Time-Limited Toeplitz Operators on Abelian Groups: Applications in Information Theory and Subspace Approximation Zhihui Zhu and Michael B. Wakin∗ Department of Electrical Engineering 7 Colorado School of Mines 1 0 November 22, 2017 2 v o N Abstract 1 Toeplitz operators are fundamental and ubiquitous in signal processing and information theory as 2 models for linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems. Due to the fact that any practical system can access only signals of finite duration, time-limited restrictions of Toeplitz operators are naturally of interest. ] To providea unifyingtreatment of such systems working on different signal domains, we consider time- T limited Toeplitz operators on locally compact abelian groups with the aid of the Fourier transform on I . thesegroups. Inparticular,wesurveyexistingresultsconcerningtherelationship betweenthespectrum s c of a time-limited Toeplitz operator and the spectrum of the corresponding non-time-limited Toeplitz [ operator. Wealso develop new results specifically concerning the eigenvalues of time-frequency limiting operators on locally compact abelian groups. Applications of our unifying treatment are discussed in 1 relation to channel capacity and in relation to representation and approximation of signals. v 6 5 1 Introduction 9 7 This paper deals with generalizations of certain concepts from elementary signals and systems analysis, 0 . which we first review. 1 1 1.1 Spectral analysis of linear, time-invariant systems 7 1 Linear,time-invariant(LTI)systemsareubiquitousinsignalprocessingandcontroltheory,anditiswell : v known that the output of a continuous-time (CT) LTI system with input signal x(t) can be computed i using theconvolution integral X r ∞ a y(t)=(x h)(t)= h(t τ)x(τ)dτ, (1) ∗ − Zτ=−∞ where h(t) is the impulse response of the system. Such a system can equivalently be viewed as a linear operator :L (R) L (R),where 2 2 H → ∞ (x)(t)= h(t τ)x(τ)dτ. (2) H − Zτ=−∞ Because this linear operator involves a kernel function h(t τ) that depends only on the difference t τ, we refer to it as a Toeplitz operator.1 In this setting,−the behavior of the Toeplitz operator can − ∗Email: zzhu,[email protected]. ThisworkwassupportedbyNSFgrantCCF-1409261. 1OurnotionofToeplitzoperatorsfollowsfromthedefinitionofToeplitzoperatorsin[20,Section7.2]. 1 benaturally understood in thefrequency domain: for an inputsignal x(t)with continuous-timeFourier transform (CTFT) x(F)= ∞ x(t)e−j2πFtdt, F R, (3) ∀ ∈ Zt=−∞ the CTFT of the output signalby(t) will satisfy y(F) = x(F)h(F), where h(F) denotes the CTFT of the impulse response h(t) and is also known as the frequency response of the system. This principle follows immediately from the fact for any choice obf F Rb, thebcomplex expbonential signal ej2πFt is an ∈ eigenfunction of theoperator , and the corresponding eigenvalue of is h(F). H H Similar facts hold for discrete-time (DT) LTI systems, where the response to an input signal x[n] is given by theconvolution b ∞ y[n]= h[n m]x[m], (4) − m= X−∞ where h[n] is the impulse response of the DT system. Such a system can equivalently be viewed as a linear operator H :ℓ (Z) ℓ (Z), which corresponds to multiplication of the input signal x ℓ (Z) by 2 2 2 → ∈ thebi-infiniteToeplitz matrix ... ... ... ... ... ... h[0] h[ 1] h[ 2] ... − − H = ... h[1] h[0] h[ 1] ... . (5) − .. .. . h[2] h[1] h[0] . ... ... ... ... ... We note that H[m,n]=h[m n] for all m,n Z. The behavior of this system can also be interpreted − ∈ asmultiplication inthediscrete-timeFouriertransform (DTFT)domain,thankstothefactthatforany f [0,1),theexponentialsequenceej2πfn isan eigenfunction of H,andthecorresponding eigenvalueis ∈ given by theDTFT of theimpulse response h[n]: h(f)= ∞ h[n]e−j2πfn. (6) n= X−∞ b 1.2 The effects of time-limiting Practical systemsdonothaveaccesstoinputoroutputsignals