Durham Research Online Deposited in DRO: 28 April 2016 Version of attached (cid:28)le: Published Version Peer-review status of attached (cid:28)le: Peer-reviewed Citation for published item: Krstaji(cid:1)c, Nikola and Akram, Ahsan R. and Choudhary, Tushar R. and McDonald, Neil and Tanner, Michael G. and Pedretti, Ettore and Dalgarno, Paul A. and Schole(cid:28)eld, Emma and Girkin, John M. and Moore, Anne and Bradley, Mark and Dhaliwal, Kevin (2016) ’Two-color wide(cid:28)eld (cid:29)uorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue.’, Journal of biomedical optics., 21 (4). 046009. Further information on publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.21.4.046009 Publisher’s copyright statement: (cid:13)c The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.4.046009] Additional information: Use policy Thefull-textmaybeusedand/orreproduced,andgiventothirdpartiesinanyformatormedium,withoutpriorpermissionorcharge,for personalresearchorstudy,educational,ornot-for-pro(cid:28)tpurposesprovidedthat: • afullbibliographicreferenceismadetotheoriginalsource • alinkismadetothemetadatarecordinDRO • thefull-textisnotchangedinanyway Thefull-textmustnotbesoldinanyformatormediumwithouttheformalpermissionofthecopyrightholders. PleaseconsultthefullDROpolicyforfurtherdetails. DurhamUniversityLibrary,StocktonRoad,DurhamDH13LY,UnitedKingdom Tel:+44(0)1913343042|Fax:+44(0)1913342971 https://dro.dur.ac.uk Two-color widefield fluorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue Nikola Krstajic´ Ahsan R. Akram Tushar R. Choudhary Neil McDonald Michael G. Tanner Ettore Pedretti Paul A. Dalgarno Emma Scholefield John M. Girkin Anne Moore Mark Bradley Kevin Dhaliwal Nikola Krstajic´, Ahsan R. Akram, Tushar R. Choudhary, Neil McDonald, Michael G. Tanner, Ettore Pedretti, Paul A. Dalgarno, Emma Scholefield, John M. Girkin, Anne Moore, Mark Bradley, Kevin Dhaliwal, “Two-color widefield fluorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue,” J. Biomed. Opt. 21(4), 046009 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1. JBO.21.4.046009. Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx JournalofBiomedicalOptics21(4),046009(April2016) Two-color widefield fluorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue Nikola Krstajic´,a,b,* Ahsan R. Akram,a Tushar R. Choudhary,a,c Neil McDonald,a Michael G. Tanner,a,d Ettore Pedretti,a,c Paul A. Dalgarno,c Emma Scholefield,a John M. Girkin,e Anne Moore,a Mark Bradley,a and Kevin Dhaliwala,* aUniversityofEdinburgh,Queen’sMedicalResearchInstitute,MRCCentreforInflammationResearch,EPSRCIRC“Hub” inOpticalMolecularSensingandImaging,47LittleFranceCrescent,EdinburghEH164TJ,UnitedKingdom bUniversityofEdinburgh,SchoolofEngineering,InstituteforIntegratedMicroandNanoSystems,EdinburghEH93JL,UnitedKingdom cHeriot-WattUniversity,InstituteofBiologicalChemistry,BiophysicsandBioengineering,EdinburghEH144AS,UnitedKingdom dHeriot-WattUniversity,InstituteofPhotonicsandQuantumSciences,EdinburghEH144AS,UnitedKingdom eDurhamUniversity,BiophysicalSciencesInstitute,DepartmentofPhysics,SouthRoad,DurhamDH13LE,UnitedKingdom Abstract. Wedemonstrateafasttwo-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopysystemcapableofsimulta- neouslydetectingseveraldiseasetargetsinintacthumanexvivolungtissue.Wecharacterizethesystemfor lightthroughputfromtheexcitationlightemittingdiodes,fluorescencecollectionefficiency,andchromaticfocal shifts.Wedemonstratetheeffectivenessoftheinstrumentbyimagingbacteria(Pseudomonasaeruginosa)inex vivo human lung tissue. We describe a mechanism of bacterial detection through the fiber bundle that uses blinking effects of bacteria as they move in front of the fiber core providing detection of objects smaller than the fiber core and cladding (∼3 μm). This effectively increases the measured spatial resolution of 4 μm. We show simultaneous imaging of neutrophils, monocytes, and fungus (Aspergillus fumigatus) in ex vivo human lung tissue. The instrument has 10 nM and 50 nM sensitivity for fluorescein and Cy5 solutions, respectively. Lung tissue autofluorescence remains visible at up to 200 fps camera acquisition rate. The optical system lendsitselftoclinicaltranslationduetohigh-fluorescencesensitivity,simplicity,andtheabilitytomultiplexsev- eral pathological molecular imaging targets simultaneously. © The Authors. Published bySPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution3.0UnportedLicense.Distributionorreproductionofthisworkinwholeorinpartrequiresfullattributionoftheoriginalpublication,including itsDOI.[DOI:10.1117/1.JBO.21.4.046009] Keywords:fluorescence;microendoscopy;molecularimaging;lung;respiratorymedicine. Paper150740RRRreceivedNov.4,2015;acceptedforpublicationMar.24,2016;publishedonlineApr.27,2016. 