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Theory of Magnetic Seed-Field Theory of Magnetic Seed-Field Generation during the Cosmological First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition PDF

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Preview Theory of Magnetic Seed-Field Theory of Magnetic Seed-Field Generation during the Cosmological First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition

Theory of Magnetic Seed-Field Generation during the Cosmological First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition 0 1 Trevor Stevens 0 Department of Physics, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201 2 Mikkel B. Johnson n Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 a J We present a theory of the generation of magnetic seed fields in bubble collisions during a first- 0 orderelectroweak phasetransition (EWPT) possible forsomechoicesofparametersintheminimal 2 supersymmetric Standard Model. The theory extends earlier work and is formulated to assess the importanceofsurfacedynamicsinsuchcollisions. Weareledtolinearizedequationsofmotionwith ] O O(3)symmetryappropriateforexaminingcollisionsinwhichtheHiggsfieldisrelativelyunperturbed from its mean value in the collision volume. Coherent evolution of the charged W fields within C the bubbles is the main source of the em current for generating the seed fields, with fermions . also contributing through the conductivity terms. We present numerical simulations within this h formulation to quantify the role of the surface of the colliding bubbles, particularly the thickness p of the surface, and to show how conclusions drawn from earlier work are modified. The main - o sensitivityarisessuchthatthesteeperthebubblesurfacethemoreenhancedtheseedfieldsbecome. r Consequently,the magnetic seed fields may be several times larger and smoother over the collision t s volumethanfoundinearlierstudies. Ourworkthusprovidesadditionalsupporttothesupposition a that magnetic fields produced during the EWPT in the early universe seed the galactic and extra- [ galactic magnetic fieldsobserved today. 1 v PACSnumbers: 98.62.En,98.80.Cq,12.60.-i 4 9 6 and for certain minimal extensions of the Standard 3 Keywords: Cosmology; Electroweak Phase Transi- Modeltherecanbeafirst-orderphasetransition[4– . 6]. Limitsonparameter-spaceoftheminimalexten- 1 tion; Bubble Nucleation sion of the standard model (MSSM) placed by elec- 0 0 tric dipole moment measurements and dark matter 1 searchesallow a first-orderEWPT which couldlead : I. INTRODUCTION to successful electroweak baryogenesis [7] and the v possibility that we are exploring, namely that seed i X Identifying the source of the observed large-scale fields responsible for the large-scale magnetic fields r galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields remains seentodayarecreatedduringthe eraofthe EWPT. a an unresolved problem of astrophysics [1]. One of Interest in these issues has led to quantitative the interestingpossiblesourcesiscosmologicalmag- studies of EWPT magnetogenesis based on the so- netogenesis, where the seed fields would have arisen lution of equations of motion (EOM) derived from duringoneoftheearly-universephasetransitions. In specific models. In the Abelian Higgs model, the this work our interest is seed field production dur- first-order phase transition developed as the Uni- ing the electroweak phase transition (EWPT) dur- verse condensed into bubbles consisting of localized ingwhichtheHiggsandtheotherparticlesacquired regions of space filled by Higgs field in a broken their masses. phase. This model was one of the earliest attempts If magnetogenesis occurred during the EWPT, it to describeseedfield productionduring the EWPT. most likely required a first-order phase transition. The EOM related the seed fields to gradients in the A first-order phase transition proceeds by a process phase of the Higgs field that were produced when in which bubbles of matter in the broken phase nu- bubbles merged following nucleation [8–10]. Simple cleate within the unbroken phase, similar to the fa- andtransparentsolutions to the EOMevolvedfrom miliar process of steam condensing to water as the specific field configurations applied at the point of water-vapormixtureiscooled. Althoughitisgener- collision in a relativistic O(1,2) symmetric model. allybelievedthattherecanbe nofirst-orderEWPT The production mechanism of seed fields within in the Standard Model [2], there has been a great an EOM approach has been pursued more recently deal of activity in supersymmetric extensions [3], within the framework of the MSSM [11, 12] along 2 the lines of the Abelian Higgs model in Ref. [8–10] Out theory is applied in a specific model along in which O(1,2) symmetric solutions evolved from the lines of Ref. [12, 14] in Sect. IV. Because in our specific field configurations applied at the point of presentformulationboundaryconditionsareapplied collision. In this work,new EOMwere derivedfrom beforethecollisionoccurs,weareabletoexaminein the