ofinfiniteduration,whichmotivatesthe study of time-limited versions of LTI systems. Consider for example the situation where a CT system zerosoutaninputsignaloutsidetheinterval[0,T]. (Orsimilarly,thesystemmaypadwithzerosaninput signal that was originally compactly supported on [0,T].) The system then computes the convolution shownin(2)andfinallytime-limitstheoutputsignaltothesameinterval[0,T]. Forsuchasituationwe may definea new linear operator T :L2(R) L2(R) (a “time-limited” version of ), where H → H T h(t τ)x(τ)dτ, t [0,T] T(x)(t)= τ=0 − ∈ (7) H (0R, otherwise. An analogous time-limited version of H (from (5)) may be defined for DT systems. Supposing that the input and output signals are time-limited to the index set 0,1,...,N 1 , we define the N N { − } × 2 Toeplitz matrix2 h[0] h[ 1] h[ 2] ... h[ (N 1)] − − − − h[1] h[0] h[ 1] ... ... − HN = h[2] h[1] h[0] ... h[ 2] . (8) ... ... ... ... h[−1] − h[N 1] h[2] h[1] h[0] − ··· Sucha matrix can also beviewed as a linear operator on CN. Anaturalquestionis: Whateffect dothetime-limitingoperations haveonthesystem behavior? More precisely, how similar is the spectrum of T to that of , and in what sense do the eigenvalues of T H H H converge to the frequency response h(F) as T ? Analogously, how similar is the spectrum of HN → ∞ to that of H, and in what sense do the eigenvalues of HN converge to the frequency response h(f) as N ? Aswediscuss, theanswersbtosuchquestionsprovideinsight intomatterssuchas thecapacity →∞ (or effective bandwidth) of time-limited communication channels and the number of degrees of fbreedom (oreffectivedimensionality)ofcertainrelatedsignalfamilies. Answeringthesequestionsreliesondeeper insight intothe spectrum of Toeplitz operators. 1.2.1 Toeplitz and time-limited Toeplitz operators In this paper, we distinguish between Toeplitz operators (such as and H) and time-limited Toeplitz operators such as T and HN.3 H H WenotethatfinitesizeToeplitzmatrices(suchasHN)areofconsiderableinterestinstatisticalsignal processingandinformation theory[18,20,29,42,46]. Thecovariancematrixofarandomvectorobtained bysamplingawide-sensestationary(WSS)randomprocessisanexampleofsuchamatrix. Moregeneral Toeplitz operators have been extensively studied since O. Toeplitz and C. Carath´eodory [4,65]; see [20] for a very comprehensivereview. We focus primarily on Toeplitz operators that are Hermitian, i.e., h( t)=h∗(t) for and T and − H H h[ n] = h∗[n] for H and HN. We say λ is an eigenvalue of the operator if there exists a nonzero − H eigenfunction x such that x=λx. H Weuse similar notation for otheroperators (like T, H,and HN). H Unfortunately,therearenosimpleformulasfortheeigenvaluesoftime-limitedToeplitzoperatorssuch as T andHN. Thisstandsincontrasttotheoperators andH,whosespectrumwasgivensimplyby H H thefrequencyresponseofthecorrespondingLTIsystem. Notably,althoughthediscreteFouriertransform (DFT)isthecanonicaltoolforfrequencyanalysisinCN,theDFTbasisvectors(complexexponentialsof theformej2πnNk withk 0,1,...,N 1 )donot,ingeneral,constituteeigenvectorsofthematrixHN, ∈{ − } unless this matrix is circulant in addition to being Toeplitz. Consequently,the spectrum of HN cannot ingeneralbeobtainedbytakingtheDFTofthetime-limitedimpulseresponse h[0],h[1],...,h[N 1] . { − } Fortunately, in many applications it is possible to relate the eigenvalues of a time-limited Toeplitz operator to the eigenvalues of the original (non-time-limited) Toeplitz operator, thus guaranteeing that certainessentialbehavioroftheoriginalsystemispreservedinitstime-limitedversion. Wediscussthese connections, as well as theirapplications, in more detail in the following subsections. 