ulturlayl disadvancthialdg iesdt heT V hast huet morsetl evnaonotcn ely t om edias tubduytt ot hdee vloepmetno fm edia chli.dF oTrV h asp roidveda newe nvironomfel notwvi s ualo rieinotnaa ntdh igh conrotls. involvetmheamntat k easc commodattoio ounrol dere ducatieosntlaialsb hment Whenr adwaars n ewit w asf ounnde cesstaoerl imyin atteh bea llosoyns tfeomr quidtiffiec ult.O nes tratoefcg ulyt uralr espownosuedl bet or iaset hvei suleavle l citpyr otecthtaitho and pr eceddr eadr.aT heb alloongso tin t hwea yo ft heele citcr oft hTeV i maget oe nalebt hyeo unsgt udetnogt a ianc cetsots h oeld v isuwaollrd feedboafct kh en ewr adainrf orimoant.S ucmha yw ellp rovteob et hcea sweit h oft hcel arososma ndt hceu ircrulum.Th isw oulbde w ortthr yiansag t empraory mucho fo uerxi sitngs chloc ourriculum,t os anyo thionfthg e g enelitryao ft haer st. expdieentB.u TtV is o nlyo nec omponeonftt h eel ecetnrivriocn menotfi ntasncti r­ Wec ana ffrod tou seo nlyt hospeort ionso ft hemt haetn hantchepe e rcepiotno f cuittrhyah ta ssu cceetdheoedl wdo rlodfth ew heealn dn utasn db olts.W ew ould ourt echlongioesa,n dt hepisry iccha nds oclic aonsequeAnrcates sa .r a daern iv­ bef olioshn otto e asoeu rtra nistionf rotmh fer agmenvtieslduw aorlodft heexi st­ ronmetnatk oenst hfeun ciotno fin dispensapbelrec eptrtauiiannlgr a thtehra tnh e inegd ucatieosntaalb lisbhyem veenprtoy s simbelaen s. roleo fa p rivilegeddi eftot rh eeil t.eW hliet haer tassr adfaere dbparcoikdve a d y­ Thee xistlep nhltoiisaohpy,a sw elalst hTeh eatoeftr h Aeb surd,r epresaennttis­ namic andc hangcionrgp orimaatge,et hepiurr pomsaey b en ott oe naleb ust o enivronmentthsat p ointtot hceri tilpc raessuorfte hsne e wel ectrice nvironment. changbeu tr atrh teom aintina ane vecno urtsoew arpde rmanegnotal esv,e n Jean-PSaarurtel,a sm ucha sS amuelB ectktae ndA rthMuilrle ,rh asd eclatrheed amidtshtme o sdtis rutinpgi nnovatWieoh nasva.el redaidsyc roedvt ehfeu tilityo f futliitoyfb luepinrtasn dc lassdiafietadan d" jobass"a wayo utE.v etnh weo rds changoiunrgg o aalsso ftaesnw ec hanoguetr e chnoielso.g "escaapned""v i caiorusliv ing"h avdewi ndledf rotmhe n ews cenoefe lecticri no­n volvemTeVne tn.ign eresh avbee gutnoe xlopret hber ilale-likec haraocftt ehrTe V imagaesa m eanosf e nalinbgt hbel itnods eeb yh avitnhgii sm agpero jecdti­ed relcyto nttoh ires kinWse.n eetdo u seall m ediai nth isw ise,t oe nalebu st os ee < > 1p agi(n3ma i nr)e stannetsect aep ftulo PAGI1N5AD E4 78 30/olido sod oetsh nee efdo irn sighotr p attreercno gionniT.th ef amouHsa whtorneex per­ directlyo nttoh ires kinWse.n e etdo u seall m ediiant hiwsi steo,e nalebu st os ee iment,a tt hGee nraelE lecptlrainncet a Crh icargeov,e alame ydst eriouse ffeycet ars oursit uiaotn. agoN.o m attheorw th ec odnitionso ft hew okrerwse rael tertheed w,ok rerdsid InC haeprtO net hearrese o mel inferso Rmo meaon Jdu liwhemits ilclyam odi­ morea ndb ettweorkr. Whetthheehr e aatn dli ghatn dle iursew eraer ranagde­d fiedt om akea na llusitooTn V .S omer eviewhearvisem aingedt hathti wsa sa n versoerlp yle asalyn,tt heq uainttya ndq