MSSMLagrangian,andaccordinglythebubbles addition to collisions, the nucleation process, which developed a coherent mode of charged W± fields. is the evolution of the bubbles before the collision As the bubbles merged, the chargedgauge fields re- takes place. The numerical solutions of nucleation placed gradients in the phase of the Higgs field as andcollisionsinthismodelarethenpresentedinthe the source of the electromagnetic em currents pro- following two sections. ducing the magnetic seed fields, and the mechanism In Sect. V we examine the W fields, the current by whichthis occurredwasdevelopedindetail. Nu- produced in collisions, and the magnetic field. For mericalresults[12]showedthattheMSSMproduced collisions,findthemagneticfieldtobelargerinboth seed fields of a size similar to the Abelian Higgs scaleandmagnitudecomparedtoourearlierO(1,2) model even though the source of the current in the results [12]. In Sect. VI we estimate the sensitivity two approaches was quite different. of the seed fields to the steepness of the surface of Althoughtheseearlierstudiesgaveinsightintothe thescalarfield,andinSect.VIIthesensitivitytothe production mechanism of seed fields in a first-order bubble wall speed and conductivity of the medium. EWPT, applying boundary conditions at the time ComparedtoresultsgiveninRefs.[14],wefindthat of the collision as implemented in the O(1,2) for- the magnetic seed fields are not only larger in mag- mulations did not permit an assessment of the role nitude but extend over substantially larger spatial of the dynamics of the bubble surface in the seed scales than the results shown there. field generation. To explore the role of the surface it is necessary to specify the values of the W fields II. MAGNETIC FIELD CREATION and their time derivatives on a surface (t = t ,r,z) 0 DURING A FIRST-ORDER EWPT IN THE before the collision occurs. Thus, incorporating the MSSM initial stages of evolution of individual bubbles on the collision is an aspect of physics absent from the treatments found in Refs. [8–12]. The EOMof this workare basedon the same un- derlyingMSSMLagrangianasthatofRef.[12]. This Inourmorerecentstudies[13,14]resultsofcalcu- Lagrangianisassumedtosupportafirst-orderphase lations were presented in which bubble surface dy- transition and is of the form namics were taken into account. We identified a source of quantitative sensitivity to the bubble sur- MSSM = 1+ 2 face, and the results presented therein showed that L L L + leptonic, quark, and supersymmetric the magnetic fields produced could be as large as, and possibly even larger than, those calculated in partner interactions their absence. Encouraged by these results, in the 1 1 1 = Wi Wiµν B Bµν present work we develop and extend the EOM for- L −4 µν − 4 µν mulation within the MSSM upon which this earlier g g′ work was based, along lines identified there. 2 = (i∂µ τ Wµ Bµ)Φ2 L | − 2 · − 2 | We begin, in Sect. II, by reviewing our EOM ap- V(Φ,T) , (1) proach. We also discuss briefly the nature of a first- − orderEWPTandsomeofthe issues associatedwith where T is the temperature and the dynamics of the bubble surface that our theory is intended to address. In Sect. III we present our Wµiν = ∂µWνi−∂νWµi −gǫijkWµjWνk extended theory developed in 3 + 1 dimensions in B = ∂ B ∂ B . (2) µν µ ν ν µ a regime where the bubble collisionsmay be consid- − ered”gentle”[11,12]. ForgentlecollisionstheEOM Here Wi, with i = (1,2), are the W+,W− fields, linearizeanddisplayatransparentconnectiontothe Φ is the Higgs field, and τi is the SU(2) generator. earlier work of Refs. [8–10, 12]. Various theoretical Fermions are not explicitly considered since earlier considerationsnecessaryforassessingtheroleofthe work to which we want to compare likewise ignored bubble surface in magnetic field generation, includ- them. Becauseweareworkingwithintheframework ingtheimportanceofestablishingappropriateinitial of the MSSM, the bubbles that form as the phase conditions, are developed. transitionprogressesnaturally consist of a regionof 3 space filed by the Higgs field along with a cloud of ing the phase transition. Although oversimplifiedin other constituents of the MSSM Lagrangian in the that it lacks medium effects, which can lead to an broken phase. asymptotic wall speed v < 1 depending on the wall As in Ref. [12], we first derive“exact”EOM using pressure difference in the true and false vacuum, it an effective Lagrangian at the classical level from is seminal in that it was one of the earliest EOM which the supersymmetric partners have been pro- descriptions of the physics of a first order phase jected out as explicit degrees of freedom, but whose transition. In his model, prior to nucleation, the effectisretainedbyarenormalizationoftheeffective dynamics of bubbles is formulated in the Euclidean potentialtomaintainthepropertiesofthefirst-order metric, which is O(4) symmetric. After nucleation, phase transition. These EOM are complicated non- thebubbleexpandsinO(1,3)-symmetricMinkowski linear partial differential equations coupling the W, space-time[16]. Asthephasetransitiondevelopsthe B,andΦfields. Fromtheirsolutiononemayobtain bubblesstarttomergeor”collide”. Eventuallythey em the physical Z and A fields, completely merge, at which point the phase tran- sition is completed. In subsequent work magnetic 1 Aem = (g′W3+gB ) fieldshavebeenunderstoodtobecreatedinthecol- µ g2+g′2 µ µ lisions of bubbles. Z = p 1 (gW3 g′B ). (3) Inthe LagrangianofEq.