1.2.2 Time-frequency limiting operators Shannon introduced the fundamental concept of capacity in the context of communication in [55], in whichwefindtheanswerstoquestionssuchasthecapacityofaCTband-limitedchannelwhichoperates substantially limited to a time interval [0,T]. In [55], the answer was derived in a probabilistic setting, whileanothernotationofǫ-capacitywasintroducedbyKolmogorovin[64]forapproachingasimilarques- tion in the deterministic setting of signal (or functional) approximation. The functional approximation 2Throughthepaper,finite-dimensionalvectorsandmatricesareindicatedbyboldcharactersandweindexsuchvectorsand matricesbeginningat0. 3Ourusageofthesetermsisconsistentwiththeterminologyin[20,Section7.2],althoughinthatworktime-limitedToeplitz operatorsarereferredtoasfiniteToeplitzoperators. 3 approach wasfurtherinvestigated byLandau,Pollak, andSlepian, whowrote aseries of seminal papers exploringthedegree towhich aband-limitedsignal can beapproximately time-limited [36,37,56,58,60]. Recently, Lim and Franceschcetti [39,40] provided a connection between Shannon’s capacity from the probabilistic setting andKolmogorov’s capacity from thedeterministic settingwhen communication oc- cursusing band-limited functions. Togiveaprecisedescription,considerthecaseofaCTToeplitzoperator (asin(2))thatcorresponds to an ideal low-pass filter. That is, = W, where W : L2(R) L2(RH) is a band-limiting operator thattakestheCTFT of an inputfunHctionBon L (R),sBets it tozero→outside[ W,W]and thencomputes 2 − the inverse CTFT. The impulse response of this system is given by the sinc function h(t) = sin(2πWt), πWt andthefrequencyresponseofthissystemh(F)issimplytheindicatorfunction oftheinterval[ W,W]. Similarly,define T :L2(R) L2(R)tobeatime-limitingoperatorthatsetsafunctiontozero−outside T → [0,T], and finally consider the time-limitedbToeplitz operator T = T T = T W T. Observe that H T HT T B T T can beviewed as a composition of time- and band-limiting operators. H The eigenvalues of T W T were extensively investigated in [36,60], which discuss the “lucky acci- T B T dent”that T W T commuteswithacertainsecond-orderdifferentialoperatorwhoseeigenfunctionsare T B T a special class of functions—the prolate spheroidal wave functions (PSWFs). Theeigenvaluesofthecorrespondingcompositionoftime-andband-limitingoperatorsinthediscrete case,aToeplitzmatrixHN whoseentriesaresamplesofadigitalsincfunction,werestudiedbySlepianin [58]. Theeigenvectorsofthismatrixaretime-limitedversionsofthediscreteprolate spheroidal sequences (DPSSs) which, as we discuss further in Section 3.4, provide a highly efficient basis for representing sampled band-limited signals and haveprovedto be useful in numeroussignal processing applications. In both the CT and DT settings, the eigenvalues of the time-limited Toeplitz operator exhibit a particular behavior: when sorted by magnitude, there is a cluster of eigenvalues close to (but not ex- ceeding) 1, followed by an abrupt transition, after which the remaining eigenvalues are close to 0. This crudelyresemblestherectangularshapeofthefrequencyresponseoftheoriginalband-limitingoperator. Moreover, thenumbereigenvaluesnear1is proportional tothetime-frequencyarea (whichequals2TW in the CT example above). More details on these facts, including a complete treatment of theDT case, are provided in Section 3. 1.2.3 Szego˝’s theorem FormoregeneralToeplitzoperators—beyondideallow-passfilters—theeigenvaluesofthecorresponding time-limited Toeplitz operators can be described using Szeg˝o’s theorem. We describe this in the DT case. Consider a DT Hermitian Toeplitz operator H which corresponds to a system with frequency response h(f), as described in (5) and (6). For N N, let HN denote the ∈ resultingtime-limitedHermitianToeplitzoperator,asin(8),andlettheeigenvaluesofHN bearranged as λ0(HN) λN 1(HN). Subppose h L ([0,1]). Then Szeg˝o’s theorem [20] describes the ≥ ··· ≥ − ∈ ∞ collective asymptotic behavior (as N ) of the eigenvalues of the sequence of Hermitian Toeplitz → ∞ matrices HN as b { } 1 N−1 1 lim ϑ(λl(HN))= ϑ(h(f))df, (9) N→∞N Xl=0 