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Preview Topological Properties of Tensor Network States From Their Local Gauge and Local Symmetry Structures

Topological Properties of Tensor Network States From Their Local Gauge and Local Symmetry Structures Brian Swingle1 and Xiao-Gang Wen1 1Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Tensor network states are capable of describing many-body systems with complex quantum en- tanglement, including systems with non-trivial topological order. In this paper, we study methods to calculate the topological properties of a tensor network state from the tensors that form the state. Motivated by the concepts of gauge group and projective symmetry group in the slave- particle/projective construction,andbythelow-dimensional gauge-likesymmetriesofsomeexactly 0 solvableHamiltonians,westudythed-dimensionalgaugestructureandthed-dimensionalsymmetry 1 structure of a tensor network state, where d ≤ dspace with dspace the dimension of space. The d- 0 dimensional gaugestructureandd-dimensional symmetrystructureallow ustocalculate thestring 2 operatorsandd-braneoperatorsofthetensornetworkstate. Thisinturnallowsustocalculatemany n topologicalpropertiesofthetensornetworkstate,suchasgroundstatedegeneracyandquasiparticle a statistics. J 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION f g e h i j j l] Topological order[1–3] is a new kind of ordering in m1 m2 m1 i m2 k e many-body quantum states. It represents new states of r- quantum matter beyond the symmetry breaking states i j k t l l k q t s characterized by Landau symmetry breaking theory. m4 s m3 r . t This new kind of order and the new states of matter as- (a) (b) a sociated with it open up a whole new research direction m in condensed matter physics.[4–18] Intuitively, topologi- d- calordercorrespondstoapatternoflongrangequantum FIG. 1: Tensor-network – a graphical representation of the n entanglement in the ground state. tensor network wave function (1), (a) on a 1D chain or (b) o Traditional mean-field approaches to calculating the on a 2D square lattice. The indices on thelinks are summed c T = 0 phase diagram of a quantum system are based over. [ on direct product states which have no long range quan- 1 tum entanglement. These approaches seem to exclude ally, the d-brane operators) of the TNS, which in turn v topological states from the very beginning. To study a allows us to calculate the topological properties of the 7 phase diagram that may contain topological states, we 1 TNS. have to find a way write down states with non-trivial 5 long range entanglement. The tensor network state 4 . (TNS)[19–22] method is one way to produce states with II. TNS, IDEAL WAVE FUNCTIONS, AND 1 longrangeentanglement.[23–25]Wecandevelopamean- IDEAL HAMILTONIANS 0 field approach for topologically ordered states based on 0 TNS.[26–31] 1 Whatis aTNS?Asanexample,letus consideraTNS v: Physically, topological order is characterized and de- on a square lattice, where the physical states living on i finedthroughmeasurablequantities,suchasgroundstate each vertex i are labeled by mi. The TNS is defined by X degeneracy on a torus or other compact space[1, 32] and thefollowingexpressionforthemany-bodywavefunction r fractionalized quantum numbers and statistics of quasi- Ψ({m }): a i particles [33, 34]. If we claim that TNS can describe tlaotpeotlhogoisceamlsetaastuersa,bthleetnopitoilsogniactaulrqaulatnotuasmknhuomwbteorscafrlcoum- ΨT({mi})= X Tim,e1jifTjm,j2hkgTkm,l3qrkTlm,tl4si··· (1) ijkl··· the TNS representation. In this paper, we will address this question. We will showhow to calculate measurable Here Tmi is a complex tensor on vertex i with one i,ejfi topological properties of a TNS. physicalindexm andfourinnerindicesi,j,k,l,···. The i Ourapproachismotivatedbythegaugegroupandpro- physical index runs over the number of physical states jective symmetry group in the slave-particle/projective D on each vertex, and the internal indices runs over D p construction [35, 36] and by the low-dimensional gauge- values. Note that tensors on different vertices can be likesymmetriesofsomeexactlysolubleHamiltonians.