(1),theEWPTisdriven µ g2+g′2 µ − µ by nucleation of the scalar Higgs field just as imag- p ined in Coleman’s model [16]. In this picture, the In the picture we are developing, the Higgs field vacuum state of the Universe corresponds to a local plays a central dynamical role in EW bubble nucle- minimum in V(Φ,T). The phase transition occurs ationandcollisions,andthereforethe effective(now as the temperature T is lowered through the tran- appropriatelyrenormalized)HiggspotentialV(Φ,T) sition temperature T when V(Φ,T) develops a de- c is an essential element in the theory. Although this generatesecondminimumatalargervalueof<Φ> potential is not known at the present time, depend- separated from this minimum by a barrier. As the ing as it does on the unknown parameters of the universe continues to expand and cool, the depth MSSMaswellasthepropertiesoftheplasmainthe of the second minimum increases, meaning that the early Universe at the time of the EWPT, its spe- Universe can lower its energy by moving from the cific form is not relevant for the purposes of this original, now metastable, false vacuum to the lower paper. We require only that it should produce a energy true vacuum. Because the two minima are first-order phase transition, consistent with certain separated by a barrier, the transition from the false MSSM extensions including for example those with to the true vacuum is delayed as the temperature a light right-handed Stop [15]. continues to drop, a process referred to as super- The various parameters are discussed in many cooling. This delay influences bubble characteris- publications[4]. Forourcalculationsweusethelab- tics,andafirst-orderphasetransitionisaccordingly oratory values, classifiedasweakorstrongdepending onthe degree g = e/sinθ =0.646 , of supercooling. A comprehensive phenomenologi- W ′ cal study of the kinetics of cosmological first-order g = gtanθ =0.343 , W phase transitions, such as the EWPT, in terms of m = 80.4 GeV , (4) W such an effective potential is given for example in where m is the mass of the W± bosons, and we Ref. [17]. W define G gg′/ g2+g′2 =0.303 . (5) ≡ B. Bubble dynamics and magnetic field p In this section and throughout the paper units are creation with O(1,2) Symmetry such that ~ = c = 1, with distance and time ex- pressed in units of m . IntheiranalysisoftheAbelianHiggsmodel,Kib- W bleandVilenkin[8]obtainedmagneticfieldsasbub- bles merge in a regime of gentle collisions. They A. First-order electroweak phase transition obtained EOM in this case by making an expan- sion about point ρ(x) = ρ (the “Kibble-Vilenkin 0 Coleman’s model [16] provides a conceptual point”). From these EOM, expressed in terms of framework based on a Lagrangian for understand- the variables (z,τ = √t2 r2), where t is the time − 4 andr = x2+y2isthedistanceofapointfromthe C. Effects of the medium: bubble surface z-axis,thpeyobtainedO(1,2)symmetricsolutionsus- motion and conductivity ingjumpboundaryconditionsappliedatthetimeof collision. They demonstrated that when the phase Because effects associated with the surface break of the Higgs fields is initially different within each O(1,2) symmetry, a theory formulated with this bubble an axial magnetic field forms as the bubbles symmetry and the associated (z,τ) variables such merge and that this field has the structure of an as that of Ref. [12] is unsuitable for exploring the expanding ring encircling the overlap region of the consequences of surface dynamics. To explore such colliding bubbles. effects, the theory has to be formulated in 3+1 di- In our earlier work in the MSSM [12], EOM were mensions, and the appropriate symmetry group is obtainedbymakinganexpansionaboutthe Kibble- O(3). Vilenkin point. First, ρ(x) was expressed as AdditionaldrawbacksofO(1,2)symmetryinclude the restriction that v = c and difficulty includ- wall ing electrical conductivity in Maxwell’s equations. ρ(x)=ρ +aδρ(x) , (6) 0 Values of v < 1 have been obtained in diverse wall studiesincludingmodelingcollisionsofbubbleswith with ρ the magnitude of the mean scalar field at constituents of the plasma [18] and solving EOM 0 the center of a single bubble and aδρ fluctuations including nonlinear terms based on an MSSM La- ofthemagnitudeinthescalarfieldoncethebubbles grangian[19]. merged. MakinganexpansioninaasintheAbelian A value v = 1 and finite conductivity both wall 6 Higgsmodelweobtainedlinearizedequationswithin directly affect the seed field. This has been dis- the bubble overlap region. Collisions in which the cussed comprehensively and their effect estimated Higgs field is relatively unperturbed from its mean in