uaitlyo fo utpiumtp rovTehde.t esters involumnit-sqauroytt ioan. gloolym cionclutdheadtt e stidnsigt oedr tthee videnTchee.ym issetdh eal l­ Thep oweorf th e arttso a nticifpuartetu es oiacla ndt echlongoilcd aevle­ importfaancttth awth ent hew orkearrsep ermitttoej do ithnei re nergtioea s opmentbsya, g eneraatnidmo onr eh,a lso ngb eerne cogiznedI.nt hicse nrtyuE zra proceosfls e arnainnddg i scovtehrieny cre,a sdee fficieinspc hye nomenal. Pouncda lletdh eart is"thte a ntennoaft eh er aceA.r"at s r adraa ctass " ane alyr Ealrirei tw asm entionehdo wt hsec hodorolp- out itsuiaotnw illg evte rmyu ch alarms ysteamsi, tw" e re,e nalibngu st od iscosvoeicarla ndp sycthaircg ientl so ts worsbee cauosfte h fer ustroaftt hiseot nu dennetef do pra irctipioanti nt hlee arn­ oft imteo p repreat oc opwei tthh emT.his c onceopftt h aer tassp roptihce,c on­ ingp roceTshsi.ssi tu aitonc onceranlsst hoe p rolebm of" thceul turllay disad­ trastwsi tthh ep opuliadreo af t hema sm eres elf-expiorne.Is fas rits a n" early vantacgheiddl." T hicshl die ixstsn oto nliyn h et lusmsb uti ncrealysi nit nhgseu b­ warnisnygs tetmo,u "s eth ep hrafsreo Wmo rlWdar I Iw,h enra dawra sn ew, art urbso ft heu pper-inhcoommeesT .h ec ulturlayl disadvancthialdg iesdt heT V hast huet morsetl evnaonotcn ely t om edias tubduytt ot hdee vloepmetno fm edia chli.dF oTrV h asp roidveda newe nvironomfel notwvi s ualo rieinotnaa ntdh igh conrotls. involvetmheamntat k easc commodattoio ounrol dere ducatieosntlaialsb hment Whenr adwaars n ewit w asf ounnde cesstaoerl imyin atteh bea lolons ystfeomr quidtiffiec ult.O nes tratoefcg ulyt uralre spoenw soudl bet or iaset hvei suleavle l citpyr otecthtaitho and pr eceddr eadr.aT heb alloongso tin t hwea yo ft heele citcr oft hTeV i maget oe nalebt hyeo unsgt udetnogt a ianc cetsots h oeld v isuwaollrd feedboafct kh ne ewr adainrf orimoant.S ucmha yw ellp rovteob et hcea sweit h oft hcel arososma ndt hceu ricrulum.Th isw oulbde w ortthr yiansag t empraory mucho fo uerxi sitngs chloco urriculum,t os anyo thionfthg e g enelitryao ft haer st. expdieentB.u TtV is o nlyo nec omponeonftt h eel ecetnrivriocn menotfi ntasncti r­ Wec an radff toou seo nlyt hospeort ionso ft hemt haetn hantchepe e rcepiotno f cuittrhyah ta ssu cceetdheoedl wdo rlodfth ew heealn dn utasn db olts.W ew ould ourt echlongioesa,n dt hepisry iccha nds oclic aonsequeAnrcates sa .r a daern iv­ bef olioshn otto e asoeu rtra nistionf romt hfera gmentveidsl uw aorlodft heexi st­ ronmetnatk oenst hfeun ciotno fin dispensapbelrec eptrtauiiannlgr a thtehra tnh e inegd ucatieosntaalb lisbhyem veenprtoy s simbelaen s. roleo fa p rivilegeddi eftot rh eeil t.eW hliet haer tassr adfaere dbparcoikdve a d y­ Thee xistlep nhltoiisaohpy,a sw elalst hTeh eatoeftr h Aeb surd,r epresaennttis­ namic andc hangicnogr porimaatge,e t hepiurr pomsaey b en ott oe naleb ust o enivronmentthsat p ointtot hceri tipcraels suorfte hsne e wel ectrice nvironment. changbeu tr atrh teom aintina ane ven coursep etromwaanregdno ta lesv,e n Jean-PSaarurtel,a sm ucha sS amuelB ectktae ndA rthMuilrle ,rh asd eclatrheed