Prepared for submission to JHEP Three-point functions of BMN operators at weak and strong coupling II. One loop matching. 3 1 0 2 n a J Gianluca Grignani,a A. V. Zayakina,b 9 aDipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Perugia, ] h I.N.F.N. Sezione di Perugia, t - Via Pascoli, I-06123 Perugia, Italy p bInstitute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, e h B. Cheremushkinskaya ul. 25, 117259 Moscow, Russia [ E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 3 v 9 Abstract:Inapreviouspaper[JHEP06(2012)142]wehaveshownthatthefullydynamical 7 2 three-pointcorrelationfunctionsofBMNoperatorsareidenticalatthetreelevelintheplanar 5 limit of perturbative field theory and, on the string theory side, calculated by means of . 5 the Dobashi-Yoneya three string vertex in the Penrose limit. Here we present a one-loop 0 2 calculation of the same quantity both on the field-theory and string-theory side, where a 1 complete identity between the two results is demonstrated. : v i X r a Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 String theory calculation 3 3 Planar Field Theory at One Loop 5 4 Discussion 10 1 Introduction Three-point correlators in gauge/gravity duality have become a very hot topic in the last couple of years. A variety of fundamental results for the three-point functions have been obtained by means of string theory quasiclassics in the strong coupling limit [1–19], exact stringtheoryHamiltonianinthePenroselimit,BetheAnsatzatstrongandweakcoupling[20– 26], perturbativelarge-Nfieldtheory[27,28], andcomparisonbetweenweaklycoupledplanar field theory and results in semiclassical string theory [29–32]. Comparingthegravitysideandthegaugesidedirectlyispossibleonlyunderveryspecific asymptotic conditions such as, e.g., the Frolov–Tseytlin limit [33]. In this limit it is the smallness of λ(cid:48) ≡ λ , where λ is the ’t Hooft coupling, and J is an R-charge, that permits J2 a comparison. The limit is, in fact, compatible with both small and large λ. Thus, if for example one deals with a small number of impurities, one can calculate the correlator on the fieldtheorysidewhereλ → 0,andatthesametimeusethefullstringinteractionHamiltonian in the Penrose limit, where the coupling is large, λ → ∞, to obtain legitimately comparable results. In this paper we will be looking for the λ(cid:48) corrections to three-point correlation functions for states with few excitations, both at weak and at strong coupling. It has been discussed at length in [30] whether the one-loop corrections for three-point functions are expected to match, even at the leading order. The limits λ (cid:29) 1 and λ (cid:28) 1 are normally incompatible, so that even the tree-level matching is not necessarily to be expected [8, 21]. In the case of 2-point functions, it is well-known that there is an agreement between the anomalous dimension of certain gauge theory operators and the energy of the dual string states directly computed from the string sigma model. In [34], an argument for theseeminglycoincidentalmatchinguptoandincludingtheone-loopcorrectionwasprovided forstatesintheSU(2)sectorofN = 4SYM.Theargumentof[34]goesasfollows: considera near-BPS state, with E−J (cid:28) 1 and J (cid:29) 1. This limit is feasible both on the string side and on the field theory side. On the string theory side quantum corrections to the semiclassical configuration become suppressed and the limit remains valid. However, it was also discussed – 1 – in [30] that this argument, being perfectly valid for the two-point functions, does not apply to the three-point functions, thus there will generally be gauge-field terms of order λ0, whereas J2 string theory yields λ . Thus one-loop matching is in general not expected and in fact it J2 is not found in a particular example of a heavy-heavy light three-point function [30]. As far as we know, this has been the only example of an explicit one-loop comparison between perturbative field theory and semiclassical string theory so far. The mismatch might however be due to the difficult identification of the two loop corrected gauge theory states. In [23] a general formula for three point correlators of single trace operators with arbi- trary number of impurities N , that satisfy N = N + N , is provided at one-loop. Two i 1 2 3 operators are long (and highly