Z0 where ϑ is any function continuouson therange of h. Asone exbample, choosing ϑ(x)=x yields 1 N−1 b 1 Nl→im∞N Xl=0 λl(HN)=Z0 h(f)df. b Inwords, thissays that as N , theaverage eigenvalue of HN converges to theaverage value of the →∞ frequency response h(f) of the original Toeplitz operator H. As a second example, suppose h(f) > 0 (and thus λl(HN) > 0 for all l 0,1,...,N 1 and N N) and let ϑ be the log function. Then ∈ { − } ∈ Szeg˝o’s theorem indbicates that b 1 1 lim log(det(HN))= log h(f) df. N→∞N Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) b ThisrelatesthedeterminantsoftheToeplitzmatricesHN tothefrequencyresponseh(f)oftheoriginal Toeplitz operator H. b 4 Szeg˝o’s theorem has been widely used in the areas of signal processing, communications, and infor- mationtheory. ApaperandreviewbyGray[18,19]serveasaremarkableelementaryintroductioninthe engineering literature and offer a simplified proof of Szeg˝o’s original theorem. The result has also been extendedinseveralways. Forexample,theAvram-Partertheorem[2,45]relatesthecollectiveasymptotic behavior of the singular valuesof a general (non-Hermitian) Toeplitz matrix to the magnitude response h(f). Tyrtyshnikov [66] proved that Szeg˝o’s theorem holds if h(f) R and h(f) L2([0,1]), and | | ∈ ∈ Zamarashkin and Tyrtyshnikov [72] further extended Szeg˝o’s theorem to the case where h(f) R and ∈ hb(f) L1([0,1]). Sakrison [48] extended Szeg˝o’s theorem to highber dimensions. bGazzah et al. [16] and ∈ Guti´errez-Guti´errezandCrespo [22]extendedGray’sresultsonToeplitzandcirculant matbricestoblock bToeplitz and block circulant matrices and derived Szeg˝o’s theorem for block Toeplitz matrices. Similarresults also holdin theCTcase, with theoperators and T asdefinedin(2)and(7). Let H H λℓ( T) denotethe ℓth-largest eigenvalue of T. Suppose h(F) is a real-valued, bounded and integrable H H function, i.e., h(F) R, h(F) L∞(R), and h(F) L1(R). Then Szeg˝o’s theorem in the continuous ∈ ∈ ∈ case [20] states that theeigenvalues of T satisfy b H b b b lim #{ℓ:a<λℓ(HT)<b} = F :a<h(F)<b (10) T T { } →∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) for any interval (a,b) such that F : h(F) = a = F :(cid:12)(cid:12)h(F) = bb = 0. H(cid:12)(cid:12)ere denotes the length |{ }| |{ }| |·| (or Lebesgue measure) of an interval. Stated differently, this result implies that the eigenvalues of the operator T haveasymptotically thesbamedistributionastbhevaluesofh(F)whenF isdistributedwith H uniform density along the real axis. We remark that although the collective behavior of the eigenvaluesbof the time-frequency limiting operators discussed in Section 1.2.2 can be characterized using Szeg˝o’s theorem, finer results on the eigenvalues have been established for this special class of time-limited Toeplitz operators. We discuss resultsfortime-frequencylimitingoperatorsinSection3,andwediscussSzeg˝o’stheoremformoregeneral operators in Section 4. 1.3 Time-limited Toeplitz operators on locally compact abelian groups One of the important pieces of progress in harmonic analysis made in last century is the definition of theFourier transform on locally compact abelian groups [47]. This framework for harmonic analysis on groupsnotonlyunifiestheCTFT, DTFT,andDFT(forsignaldomains,orgroups,correspondingtoR, Z, and ZN := 0,1,...,N 1 , respectively), but it also allows these transforms to be generalized to { − } other signal domains. This, in turn, makes possible the analysis of new applications such as steerable principal component analysis (PCA) [68] where the domain is the rotation angle on [0,2π), an imaging system with a pupil of finite size [11], line-of-sight (LOS) communication systems with orbital angular momentum (OAM)-basedorthogonal multiplexing techniques[70], and many other applications such as those involvingrotations in three dimensions [6, Chapter 5]. In this paper, we