Refs. [8–10] within the context of the Abelian valuewhenthebubblesmergeweretermed“gentle.” Higgs model. It was found there that finite con- ductivity would lead to the decay of the currents Then, assuming as in the Abelian Higgs model (and therefore the magnetic field) with a character- that the collision begins at time t = t (called t 0 c istic time t σ/m [8] with m the gauge boson in Rf. [12]), when the bubbles first touch at z = d ≈ mass. An additional consequence of the large con- 0, we used jump boundary conditions to determine the charged W± fields in O(1,2) symmetry and the ductivity arisesas follows. Since the magnetic fields propagatewiththespeedoflight,forslowlyexpand- magneticfield. Theseboundaryconditionsrecognize ing bubbles these fields would very quickly escape that in some collisions the sign of the z-components of the W+ field at leading order in a is opposite from the region of the bubble collision in the ab- senceofconductivity. However,because ofthe large in the two colliding bubbles while the z-components for W− has the same sign, and that for others the conductivity the magnetic fields become ”frozen”or phasesarethesameforW± inthetwobubbles. For confined to the region of the bubbles, hindering the escape of magnetic flux into the surrounding false the first case, referred to with a superscript I, the vacuum. Kibble and Vilenkin showed that the loss boundary condition was offluxisnegligibleprovidedthatσR v >>1,where c R is the bubble radius at collision time. With val- wzI(τ =t0,z) = w ǫ(z) uecs of conductivity that are believed to characterize ∂ the plasma, currents and magnetic fields persist on wzI(τ =t ,z) = 0 , (7) ∂τ 0 time scales that are long compared to those of the symmetry breaking scale. where ǫ(z)is the signof z,and for the second,iden- tified with a superscript II, III. EQUATIONS OF MOTION IN THE MSSM WITH O(3) SYMMETRY wzII(τ =t ,z) = w 0 ∂ wzII(τ =t ,z) = 0 . (8) In this section we develop a general framework 0 ∂τ in O(3) symmetry extending our earlier work in Refs. [12, 14] based on the MSSM. Our formulation ComparingtotheAbelianHiggsmodelwefoundthe is intended to be capable of following the evolution two magnetic fields to be of similar size. of bubbles with a given wall speed v in 3 + 1 wall 5 dimensions, starting at time of nucleation, and de- region the size of a and hence the accuracy of the termining the magnetic field generated in collisions expansion will depend on how well the mean field including effects of finite conductivity. ρ¯(x)thatappearsinthe EOMapproximatesthe ex- We begin the development of our theory in act scalar field for the colliding bubbles. We come Sect.IIIAbyextendingtheconceptofagentlecolli- back to this issue below. siontothecasewherethesurfaceisexplicitlyconsid- ered. Wethenderive,inSect.IIIB,EOMbymaking an expansionof the scalarfield for a pair of bubbles B. EOM in electroweak theory for gentle aboutthemeanscalarfield. Theexpansion,justified collisions for gentle collisions, leads to linearized EOM, thus simplifyingthetheory. InSectIIICwediscusssome The fact that ψ and Wd (for d = (1,2)) enter ofthenewissuesthatareencounteredinsolvingthe quadraticallyinthe ρ-equation(Eq.(8)ofRef. [12]) EOM when the bubbles are initially separated. As placestwoimportantconstraintsonthesequantities: showninSect.IIID,thesameexpansionleadstoan (1)ψandWdmusthaveanexpansioninoddpowers expressionforthe emcurrentintermsoftheW and of a1/2, if we require the square of these quantities to a corresponding Maxwell equation. be analytic in a; and, (2) expanding this equation toleadingorderina1/2,wefindthatthetermsψ(0), w(0)1, and w(0)2 must vanish. This is most easily A. Gentle collisions in electroweak theory seen in the Euclidean metric, from the fact that the square of each enters with the same sign. However, When the surface is considered, we generalize the same must be true in the Minkowski metric as Eq. (6) by writing well by analytic continuation. In view of these con- siderations, ψ and Wd for d = (1,2) have the fol- ρ(x)=ρ¯(x)+aδρ(x), (9) ν ν lowing expansion withρ¯(x)asimplefunctionapproximatingthemean scalarfield atany point x in the medium in the col- ψν(x)=a1/2ψν(1)+a3/2ψν(3)+ ... (10) lision. The quantity aδρ(x) is, as above, the change of the magnitude in the mean scalar field induced by the collision. In this paper we will obtain, as in Wνd =a1/2wν(1)d+a3/2wν(3)d+ ... . (11) Ref. [12], linear approximations to the exact non- linear EOM by expanding them in terms of the pa- It is natural that an expansion in the same param- rametera appearingin Eq.(9). The resulting EOM eter a1/2 remains appropriate for d = 3. However, aresimilarto thoseofRef.