1 Introduction andinflammatorycells.Themostcommonmethodtodetermine thebacterialburdeninrespiratorycriticalcarereliesonthecul- Clinical molecularimaging (MI) covers abroadrange oftech- tureofbronchoalveolarlavagefluid(BALF).Themajorlimita- niques, including fluorescence, positron emission tomography, tionsofBALFincriticallyillpatientsarethetimetakentoyield single photon emission computed tomography (CT), and mag- neticresonanceimaging.1MIaimstoimprovediagnosisbyuti- aresult,whichcanbeupto48h,10andcontaminationbyproxi- mal airways sampling. During this intervening time, patients lizing targeted reporters (smartprobes) for specific disease may be prescribed inappropriate therapy or deteriorate rapidly targets in tissue. In this work, we focus on advancing fluores- while awaiting a confirmatory diagnosis. Therefore, there is a cence-based MI microendoscopy of the distal lung (gas- exchanging alveolar regions).2 Optical molecular imaging clinicalunmetneed11forimmediateinformationthatcandeter- minetheabsenceorpresenceofbacteriaandmarkersofinflam- (OMI)hasproventobeeffectiveagainstseveraldiseasetargets, mationsuchasinfiltratinginnateimmunecells(e.g.,monocytes suchasbacterialinfection,3inflammation,4andcancer.5Several and neutrophils) associated with suspected pneumonia in criti- candidatesmartprobeshavebeendesignedtargetingneutrophil cally ill patients. recruitment,6bacterialdetection,7andfibrogenesis.8Ourevolv- Our approach is based on using smartprobes coupled with ingstrategyistodeploycustomsmartprobesalongsidepulmo- miniaturefiber-optic imaging bundles12 to access distal alveolar narymicroendoscopyinvivotoimagediseaserelevanttargets. regionsandtransmittheimagefromthedistalendofthefiberto One particular area where disruptive optical technologies therestoftheoptics.Thetechniqueisusedinconjunctionwith would potentially have high impact is in the rapid diagnosis flexiblebronchoscopy(FB).13FBisabletoaccesstrachea,bron- of lung inflammation and infection in critically ill-ventilated chi, and bronchioles, but cannot access the distal lung. FB was patients, which has high level of mortality, often above introduced by Ikeda et al.,14 who pioneered fiber bundle based 70%.9 Postmortem, pneumonia is pathologically defined on bronchoscopy in 1968 and subsequently worked on improving biopsies ofalveolar(distal lung)tissueinfiltratedwithbacteria the imaging by introducing charge couple device (CCD) camerastothetip.Flexiblebronchoscopeshavetips4to6mm indiameteranddeploywhitelightendoscopyfornavigation,with *Addressallcorrespondenceto:NikolaKrstajic´,E-mail:[email protected]; KevinDhaliwal,E-mail:[email protected] somesystemsutilizingnarrow-bandspectralimagingtoincrease JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-1 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... contrastonsuperficialbloodvessels.15,16Autofluorescenceofthe spectral range prior to collecting the image on a color CMOS lung is complementary towhite light endoscopy in providing a camera. Confocal microendoscopy is an alternative method30 convenientwaytonavigatetothesiteofinterest.Forillumination deployedbothinacademia31andclinics20–22andprovidesopti- inthe460to490nmrange,thelungautofluorescenceemission cal sectioning, permitting higher contrast imaging, as tissue spectrapeakbetween520and570nm.Autofluorescenceendos- background fluorescence is largely suppressed.32 Two-color copy has been used to detect pathologies in tissue since 1990s, confocal microendoscopy has also been explored, demonstrat- especially in the gut.17 However, interpatient variations in ing good contrast on avariety of tissues.33 However, the scan- lung autofluorescence pose a serious problem in using ning required for confocal systems is inherently slower than autofluorescence alone clinically,18 which significantly reduces camera-based imaging methods. specificity.19 Autofluorescence from the lung originates from Whilesinglecolorconfocalmicroendoscopyhasbeenevalu- elastin,20 and the autofluorescence spectra demonstrate that the atedforbronchialairwayanddistallungimaging,34multicolor redregion(650to700nm)haslowerautofluorescenceintensity widefield camera-based microendoscopy remains to be fully characterized. Fiber bundle imaging and bacterial dynamics, (5to10timeslower)thanthegreenregion(500to600nm).This in the case of mycobacteria, have also recently been providesastrongmotivationforthedesignofsmartprobesinthe studied.35Inthiswork,weshowthatcamera-basedsystemspro- redandnear-infrared(NIR)spectralranges(600nmto1000nm). vide a robust and economical route to multicolor fluorescence Microendoscopy can be used in bronchoscopy by inserting detection.Whitelightendoscopydominatesbronchoscopypro- thenarrowfiberimagingbundlethroughtheworkingchannelof cedures, andour aimistoenhancefluorescence endoscopy by the bronchoscope. The diameter of the working channel avail- integratingsmartprobesinmulticolorscenarios.Here,theability ableonmodernflexiblebronchoscopesrangesfrom1to3mm