consider the connections between Toeplitz and time-limited Toeplitz operators on locally compact abelian groups. As we review in Section 2, one important fact carries over from the classical setting described in Section 1.1: the eigenvalues of any Toeplitz operator on a locally compact abelian group are given bythe generalized frequency response of thesystem. In light of this fact, we are once again interested in questions such as: How does the spectrum of a time-limitedToeplitzoperatorrelatetothespectrumoftheoriginal(non-time-limited)Toeplitzoperator? In what sense do the eigenvalues converge as the domain of time-limiting approaches the entire group? Theanswers tosuchquestionswill providenewinsightintotheeffectivedimensionality ofcertain signal families (such as theclass of signals that aretime-limited and essentially band-limited) and theamount of information that can be transmitted in space or time by band-limited functions. Theremainderof paper, which ispart surveyand partnovelwork, isorganized asfollows. Section 2 reviewsharmonicanalysisonlocallycompactabeliangroupsanddrawsaconnectionbetweentime-limited Toeplitz operators and the effective dimensionality of certain related signal families. Next, Section 3 reviews existing results on the eigenvalues of time-frequency limiting operators and generalizes these results to locally compact abelian groups. Applications of this unifying treatment are discussed in relation to channel capacity and in relation to representation and approximation of signals. Finally, Section 4 reviews Szeg˝o’s theorem and its (existing) generalization to locally compact abelian groups. 5 New applications are discussed in channel capacity, signal representation, and numerical analysis. This work also opens up new questions concerning applications and research directions, which we discuss at theendsof Sections 3 and 4. 2 Preliminaries We briefly introduce some notation used throughout the paper. Sets (of variables, functions, etc.) are denoted in blackboard font as A,B,.... Operators are denoted in calligraphic font as , ,.... A B 2.1 Harmonic analysis on locally compact abelian groups 2.1.1 Groups and dual groups To begin, we first list some necessary definitionsrelated to groups. Definition 1 (Definition 7.1 [6]). A (closed) binary operation, , is a law of composition that produces an element of a set from two elements of the same set. More pr◦ecisely, let G be a set and g ,g G be 1 2 arbitrary elements. Then (g ,g ) g g G. ∈ 1 2 1 2 → ◦ ∈ Definition 2 (Definition 7.2 [6]). A group is a set G together with a (closed) binary operation such ◦ that the following properties hold: Associative property: g (g g )=(g g ) g holds for any g ,g ,g G. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ∈ There exists an identity element e G such that e g=g e=g holds for all g G. • ∈ ◦ ◦ ∈ For any g G, there is an element g−1 G such that g−1 g=g g−1=e. • ∈ ∈ ◦ ◦ With this definition, it is common to denote a group just by G without mentioning the binary operation when it is clear from thecontext. LetGd◦enotealocallycompactabeliangroup.4 Alocallycompactabeliangroupcanbeeitherdiscrete or continuous, and either compact or non-compact. A character χ :G T of G is a continuous group ξ homomorphism from G with values in the circle group T:= z C: z →=1 satisfying { ∈ | | } χ (g) =1, ξ | | χ∗ξ(g)=χξ(g−1), χ (h g)=χ (h)χ (g), ξ ξ ξ ◦ foranyg,h∈G. Hereχ∗ξ(g)isthecomplexconjugateofχξ(g). ThesetofallcharactersonGintroduces alocallycompactabeliangroup,calledthedualgroupofGanddenotedbyGifwepair(g,ξ) χ (g)for ξ → allξ Gandg G. Inmostreferencesthecharacterisdenotedsimplybyχratherthanbyχ . However, ξ ∈ ∈ weuseherethenotation χ inordertoemphasizethatthecharactercan bbeviewedasafunction oftwo ξ elementbsg Gandξ G,and foranyξ G,χ isafunction of g. Inthissense, χ (g)can beregarded ξ ξ ∈ ∈ ∈ as the value of the