[12], butbecausewenow thereisnorequirementthattheleadingtermvanish, have the surface to consider they differ in a num- so we take berofessentialwaysandrequirethedevelopmentof completely new techniques to solve. Wν3 =wν(0)3+a1/2wν(1)3+a3/2wν(3)3+ ... . (12) The justification ofthe expansioninterms of a in the presentcase arisesas follows. Clearly,whentwo With a 0 we may take ρ¯(x) ρ(x), and the ≈ ≈ colliding bubbles are completely separated ρ¯(x) for B-, Θ-, and W-equations then give, to first order in these bubbles is, to a very good approximation, the a1/2, sum of the scalarfields of independent bubbles, and ρ(x)2 there are no significant fluctuations that need to be [∂2+ (g2+g′2)]ψ(1) =0 (13) considered (a 0) to the extent that one has con- 2 α fidence in the ≈choice made for the scalar field in an ∂αψ(1) =0 (14) α individual bubble. Additionally, for two completely interpenetrating bubbles ρ¯(x) within the central re- where now gionis approximatelythe same asthe scalarfieldat the center of a single one of the colliding bubbles, ψ(1)(x)=∂ Θ (g2+g′2)1/2Z(1) . (15) and the justification of the expansion is the same α α − 2 α there as it was in Ref. [12]. The new issue is to justify the expansion in the Equationsforw(1)dmaybeobtainedbyexpanding ν peripheral region when two bubbles first begin to theB-andW-equationsthroughordera1/2. Ford= merge. The criticalpoint torecognizeis thatinthis 1 or 2 (corresponding to d′ = 2 or 1, respectively), 6 we obtain the pair of equations beenderivedandconsistsofcoupledpartialdifferen- tial equations for the relevant fields. Strictly speak- 0 = ∂2wν(1)d−∂ν∂·w(1)d+m(x)2wν(1)d ing, the set is non-linear because the solution of 2[∂µ(w(0)3w(1)d′ w(1)d′w(0)3) Eq.(21) is coupled to the W field throughthe mass − ν µ − ν µ of the W, evident in Eq. (17). + (wµ(1)d′∂µwν(0)3−wµ(0)3∂µwν(1)d′) However, because Eq. (21) does not depend on − (wµ(1)d′∂νw(0)µ3−wµ(0)3∂νw(1)µd′)] wρ(νax,)tthoetchoeupchlianrggoedftWhefimealdgsniwtu±d1e(xo)fitnheEsqcsa.l(a2r0fi,2e1ld) − 4[(w(0)3)2wν(1)d−w(0)3·w(1)dwν(0)3] , (16) is particularly simple and allowνs ρ¯(x) for a system of colliding bubbles to be determined once and for where m(x) is the mass of the W field, all. Equation(20)istheneffectivelyuncoupledfrom Eq.(21)andmaybesolveddirectlytoobtainwa(x) ρ(x)2g2 ν m(x)2 = . (17) for all x, effectively linearizingthe EOMand result- 2 ing in an enormous simplification. That the EOM The corresponding equation determining w(1)d for areeffectivelylinearimpliesthatforgentilecollisions ν the coupling of the W to the Higgs dominates the d=3 is self-coupling of the W fields. ∂2w(1)3 ∂ ∂ w(1)3 =ρ(x)2gψ(1) , (18) ν − ν · ν which can be solved once the driving term ψ(1)(x) C. Surface effects and W± fields in bubbles has been independently determined from the solu- tion of Eqs. (13,14). The considerations for fixing With the solution of Eq. (21) nearly constant at theboundaryconditionsforw(1)d andw(1)3 aresim- ρ(x) = ρ in the broken phase comprising the in- ν ν 0 ilar and discussed below. terior region of single or overlapping bubbles, our This field w(0)3 appearing in Eq. (16) is found to previous work [12] was simplified. However, now ν be the solution of that we are considering as well the surface, where ρ(x) begins dropping to its value in the symmetric ∂2wν(0)3−∂ν∂·w(0)3 =0 . (19) phase ρ(x) = 0 outside we cannot ignore the spa- tial dependence of the mass as given in Eq. (17). Because no mass appears in this equation, W occu- The spatial dependence in the surface not only in- pying this mode propagateatthe speed of light and troduces a few technical challenges but also, as we experienceno interactionwiththe scalarfieldofthe will see, new physics with quantitative significance bubble to lowest order in a, unlike the W described not present in [12]. by wν(1)d. Because of this, there is no appreciable Oneoftheconsequencesofthespatialdependence coupling to w(0)3, and Eq. (16) becomes of the W mass can be seen by taking the four- ν divergence of Eq. (20). By so doing, we obtain the 0=∂2wνa−∂ν∂·wa+m(x)2wνa . (20) auxiliary condition We see that for sufficiently gentle collisions, all rele- χa(x)=0 , (22) vant equations are linear in W. Simplifying the non-linear ρ equation (Eq. (8) of where Ref. [12]) using the fact that wa and ψ in leading ν ν order go as a1/2, we find that to leading order in a ∂µ(m2wa) wa ∂m2 χa(x) µ =∂ wa+ · . (23) ρ(x) satisfies the equation ≡ m2 · m2 ∂V Equations (22,23) require 0 = ∂2ρ(x)+ρ(x) , (21) ∂ρ2 wa ∂m2 andthe solutionofthis equationis clearlyidentified ∂ wa = · . (24) · − m2 with ρ¯(x) appearing in Eq.(9). Methods for solving Eq. (21) are discussed in many places, for example Thus,incontrastto the calculationinRef.[12],itis Ref. [20]. nolongertrue that∂ wa =0, andas aconsequence · In O(3) the complete set of EOM for describing wefindthattheequationsofmotionfortheW fields bubblecollisionswiththesurfaceconsideredhasnow more complicated. 