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Preview Towards a Semantic Web. A comparison between RDA and REICAT descriptive solutions

Towards a Semantic Web. A comparison between RDA and REICAT descriptive solutions Simone Forassiepi 1 Introduction Making data fully interoperable in the semantic web is the greatest challenge that libraries are currently facing. The transition from rigidly structured record on proprietary formats and their diffusion only in the library field to linked open data, interconnected with the rest of the web, represents a radical transformation in the organization of cataloguing information. In order to do this, libraries must build their structured data on logical entities clearly defined and globally shared, in order to facilitate the construction of semantic ontologies which could be used even in areas outside the original domains. The creation of an ontological map of the bibliographic world is the first step to take to create a community library that could interact with the web through a mutual exchange of data. In order to begin an alignment process among logical entities produced by RDA drafters (RDA 2010) and those at the core of the new consolidated edition of the ISBD (International Federation Of Library Associations and Institutions 2011), in November 2011, a meeting was held in Glasgow for the harmonization of data among the ISBD Review Group, the ISSN Network and RDA Joint Steering Committee. This JLIS.it Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015) DOI: 10.4403/jlis.it-9963 S.Forassiepi, Towards a Semantic Web. meeting produced a table of comparison1 whose main purpose is to be the first step towards full interoperability between the two texts. Starting from the structure of the ISBD areas, in this paper the priority is to show how the logical entities described in REICAT, chapter four (Commissione permanente per la revisione delle regole italiane di catalogazione and Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche 2009), could be collocated in this alignment process. In the following pages, we will compare the textual architectures, the basic logical entities of RDA, the ISBD consolidated edition and REICAT with one another, analysing the similarities and the differences, to try to understand whether from the new Italian cataloguing rules could emerge a cataloguing structure fully operational in a semantic environment. 2 Area 0 The ISBD area 0 is devoted to the GMD, General Material Designation. This new area identifies the described resource's product group, defining a documentary macro-category for the identification of the typology of the resource. These data, which has been present in the ISBD from 1977, have entered in the ISBD schema for the first time with the ISBD Consolidated edition. After a temporary collocation in area 1, the GMD have been systematized in the new area 0. The area is divided into two sections: content form and media type. The former defines the resource expressive form, «form or forms in which the content of a resource is expressed » (ISBD. 0.1), while the latter, devoted to the media type, is for entering «the type or types of carrier used to convey the content of the resource» (ISBD. 0.2). For both sections there is a list of controlled terms to be used. 1 Alignment of the ISBD element set with RDA element set – RDA, Appendix D.1. URL: http://www.rda--jsc.org/2011jscisbdissnoutcomes.html. JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 34 JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015) The need to put in a "zero" position the instructions about the material form of the resource arises as a result of an ever-increasing amount of non-textual resources appearing in the collections described by the ISBD. In a semantic environment, where the metadata produced by libraries happen to be linked to data coming from different domains, the designation of the material becomes a key element for the resources identification. Regarding content form and media type, the RDA Joint Steering Committee decided to separate the information in two different portions of the text,2 devoting chapter 3 (Describing carriers) to the media type, and the paragraph 6, 9 (Content type) to the content form. This relocation implies a deep conceptual modification. The content form analysis is not any longer connected to manifestation but it is dealt within the chapter devoted to works and expressions. The reason for this relocation is the willingness to build a catalogue structure based on the four different typologies of the resource inspired by FRBR (IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records et al. 1998). The RDA architecture aims at increasing interoperability with data produced in domains external to the libraries. In this way the cataloguer analysis is extended to resources that are not always based on the typical bibliographic quadripartite structure. Finally, we want to emphasize that RDA drafters "explode" the record structure typically identified by the ISBD, by changing the sequence of the elements. At the base of this choice there is a focus change, the attention of the text is no longer focused on the information structure, but on the individual data. In this perspective, the sequence of the areas, a key element for the ISBD world, loses his 2 RDA has 37 chapters divided into 10 sections. The first two are devoted respectively to the Recording attributes of manifestation and item and to the Recording attributes of works and expressions. JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 35 S.Forassiepi, Towards a Semantic Web. centrality and the visual organization of data becomes a simple layout choice made by the user. In the Italian rules, the GMD does not find an autonomous space, unlike the great relevance reserved to it in the other two texts, and it has been relegated to search filter: «the general material designation3 is not covered by these rules as part of the bibliographic description. It is considered more appropriate to record it separately, usually in coded form, in order to display it according to the procedure and in the most convenient position, as well as possible filter for the search» (REICAT,, footnote 1). This choice meets the specific practice of the Italian libraries, still strongly focused on the cataloguing of the print resources, but it is lacking in the theoretical aspect and in the prospect of a cataloguing functional to new semantic platforms4. 