character χ evaluated at the group element g. Table 1 lists several examples of ξ groups G, along the corrbesponding binary obperation and dual group G, that have relevance in signal processingandinformationtheory. Heremod(a,b)= ◦a a ,where c isthelargest integerthatisnot b−⌊b⌋ ⌊ ⌋ greater than c. b 4Tosimplifymanytechnicaldetails,weonlyconsiderlocallycompactabeliangroups. Alocallycompactgroupisatopological groupforwhichtheunderlyingtopologyislocallycompactandHausdorff(whichisatopologicalspaceinwhichdistinctpoints have disjoint neighborhoods). An abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the result of applying thegroupoperationtotwogroupelementsdoesnotdependontheorder. WhenGislocallycompactbutneithercompactnor abelian, many of our results still hold but become more complex. For example, even choosing a suitable measure on Gb for a general G is a difficult problem. Only under appropriate conditions can one find an appropriate measure on Gb such that the inversionformulaholds. 6 Table 1: Examples of groups G, along with their dual groups G and Fourier transforms (FT). Below, CT denotescontinuoustime,DT denotesdiscretetime, FSdenotesFourierseries,andDFT denotesthe discrete Fourier transform. group G dual group G g binary operation g g ξ χ (g) FT 1 2 ξ ◦ R R t t +t F ej2πFt CTFT 1 2 Rn Rn b t t1+t2 F ej2πhF,ti CTFT in Rn unit circle [0,1) Z t mod(t +t ,1) k ej2πtk CTFS 1 2 Z unit circle n n +n f ej2πfn DTFT 1 2 ZN =N roots of unity ZN =N roots of unity n mod(n1+n2,N) k ej2πnNk DFT 2.1.2 Fourier transforms Thecharacters χ playan importantrole indefiningtheFouriertransform forfunctionsinL (G). In particular, th{eξP}oξn∈tGbryagin duality theorem [47], named after Lev Semennovich Pontryagin who2laid downthefoundationforthetheoryoflocallycompactabeliangroups,generalizestheconventionalCTFT on L (R) and CT Fourier series for periodic functions to functions defined on locally compact abelian 2 groups. Theorem 1 (Pontryagin duality theorem [47]). Let G be a locally compact abelian group and µ be a Haar measure on G. Let x(g) L (G). Then the Fourier transform x(ξ) L (G) is defined by 2 2 ∈ ∈ x(ξ)= x(g)χ∗ξ(g)dµ(g). b b ZG For each Haar measure µ on G there ibs a unique Haar measure ν on G such that the following inverse Fourier transform holds b x(g)= x(ξ)χ (g)dν(ξ). ξ G Zb The Fourier transform satisfies Parseval’s theorem: b x(g)2dµ(g)= x(ξ)2dν(ξ). G| | G| | Z Zb Only Haar measures and integrals are considered thrboughout this paper. We note that the unique Haar measure ν on G depends on the choice of Haar measure µ on G. We illustrate this point with the conventional DFT as an example where g =n G=ZN, ξ =k G=ZN, and χξ(g)=ej2πnNk. If we choose the countingbmeasure (where each elem∈ent of G receives ∈a value of 1) on G, then we must use the normalized counting measure (where each element of G receivesba value of 1) on G. The DFT and N inverseDFT become x[k]=N−1x[n]e−j2πnNk; x[n]=b1 N−1x[k]ej2πnNk. b N nX=0 Xk=0 Onecanalso choosethesebmi-normalized countingmeasure(wherebeachelementreceivesavalueof 1 ) √N on both groups Gand G. This gives thenormalized DFT and inverseDFT: N 1 N 1 xb[k]= 1 − x[n]e−j2πnNk; x[n]= 1 − x[k]ej2πnNk. √N √N nX=0 Xk=0 Forconvenience,webrewrite theFourier transform andinverseFourbiertransform as follows when the Haar measures are clear from thecontext: x(ξ)= x(g)χ∗ξ(g)dg; x(g)= x(ξ)χξ(g)dξ. ZG ZGb We also use : L2(G) Lb2(G) and −1 : L2(G) L2(G) tbo denote the operators corresponding to F → F → theFourier transform and inverseFourier transform, respectively. b b 7 ForeachgroupGanddualgroupGlistedinTable1,thetablealsoincludesthecorrespondingFourier transform. b 2.1.3 Convolutions Forany x(g),y(g) L (G), we definetheconvolution between x(g)and y(g)by 2 ∈ (x⋆y)(g):= y(h)x(h−1 g)dh. (11) G ◦ Z Similar to what holds in the standard CT and DT signal processing contexts, it is not difficult to show that theFourier transform on Galso takes convolution to multiplication. That is, for any x,y L (G), 2 ∈ F(x⋆y)(ξ)=ZGZGy(h)x(h−1◦g)dhχ∗ξ(g)dg = G Gx(h−1◦g)χ∗ξ(h−1◦g)dgχ∗ξ(h)y(h)dh Z Z =( x)(ξ)( y)(ξ) F F since Gx(h−1◦g)dg= Gx(g)dg for any x∈L2(G) and h∈G. Similar to the fact that Toeplitz operators (2) and Toeplitz matrices (5) are closely related to the convoRlutionsin Section 1R.1, theconvolution (11) can beviewed as alinear operator :L (G) L (G) 2 2 X → that computes theconvolution between the inputfunction y(g)and x(g): ( y)(g)= x(h−1 g)y(h)dh. X G ◦ Z Werefer to as a Toeplitz operator since thislinear operator involvesa kernelfunction x(h−1 g) that dependsonlyXonthedifferenceh−1 g. Similarto in(2),theeigenvaluesof aresimplygive◦nbythe ◦ H X Fourier transform of thekernel: (X(χξ))(g)= Gx(h−1◦g)χξ(h)dh= Gx(h)χξ(h−1◦g)dh= Gx(h)χ∗ξ(h)dhχξ(g)=x(ξ)χξ(g), Z Z Z (12) b which implies that the character χ (g) is an eigenfunction of with the corresponding eigenvalue x(ξ) ξ X for any ξ G. We refer to x(ξ), the Fourier transform of x(g), as the symbol corresponding to the ∈ Toeplitz operator . b Finally, lebt A X G be a sbubset of G. As explained in Section 1.2, we are also interested in the time-limited Toepli∈tz operator5 A :L2(G) L2(G),where X → ( Ay)(g)= Ax(h−1◦g)y(h)dh, g∈A, (13) X (R0, otherwise. Unlike , there is no simple formula for exactly expressing the eigenvalues of the time-limited Toeplitz X operator A. Instead,weareinterestedinquestionssuchas: Howdoesthespectrumofthetime-limited X Toeplitz operator A relate to the spectrum of the original (non-time-limited) Toeplitz operator ? In whatsensedotheXeigenvaluesconvergeasthedomainAoftime-limitingapproachestheentiregroXupG? Wediscuss answers to thesequestions in Sections 3 and 4. 2.2 The effective dimensionality of a signal family One of the useful applications of characterizing the spectrum of time-limited Toeplitz operators is in computing the effective dimensionality (or the number of degrees of freedom) of certain related signal families. Inthissection,weformalizethisnotionofeffectivedimensionalityforasetoffunctionsdefined on a group G. 5XA isalsoreferredtoasaToeplitzoperator in[20,23,33,41]. 8 2.2.1 Definitions To begin, suppose A is a subset of G and let W(A,φ(ξ)) L (A) denote the set of functions controlled 2 ⊂ bya symbol φ(ξ): b W(bA,φ(ξ)):= x L (A):x(g)= α(ξ)φ(ξ)χ (g)dξ, α(ξ)2dξ 1,g A , (14) 2 ξ (cid:26) ∈ ZGb Z | | ≤ ∈ (cid:27) which is a subsetbof L (A). We notethat in (14), thebsymbol φ(ξ) is fixed and we discuss its role soon. 2 Also let Mn L2(G) denote an n-dimensional subspace of L2(G). The distance between a point x L2(G) and th⊂esubspace Mn is definedas b ∈ x,z d(x,Mn):=y∈inMfnZ (x(g)−y(g))2dg=Z (x(g)−(PMnx)(g))2dg=z∈L2(sGu)p,z⊥Mn (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)hkzkLiL22(G(G))(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12), (15) where PMn :L2(G)→L2(G)representstheorthogonal projection ontothesubspaceMn. Wedefinethe distance d(W(A,φ(ξ)),Mn) between the set W(A,φ(ξ)) and the subspace Mn as follows: d(W(Ab,φ(ξ)),Mn):= sup d(x,Mbn)= sup inf (x(g) y(g))2dg, x∈W(A,φb(ξ)) x∈W(A,φb(ξ))y∈MnZ − b whichrepresentsthelargestdistancefromtheelementsinW(A,φ(ξ))tothen-dimensionalsubspaceMn. TheKolmogorov n-width[32],dn(W(A,φ(ξ)))ofW(A,φ(ξ))inL2(G)isdefinedasthesmallest distance d(W(A,φ(ξ)),Mn) overall n-dimensional subspaces of L2(G); thbat is b b b dn(W(A,φ(ξ))):=infd(W(A,φ(ξ)),Mn). (16) Mn In summary, the n-width dn(W(A,φ(bξ))) characterizes hobw well the set W(A,φ(ξ)) can be approx- imated by an n-dimensional subspace of L2(G). By its definition, dn(W(A,φ(ξ))) is non-increasing in terms of the dimensionality n. For anybfixed ǫ>0, we define the effective dimensiobnality, or number of degrees of freedom, of theset W(A,φ(ξ)) at level ǫ as [15] b (W(A,φb(ξ)),ǫ)=min n:dn(W(A,φ(ξ)))<ǫ . (17) N n o Inwords,theabovedefinitionensurebsthatthereexistsasubspacebMnofdimensionn= (W(A,φ(ξ)),ǫ) N suchthatforeveryfunctionx W(A,φ(ξ)),onecanfindatleastonefunctiony Mnsothatthedistance ∈ ∈ between x and y is at most ǫ. b We note that the reason we imposbe an energy constraint on the elements x of W(A,φ(ξ)) in (14) is that we use theabsolute distance toquantify the proximity of x to thesubspace Mn in (15). b 2.2.2 Connection to operators In orderto compute (W(A,φ(ξ)),ǫ), we may definean operator :L (G) L (A) as 2 2 N A → b ( α)(g)= α(ξ)φ(ξ)χ (g)dξ, g A. b ξ A G ∈ Zb Theadjoint ∗ :L2(A) L2(G) is given by b A → b (A∗x)(ξ)= Ax(g)φ∗(ξ)χ∗ξ(g)dg. Z Thecomposition of and ∗ gives a self-adjoint operbator ∗ :L2(A) L2(A) as follows: A A AA → (AA∗x)(g)=ZGbφ(ξ)χξ(g)ZAx(h)φ∗(ξ)χ∗ξ(h)dhdξ 2 = xb(h) φ(ξ) χξ(bh−1 g)dξdh (18) A G ◦ Z Zb(cid:12) (cid:12) = x(h)(φ⋆(cid:12)(cid:12)bφ∗)((cid:12)(cid:12)h−1 g)dh, A ◦ Z 9 where φ(g)= φ(ξ)χ (g)dξ is the inverse Fourier transform of φ. In words, compared with (13), the G ξ self-adjoint operbator ∗ can be viewed as a time-limited Toeplitz operator with thesymbol φ⋆φ∗. ThefollowinRgbresuAltAwillhelpincomputingdn(W(A,φ(ξ)))andtbheeffectivedimensionalityofW(A,φ(ξ)) as well as choosing theoptimal basis for representing theelements of W(A,φ(ξ)). b b Proposition1. Lettheeigenvaluesof ∗ bedenotedandarrangedasλ1 λ2 . Thenthen-width of W(A,φ(ξ)) can be computed as AA ≥b ≥··· dn(W(A,φ(ξ)))=√λn, b and the optimal n-dimensional subspace to represent W(A,φ(ξ)) is the subspace spanned by the first n b eigenvectors of ∗. AA b The proof of Proposition 1 is given in AppendixA. 3 Time-Frequency Limiting Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups Now we are well equipped to consider one key class of operators: time-frequency limiting operators on locally compact abelian groups. As we have briefly explained in Section 1.2, time-frequency limiting operators in the context of the classical groups where G are the real-line, Z, and ZN play important roles in signal processing and communication. By considering time-frequency limiting operators on locally compact abelian groups, we aim to (i) providea unified treatment of the previous results on the eigenvalues of the operators resulting in PSWFs, DPSSs, and periodic DPSSs (PDPSSs) [21,28]; and (ii) extend these results to other signal domains such as rotations in a plane and three dimensions [6, Chapter 5]. In particular, we will investigate the eigenvalues of time-frequency limiting operators on locallycompactabeliangroupsandshowthattheyexhibitsimilarbehaviortoboththeconventionalCT andDTsettings: whensortedbymagnitude,thereisaclusterofeigenvaluescloseto(butnotexceeding) 1, followed by an abrupt transition, after which the remaining eigenvalues are close to 0. This behavior also resembles the rectangular shape of the frequency response of the original band-limiting operator. We will also discuss the applications of this unifying treatment in relation to channel capacity and to representation and approximation of signals. To introduce the time-frequency limiting operators, consider two subsets A G and B G. Define A : L2(G) L2(G) as a time-limiting operator that makes a function zero∈outside A. ∈Also define TB = −1 B→ : L2(G) L2(G) as a band-limiting operator that takes the Fourier transfobrm of an iBnputfFunctTionFonL (G),→setsittozerooutsideB,andthencomputestheinverseFouriertransform. The 2 operator B acts on L2(G) as a convolutional integral operator: B ( Bx)(g)= x(ξ)χξ(g)dξ B B Z = b x(h)χ∗ξ(h)dh χξ(g)dξ ZB(cid:18)ZG (cid:19) = KB(h−1 g)x(h)dh, G ◦ Z where KB(h−1◦g)= Bχ∗ξ(h)χξ(g)dξ= Bχξ(h−1◦g)dξ. (19) Z Z It is of interest to study theeigenvalues of thefollowing operators A,B = A B A, and B A B. (20) O T B T B T B Utilizing theexpression for B, theoperator A B A acts on any x L2(G) as follows B T B T ∈ ( A B Ax)(g)= AKB(h−1◦g)x(h)dh, g∈A T B T (0R, otherwise. 10