excited) and the other is shorter. An amazing matching is seen numerically in the limit of N → ∞, where the semiclassical calculation fully conforms 3 to the Bethe Ansatz calculation. In this paper we perform an explicit one-loop check of the matching in a different sector, where the operator-state identification between gauge and string theory is perfectly well- defined [35]. The main object of our analysis are two-magnon BMN operators J 1 (cid:88) (cid:16) (cid:17) OJ = √ Tr φ Zlφ ZJ−l ψ , (1.1) ij,n i j n,l JNJ+2 l=0 which fall into the three irreducible representations of SO(4) 4⊗4 = 1⊕6⊕9, (1.2) where 1 is the trace (T), 6 is the antisymmetric (A), 9 is the symmetric traceless represen- tation (S). The wave-functions for different representations are ψS = cos (2l+1)πn, n,l J+1 ψA = sin 2(l+1)πn, (1.3) n,l J+2 ψT = cos (2l+3)πn. n,l J+3 We consider three operators: O = OJ1,12,O = OJ2,23,O = OJ,31, where n ,n ,n are 1 n1 2 n2 n 1 2 3 the operator momenta, J ,J ,J are their R-charges R , J = J +J , J = Jy,J = J(1−y). 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 The flavor indices are chosen as (12),(23),(31) to represent the symmetric sector of the theory. The symmetric states are more interesting for our analysis since they provide a non- trivial test of the calculation by requiring cancellation of the J2 and J order of the one-loop correction. Unlike the trace state, the traceless symmetric state is advantageous since one avoidsthecomplicationswithsubtractionofTrZJ+1Z¯. Ouroperatorsareorthonormalizedat tree level, therefore the correlator coincides with the structure constant. We shall be looking for the quantity C = (cid:104)O¯ O O (cid:105) (1.4) 123 3 1 2 – 2 – as a function of y,J,n ,n ,n . This gives the three point correlator of these operators, 1 2 3 thanks to the conformal invariance of N = 4 SYM. We shall calculate this correlator on the field theory side as well as on the string theory side. In our previous work [26] we have alreadyshownthatattreelevelthesecorrelatorsdocoincidewiththecorrespondingquantities computed from the string side. Now we proceed to derive the one-loop contributions. 2 String theory calculation In terms of the BMN basis {α } the operators in question look like states m O = α† α† |0(cid:105) (2.1) m m −m The three-point function is related to the matrix element of the Hamiltonian as follows (cid:114) 4π J J (cid:104)O¯ O O (cid:105) = 1 2H (2.2) 3 1 2 123 −∆ +∆ +∆ J 3 1 2 where (cid:113) ∆ = J +2 1+λ(cid:48)n2, 1 1 1 (cid:113) ∆ = J +2 1+λ(cid:48)n2, (2.3) 2 2 1 (cid:113) ∆ = J +2 1+λ(cid:48)n2, 3 3 and the matrix element is defined as H = (cid:104)123|V(cid:105). (2.4) 123 There has been some ambiguity in the literature with regard to how the proper prefactor in the vertex function V in the pp-wave looks like [36–48]; we use the findings of [48] to start with the Dobashi–Yoneya prefactor [43] in the natural string basis {ar }. m V = Pe21(cid:80)m,nNmrsnδIJarmI†asnJ†. (2.5) Here I,J are SU(4) flavour indices, r,s run within 1,2,3 and refer to the first, second and third operator. The natural string basis is related to the BMN basis for m > 0 as follows a +ia αm = m √ −m 2 , (2.6) α−m = am−√ia−m 2 – 3 – The Neumann matrices are given as [40] (cid:115) 1 (−1)r(m+1)+s(n+1) x x (ω +µx )(ω +µx )s s Nrs = r s rm r sn s rm qn, m,n 2π x ω +x ω ω ω s rm r sn rm sn (2.7) (cid:115) 1 (−1)r(m+1)+s(n+1) x x (ω −µx )(ω −µx )s s Nrs = − r s rm r sn s rm qn, −m,−n 2π x ω +x ω ω ω s rm r sn rm sn where m,n are always meant positive, s = 1, 1m s = 1, (2.8) 2m s = −2sin(πmy), 3m and x = y, 1 x = 1−y, (2.9) 2 x = −1, 3 the frequencies of the string oscillators are then given as (cid:112) ω = m2+µ2x2, (2.10) r,m r and the parameter µ is directly related to the Frolov-Tseytlin expansion parameter λ(cid:48) 1 µ = √ . (2.11) λ(cid:48) The one-loop calculation of the correlation function will amount a next-order expansion in 1 of the matrix element. An essential feature of the Dobashi-Yoneya prefactor we are using µ2 is that the prefactor is supported with positive modes only P = (cid:88) (cid:88) ωr aIr†aIr. (2.12) µα m m r m>0 r,I Due to the flavour structure of C the only combinations of terms from the exponent that 123 could contribute are N12 N23 N31 . The leading order contribution is n1n2 n2n3 n3n1 √ 1 J n2y3/2(1−y)3/2sin2(πn