ofthewidefieldsystemtooperateinthedistallungbyimaging depending on the manufacturer. For distal lung imaging, nar- targetsranginginsizefrom2to100 μmsuchasbacterialcol- rower microendoscope probes are necessary to enable safe onies,monocytes,neutrophils,andthefungusAspergillusfumi- access to the alveolar space. The distal alveolar regions are gatus deposited in ex vivo human alveolar lung tissue is reached by performing a transbronchial pass. Bronchoscopic demonstrated. Also, the blinking effect of fluorescing objects interventions usually last 20 to 30 min, and prior to the pro- smallerthanthefibercoreandcladdingisexploitedtoaugment cedure, navigation is often guided by x-ray radiographs or bacterial imaging. CT scans, allowing for targeted regional exploration. Optical microendoscopyenablestheexplorationofpulmonarysegments 2 Materials and Methods byallowingmultipleendobronchialpassesintothedistallung. Thisisideallysuitedtoimagethediffuseconditionsseenwith 2.1 Optical System suspectedpneumoniaorpulmonaryinflammation.Thismethod- ology has been demonstrated in ex vivo large animal models The diagram of the optical system is shown in Fig. 1. The usingsmartprobes8andinvivoinhumansforlabelfreeparen- architecture extends standard widefield endoscopy to dual chymal assessment of the distal lung.20–22 colorwhiletakingadvantagesofimprovedimagingandillumi- Previousworkincolonoscopy,23ovariancancer,24detection, nation technologies.29 All components are off-the-shelf com- andpreclinicalmouseimaging25havebeenreported,andmulti- mercial items. The proximal end of the fiber imaging bundle colorfluorescenceendoscopyhasalonghistory.26,27Ourinstru- (Alveoflex™, Mauna Kea Technologies, Paris, France) is ment is based on a single-color fluorescence endoscopy brought to the focus of the objective by mounting it onto a platform28,29 with the fluorescence filter-set exchanged for 30-mmcagedZ-axistranslationmount(SM1Z,Thorlabs)ena- that of an integrated two color, green and red, fluorescence bling fine focusing and optimized coupling of the image from Fig.1 Diagramofthetwo-colorfluorescencesystem.TwoLEDsarecombinedwithadichroicmirror,and illuminationissenttothemicroscopeobjectiveviatheemissionfilterandanothertwo-banddichroic. Fluorescence from the imaging bundle is focused onto the color CMOS camera via a tube lens (200mmfocallength). JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-2 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... the distal end of the fiber to the rest of the optics. The from the setup onto the camera and filtered by the Bayer filter Alveoflex™ imaging fiber has approximately 30,000 cores ontheCMOSchip.AsshownonFig.2(c),theBayercolorfilter withoutanylensingonthetip(i.e.,worksbycontactimaging). overlaps with the green channel of the two-color filter-set used Figure 2(a) shows the fiber cores of the Alveoflex™ imaging (XF454, Horiba, UK), while the overlap in the red channel is bundle. Two LEDs at 470 and 625 nm (M470L3 and smaller. Smaller overlap in the red channel is offset by greater M625L3, Thorlabs) are used as illumination sources coupled separationofthetwochannels(∼100 nm),whichreducesspec- to achromatic condenser lenses (ACL2520-A, Thorlabs for tral mixing. 470-nm LED and ACL2520-B, Thorlabs for 625 nm LED), see Fig. 2(b) for LED spectra. Thecollimated beams are com- 2.2 Optical System Characterization bined using a dichroic beamsplitter (FF506-DI03-25X36, Semrock). Two-color epifluorescence is achieved using a The system performance was characterized by measuring the two-color filter-set (emission, dichroic, and excitation filters lateralspatialresolution,thespectralthroughputofillumination inXF454,Horiba,UK)beforebeingdirectedtoaninfinity-cor- and fluorescence collection, chromatic focus shift, verification rectedmicroscopeobjectivewithNA0.3andworkingdistance of the camera read noise, and performance at high-frame-rate 10 mm(RMS10x-PF, Thorlabs).Emission and excitation filter acquisition(e.g.,>30 fps).Theaimwastoachievetheoptimal spectraareshowninFigs.2(b)and2(c),respectively,alongwith contrastontargetsranginginsizefrombacteria(0.5to2 μm)to normalizedabsorptionandemissionspectraofexamplefluores- cells,suchasmonocytesandneutrophils(10-to15 μm),andto centprobesusedinthisstudy(PKH67andCellvue®Claret;see fungi (100 μm or more). The lowest detectable light intensity text below). defines the visibility of the object against the noise floor, Fluorescenceexitingthemicroscopeobjectiveisimagedonto while chromatic aberrations potentially affect contrast levels the color CMOS camera (GS3-U3-23S6C-C, Grasshopper3, for each spectral range detected. The required frame rate for Point Grey Research, Canada). A color imaging camera used optimal assessment in fluorescence microendoscopy is sug- inconjunctionwithanappropriatemultibandfiltersetwaschosen gested as 10 to 15 fps.37 While this is easily achievable