3 Area 1 Compared to the past, in Area 1 there is a radical lexical change made by the ISBD. The standard changes its focus, with regard to the statement of responsibility from the term author to the act of creation, «a statement of responsibility consists of one or more names, phrases, or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work contained in the resource described» (ISBD., 1.4). This definition leads to the use of the term creator instead of author, a term rarefied in a list of figures (Group and Committee 2011, chap. 1.4.2) and it is unchanged in RDA. Regarding REICAT, the term creator does not appear anywhere in the text, but the meaning given 3 As for the adjective that qualifies the GMD, departing from the old translations and from the REICAT choices for the Italian translation of the ISBD consolidated edition is selected to use the term generale (general). 4 «The rules are based on the needs of a detailed, rigorous and uniform cataloging that characterize the catalogs of library systems or cooperation networks and those of large libraries» (REICAT 0.1.4 A). JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 36 JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015) to statement of responsibility is very close, «by statement of responsibility we mean a name or an expression that indicates persons or entities that have a relationship of responsibility with the published works or their expressions, or function they perform» (REICAT, The slip from the concept of author to that of creator has resulted an extension of the concept of responsibility5 in the three texts, especially in the field of audio-visual resources that often see the efforts of several individuals. The creator concept results, compared with that of author, closely connected to work and expression level rather than manifestation. Furthermore if the changes appear minimal in a descriptive level, the same cannot be said on the conceptual. The creator figure is connected to all those personalities who play a creative role in the definition of a resource, and not anymore at the single author. The choice of REICAT to not ever refer to the concept of creation is muddled and disconnected from the international context. Also clearly demonstrates the lack of propensity to create ontologically well-defined elements, the first step towards a construction of a semantic interface. Regarding the textual architecture, RDA has chosen to divide the area into two parts 1: Title (2.3) and Statement of Responsibility (2.4).6 This decision once again demonstrates the perspective shift made by RDA with the change from a focus centred to the record to a data centrality. This split is based on the need to divide the elements in order to better identify the individual entity to be marked. Title and Author have been included in the same area since the first edition of the ISBD as they are considered the most significant elements for the identification of a resource. RDA breaks 5 The Italian choice is complex, because the use of the entity creator would have been a logical simplification compared to the use of a statement of responsibility. It also appears the lack of interest towards the creation of ontologically-defined terms usable in a semantic structure. 6 The second chapter of the RDA, dedicated to the description of the Manifestation and Item, broadly reflects the structure of ISBD areas and when this does not occur implies a conceptual shift. JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 37 S.Forassiepi, Towards a Semantic Web. this habit. The use of an XML metalanguage provides that each data should be "atomized" in order to be well defined and used in a semantic architecture. Area 2 This ISBD section is strictly connected to hardcopy resources. For this reason, the differences among RDA, REICAT and the ISBD are minimal. This area is based mainly on information available in books. Therefore, this area is less subject to a data exchange with areas external to the libraries. As a consequence, there is no deep conceptual difference among the three codes, which do not show the usual differences emerging from the greater or lesser openness towards resources external to libraries. Area 3 The third ISBD area is restricted to cartographic resources, notated music and serials. In the consolidated edition, the fourth resource, that was traditionally part of the Area 3, the electronic resources, has been placed elsewhere. Area 3 examines the mode of presentation of the characteristic data, observing mathematical data for cartographic resources (scale, projection, coordinates and equinox), musical format statement for notated music (as score, musical arrangement, etc…) and numbering related to serials. REICAT drafters follow closely, in this portion of the text, the ISBD structure, with the only difference represented by the fact that firstly REICAT deals with notated music and secondly with cartographic resources. Regarding RDA, even in this case, the text drafters decided to “blast” the area, as they did for area 0. The serials are being discussed in the second chapter, paragraph 2.6 Numbering of Serials, while data related to cartographic resources and to notated music are collocated in the portion of the text devoted to works and expressions (RDA 7.4 JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 38 JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015) Coordinates of cartographic content, 7.5 Equinox, 7.6 Epoch, 7.20 Format of notated music). As for the analysis of the elements present in this area, a deep difference can be noted between the ISBD and RDA. There are two completely different views of the serials in the two texts. According to RDA drafters, the serials are split and identified in their basic elements (the singles numbers), while, in the ISBD (3.3.2 and 3.3.3) and in REICAT (4.3.C.1.0), the series are identified and reported by the first number of the collection and by the last one. In this way, all the collection is perceived as a unique entity. From this structure derive two different cataloguing processes that are considered as one of the most peculiar differences between RDA and the ISBD, and likewise between RDA and REICAT. This different treatment once again emphasizes the willingness of data atomization carried out by RDA drafters, in order to make the singles numbers individually indexed. On the contrary, the creation of a range of numbers, referred to a series, makes it impossible to search internally for individual numbers. Area 4 The forth area aims at covering «all types of publication, production, distribution, issuing and release activities connected with resources» (ISBD. 4. Introductory note), and data related to manufacturing. Regarding this area, it is to be pointed out an important fracture between the ISBD and REICAT on one hand, and RDA on the other. If in the two former texts the concepts of publication, production, print and manufacture are gathered in one section of the text, in RDA the drafters decided to assign a paragraph to each figure. Accordingly, RDA emphasizes the difference among the figures of publisher, producer, distributor and printer. Such a specific subdivision of the roles within the production process is oriented towards the elements atomization, which in this way they JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 39 S.Forassiepi, Towards a Semantic Web. can undergo a process of autonomous tagging. Each element is thereby identified as a "quid" in its own right, in which the punctuation and the quotation order (ISBD cornerstone) loses importance, becoming simple elements of a layout changeable at user discretion. The catalogue is focused, once again, on the data and not on the record. It is the single informative element that will be analysed and structured, not the record structure. The RDA main goal is to establish a unique set of entities individually marked with a specific URI. It is no longer the area context to define the role of a term but it is the same term that defines itself through its own autonomous tag. This paradigm shift is central to the creation of an ontological grammar of the cataloguing world, the first step towards the loss of the catalogue form in favour of a data cloud structure. Focusing on two paradigmatic choices made by RDA and REICAT drafters, with regard to the area 4, can help us to understand the different perspectives in the information organization offered by the two codes. RDA distinguish themselves among the examined texts since they include the concept of parallel place of manufacture, among the analysed entities. This shows a willingness to cover all the possible options with the purpose of a complete tagging. On the other hand, REICAT are the only text in which the place of printing and the name of the printer are dealt with together in a single chapter. Although the same ISBD cataloguing choices are made, from the Italian text emerges a more interesting perspective to identify the resource properties and to build a record as complete as possible. On the contrary, RDA loses interest in the record construction and it turns to the unambiguous data marking. The second element used for showing the differences between RDA and REICAT is found in the following statement of the Italian rules «as editor means the responsible for the publication of the issue. It may be a commercial editor, a public or private entity of any nature, a person, or more institutions or persons presented as responsible for JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 40 JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015) the publication, regardless of the functions actually performed» (REICAT At first sight, this definition given by REICAT is very accurate and not too far from that provided by RDA (2.7.4). The distance between the two texts emerges when in REICAT is pointed out that in the entity of the publisher «are included distributors, booksellers and other figures that appear in relationship with the purchasers, the diffusions or published commercialization» (REICAT As a consequence, the diversity of the roles in the process of production and distribution of a resource is lost, while in RDA autonomous chapters are found for each entity. On the other hand, the roles are defined better in the ISBD than in REICAT, but they are contained in a single entity: «The name of the person or corporate body appearing on the resource that effects respectively the publication, production and/or distribution or release activities for the resource» (ISBD. 4.2). Between the ISBD and REICAT on the one hand and RDA on the other emerges a radical split, as Resource Description and Access clearly distinguishes the different figures and creates individual definitions for producers (RDA 2.7.4), publishers (RDA 2.8.4) and distributor (RDA 2.9.4). The RDA main goal is once again the identification of a single information, in the perspective of the creation of a linked data network, and that is how it clearly distinguish itself from the other two texts. Area 5 The area 5 is the ISBD section based on the material description and includes «the extent, other physical details, the dimensions, and the accompanying material statement» (ISBD. 5. Introductory note). Due to the variety of analysable resources, this area has a great importance and clarifies the codes perspectives as far as the future interests are concerned. In the section of the text devoted to the description of the material, the ISBD and REICAT have overlapping structures and even the discussed entities are ontologically very close. The first part of the JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 41 S.Forassiepi, Towards a Semantic Web. area is devoted to the specific material designation (SMD) and to the extent. Then there are the recommendations about other physical details and dimensions. Finally, both texts end by dealing with accompanying material statement. RDA is detached from this pattern, devoting a separate chapter to the material description, the third one, Describing Carriers. It was decided by the drafters not to include the material description in the paragraphs sequence of the second chapter devoted to the identification of Manifestation and Item and abandon the parallelism with the ISBD areas just to express the importance of the element.7 The use of the rules on platforms used outside the library domains makes the material description, along with the GMD, an element of primary importance. RDA drafters, being more inclined to open towards new fields, build a much more precise text in the specification of the material description, so that in the text appears a division among base material, applied material and mount material. An element of particular importance, to show the three texts different perspectives in the discussion about the elements of the fifth area is the behaviour of the rules towards the fixed and moving images. The ISBD, debating the issue of colour, points out a single choice between colour and black and white. In REICAT the choice is extended to another “colour” possibility, the sepia, and with the chance to mention the system of colour reproduction, e.g. Technicolor (REICAT B). RDA proves to be, once again, like the most adjustable rules, as they speak explicitly of «presence of colours, tones, etc…» and from the examples it draws a complete freedom to define the colour treatment. RDA remarkable peculiarity to work with a great amount of resources is also evident at paragraph 3.16.2, where, as far as the recording method is concerned, the rules refer clearly to digital, while 7 Chapter 3 is in the first section of the text. JLIS.it. Vol. 6, n. 1 (January 2015). Art. #9963 p. 42

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