y) C0 = 3 3 (2.13) 123 π2 N (n2y2−n2)(n2(1−y)2−n2) 3 1 3 2 The overall factor −4 difference with [26] is due to wave-function normalization. The next- order coefficient in the expansion C = C0 (cid:0)1+λ(cid:48)c1 (cid:1), (2.14) 123 123 123 where c1 ≡ C1123 is 123 C0 123 1 (cid:18)n2 n2 (cid:19) c1 = − 1 + 2 +n2 . (2.15) 123 4 y2 (1−y)2 3 Let us compare this calculation to the field theory calculation. – 4 – 3 Planar Field Theory at One Loop To calculate the correlation function at one loop level we use the technique developed in [49, 50]. The leading order correlation function was calculated by us in our preceding paper [26] and is given by the diagram of Fig. (1). 22 22 ZZ ZZ 1 3 1 3 111 ff 11 22 ff 22 3 f 3 Figure 1. Leading order diagram for the three-point correlation function of the fully dynamic BMN operators from the symmetric traceless sector. Only φ propagators are shown explicitly in the figure; planarity is imposed, the Z fields do not have any extra choice than to contract a definite Z¯, thus the diagram contributes exactly once. The diagram (1) refers to the correlation function calculated from planar perturbation theory and is related to the C defined above 123 (cid:112) S = N J J JC (3.1) 1 2 123 which is given in general by a λ(cid:48) expansion S = S(0)+S(1)+O(λ(cid:48)2) (3.2) and evaluates in the leading order to S(0) = l1=J(cid:88)1,L2=J2cos π(2l1+1) cos π(2l2+1) cos π(2(l1+l2)+1), (3.3) J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0,l2=0 which after the 1/J expansion and the due normalization of the operator to unity yields √ 1 J n2y3/2(1−y)3/2sin2(πn y) C0 = 3 3 , (3.4) 123 π2 N (n2y2−n2)(n2(1−y)2−n2) 3 1 3 2 corresponding exactly to the result above. Attheonelooplevelweestimatethenext-ordertermsintheλ(cid:48) expansionS(1) considering all possible insertions of the interaction terms λ H = (I −P) (3.5) 2 8π2 – 5 – into Fig. (1), where I is unity operator and P permutation operator, both acting on nearest neighbors. It is convenient to split the Hamiltonian into the part P and the part I; in the diagrams below the four-point vertices are meant as pure permutations, i.e. acting as P solely. The set of the resulting eight diagrams that contribute to C1 are shown in Fig. (2). 123 Only the insertions and the φ1,2,3 propagators are shown; the configuration of the rest of the propagators is fully determined by planarity rules. Three types of mixing aggravate our task: the admixture of multi-trace operators (eq. (3.14) in [50]), magnon mode number non-conserving admixture caused by the coupling de- pendent wave function correction (BMN operator redefinition, eq. (5.18) in [51]), and the admixture with fermionic operators [52, 53], Multi-trace operator redefinition is organized as √ OJ,12(cid:48) = OJ,12 − J2 (cid:88) √r3/2 1−rsin2(πnr)k TJ,r (3.6) n 12,n N Jπ2(k−nr)2(k+nr) 12,k k,r where TJ,r = OrJ,12O(1−r)J, OJ being the normalized vacuum operator of length J. For our 12,n n kinematics the multi-trace mixing becomes significant only in the next-order corrections in 1/N. The magnon mode number nonpreserving BMN operator O redefinition in the order λ(cid:48) n is organized as λ [(cid:88)J/2] sin2 πn cos πn sin2 πm cos πm OJ,12(cid:48) = OJ,12− δ J+1 J+1 J+1 J+1OJ,12, (3.7) n n (J +1)π2 m(cid:54)=n sin2 πn −sin2 πm m m=1 J+1 J+1 here [J/2] denotes the integer part of J/2. This operator redefinition has been considered by us and has been shown not to contribute due to suppression by higher-order powers of 1. J The admixture with fermionic operators is the most difficult to handle. At order λ it is not yet known for the class of symmetric traceless operators considered in this work. The mixing for the trace class operators is derived in eq. (2.1) in [53]. If the mixing for the symmetric traceless sector was described by a formula of the same type as eq. (2.1) in [53] (which is still to be determined whether it is so or not), a rough estimate yields that the mixing might contribute in our case at the order g2/J2. However, the tree-level contribution is of order J2 and the one-loop goes as g2J0. Thus the mixing correction will appear at the next 1/J2 order while holding λ(cid:48) order fixed, so that it would not contribute. Anyway, sincewefindcompleteidentitybetweenthestringandgaugetheorycalculations this is a clear sign that at the