with tosimplifytheopticaldesignforapplicationinaclinicalenviron- CMOS camera technologies in terms of speed and noise,38 it ment.Thecamerahasauniversalserialbus3(USB3)connection is imperative to assess how such frame rates compromise the tothecomputerallowingupto162framespersecond(fps)atfull limit of detection. High frame rates could be applied to tissue resolution, 1900×1200. The color filter is the standard Bayer elastography and assessing alveolar compliance. In this patternfilter[seeFig.2(c)]deployedinmanyconsumer,machine study, frame rates of 12–20 fps and camera resolution vision,andmicroscopycameras.TheCMOScamerasensorisa 960×600 pixels were chosen to readily permit real-time SonyIMX174whichhassevenphotoelectrons(e−)readnoise.36 (videorate)visualizationbyoperators.Commercialmicroendo- We refer to the green and red channel as the green (510 to scopy systems operate at this rate.20 Higher camera resolution 560 nm) and red fluorescence (660 to 700 nm) as captured (1920×1200 pixels) was used whenever fiber core visibility Fig.2 Alveoflex™fiberbundleasacquiredbythecamera(a)withazoomedinsettotherightshowing fibercores(bright)andcladding(darkregionsbetweenthecores).Imagein(a)wasacquiredatfullres- olution(1920×1200)inmonochromaticmodetoimprovesamplingofthecores.LEDsourcesspectra andemissionfiltersabsorptioncurvesareshownin(b),whilein(c)thefluorescenceemissioncurvesare overlaidwithemissionfilterandBayerfilters. JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-3 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... was needed. All tissue imaging was done at 960×600, unless asthesystemgain41toderivethereadnoiseine−.Wealsoused stated otherwise. Higher frame rates up to 200 fps were also themonochromeversion ofthesensorforreadnoisemeasure- evaluated, which is the upper limit imposed by the hardware, ments (part number GS3-U3-23S6M-C, Point Grey Research, notably the camera, memory transfer speeds, and hard disk Canada). Dark noise was measured by taking a 3 s exposure space available on the computer. time image in dark room conditions as above. The average Optimal spatial resolution was measured by contacting the bias frame was subtracted from the 3 s exposure frame, and distal end of the Alveoflex™ fiber to a standard chrome on the standard deviation of the resulting image was divided by glass USAF 1951 target (Thorlabs, part number R1DS1N). 3 to obtain the dark noise for a 1 s exposure. This measurement was done in transmission (through the Forallexperiments,abackgroundimagewasacquiredprior USAFtarget)byallowingthefluorescencefromatarget(fluo- to imaging sessions and subtracted from the acquired images. rescent block, Chroma) in the spectral range 510 to 560 nm Theresultingimagewascontrastenhancedtoallowforoptimal (Thorlabs, MF510-42) to pass through the test target having illustration of image SNR. No frame averaging or image been illuminated via the excitation delivered through the processingwasperformed,althoughthepotentialimprovement Alveoflex™fiberandthetargetimagedbackthroughtheoptical of image processing is discussed further below. systemintheconventionalmanner.Anintensitylineprofilewas taken over the image obtained from the test target to estimate 2.3 Microsphere and Tissue Experiments contrast reduction with increasing resolution. Spectral throughput measurements were undertaken by Currentmethodstodeterminethebacterialburdeninsuspected inserting a fiber probe connected to the spectrometer (200 μm ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) rely on the culture of BALF. The growth of colony forming units (CFU) above fiber connected to a USB2000 spectrometer, Ocean Optics) on the following locations: (1) distal side of Alveoflex™ (in front 104 CFU∕ml42,43 or 105 CFU∕ml44,45 is considered diagnostic of the light source), (2) proximal side of Alveoflex™, and of VAP. These are the accepted clinically relevant limits, and (3) the camera imaging plane. The distal end of Alveoflex™ we have based our system on being able to perform at this limitofdetection.Asbroncholavolarlavageinvolvestheinstil- was illuminated by a white LED lamp. Fluorescence collection lation and retrieval of fluid, a dilution effect is seen. The true efficiency was measured by illuminating the distal end of the bacterial burden in the infected distal lung is likely to be 105 fiberbyawhiteLEDmeasuringtheopticalpowerat(1)theproxi- mal side of Alveoflex™ and (2) the camera imaging plane. to 106 CFU∕ml.9 Therefore, to establish the suitability of the instrumentforthelowerlimitofbacterialdetectioninthedistal Thelimitofdetection(LOD)forfluorescein(Sigma-Aldrich) lung, we initially performed experiments in two scenarios and Cy5 (Sigma-Aldrich) solutions was determined. 