7 Thephysicsbecomesclearerbyusingtherelation- D. Maxwell’s equations ship in Eq. (24) to rewrite the EOM in Eq. (20) as wa ∂m2 WemayfindtheMaxwellequationfortheemfield 0=∂2wνa+∂ν m· 2 +m2wνa . (25) Aeνm(x)bytakingthelinearcombinationoftheW(3) and B indicated in Eq (3). An expression for the The solutionto this setof equationsis equivalentto corresponding em current j (x) consisting of terms ν the set in Eq. (20) provided the auxiliary condition quadraticandcubic inthe three fields Wi(x) imme- Eq. (22) is maintained for all (t,~x). diately follows [12]. The transformed EOM Eq. (25) reveal that the The result for j (x) may also be simplified by ex- spatial dependence of the W± mass provides a panding the Aemνand W fields in powers of a1/2. perhaps unexpected sensitivity to the bubble sur- Letting a(n)(x) refer to the terms in the expansion face. The sensitivity occurs through the term wa em ν em ∂m2/m2, which becomes in fact divergent in the· of Aν (x), we find that to leading order Aν (x) = a(2)(x)andsatisfiesthe followingMaxwellequation, limit of an infinitely sharp bubble surface. At this ν point one cannot rule out significant modifications ∂2a(2) ∂ ∂ a(2) to results obtained in O(1,2), where the surface is ν − ν · ignored. = Gǫab3(w(1)b∂ w(1)a ν · ToseehowtheauxiliaryconditionEq.(22)maybe w(1)a∂ w(1)µb+2w(1)a ∂w(1)b) maintained for all (t,~x), note that Eq. (25) requires − µ ν · ν em χa(x) to satisfy the Klein-Gordon equation ≡ 4πjν (x) , (29) ∂2χa(x)+m(x)2χa(x)=0. (26) wherewehaveintroducedthecouplingparameterG By choosing the initial configuration of wa(x), at defined in Eq. (5). From this we learn that the first non-vanishing contribution to the em current is of time t=t , to satisfy 0 order a3/2 and that it depends on the components χa(t0,~x)=0 (27) wν(1)iofthechargedW fields(i=1and2),calculated and atorder a1/2. Expressingthe currentin terms of G, we find ∂χa(t ,~x) 0 =0 , (28) ∂t 4πjem(x) = Gǫab3(w(1)b∂ w(1)a ν ν · we assure that χa(x) = 0 for all future times since w(1)a∂ w(1)µb+2w(1)a ∂w(1)b)(3.0) Eqs. (27,28) are boundary conditions for the trivial − µ ν · ν solutionχa(t,~x)=0 ofEq.(26). Thus, Eqs.(27,28) It is easy to prove that this current is conserved, provide constraints on the initial conditions for the W± fields. ∂ jem(x)=0 (31) · To establish the initial conditions requires the choice of a time t at which the initial values of the using the fact that at the classical level 0 W fields in the bubble arespecified. InRef. [12]the [wa(x),wb(x′)] = 0 and the fact that the W µ ν counterpart of t was the point of first contact of fields appearing in Eq. (30) satisfy the EOM, 0 the bubbles. In the current approach t may be in Eq. (20). 0 fact much earlier, in particular it could be as early So far the bubble has been considered to consist as the time of nucleation t . The choice of initial purely of the scalar Higgs field and the associated n conditions is further discussed in the context of a cloudofchargedW gaugebosonscoupledtoit. Ob- our model in Sect. IVE3 below. taining the contribution of the charged gauge W± These observations make it natural to distinguish fields, Eq. (30), to the em current for collisions of two categoriesof initial conditions when the surface such bubbles is one of the important results of this effects are considered. The first, which we will refer derivation. to as boundary conditions, consists of the initial W However, fermions also contribute to the em cur- fieldsthatmaybechosenfreely. Thesecondconsists rentand havea significantimpact onmagnetic seed of the set determined by Eq. (27,28), which we will fieldproduction. Onecontributionwasdiscussedre- refer to as the constrained initial conditions. centlyinRef.[19]andestimatedthereforthe nucle- The definition of χa given in Eq. (23) requires ation phase of the collision. Another, discussed in m(x)2 > 0 everywhere as it would be in the mean- Sect. IIC, occurs through the conductivity of the field approximation adopted in Sect. IVD. medium σ. This is one of the most important and 8 best-knowncontributionsandmaybetakenintoac- Higgs couples to the other fields as it does in the count through its associated current~j (x), MSSM through the Lagrangian of Eq. (1), strong c andhighlynon-perturbativecouplingsariseforming ~jc(x)=σE~(x) , (32) a tightly coupled many-body system as the phase transition develops. Specific consequences of this where the usual assumption that ~j (x) is propor- c weresuggestedandembodiedinRef.[12],andthese tional to the electric field E~ has been made. De- apply as well to the present work. tailedcalculationsofσintheearlyuniverseareavail- Oneoftheidentifiedconsequencesofthiscoupling able [21]. is that as the bubble growth occurs, the W± (and To find Maxwell’s equation for the magnetic field other constituents that we are ignoring here) that B~, enterthe bubble fromthe plasmagaintheirmassat theexpenseofthermalenergy,acoolingprocessthat B~ = ~ A~em , (33) continues as volume available to the W increases ∇× withthebubbleexpansion. Anotheristhatthecou- we multiply Eq. (29) by ǫ ∂ , obtaining ijk j pled fields tend to follow the evolution of the Higgs ǫ ∂ ∂2Aem ǫ ∂ ∂ ∂ Aem fieldcoherently. As they losethermalenergy,the W ijk j k − ijk j k · passing into the bubble enter a single mode, a solu- = ǫ ∂ jem . (34) ijk j k tion to the EOM discussed in the previous section. Expresing Eq. (33) in components, This mode plays a special role, and it is quite different from the more familiar incoherent thermal Bi = ǫijk∂jAekm, (35) modes outside the bubbles. One may think of