given orders in λ(cid:48) and 1 no extra mixing has to be taken into J account. Whatever the mixing is, presumably it takes place both on the string and field theory sides and gives the same contribution, so that the coincidence of the results might be accounted for. Surely this issue deserves further investigation. Some comments on the classification and evaluation of these diagrams are necessary. They all arise from expressions with three sums (cid:80)J1,J2,J over the three wave functions l1=0,l2=0,l3=0 ψ ,ψ ,ψ . The diagrams are done in the planar limits, thus only combinations with n1l1 n2l2 n3l3 – 6 – 22 22 22 22 ZZ ZZ 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 111 ff 11 22 ff 22 3 f 3 (a) (b) 22 22 22 22 2222 2222 1 3 11 33 11 3 1 3 11 33 111 33 (c) (d) (e) 22 2222 2222 2222 2222 22 3 1 1 3 11 33 3 1 13 1 3 1 3 (f) (g) (h) Figure 2. Eightdiagramsthatcontributetothethree-pointcorrelationfunctionofthefullydynamic BMN operators from the symmetric traceless sector C at one-loop level. 123 – 7 – non-intersecting propagators are being considered. One of the sums is always lifted by con- servation law. The diagrams (a) and (b) scale as J3. The diagrams (c),(d),(e) contribute as J2, (f),(g) scale as J and (h) scales as J0. In cases (a) and (b) the self energy of Z or φ, or the Z4 scattering insertion produce an extra factor: l and l fixed, the insertion can be inserted into ∼ J locations without breaking 1 2 the planarity. This raises the order of the diagrams up to J3; happily their leading order terms do cancel between themselves, and the remaining J2 and J terms cancel with the rest. The other diagrams do not give rise to extra factors. Also note that while (c),(d),(e) can be realized with arbitrary l ,l , the (f),(g) exist only for marginal cases, with either l = 0 1 2 1 or l = 0 (we do not show in Fig. (2) the diagrams that differ from (a)−(h) by the 1 ↔ 2 2 symmetry only). We systematize these contributions in the table (1) below. Notice that in principle we could have included explicitly the scheme dependence into the “two-point”-type diagrams (a)−(c) (where the contribution of the operator containing impurities of type 2 and 3 can be factor out) and the “three-point”-type diagrams (d)−(h). The two groups of diagrams are in fact scheme dependent, however the scheme dependence cancels exactly once the two groups are added together. Such cancellation, that leads to the scheme-independence of the full result, is the same as the one discussed in [27] and [28]. Table 1. Classificationofdiagramsatone-looplevelforthethree-pointcorrelatorofBMNoperators Diagram Vertex type Order Coefficient a Z4 J3 1 b Self-energy J3 −1 c Z2φ2 J2 1 d Z2φ2 J2 1/2 e Z4 J2 1/2 f φ4 J 1 g Z2φ2 J 1 h φ4 1 1 – 8 – These diagrams are evaluated as S(1) = l1(cid:88)=J1 l2(cid:88)=J2(l −1)cos πn1(2l1+1) cos πn2(2l2+1) cos πn3(2(l1+l2)+1)+ a 1 J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=2 l2=0 l1=(cid:88)J1−2 l2(cid:88)=J2 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2)+1) + (J −l −1)cos cos cos +(1 ↔ 2), 1 1 J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=0 (1) l1(cid:88)=J1l2(cid:88)=J2 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2)+1) S = (J +3) cos cos cos , b J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=0 S(1) = l1=(cid:88)J1−1l1(cid:88)=J2cos πn1(2l1+1) cos πn2(2l2+1) cos πn3(2(l1+l2+1)+1)+ c J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=0 l1(cid:88)=J1l2=(cid:88)J2−1 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2+1)+1) + cos cos cos + J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=0 l1(cid:88)=J1l2(cid:88)=J2 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2−1)+1) + cos cos cos J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=1 l2=0 l1(cid:88)=J1l1(cid:88)=J2 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2−1)+1) + cos cos cos , J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=1 (1) S = S , d c S(1) = l1(cid:88)=J1l2(cid:88)=J2cos πn1(2l1+1) cos πn2(2l2+1) cos πn3(2(l1+l2)+1)+ e J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=1 l2=1 l1=(cid:88)J1−1l2=(cid:88)J2−1 πn1(2l1+1) πn2(2l2+1) πn3(2(l1+l2)+1) + cos cos cos , J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 l2=0 (1) l1(cid:88)=J1 πn1(2l1+1) πn2 πn3(2l1+1) S = cos cos cos +(1 ↔ 2), f J +1 J +1 J +1 1 2 l1=0 – 9 –