amidtshtme o sdtis rutinpgi nnovatWieoh nasva.el redaidsyc roedvt ehfeu tiitlyo f futliitoyfb luepinrtasn dc lassdiafiteaadn d" jobassa" w ayo utE.v etnh weo rds changoiunrgg o aalsso ftaesnw ec hanget eocuhrn oielso.g "escaapned""v i caioruslv iing"h avdewi ndledf rotmhe n ews cenoefe lecticri no­n volvemTeVnet n.ign eresh avbee gutnoe xlopret hber ilale-liekc haraocftt ehrTe V imagaes a meanosf e nainbglt hebli ndt os eeb yh avitnihgs imagpero jected < > 1p agi(n3ma i nr)e stannetsect aep ftulo PAGI1N5AD E 478 30/olido TheM edium 1 itsh Mee ssage ParIt Ina cuulret likoeurs ,l onagc custotmoes dplit itng anddi vidinagl lt hingsa sa meanosf c ontriotil ss, o meimtesa itbo fa s hoctkob er emindetdh aitno, p era­ tionlaa ndp ractfiaccattlh,m e e diumi st hmee ssaTghei.iss m eretlosy a tyh atth e persoannadsl o cicaoln sequeonfac neyms e dium- thaist,o fa nye xtensoifo n ourselve-s resultf rotmh nee ws cleat haitsi ntrodiuncteoodu ra ffiarsb ye ach extensioounr lsvoeefs o,r b ya nyn ewt echnolTohguysw.,i tahu tomatfioorn , examptlhene,e wp atterhnusm aoanfs sociatteintodon e liinmaetj obsi,ti st rue. Thati st hnee giavetr esultP.o silty,ia vuetomatciroenar toleessf opre opwlheic,h i s tos ayd eptohfi nvlvoemetni nth eirw okr andh umaans sociatthiaootun rp re­ ceidngm echanlit ceachongoyhl add estroMyaendpy.e opwloeu lbded isposed to satyh aittw asn ott hmea chibnuet,w haotn ed di iwth thme acinhet,h awta si ts meaningo rm essagIent. e rmosft h ew ayisn w hicthh mea chine aoulrtr eerlead­ tionst oo nea nohetra ndt oo urselvesi,tm attenroeitdn t hlee awshte thitet urr ned ourc ornkefslo arC aidllacsT.h ere structoufhr uimnagwn o rakn da ssocioinwa tas shapebdyt het ehcnique off ragmetionntt ahaitst hee ssenocfme a cihnet ech­ noloTghye.e ssenocfae u tomattieocnhlo ngoyi st hoe pposiIttie si. n tegarnadl • © < > 16p agin(a2ms5i nr)e stannetsectsae p ftulo PAGI1N8AD E4 78 40/olido decternlaisitnd etph,j usats t hmea cihnew asf ragme,nc teanrtliysrtaa,n ds upr­e Indeedi,ti so nlyt oot ypitchaatlt he" conteonfat n"ym ediubmiln ds ust ot he ficiianil t psa ttinegro nfh umarnle aitonsiphs. charaocftt ehrme e diuImti. s o nlyt odatyh aintdu srtiesh avbee comaew aroeft he Thein stanocfte h eele ctricl ihgtm ayp rovillue minaintgi nt ihsc onnectTihoen . varikoiuns dosfb usiniens wsh icthh eayr een gagWehde.n IB Md iscovtehraiettd electrilicg hitsp urinef ortimoanI.ti s a m ediuwmi thoamu ets sagaesi, tw eruen,­ wasn oitn t hbeu sinoefms ask ionffigc eeq uipmoernb tui snesmsa chinbeustt,h at lessit i su setdo s plelo uts omev erbaadol r n ameT.hi sf accth,a raiscttioecrfa l l itw asi nt heb uisnesosf p rocesisnifrnomgat ion,t heitnb egatnon avigaet with medimae,a ntsha tth e" conteonfat n"ym edimu isal wayasn toherm edium.T he clrev aision.T heG enelrE laecitcr Companmya keas c onidserlaeb portioofitn s conteonfwt ri tingi ss peecjhu,sa tst hewr ittewno rids t hceo nteonfpt r inatn,d profiftrso emle citcrl igbhultb sa ndlig hintgs ysteImths a.sn o ty edti scovtehraetd, priinstt h ceo nteonftt h tee legrIaifpit sh a .s ke"dW,h aistt hceo nteonfst p eech?" quiatsem ucha