1, 10, 50, wherebyweusedmicrospheresassurrogatesforbacteria:(a)im- and 100 nM water solutions were prepared. The Alveoflex™ agingofmicrospheresaloneinblackEppendorftubes(toavoid was inserted into the solution, and 10 images were taken for tube fluorescence) and (b) imaging of microspheres in ex vivo eachconcentrationwiththeexposuretimesetto80ms.Theback- lung tissue placed in a well plate. 0.3% Inspeck™ 2.5 μm groundimagewas obtained byilluminatingthe Alveoflex™by microspheres (green Inspeck™ I-7219 and red Inspeck™ I- bothLEDsasinnormaloperation,butwithoutanyfluorescence 7224)wereusedasafluorescenceemissionstandardindicative or stray light entering the tip. Fifty background images were of labeled bacteria. Green 0.3% Inspeck™ microspheres have savedandtheirmeansubtractedfromimagesacquiredfromsol- equivalentemissiontogreenOMIsmartprobe7labeledbacteria utions.A40×40 pixelareawasselectedfromthecentralareaof (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and red 0.3% Inspeck™ micro- the Alveoflex™ imaging fiber bundle. Mean and standard spheres are 1.5 times weaker than PKH red (Cellvue® Claret, deviationwerecalculatedforthearea,forasingle80msexposure Sigma-Aldrich) labeled bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa). time image indicating signal-to-noise (SNR). Blackened microtubes were filled with concentrations Chromaticeffectsareofparticularimportanceformulticolor 103∕ml, 104∕ml, 105∕ml, and 106∕ml to derive the detection fluorescence microendoscopy. We assess the chromatic effects limit of the system without the lung tissue present. Tubes byloadingthedistalendoftheAlveoflex™with0.3%relative were centrifuged for 10 s before each experiment. Excised intensity standard fluorescence microspheres (green Inspeck™ lung tissue was placed in well plates with 0.3% Inspeck™ I-7219 and red Inspeck™ I-7224, Life Technologies). 2.5 μmmicrospheresdepositedatthefollowingconcentrations: Fluorescencemicrospheresinsolutionreadilyattachtothedistal 103∕ml, 104∕ml, 105∕ml, and 107∕ml. Controls included tip,andthisprovidesagoodtargetforevaluationofcontrastand excised lung tissue alone, 106 empty microspheres (unstained contrastdegradation.Tooptimizethefocusoffluorescenceonto control beads supplied with green Inspeck™ I-7219, Life thecamera,weadjustthepositionofthetubelenswithrespect Technologies) per milliliter in lung tissue, distilled water to the CMOS sensor camera and the position of the proximal alone and lastly, 106 empty microspheres per milliliter in dis- fiber end with respect to the microscope objective. The tube tilled water. The controls were used to minimize false positive lenswasprealignedasinRef.26andkeptfixed.Theproximal detections,especiallyinthegreenchannel,wheresmallpartsof end ofthe Alveoflex™was movedto threelocations. Optimal tissue could be mistaken for bacteria. focusforgreenfluorescencewasfoundandmovedþ∕−5 μm Eachsamplewasimagedfor30s.Thefiberwasmovedevery around this location. 2to3stoimageasmuchofthevolumeaspossibleinthelimited Camerareadnoisewasmeasuredbytaking100biasframes observationtime.Detectionofweaklyfluorescentmicrospheres (0 ms exposure time) in dark room conditions with a metal C- wasassessedvisuallythroughuserinterpretationofthereal-time mountcaponthesensor.39Cameragainwassetto0dBandthe imagesacquiredduringthe30sexperiment.Asuccessfuldetec- cameravideo mode to 7 (lowest noise mode for this particular tionwasdefinedasvisualidentificationofatleastasingletarget camera40). The mean of all bias frames was subtracted from a with pattern recognition similar to those in the controls. The samplebiasframeandthestandarddeviationprovidestheread camera settings were set as follows: 8 bit image acquisition, noiseinanalog-to-digitalunits(ADU).Weused0.51 e−∕ADU gain 24 dB, exposure time 80 ms (12 fps). JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-4 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... 2.4 Labeled Targets, Tissue, and Bacterial Imaging from the setup in Fig. 1 and 10 μL solution was placed on Experiments theslideandcoveredbyacoverslip—and(2)withfiberbundle, thatis,conventionalmicroendoscopyimaging.Constellation™ Excised human lung tissuewas placed in well plates with five microspheres have a range of sizes and colors and are a good experimentalconditions:(1)freshlyisolatedhumanmonocytes candidate for cross comparison of imaging effects on small labeled with PKH red (Cellvue® Claret, Sigma-Aldrich); (less than fiber core size ∼3 μm) and large objects (greater (2) freshly isolated human neutrophils labeled with PKH than several fiber core sizes ∼10 μm). Fiber bundle imaging green (PKH67, Sigma-Aldrich); (3) Aspergillus fumigatus ofConstellation™microsphereswasperformedinamicrotube, labeled with PKH red; (4) labeled monocytes, neutrophils, ascontactwiththeglassslidecouldpotentiallydamagethefiber and fungus (Aspergillus fumigatus) together in single well; bundle tip. and (5) bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) at 107 CFU∕ml labeled in PKH green (PKH67, Sigma-Aldrich). 