it as a coherent state, much like a state of electrons in we immediately find the desired result, a superconductor (except that the W are bosons). ∂2B~ = ∂~ ~jem . (36) Themode ofcourseevolvesintime accordingto the × EOM,andasthebubbleexpandsanddisplacesmore of the volume of the plasma the occupation of this IV. MODELING BUBBLE COLLISIONS IN modealsogrows. Thedynamicsdrivingitisclearlya O(3) SYMMETRY non-equilibrium component of the phase transition, and it is a basic assumption of our EOM approach that these coherent fields give rise to the seed fields We will assess the importance of surface effects as bubbles merge before thermal equilibrium is re- by makingnumericalsimulationsthat canbe mean- established. ingfully compared to earlier work in Refs. [12, 14]. Thereareofcoursemanysuchfieldconfigurations Thecommondynamicalframeworkissummarizedin that satisfy the EOM, and the one that is realized Sect. IVA, with common geometrical aspects spec- inagivenbubbleinthephasetransitiondependson ified in Sect. IVB. The representation of the mean the overall history of the process just discussed. To scalar field for two bubbles ρ¯(x) = ρ (x) in this ge- 2 calculate the net magnetic field produced in bubble ometry, along with the arguments for its choice, is collisions properly, one would have to evaluate the given in Sect. IVC. The presence of other bubbles fieldcorrespondingtoeachpossibleinitialconfigura- aretakenintoaccountinamean-fieldapproximation tionandaverageovertheensembleofconfigurations. inIVD. InitialconditionsontheW fields,including The neteffectofthis averagingprocedurewasex- boundaryconditionsandtheconstraintsimposedby aminedinRef.[12]andfoundto befactorlessthan, surface geometry, are discussed in Sect. IVE. We but the order of, unity. Thus, to get a fair estimate specialize the theory to cylindrical coordinates in ofthenetmagneticfielditisnotnecessarytoexplore Sect. IVF. The model is applicable to both weak the full range of possible initial conditions; rather, and strong first-order phase transitions and incor- it is sufficient to examine one initial condition char- poratessomeimportantmediumeffects absentfrom acteristic of the entire ensemble of possibilities. our former work. A. The dynamical framework B. Bubble collision geometry The familiar conceptual features of our MSSM For the application of our theory to the collision theory have been presented in Sect. IIA. When the of two bubbles, we will be assuming, as in Ref. [14], 9 that the bubbles are nucleated simultaneously at where timet=t atpointsz = z locatedsymmetrically n 0 about the origin on the z±-axis with nucleation radii R(r,z) RR(r,z)θ(z)+RL(r,z)θ( z) , (39) ≡ − r . Additionally, here we assume that the bubbles ns with are well separated and non-overlapping before they collide. R (r,z)= r2+(z z )2 (40) The scalar field of a single bubble may be repre- R − 0 p sented in general as being the distance fromthe center ofthe right-hand ρ(t,~x)=ρcfs(t,~x) , (37) bubble at z0 to the point (r,z) on the surface, and where fs(t,~x) is the shape of the field and ρ is its c R (r,z)= r2+(z+z )2 (41) magnitude at the center. The fs(t,~x) that we will L 0 p use in this paper, essentially equivalent to that in beingthedistancetothesamepointfromthecenter Ref.[14],isdefinedinAppendixAintermsthebub- of the left-hand bubble at z . 0 blenucleationtimetn,nucleationradiusrns,surface After the bubbles merge−, the right-hand and left- speed vwall, and surface diffuseness as. The surface handsurfacesintersectonthe x y plane ina circle diffuseness is approximately half the distance over − of radius b(t) = R (t)2 z2 that expands at a which the scalar field falls from its 10% to 90% at q 1/2 − 0 rate t for large bubbles, i.e. bubbles with r &2a . n ns s The bubble nucleated at z =z0 >0 is referred to db(t) R (t)dR (t) 1/2 1/2 as the right-hand (R) bubble and the one nucleated = . (42) dt b(t) dt at z = z < 0 as the left-hand (L) bubble. We 0 − assume axial symmetry so that the relevant spatial Ourmodelofscalarfieldinthe collisionoftwobub- coordinates(r,z)for apointareits axialcoordinate bles, including the region of coalescence is given in r = x2+y2, its distance from the z-axis, and its Sect. IVC. longiptudinal coordinate z, its distance from y z Sincethebubblecollisiongeometryisaxiallysym- − plane that passes through the origin at z =0. metric with the relevant spatial coordinates being Itishelpfultothinkofthecollisionintermsofthe (r,z), where z is the distance of a point from the evolution of spatial surfaces that separate regions y z plane on the z-axis, and r = x2+y2 being of the collision occupying true vacuum from those its−distance from the z-axis, cylindrpical coordinates of false vacuum. The connectedness of the surfaces is the natural coordinate system for expressing re- change as the collision process proceeds. sults. In this coordinate system, the W fields may Initially, for times tn < t < tc, where tc is the be taken to have the following form, collisiontime or time ofmerging of the bubbles, the boundary consists