sA T&Ti,its i nt hbeu sinoefms osv inignr fmoaiton. itis n ecesstaosr ayy" ,I itsa na ctualp roceosftsh oughwthi,c hi si ni tsneolnf­ Theele ctricl ighet scapaetst ieonnat sa c ommuniiocnam tediujmu sbte cauits e verlb".aA na bstrpaainctitn gr epresdeinrtesmc atnf eistatoifoc nr eattihvoeu ght hasn o" conteAnntdt. h"i msa keista nin vlauablei nstaonfch eow p eolepf atiol procesasset sh emyi ghatp peianrc omputdeers igWnhsa.tw ea rec onidseinrg studym ediaa ta lFlo.ir it sn ottlli t heel ecltirgihictsu setdos plelo usto mebr and here,h owevaerrte,h pes yiccah nds oiaclc onsequeonftc hedese sigonrps a tterns namet haitti sn oticaesad m ediuTmh.e inti s n ott hleig htb utth "ec onte(notr" ast heaym plifyo ra ccleeraetxei instgp rocesFsoetrsh ."e m essaogfea "ny m edium whaitsr ellaya nothmeerdiu m)t haitsn oticTehdem. e ssaogfet heele citcrl ighits ort echlongoyi st hec hangoefs clea orp acoer p attetrhnait ti ntrodiuncteos liket hmee ssaogfeel e critcp oweirni ndusttortyar,la ldyi pcearlv,a sainvdde e,c en­ humaanff iar.sT her aildwiandyo tint rodeum covemeonrttr a nspotirotnoa rw hele tralizFeoder.le ctriclig hta ndp owearr see parfartoetmh eiru seyse,tt h eeyilm inate orro adi nthoum ans octyi,eb uti ta ccleerataendde nlargedt hsec aolfep revious timea nds pacfea ctionrh su maans sociaetxiaocants ld yor aditolee,gr apht,lee ­ humafnu ncticornetisna,gt oltlyan ewk indosfc iietsa ndn ewk indosfw orka nd phonaen,dT V,c reinagti nvlvoemenitnde pth. leisu.Tr heish appenwehde ththeerr a liwayf unticonde ina t roicpaolr a northern A faicrolmyp lheatned bofooksru t dyingt heex tensoifmo annsc oulbdem ade enivronmenatn,dis q uiitned epdeennotf t hfer eiogrch otn teonftt h reia lwaym edi­ upf rosmel eciotnsf roSmh akespSeoamreem .i ghqtub iblea bouwth ethoernr o t um.T hea ilrapne,o nt heo thehra ndb,ya ccleeratitnhegr atoeft r ansportation, hew asr feerringt oT Vi nt hefsaei mliarli nefsr oRmo meaon Jdu liet: tendtsod islvseoth er ialwayf oromf c itpyoli,tic sa,n da ssociaqtuiioitnned, e p­en Busto !fw thalitg htth rouygohn dweirn dobwr eaks? detnlyo fw hatth aeir planei su sefdo r. Its peaakns,dy esta ynso thing. Leuts r etutront heele ctrliicg Whhte.t htehrel ig htis beingu sefdo brr ain surgeorrny i gbhats ellbi asa m attoefri ndifferIetcn oclude b.e a rgutehda tth ese InO thelwlhoi,,ca hsm ucha sK inLge airsc, o ncerwnietdth h teo rmeonfpt e ople acivtitiesa rien somew ayt he" conteonftt h"ee l ecltigrhitsci,n cet hecyo ulndo t transfobryiml luesdi otnhse,ar rete he seli nest habte spkeS ahakespeianrittieou'ns eixstw ithotuhtee le citclr ight.Th ifsa cmte reulnyd erltihnpeeo inst t ha"tt hmee di­ oft hter ansfopromwienorgfsn ewm edia: umi st hmee ssagbee"cu saeit i st hmee diutmh asth apaensd c ontrtohlsesc ale Isth eren octh arms andf oromf h umaans sioacitona nda ctiTohnec. o nteonrut s eosfs ucmhe diarae Byw hicthhp er opeorfyt oytuh a ndm aihdo od asd iversaest heayr ein effeclti unas hapitnhgef oromf h umana ssioatcion. • © < > 14p agin(a2ms3i nr)e stannetsectsae p ftulo PAGI2N1AD E4 78 40/olido

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