3 Results Neutrophils and monocytes were isolated by discontinuous percollgradientsfromtheperipheralbloodofhumanvolunteers 3.1 Optical System Characterization using methods previously described.46 As mentioned above, Below, we present the measurement results for system spatial bacteria used were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 47085), resolution, camera read noise, fluorescence collection, fluores- and fungi used were Aspergillus fumigatus (clinical isolate, cencespectralthroughput,chromaticfocusshift,andanevalu- Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland). Bacteria or fungi ation of high-speed performance on ex vivo lung tissue. were counterstained with PHK67 or Cellvue Claret dyes Figure3(a)showstheUSAFtesttargetwithanevenfluores- (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO) in accordance to the manufac- cent illumination, and Fig. 3(b) shows the line profile across turer’s instructions. Briefly, cells were washed three times in group6elementswherethelinethicknessofthesmallestresolv- PBS and re-suspended in 500 μL of Diluent C, then added to able line (group 6, element 6) is 4.38 μm. Individual test chart 500 μL of Diluent C containing 2 μL of stock dye. lines are clearly distinguished at this resolution. Fluorescence Following3min,bovineserumalbuminwasaddedtoterminate ranging from 510 to 570 nm is imaged and focused in Fig. 3. thereaction,andcellswerewashedafurtherthreetimesandre- Fiber core size, cladding size, and core to core coupling47 suspendedasrequiredforexperiments.Humantissuewasused limit the system’s spatial resolution and hence image quality; with regional ethics committee (REC: 13/ES/0126) approval see Fig. 2(a) for a demonstration of fiber core packing density. and was retrieved from the periphery of specimens taken Read noise was measured to be 8 e− and dark noise 1 e−∕s. from lung cancer resections. Monocytes and neutrophils were As the frame rates used are at least 12 fps, the influence of isolatedandpurifiedfromperipheralbloodofhealthyvolunteers dark noise is minimal. The signal is read noise dominated for (REC:08/S1103/38).Eachsamplewasimagedfor30s,andthe the detection of up to about 400 e−, where read noise is 35% camera settings were as follows: 8 bit image acquisition, gain of the Poisson noise. The uniformity of the field of view 24 dB, exposure time 80 ms (12 fps). PKH red and green (FOV) is as follows: for the green channel, edge intensity is were used as per manufacturer’s instructions. 54%ofthecentralintensity,andfortheredchannel,edgeinten- Wellplate5withPKH greenlabeled Pseudomonasaerugi- sity is 76% of central intensity. While futurework will need to nosaat107 CFU∕mlwasadditionallyimagedat5msexposure address the uniformity of the green channel, in the current sys- time (200 fps) to study the dynamics of fiber core blinking temsthisdidnotseriouslyaffecttheimagingquality.Theoptical events which are observed when imaging objects smaller power exiting the distal fiber and fluorescence collection effi- than the fiber core. Furthermore, to study the effect further, ciency are summarized in Table 1. The maximum optical we dissolved 5 μL of Constellation™ microspheres (C-14837, power coupling to Alveoflex™ for 470 nm LED is 2.4 mW, Life Technologies) in 500 μL of distilled water and imaged butwelimitthisto1.8mWduetotheintrinsicredautofluores- the solution in (1) free space—fiber bundle was removed cenceoftheAlveoflex™;seefiberbackgrounddiscussionbelow. Fig.3 (a)ImageofaUSAF1951testtargetilluminatedwithanevenfluorescentsignaland(b)theline profileacrossgroup6elements.Experimentperformedat510to560nmspectralrange,8bitimage, 80msexposuretime(12fps),gain15dB,1920×1200cameraresolution. JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-5 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... Table1 Illuminationandfluorescencecollectionefficiency. Table2 SNRforFITCandCy5solutions. Measurement Result Experiment SNR 470nmLEDopticalpowerexiting 1.8mW 1nMfluorescein 1.5∶1 thedistalendofAlveoflex™ 10nMfluorescein 2.3∶1 625nmLEDopticalpowerexiting 3.4mW thedistalendofAlveoflex™ 50nMfluorescein 2.9∶1 100nMfluorescein 3.4∶1 Fluorescencecollection 53.1% efficiencyongreenchannel 1nMCy5 1.4∶1 Fluorescencecollection 52.8% 10nMCy5 1.3∶1 efficiencyonredchannel 50nMCy5 1.6∶1 For625nmLED,theopticalpowermeasuredatthedistalendof 100nMCy5 2.5∶1 thefiberis3.4mW.Totalopticalpoweriswithinacceptablelimits of maximum exposure as defined in Ref. 48. For fluorescence collection, we measured 53% efficiency for both channels. green microspheres on the green channel. It indicates that the SpectralthroughputisanalyzedinFig.4.Fiberfluorescence 0 μmpositionistheoptimalfocusforgreenmicrospheres,judg- throughputisabove85%acrossthespectralrangestudied,500 ingbycontrast.Figure5(c)showsthelineprofileacrossthered to750nm.Systemfluorescencethroughputwasmeasuredatthe