of two disconnected surfaces, one wa(t,~r,z) = wa(x), ν =0 ν 0 for the left-hand bubble i = L and the other for wa(t,~r,z) = x wa(x), ν =(1,2) the right-hand bubble i = R. For times t t the ν ν ≥ c wa(t,~r,z) = wa(x), ν =3 , (43) bubbles coalescetoformaregioni=c witha single ν z boundary surface, S . c with wa = wza and wa = w0a. Correspondingly, TheradiusofthebubblesurfaceR (t)isdefined z − 0 1/2 wewritetheemcurrentincylindricalcoordinatesas as the distance from the center of the bubble (its nucleation point) to the point at which the scalar j (t,~r,z)=(j (t,~r,z),~rj(t,~r,z),j (t,~r,z)) . (44) ν 0 z field has fallen to half its central value. It of course depends on our choice of scalar field, whose details are given in Appendix A. The collision time may C. Mean scalar field in two colliding bubbles then be taken to be the time at which the radius of either bubble becomes equal to the distance of its An expression for the mean scalar field ρ¯(x) = nucleation point from the origin of the coordinate ρ (x)forapairofcollidingbubblesmaybeexpressed 2 system, i.e. when R (t ) = z . The solution of 1/2 c 0 intermsofthenon-overlappingportionofthescalar thisequationforourscalarfieldisgiveninEq.(A9). field, ∆ρ(x), The spatial points forming the boundary surfaces are then determined by the equation ∆ρ(x) = ρ (x)(1 ρ (x)/ρ ) L R c − R(r,z)=R (t) , (38) +ρ (x)(1 ρ (x)/ρ ) , (45) 1/2 R L c − 10 where the scalar fields in the left-hand and right- hand bubbles, while still separated, are taken as ρ (t,r,z) = ρ fs(t,r,z+z ) L c 0 ρ (t,r,z) = ρ fs(t,r,z z ) (46) R c 0 − with fs(t,r,z) and ρ given in Eq. (37). 1 Now, if the scalarficelds were to simply addin the €€·€€€€€ 0.75 40 ·0 0.5 overlap region (which we know is not the case [12]) 0.25 30 the scalar field would be 0 --110000 20 ρL(x)+ρR(x) , (47) --5500 t mW 00 10 which is as large as twice the size of that when they zz mmWW 5500 are well separated. What we have learned from the 110000 0 calculation in Ref [12] is that the scalar field, when thebubbleshavecompletelymerged,isactuallyhalf this value, so if we define FIG. 1: Evolution of scalar field in the collision of two bubbles. Nucleation is at t = 0. Field is plotted as a 1 n ρ (x)=∆ρ(x)+ (ρ (x)+ρ (x) ∆ρ(x)) ,(48) functionofz forr=0overthetimeinterval0≤t≤40. 2 L R 2 − then we obtain our ansatz, which is in agreement with the results of Ref. [14]. D. Medium containing many bubbles Because there is not much a priori guidance on how to define ρ¯(x) in the region where the bubbles In a medium undergoing a first-order phase tran- begin to overlap, the accuracy of the expansion in sition there are many distinct regions S of scalar i terms of a appearing in Eq. (9) is accordingly dif- potential, each of which is either a single bubble or ficult to establish for any given ρ¯(x). However, be- a collection of mutually overlapping bubbles. The causetheperipheralregionextendsoverasmallvol- net scalar field ρ(x) for this system may thus be ex- ume relative to that of the two bubbles, it is likely pressed as a sum over the scalar fields ρ(i)(x) for thatthecorrectionsforanyreasonablechoicewillbe each of the N regions, relatively insignificant. Theevolutionofthescalarfieldinacollisionwith N ρ (x)definedinEq.(48)isshowninFig.1. Thisfig- ρ(x)= ρ(i)(x) . (49) 2 X ure shows the scalar field on which the calculations i of Sect. V are based. The individual bubbles nucle- For such a system, the mass of a W± boson at any ateattimet =0onthez-axiscenteredatz = z , n ± 0 pointxcontinuestobegivenbyEq.(17),whereρ(x) with z =35 and nucleation radius r =20. Their 0 ns is the net scalar potential at the location of the W. scalarfields takento have wallthickness a =4 and s In this paper we are interested in the evolutionof v = 1. Aside from our choice of surface diffuse- wall at most two bubbles in this sum. But in tracking ness and some compensating adjustment in r and ns their evolution, we should not ignore the presence z (the parameters z and r are a bit larger than 0 0 ns of the other bubbles. We will account for them in the ones used there so that with the thicker surface a mean-field approximation by averaging over their the bubbles do not overlap at t = t ) the parame- 0 locations and representing their collective effect by ters and collision geometry closely matches that of an average scalar field ρ , Ref. [14]. Because of the larger surface diffuseness, av this corresponds to a somewhat weaker phase tran- N′ sitionthanthatofRef.[14]andthusprovidesanin- ρ = ρ(i)(x) av terestingcontrasttothecalculationpresentedthere. hX i i The collision time is found from Eq. (A9) to be N′ t = tc ≈ 11. The bubble radii at this time are 1 d3x ρ(i)(t,~x) , (50) R (t )=z =35. For times t<t the scalar field ≡ V Z 1/2 c 0 c Xi is approximately confined to two isolated regions, the two individual bubbles, and that after this time where V is the total volume over which the integral to just one region, the collision region. runs and the prime on the sum means we exclude

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