[37] different. The TNS can be represented graphically as in We will introduce the local gauge and local symmetry Fig. 1. structures of a TNS from the tensors in the TNS. This We see that a TNS is characterized by tensors Tm i,ijkl allows us to obtain the string operators (or more gener- and by a network specifying the connectivity. Can we 2 A−1 A i j FIG. 2: (Color online) The patch P and the patch P . P FIG.3: Agraphicalrepresentationofagaugetransformation. i j i and P only differby a displacement. j calculate the topological properties of the many body state Ψ ({m }) from its defining tensors Tm ? To an- T i i,ijkl swer this question, we need to define the problem more ξ completely by introducing a Hamiltonian HT such that ξ Ψ ({m }) is the exact ground state of H . We will call T i T H an “ideal” Hamiltonian and Ψ ({m }) an “ideal” T T i wave function. FIG. 4: (Color online) A 1-brane and a 2-brane. The Hamiltonian H has the following local form T HT =XOPi (2) is non-trivial in the large patch limit (i.e. 1−P 6= 0) where OPi is an operator thait acts only on states in the because NPi ≤D2LPi <DpαL2Pi. If we choose Pi patch P (see Fig. 2). How can we choose the operator i OPi sothatΨT({mi})is,hopefully,theonlygroundstate HT =X(1−PPi), (7) of H ? In the following, we will describe a construction i T proposed in Ref. 38. the TNS Ψ will be the exact ground state of H . We Let ρ be the density matrix of the state Ψ ({m }) T T Pi T i hope that in the large patch limit, the projection P is onpatchPi obtainedby tracingoutthe physicaldegrees highlyrestrictiveandΨ is moreorless the onlygroPuind of freedom outside P : T i state. ρPi =TrP¯i|ΨTihΨT| (3) sorNsoTwmthe,pwreobcalenmdceatenrmbeinbeeattner“iddeefianl”edH.aFmriolmtontihaentHen- whereP¯ representtheregionoutsideofP andTr isthe i,ijkl T i i A (7). Assuming H is gapped, the topological properties T trace over all the states in region A. From the structure of the TNS are just those of the topological phase of of the TNS, we can deduce that ρ must have the form Pi HT. However, in this paper we will not try to calculate the topological properties by directly diagonalizing H . D2LPi T This task is generically difficult because [P ,P ] 6= 0. ρPi = X |ψaihφa|, (4) Instead, we will find a way to calculate thePitopPojlogical a=1 properties from the structure of the tensors Tm di- i,ijkl where|ψ iand|φ iarestatesonthepatchP ,andL is rectly. a a i Pi the numberoflinksonthe boundaryofthe patchP (for i example L =10for the patchin Fig. 2). Equivalently, Pi ρPi must have the form III. LOCAL GAUGE STRUCTURE OF A TNS NPi ρPi =Xρa|ϕaihϕa|,. NPi ≤D2LPi, (5) ferOenntetoefntshoresimTpmortacnatnpgroivpeerrtiiseestoof athTeNsaSmisetphhaytsidciaf-l a=1 i,ijkl wave function Ψ ({m }). To be more precise, two sets T i where |ϕai are normalized states on the patch Pi. This oftensorsTm andT˜m relatedby a“gaugetransfor- i,ijkl i,ijkl means that ρ can be constructed from only N ≤ Pi Pi mation” (GT) D2LPi states on patch Pi. Since the number of states onPi growslikeDpαL2Pi, α=O(1)foralargepatch(here ΛiT˜im,l′r′d′u′ (8) d =2), the following projection operator space = X(Ai−x,i)l′l(Ai+x,i)r′r(Ai+y,i)u′u(Ai−y,i)d′dTim,lrdu, NPi lrud PPi =X|ϕaihϕa| (6) X(Aj,i)kj(Ai,j)ki =Λijδij (9) a=1 k 3 giverisetothesamewavefunctionΨ ({m })uptosome The d-fSG is very similar to the “low-dimensional T i scaling factors (see Fig. 3). In the above Λ and Λ are gauge-like symmetries” introduced in Ref. 37. A differ- i ij scalingfactorsthatdonotdependontheindicesi,j,k,.... encebetweenthe twoconcepts isthatd-fSGisa symme- Here A and A are D × D invertible matrices de- try of a ground state while the “low-dimensional gauge- i,j j,i finedonthe linkshi,ji. AGT is calleda “d-dimensional like symmetries” are symmetries of an exactly solvable gauge transformation” (d-GT) if A 6= 1 only on links Hamiltonian. Aspointed inRef.37, the low-dimensional j,i withinwitha“d-brane”. By“d-brane”wemeanaregion gauge-like symmetries are useful tools to calculate the near a d-dimensionalsubspace (i.e. a d-dimensionalsub- topological properties of a model Hamiltonian. Simi- spacewithafinite “thickness”ξ asillustratedinFig. 4). larly, d-fSG should be a useful tool to calculate topo- Notethatthe“thickness”ξ isfixedforaTNS,regardless logical properties from a ground state. the size of the d-dimensional subspace and the value of We note that if d-fSG is non trivial, then we can use d. The size L of the d-dimensional subspace is typically elements in d-fSG on different d-branes to construct a much bigger than ξ: ξ/L→0. non-trivial d′-fSG for all d′ >d. Thus, to revealthe new Using d-GT we can introduce the concept of a “d- structurethatappearsineachdimensiond,weintroduce dimensional full invariant gauge group” (d-fIGG) as in the “d-dimensional symmetry group” d-SG. As in the Ref. 35. d-fIGG is a property of the tensors Tm and a previous section, the d-fSG contains a normal subgroup i,ijkl fixed d-brane. d-fIGG is a groupformed by all the d-GT thatisformedbyelementsin(d−1)-fSG.Wedefined-SG in the d-brane that leave Tm invariantup to a scaling as i,ijkl factor. Wenotethatifd-fIGGisnontrivialthenwecanused- d-SG≡d-fSG/(d−1)-fSG (12) GTind-fIGGwithdifferentd-branestoconstructanon- trivial d′-fIGG for all d′ > d. Thus, to reveal the new We can make contact with the string-net framework gauge structure that appears at every dimension d, we by noticing that the elements of 1-SG are actually the willintroducethe“d-dimensionalinvariantgaugegroup” ideal string operators [12, 16, 39] that satisfy a “zero (d-IGG). The d-fIGG containsa normalsubgroupwhose law”.[40] Similarly, the elements of d-SG are the ideal elements are in (d−1)-fIGG. The d-IGG is defined as d-brane operators that satisfy a “zero law”.[41, 42] So d-SG and “low-dimensional gauge-like symmetries” are d-IGG≡d-fIGG/(d−1)-fIGG (10) closely related to the string operators and the d-brane The d-IGG for the tensors Tm defined this way may operators that play a key role in topologically ordered i,ijkl depend on the topology of the d-brane. states.[14–16] As an example of this notation, we note that for a The above discussion of d-SG (or “low-dimensional d -dimensional TNS, the d -IGG is like the group gauge-likesymmetries”)isforagenerictopologicalstate. space space of uniform global gauge transformations in a gauge the- Now the question is how to calculate d-SG for a TNS? ory. Naively,wewouldliketosaythatd-SGareformedbylo- calphysicaltransformationsthatleavethe tensorsTm i,ijkl invariant. But due to the gauge structure of the TNS, IV. LOCAL SYMMETRY STRUCTURE OF A the invariance of the TNS and the invariance of the ten- TNS sors Tm are not equivalent. Instead, d-SG are formed i,ijkl by local physical transformations that leave the tensors Intheprevioussectionwediscussedgaugetransforma- Tim,ijkl invariant up to gauge transformations. Thus the tionsthatleavethetensorsoftheTNSinvariant(uptoa gauge transformations that change the tensors play an scaling factor). These gauge transformations define the important role in calculating d-SG for a TNS. d-fIGG. In this section, we will discuss gauge transfor- In the above, we have defined a notion of d-IGG and mations that do change the tensors Tm . d-SG for a TNS. We will see that both d-IGG and d- i,ijkl Letusfirstintroducesomeconcepts. A“localphysical SG play a very important role in characterizing a TNS. transformation” of a TNS is generated by unitary D × Many (if not all) topologicalproperties of a TNS can be p DpmatricesSi,mm′ actingonthephysicalindicesm(here calculatedfromits d-IGGandd-SG.Inthe following,we D is the range of the physical index m): willcarryoutthethisprogramforthesimplestTNSwith p a non-trivial topological order. Tim,ijkl →XSi,mm′Tim,ij′kl (11) m′ V. Z TOPOLOGICALLY ORDERED STATE A“d-dimensionallocalphysicaltransformation”(d-lPT) 2 is a “local physical transformation” that is non-trivial (i.e. Si,mm′ 6= δmm′) only on a d-brane. A “d- A. Z2 String Condensed State and its Ideal dimensionalsymmetry transformation”(d-ST) of a TNS Hamiltonian is a d-lPT that leave the TNS invariant. All the d-ST on a fixed d-brane from a group which will be called the The simplest topological phase that we can consider “d-dimensional full symmetry group” d-fSG. is the Z topological phase.[8, 9] Such a phase can 2 4 These operators can be taken to be σz leg I σx σx σx X(C)= Yσix (14) σzσz p i∈C edgeσx σx whereC isacurverunningalongtheedgesofthelattice. i σx The operatorX(C) is a string creationoperatorbecause σx acts as a spin flip operator for eigenstates of σz =m sothatwearesimplyflipping the spins(adding astring) alongthecurveC. NotethattheoperatorX(C)canalso FIG.5: (Color on line) AKagome lattice viewed as thelinks remove a string because the string is its own anti-string of a honeycomb lattice. meaning that two strings can annihilate each other. Thegroundstate|Ωihastheremarkablefeaturethatit is an eigenstate of X(C) for all C with eigenvalue 1. We say that the strings created by X(C) have condensed in the state |Ωi. Another useful point of view comes from σx=−1 Open Strings thinking about the Z2 condensed state in terms of Z2 gauge theory where the operator X(C) is nothing but a σx=1 U Wilson-Wegnerloopoperator. Inthestringcondensedor deconfinedphasethe Wilson-WegnerloopX(C)satisfies Closed g a “zero law” as opposed to an area or perimeter law.[40] Strings This “zero law” expresses the existence of strings at all scales in the ground state. FIG. 6: (Color online) A spin configuration of σz = 1 (filled For an open string operator that satisfies the “zero dot) and σz = −1 (open dot) on the Kagome lattice can be law”, the action of the string operator will create a pair viewed as a string configuration on the honeycomb lattice. of excitations at its two ends. Such excitations will in The end of an open string costs an energy U. The closed- generalhave fractionalstatistics andfractionalquantum string sector has an energy gap g. The dashed lines describe numbers. FortheX(C)string,theexcitationsatitsends theduallatticeofthehoneycomblattice. Thethickbluelines correspond to Z charge. Thus we will call the X(C) arestringsinthehoneycomblattice. Thethickgreenlinesare 2 string an electric string. strings in thedual lattice. There is another string operator that we canconsider, which we define as blaettriceea:l[i1z2e,d1t6h]rough a spin-1/2 model on the Kagome Z(C∗)= Y σiz (15) i∈C∗ H =UX(1−QI)+gX(1−Bp) whereC∗ isacurvealongthelinksoftheduallattice(see Figure 6). It is characteristic of the Z string condensed I p 2 phasethatthese stringsarealsocondensed: Z(C∗)|Ωi= QI = Y σiz, Bp = Y σix. (13) |Ωi for any loop C∗. legsofI edgesofp Forthe Z(C∗)string,the excitationsatitsends corre- spond to Z vortices. Thus we will call the Z(C∗) string 2 Here we have viewed the Kagome lattice as the links of a magnetic string. the honeycomb lattice (see Fig. 5). The vertices of the This was all for the case of a system on an infinite honeycomb lattice are labeled by I, the links (which are plane where there is a unique ground state. Things the sites of the Kagome lattice) by i, and the faces by changequalitativelywhenthesystemlivesonamanifold p. PI sums overall verticesand Pp overall faces. The withnon-trivialtopology. Whenthemanifoldinquestion Hamiltonian(13)indeed hasthe formofa summationof hasnon-trivial1-cycles(non-contractibleloops)thenthe projectors as in eqn. (7). string operators corresponding to these non-contractible Wecaninterpretagivenconfigurationofspinsinterms loops become interesting observables. We will return to ofstringsbyviewingthe stateσz =1asthe absenceofa the case of non-trivial topology later. string and the state σz = −1 as the presence of a string (note the choiceofσz here). The aboveHamiltonianhas thepropertythat,inthelargeU >0limit,thelowenergy B. Z2 Tensor Network Representation Hilbert space is the space of all spin configurations that containonly closedstrings (see Figure 6). Forg >0,the The Z condensed state, and many other topologi- 2 groundstate of H is the equal weighted superpositionof callyorderedstates,canbesystematicallyrepresentedin allclosedstringstates|Ωi= |Xi. Itisusefulto termsofaTNS.[24,25]Fig. 7and8representthetensor PXclosed considerstringoperatorsthataddastringtothesystem. networkonthehoneycomblatticegraphically. Notethat 5 gauge transformations: (A ) =λ δ , (A ) =λ δ . (17) a iI ab iI ab Ii ab Ii ab b gm These transformations only change the tensors g, T and T′ by a scaling factor. Next, let us calculate 2-IGG. We consider the “gauge T’ T transformations”thatleavegamb onlink-iinvariant,upto scaling factor: Λigam′b′ =X(AIi)a′a(AJi)b′bgamb, for m=±1. (18) ab Note that I and J label the vertices of the honeycomb lattice and i is the link that connect the two vertices I FIG. 7: A tensor network formed by vertices and links. The and J. The above equation requires that AIi) and AJi) links that connect the dots carry indices a,b,.... Each triva- be diagonal. Using the “local gauge transformation”: lent vertex represents a T-tensor. The vertices on the A- tsiucbelsaottnictehe(oBp-esnubdloattstilcaeb(eslheaddbeydIdAot)srIeBpr)erseepnrteTseanbct.TTa′bhc.eTvehre- gamb →Xλ1δa′aλ2δb′bgamb, (19) dots on the links represent the gm-tensor gamb. In the tensor ab tracetTr⊗IAT⊗IBT′⊗igmi,thea,b,c,...indicesonthelinks we can fix (A ) =(A ) =1 and thatconnectthedotsaresummedover. Thetensortracepro- Ii 00 Ji 00 duces a complex number Φ(m1,m2,...) that depends on mi which can beviewed as a wave function. (AIi)11(AJi)11 =1. (20) b From eqn. (9), we find that A must be also diagonal. iI Using the 0-GT in 0-IGG=0-fIGG we can transform the c a a diagonal A into the following form A B iI m a (AiI)00 =1, (AiI)11 =1/(AIi)11. (21) (a) (b) A must leave T invariant and thus iI aFnIGd.(b8): tThheeggmra-tpehniscorregpamrAesbBen.tation of (a) theT-tensor,Tabc, Ta′b′c′ =Xabc(AiI)a′a(AjI)b′b(AkI)c′cTabc, (22) where i, j, and k are the three links that connect to the the tensor network is formed by three tensors Tabc, Ta′bc, vertex I. The above gives us and gm. To describe the Z condensed state, we choose ab 2 D =2 and (A ) (A ) =(A ) (A ) =(A ) (A ) =1. iI 11 jI 11 jI 11 kI 11 kI 11 iI 11 (23) gm=1 =1, gm=−1 =1, other gm =0; 00 11 ab ′ T =T =1 if a+b+c=even, Such a non-linear equation gives two sets of solutions abc abc ′ T =T =0 if a+b+c=odd. (16) abc abc A =A =1, (24) iI Ii where a,b,c=0,1. In the following, we will calculate the string operators and directly from the above tensors using the d-IGG and d- SG of the tensor network. This allows us to understand A =A =σz. (25) iI Ii the topological properties of the TNS directly from its defining tensors. wherewehaveusedeqn.(21). So2-IGGoftheZ tensor 2 network contains only two elements given by the above two expressions. Such a 2-IGG is a Z group. 2 C. d-IGG of the Z2 Tensor Network Based on this discussion, we see that we can ob- tain the 2-IGG from the 2-fIGG by removing the 0-GT, What is the d-IGG of the above Z tensor network? i.e. 2-IGG = 2-fIGG/0-fIGG. This implies that the 1- 2 First, we find that the 0-IGG is formed by the following IGG is the trivial group containing only the identity. 6 is not an elements of 1-SG. Such an action will change the state, but not the energy. Applying such a Z(C∗) string operatorto the Z condensedstate ontorus along 2 the x- and y-directions will give us the four degenerate ground state of the Z condensed state on a torus. This 2 is how do wecalculate the groundstate degeneracyfrom the tensors in the TNS. We would like to stress that the Z(C∗) string opera- tor is directly obtained from the Z gauge transforma- 2 tion. The Z group structure of the gauge group also 2 determines the Z structure of the Z(C∗) string opera- 2 tor: [Z(C∗)]2 =1. C* g’ g E. Z d-SG and the Electric String Operator 2 FIG.9: (Coloronline)TheZ−2gaugetransformationA = We have seen that the d-IGG of a TNS can be calcu- iI A = σz acts only on the shaded region. The tensor g is lated by finding all the gauge transformations that leave Ii changed tog˜on theboundary of the stripe. the tensors invariant (up to a scaling factor). Similarly, the d-SG of a TNS can be calculated by finding all the combined local physical transformations and the gauge D. Ground State Degeneracy from d-IGG transformations that leave the tensors invariant. For the case of the Z condensed state, we have 2 Using the d-IGG of the TNS, we can calculate some seen that the magnetic string operator Z(C∗) on a con- topological properties of the TNS. In the Z2 condensed tractible loop C∗ is a 1-ST (an element of 1-SG). The state we found that 2-IGG=Z2. Now we will show that tensors in the tensor network are invariant under Z(C∗) the ground state degeneracy of the Z2 condensed state followed by a 2-GT on the disk D bounded by C∗. The on a torus is the same as the ground state degeneracyof 1-SG generated by such a 1-ST, Z(C∗), will be called a Z2 gauge theory on a torus. non-local 1-SG. If we apply the Z gauge transformation A =A = 2 iI Ii Thereisanothertypeof1-ST,suchthatthetensorsin σz everywhere,thetensorsT,T′ andg arenotchanged. thetensornetworkareinvariantunderthe 1-STfollowed Ifweapply the Z gaugetransformationonlyonastripe 2 by a 1-GT on the same curve on which the 1-ST is de- (see Fig. 9), then the tensors on the boundary of the fined. The 1-SG generated by this type of 1-ST will be stripe will be changed. For the particular choice of the called a local 1-SG. stripeinFig. 9thetensorgischangedtog˜onthebound- The Z condensed state also has a local 1-SG, which ary of the stripe, where 2 is generated by the electric string operator X(C) (see g˜m=1 =1, g˜m=−1 =−1, other g˜m =0. (26) eqn. (14)). One can directly check that the tensors g, 00 11 ab T, and T′ on the tensor network are invariant under the We note that the change g → g˜ along the boundary of action of X(C) followed by a gauge transforation on the the stripe is generatedbythe Z(C∗) stringoperator(see loop C with eqn. (15)). Therefore the Z gauge transformation on a 2 finite region defines a type of string operator along the A =A =σx (27) boundary. iI Ii Since the application of the Z gauge transformation 2 does not changethe energyof the state, we find that the on the loop. application of the Z(C∗) string operator also does not We have seen that the ground state degeneracy on a change the energy of the state. We note that the action torus can be calculated from the string operators. We oftwoZ(C∗)stringoperatorsalongthe topandthebot- can also calculate the quasiparticle statistics from the tomboundaryofthestripeinFig. 9isequivalenttoaZ stringoperators. Thisisbecauseanopenstringoperator 2 gauge transformation on the stripe. In other words, the creates a pair of quasiparticles at its ends. The electric tensors are invariant under the action of the two Z(C∗) string operator X(C) creates a pair of Z charges, and 2 stringoperators,uptoaZ gaugetransformationonthe the magnetic string operator Z(C∗) creates a pair of Z 2 2 stripe. Thus the product of the two Z(C∗) string opera- vortices. The open string operators can also be viewed tors is an element in 1-SG. The action of the two Z(C∗) as hopping operators for the quasiparticles. The statis- string operators does not change the state. tics ofthe quasiparticlescanthenbe calculatedfromthe On the other hand the action of one Z(C∗) string op- algebra of these hopping operators (i.e. the open string eratorisnotequivalenttoaZ gaugetransformationand operators).[14] 2 7 VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS TNS, such as ground state degeneracy and quasiparticle statistics can be calculated from the resulting string op- In this paper, we vieweda TNS as anidealwavefunc- erators. This allows us to identify the topological order tion that is the exact ground state of a ideal Hamilto- of the TNS just from the tensors that form the TNS. nian. When the ideal Hamiltonian has a finite energy While completing this paper, we became aware gap, the TNS can represent a quantum phase with non- a preprint by Schuch, Cirac, and Perez-Garcia trivial topologicalorder. We arguedthat the topological (arXiv:1001.3807)whereaclassofTNSsatisfyingthe“G- properties of such a phase can be calculated just from injective” condition are studied (injectivity means that the tensors that form the TNS. one can achieve any action on the inner indices a,b,c,... Motivated by the gauge group and projective symme- by acting on the physical indices m). From the symme- try group in the slave-particle/projective construction try properties of the tensors (similar to our d -IGG), space [35] and by low-dimensional gauge-like symmetries of theycanalsocalculategroundstatedegeneracyandother model Hamiltonians[37], we introduced the d-IGG and physical properties from the tensors of the tensor net- the d-SG for a TNS. Using the d-IGG and the d-SG of work. a TNS, we cancalculate the stringoperators(ord-brane operators)oftheTNS,aswedemonstratedinthesimple This research is supported by NSF Grant No. DMR- Z condensed state. 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