microspheres on the red channel. It demonstrates that 5 μm is camera image plane and includes attenuation by thefiberbun- theoptimalfocusfortheredmicrospheres.Thisaxialdisplace- mentfortheredchanneloverthegreenchannelislikelydueto dle, objective, dichroic, emission filter, and the mirror (see chromatic aberration. As indicated previously,49 some imaging Fig. 1). It reflects what would be expected from the dichroic fiber bundles have detectable fiber background autofluores- and emission filters used. Figure 4 shows Bayer filter spectra cence. The modulation on Fig. 5(c) for the 5 μm position is superimposed to illustrate expected reduction of the signal duetoredfluorescencefromourfibercoresandprovidesfurther onto the camera. evidencethatthisistheoptimalfocusfortheredchannel.The SNR analysis of the uniform solutions of fluorescein and compromise is to place the proximal end of the Alveoflex™ Cy5aregiveninTable2.FluoresceinhasaLODconcentration between the two optimal focal locations, minimizing the chro- of 10 nM, andCy5 hasa LODconcentration of50 nM. Other matic effect with our 0.3 NA microscope objective. The pres- solutions,suchasinRef.21,obtainlowerdetectionlimits,pre- ence of chromatic aberration is well understood and is, in dominantly due to deploying several EMCCD cameras with part, a consequence of a single channel detection platform. optimalspectralrangesoneachcamera,whereaswehaveasin- However, by placing the proximal end of the Alveoflex™ glecolorcamerawithahigherinherentreadnoise.Weverified betweenthetwooptimalfocallocations,weminimizethechro- this by using a scientific CMOS camera (PCO.edge mono matic effect with our 0.3 NA microscope objective,and image 4.2LT, PCO AG, Germany) and LOD improved to 1 nM for reconstructionisnotcompromisedsignificantlyforeitherofthe fluorescein and 10 nM for Cy5. imaging channels. Figure5(a)showsthecontrastdegradationwithdefocusfor Figure6demonstratesfastimageacquisitionofexvivolung greenandredfluorescence.Defocusisobtainedbymovingthe autofluorescence.While3%Inspeck™microspheresarevisible proximalfiberside.Figure5(b)showsthelineprofileacrossthe atboth20and200fps(seearrowsinFig.6),theweakerfluo- rescing 0.3% microspheres are barely visible at both 20 and 200fps.Despitethefactthatfasterframeratesresultinscaling downthefluorescence capturedon thesensor,the autofluores- cenceandtissuestructurearestillvisibleat200fps.Fasterframe ratesrequirefasterdisplayhardware(displayrateonmonitorsis currentlylimitedto60to120Hz).Oneinterestingobservation fromthe200fpsvideosequence(seeaccompanyingVideo1)is the possibility to extend microendoscopic imaging to tissue elastography.50 Also, contrast often increases with increasing frameratedespitelowerfluorescencesignal.Thisisduetobetter localization of the object. Slower frame rates can “smear” the contrast ofanobjectunderstudyduetothefast movingendo- scopic environment. 3.2 Microsphere and Tissue Experiments For both red and green 0.3% Inspeck™ beads, the LOD was determined to be 104 microspheres per ml. Tables 3 and 4 Fig.4 Spectralthroughputanalysis.Althoughspectralattenuationis notsignificanttothecameraplane,theBayerfilterdoesattenuatethe showthatLODsforgreenandred0.3%Inspeck™microspheres redchannel. embedded in the excised human lung tissue are equivalent to JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-6 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... Fig.5 Reductionincontrastforindividualredandgreenmicrospheresisshown.(a)Visualappearance ofdotsatdifferentfocusshifts(proximalfiberside).(b)Thelineprofileofthegreenchannelacrossthe greenmicrosphere.(c)Thelineprofileoftheredchannelacrosstheredmicrosphere.Exposuretimewas setto40ms(25fps),gain24dB,8bitimage,960×600cameraresolution. 105∕mland104∕ml,respectively.Thecontrolsshownodetected However,oncethedistallungisreached,itwouldbedesirableto microspheres in both cases. The higher LOD for green micro- removethebackgroundautofluoresenceiftheobjectwearetry- spheresisduetohighleveloflungtissueautofluorescenceinthe ingtoimagehasbroadlyequivalentexcitationwavelengths.In green.Autofluorescenceofthehumanlungelastinandcollagen fact, this is the major reason to resort to designing molecular enablesanatomicalnavigationbetweentheairwaysandalveoli. probesinredandNIRinthelungcoupledwithmicroendoscopy Fig.6 (a,c)20fpsand200fpsimagingwithweaklyfluorescingmicropsheres,0.3%Inspeck™and(b,d) morefluorescingmicrospheres,3%Inspeck™,inexvivolungtissue.Lungautofluorescencecanbeimaged at200fpsandpossiblymore.SeetheaccompanyingVideo1illustratingvisibilityoflungtissueandred3% Inspeck™microspheres(d)at200fps.Cameragainandresolutionweresetto24dBand960×600,respec- tively(Video1,MOV,10.5MB[URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.21.4.046009.1]). JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-7 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx Krstajic´etal.:Two-colorwidefieldfluorescencemicroendoscopyenablesmultiplexed... Table 3 Well plate experiment for green 0.3% Inspeck™ Figure 7(a) shows PKH redlabeled monocytes inex vivolung microspheres. tissue. Figure 7(b) shows PKH green labeled neutrophils in ex vivo lung tissue. Figure 7(c) shows the strong signal from Aspergillusfumigatus.Duetoitslargesize,Aspergillusfumiga- Numberof Numberof tusisarelativelyeasytargettoimage.Simultaneousdetectionof duplicatewell successful monocytes, neutrophils, and Aspergillus fumigatus is demon- Experiment plates detections stratedintheaccompanyingVideo2.Astissueautofluorescence 103 green0.3%Inspeck™ 4 0 has a strong green component, MI of targets in green is more microspherespermlinlung difficult. However, for cellular targets 15 μm in size or more, thisisentirelyfeasibleprovidingsignaltobackgroundisgreater 104 green0.3%Inspeck™ 4 0 than 10%.51 microspherespermlinlung Smallerobjectssuchasbacteriaarealsovisibleathighsignal 105 green0.3%Inspeck™ 4 2 tobackground;howeverthefastmovingmicroendoscopyenvi- microspherespermlinlung ronmentrequiresalargenumberofdotsforthemtobeimmedi- atelyobservablebyaclinician.Figure8showstwoimagesofex 106 green0.3%Inspeck™ 4 4 vivolung,onewithoutbacteria,Fig.8(a),andonewithbacteria, microspherespermlinlung Fig. 8(b). Bacteria arevisible as blinking fluorescing dots; see Videos3and4.ThenumberofblinkingdotsislessinVideo3 Lungalone 2 0 (no bacteria) when compared to Video 4 (with bacteria). Blinking can be explained as follows: If a fluorescing object Distilledwater 2 0 is smaller than the fiber core and cladding, then the inherent 106 emptymicrospheres 2 0 relativemotionofthedistalendofthefiberbundlewithrespect permlinlung tothetissuewillinducetheobjecttomoveinfrontofthecore (visible)andcladding(notvisible).Inordertoexplorethephe- 106 emptymicrospheres 2 0 nomenonofblinkingofdynamictargetsoverthefibercores,we permlindistilledwater also evaluated frame rates up to 200 fps in imaging ex vivo human lung tissuewith PKH green labeled Pseudomonas aer- Table4 Wellplateexperimentforred0.3%Inspeck™microspheres. uginosa.Figure9demonstratesthismechanisminthreesequen- tial images, each 5 ms exposure time, from Video 5. A core lightsupintheleftimageofFig.9,thengoes:off:inthemiddle Numberof Numberof image, and then lights up the neighboring core in the right duplicate successful image. Figure 10 illustrates the effect further. Constellation™ Experiment wellplates detections microsphereswereutilizedtodemonstratethatinfreespaceim- 103 red0.3%Inspeck™ 4 1 agingtheblinkingeffectisabsentinbothlargeandsmallfluo- microspherespermlinlung rescing objects. However, when imaged through the fiber bundle, blinking dominates the imaging of smaller objects. 104 red0.3%Inspeck™ 4 4 Objects larger than the core and cladding do not blink. Top microspherespermlinlung and bottom figures in Fig. 10 are not on the same FOV. Videos 6 and 7 demonstrate the effect clearly. 105 red0.3%Inspeck™ 4 4 This mechanism can be put to good use providing the bac- microspherespermlinlung terial colonies are small enough and bright enough. One can 106 red0.3%Inspeck™ 4 4 even think of engineering fiber cores and cladding (or grids microspherespermlinlung for ex vivo study of assays) to match the size of the object thatneedsdetecting,thusmaximizingblinking.Thekeyattrac- Lungalone 2 0 tionisthat,toourexperience,blinkingisreadilydetectableby observersatSNRsevenlessthan1.Onealsohastobecautious; Distilledwater 2 0 anyobjectsmallerthanthefibercladdingwilleventuallyblink, whether bacteria or not, so false positivesare likely. The same 106 emptymicrospheres 2 0 appliestoscenarioswhereultrafastimagingisperformed,which permlinlung will accentuate blinking due to motion effects and low SNR 106 emptymicrospheres 2 0 (blinking due to shot noise). Additionally, many bacterial col- permlindistilledwater onies are large in size (>20 μm), and these will not blink. Despite limitations, we believe the technique could be useful if appropriately integrated into MI algorithms involving asthebackgroundfluorescencedropsdramaticallywithhigher microendoscopy. wavelengths. 4 Discussion 3.3 Labeled Targets, Tissue Experiments, and Akeystrategyforfutureworkistouseautofluorescenceforstruc- Observations on Bacterial Blinking turalimagingintheinvivohumanlunganddeploysmartprobes Figure7illustratesthecapabilityofthetwo-colorwidefieldsys- toevaluatedetectionofspecificpathology.7,8Thelimithereisthat tem to perform fluorescence imaging of multiple targets of greenautofluorescenceinterfereswithgreenfluorescingsmartp- immediaterelevancetopulmonaryinflammationandinfection. robes,creating challengestodisentanglethetwosignalsinvivo JournalofBiomedicalOptics 046009-8 April2016 (cid:129) Vol.21(4) Downloaded From: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 04/28/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx