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The Zygaenidae, Hyblaeidae, Thyrididae, Limacodidae, Uraniidae, Sphingidae, Arctiidae and Nolinae (Noctuidae) of the Ogasawara Islands, with additions and corrections to the Geometridae and Pyralidae (Lepidoptera) : Moths of Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Par PDF

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Preview The Zygaenidae, Hyblaeidae, Thyrididae, Limacodidae, Uraniidae, Sphingidae, Arctiidae and Nolinae (Noctuidae) of the Ogasawara Islands, with additions and corrections to the Geometridae and Pyralidae (Lepidoptera) : Moths of Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Par

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utLva 7>'ans,k\)idSoc Japan 49 (4):271-287, October 1998 The Zygaenidae, Hyblaeidae,Thyrididae,Limaeodidae,Uraniidae, Sphingida eA,retiidae and Nolinae (Noetuid aofe )the Ogasawara Islands, with additions and corrections to the Geometridae and Pyralidae (Lepidoptera) (Moth sof Ogasawara (Boni nIs)lands ,Part IV) Hireshi INouE 311-2,Bushi,lruma City,SaitamaPrefi3,S8-OOS3Japan Abstract Various families of "Bombyces & Sphinges" are listed ,includin gdescription sof Banisi a whatVoj,i sp. nov. (Thyridida ean)d Gathynia jumicos ttaslancf ibsaubsp, nov, (Uraniida e)A.dditiona linformatio non the Geometridae and Pyralidae i spresented. Key words Ogasawara Islands ,Bombyces, Sphinges, endemic species, nominotypical sub- specles, In Part IV of Moths of the Ogasawara Islands ,in thi spaper various familie sbelonging to "Bombyces & Sphinges" sensu Seitz ,711l rMeacronepidbptera of the rvbrid or Die Gross- Sichmettenti ntgleer thde will be deal twith. At the same time additional informatio nand corrections to the Geometridae (Par ItI) and Pyralida e(Par ItII )will be presente d.Colour photographs of many species, includin ggndemi cones, liste adnd newly describe din previous and presen tparts will be shown. All the type material and other specimens recorded in Part II, III and IV will be deposited in The Natural History Museum, London, excepting where indicate dto the contrary, Abbreviatiens.BMH: BishopMuseum, Honolulu. FFPRI: Forestry ForestProd- and ucts Research Institu tIeb,araki .HUS : Hokkaido Universit yS,apporo. OSBTAS : Oga- sawara Subtropica lBranch of Tokyo Metropolita nAgric .Exp. Statn, FamilyZYGAENIDAE SubfamilyProcridinae Artona (IBalata ematrtDini Efetov Artona (IBalatae omjartini Efetov ,1997 : 170 ,fig s7-12, Balataea junerad sI:noue, 1982: 294, pl .32: 21, 22, nec Butler. Specimens Chichijima:Komagari,v,1987,19 (S.Koyane); duto,5.iv,1995, examined, 1g Kita-fukurozawa,7.iv,1995,1\ (T.OhbayashOiS)B,TAS, ; Recently two closely similar species of Artona in Japan were separated and one ofthem was describe das new by Efetov (1997 ).Sugi (1997 r)ed,escribed them in Japanese with good illustrati oofnmsoths and genitali aMonzen (195 :1 25) fir srtecorded it as Artona ,funerads fromOgasawara data. This introducedintoOgasawara without other species was apparently by human activities. Distribution.Ogasawara(ChichijimJaap)a,n(HonshuK,yushu), Taiwan, China, Vietnarn. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 272 HiroshiINouE g #i aj 3 g ' [ig k ・pt.#1:-ke 'ig' li st v v ' . , l Ee m" vaft,5 -ftwl .8 Figs1-21 Moths ofOgasawara Island s 1 Banrsm whaldyi sp nov Holotype ,dl 2 B nryrsusaks elarads (Walke r9), 3 Be4m)a boninens r(sMatsumura )d,i 4 Gathynia jumicas tasalandica subsp noy Paratype, \ 5 Ditto Helotype ,{1 6 Ditto Par atype, \ 7 Ditto Paratype ,cl 8 IVbl ainj7'atha Inoue, cj- 9 Ditto ,\ 10 Tlhalassz)do s st{peraeutrpennrs Inoue Holotype, cjn tl Pelagodes qgasawarensis (Inou e)Holotype , dl 12 Gymnosce ltbsoninens rsInoue Holotype, di l3 llseudonadogar ahepatscalnou e Holotype, di i 14 Bontnnatlagar acmaomorphalnoue Holotype,di 15 Ditto,undersurfac e 16 CZeoraqgasawarensasInou e Holotype,cl 17 7vaalamonhyneha cramboidhs lnoue Holotype, dn 18 Ditto Paratype ,\ 19 Endotnehapulveneak sHampson, cf- 20 Ditto, 4 21 havena attuteha (Ragone t\), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Moths of Ogasawara 273 tVtt,w mn an ' , ・ 29 3e 'g t- m es ,4 # ne os・ Figs22-47. MothsofOgasawaralslands, 22. EucampylaestriedoYamanaka, \. 23.byptob- labes gnidZei l(aMillier e9). ,24. Microthrix inconspicueha (Ragono t\)., 2S. hidonry- laea eugrerpheLla (Ragonot ),\, 26. Cainmompha athistrigeiZbe s(Hampson )cy,, 27. O・ambus boninetZt Sihsibuya, 6i. 28. Bocchort sathipunctads Shjbuya ,c?i. 29. Stdetula minuscula Inoue. Paratype ,cin. 30. Musotima kumatai Inoue, Helotype, cin. 31. Ditto, cr. 32. Ditto, cfi. 33, Pqgy,cla eininezaits Inoue. Holotype, cgT. 34. Ditto. Par- atype, ?. 35. Agrotera faTvoba sIanoduse. Holotype, cin. 36. Ditto. Paratype ,\, 37. Rehintena variegata Inoue . Holotype , cfT. 38. Ditto .Paratype ,9. 39. Ditto. Paratype ,\, 40. Aracole iganessi tItnioue ,e, 41. Metasia biiiheate iI7nobue. Holotype, [iz. 42. Hlerpetogramma submarginads (Swinhoe )4,. 43. GCmphodes fonestr nIntoaue. Holotype ,di . 44. Erpis pacita pacijft] aHampson, \. 45. Ditto ,\. 46. EL pacijZca iwojimens ilsnoue . Paratype ,\. 47. Paroti sqgasawarensi s(Shibuy a{1.), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 274 Hiroshi INouE FamilyHYBLAEIDAE Ilyblaea (Cramer) puera A female specimen from Chichljima was illustrat beyd Sugi (198 2i)n Inoue et al,, Moths of 35: 14. tlapan, pl. Specimens examined, Chichijima :Komagari, 3. vi. 1997 ,4exs, from larva eon P7tex (Verbenaoe(aTe.)Ohbayashi),OSBTAS, rotundij7oha Fisr trecorded from Ogasawara by Nakane (l97 :0 18) without other data. Distribution . Ogasawara (Chichiji mSaW) ,Japan, Taiwan, Philippines ,Micronesia, wide- spread in tropical areas of the world. Family THYRIDIDAE Subfamily Striglininae Banisia (Walker()Fig2.) ay,:susali selaralis Ryrad selaratts Walker, 1859, X Proc .Linn. Soc. Lonct 3: 901. [Ceylon] Bantsia myrsusads elarads: Wha"ey, 1976: IS6 ,pl .13: 126; pl.39:302;pl. 52:415; pl.67: 590; Inoue ,1982: 304, pl ,35: 35. Specimensexamined, Chichljima: MtMikazuki, 16.vi,1979,1 9 (N.Watanabe)H,aha- jima :Kitamura, 28. ix .1977, 1? (Y.Watanabe);Ontaket '1{9a .jvia. ,1979, 19 {N. Watanabe), Distributio n.Ogasawara (Chichij iHmahaa,jima), widely spread in the Aethiopian, Oriental AustralianRegions, and Banisia whalloji sp. nov. (Fig .1) Banisia plagiata subsp. : Whalley, 1976: 160, nec Butler. Usually smaller than plagiata ; fbrewing without hyaline white spots, under surface more weakly marked. Specimens collected in January to April are large rand usually more reddish than those secured in June to September. Male genitali (aFi g4.8) , Very similar to plagiata b,ut sacculus proces s(aft Wehralley, l976) strongly serrated at ventral margin, with a small stick-like process at basal area. Female genitali a(Fi g4.9) . Colliculum granulate dc,ephalic margin fla tn,ot bilobe das in plagiata, ductus bursae much broader than in plagiata at basal (o rcaudal) one-third. Signa consist- ing of a pair of scobinate bands, occupying nearly half lengt hof corpus bursae. Specimens examined. Holotype, di:Omura, Chichljima, 2, iv, 1971 (K .Suzuki) . Para- types : 42 specimens from Chichijima and Hahajima. 3 specimens in BMH and 1 specimen inHUS. Distribution.Ogasawara(ChichijiHamhaaj,ima). Although Whalley (197 6c)onsidered the population from Ogasawara as a subspecies of B. plagr'at a(Butle rI )d,escribe dit as a new species both from the external and anatomical NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Moths of Ogasawara 275 Figs48-49. Banisia whatLeyi sp. nov. 48. Male genitalia (H.Inou eSlide 16433). 49. Female (HISIide16434), genitalia fea.tures. Family LIMACODIDAE 'Betippa boninensis(Matsumura), (Fig3.) comb. noy. CbnthayloidasboninensiMsatsumuTa, 1931a] 104, 23; id.,1931b: 999,fig. pl.2: Specimens examined. Holotype, cin : Chichijima ,HUS. 29specimens from Chichijima and Hahajima, collected in Apri1 ,May, June, August and September. Usuaily specimens secured in spring are paler and browner than those collected in summer. This endemic species was des(nibe das a new genus and species based on a single male from Chichijima. I consider Cbnthevloide sMatsumura, 1931, a monobasic genus ,a junior synonym of BeZipp aWalker, 1865 ,type species :. Beiipp aharrid aWalker, 1865 (syn n.oy.), from the shape of wings, the maculation of fbrewing and the genitali a(Fig 5s0, 51). Distribution,Ogasawara (ChichijiHmaah,ajima). NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 276 Hiroshi INouE Figs 50-51. Belippa agasawarensi s(Matsumura ).50. Male genitalia (HI SIid e16482). 50, Female genital i(aHI SIide 1648]). FamilyURANIIDAE SubfamilyEpipleminae (latjij7 njiuamicas tiaslandic asubsp. nov. (Fig 4s-7) The nominotypical subspecies ofjumteosta Warren, 1896 (Inou e19,82 : 578, pl. 110 : 37-39) is constant in colour amd maculation of wings, but the Ogasawar' apopulation is very variable. Many specimens are much darker and sometimes have the hindwing with a pale yellow basal patch and postmedian fasci af,i11ed- wiitnh black between thern . Rarely almost identic awlith the nominotypical subspecies, but in genera lthe ground colour is darker, Specimens examined. ,Holotype, cln : Tamagawa-dam, Hyogidaira ,Hahajima, 29. vi, 1979 (H.Nakaji maP)ar.atypes .Chichljjma :Nagatani ,25. vii. 1979 ,1 cii t 9 (H.Nakajima), Hahajima: Koromodate, near Kita-ko, 21-22, vi. 1979, 1 4 (N,Watanabe )da;ta as holotype, 19; Chibusarindo, Hyogidaira, 3. 1979, lcfi(H.Nakajima), viii. Chibusayama, 3oo-462 m, 17-20 .viii, 1980, 3 c3n 3 \ (S.L M.ontgornery) ,BMH. Distributi oonf the subspecies. Ogasawara, (Chichlji Hmaah,ajima). Family SPHINGIDAE For distribut iaondn other infbrmatio non the fbllowin gspecies, see Inoue, Kennett & Kitching,[1996]. SubfatnilySphinginae NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan Moths of Ogasawara 277 Agn'us convotvuli (Linnaeus) Specimens examined, Chichijima: Omura, 8. x. 1972, 1c{n; 16. x. I972, 1 9- (Y. Kusui), Watanabe et al., (198 0: 99) recorded both from Chichijima and Hahajima, Subfamily Macroglossinae Duphnis (Linnaeus) nerii Daphnts nerii: Ohbayashi ,1998: 390, fig .1. Recently Ohbayashi recorded one female from Chichijima collected on 16. ix ,1997. He supposes that it was brought int othe islan fdrom SE Asia by a typhoon which passed close to Ogasawara on September 2 of that year, Macrogidssum Butler evnthasticta lMaerogkxssum poectium: Matsumura, 1931b: 605 (Ogasawa raas ,poecilus); Monzen, 19Sl: 25 (as poeeuts) ; Nakane, 1970 : i8 (as poeeilbts )n,ec Rothschild & Jordan. Specimens Twenty-two from Chichijima Haha- examained. specimens were collected and jimain almost every month. Matsumura's record of Att poecilit mfrom Ogasawara, referred to by Monzen (1951 a)nd Nakane (1970 w)as, probably a misidentification of this species. Macroglassum heliophila.Boisduval Specimen examined, Chichljima : date unknown, 1 cl (ex Y. Kishida). lheretra (Drury) nessus Watanabe et al. (198 0: 99) recorded Chichijirna. Family ARCTIIDAE SubfamilyArctiinae IIlyphantri acunea (Drury) lb/phanM-a cunea: Inoue ,1982: 653, pl.160 :7-11. This north American species was accidentally introduce dinto Japan (Toky oarea) around i945 and is now established in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, According to Messrs Takeuchi and Ohbayashi (i nint. )i,t was fir sdtiseover eond Chichijima in 1994 and is now sedentary on the island .Apparently artificially brought from the mainland of Japan, Utetheisa Jordan pulehetloides umata Utetheis apuichelloid eumsata Jordan, 1939 : 281 Specimens examined. Chichijima: 5. vi. 1968,1di 1 \ (H.Hasega weat al.); Suzaki ,3, 1997,9exs(T.Ohbayashi),OSBTAS, ・ v. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 27g HiroshiINouE Nakane (1970 :18) recorded from Chichijima without other infbrmation .Probably not a but migrantfrom Pacificislands, permanent resident, an oecasional southeastern Distribution of the subspecies. Mariana Island s(Guam ,Saipan) ,Ogasawara (Chichljima). SubfamilyNyctemerinae IYJrctemera adversata <Schaller) ACyctemera adversata: Inoue ,1982: 658, pl. I62: 7-9. Specimens examined. Chichijima :Komagari, 3, i .1987 ,1ex. (S .Koyania); 16. v, 1988, 1 (K.Takeuchi),OSBTAS. ex As in the case of the above cited species, this seems not a permanent resident of Ogasawara, Distribution . Widespread in Indo-Malayan Region, Japan (fro msouthwest Honshu to Ryukyu islands)K,orea. Family NOCTUIDAE (part) SubfamilyNolinae AiblaijtfraloIanoue (Fig8s,9) ?Vbl airijS"a tIhnaoue, 1976: 165 ,pl,1: 24; pl. 6: 92,93; id. 1982; 663, pl .t54i 13; pl.350: 3; pL 352: 12. Specimens examined, Chichijima :Omura, 30. ii i.1971,1\ (K. Suzuki); ditt o2,4 & 27. iii .1973 ,5cl1\;2. iv ,1973 ,1ci i(Y.Kusui);Shigure- d24a, m,vii, 1979 ,2ci -(H, Nakajima);]ocality 18.i.1996,1\ (K.TakeuchiHa)h.ajima: Chibusa-yama, unknown, 2oom, 17-19 .viii. 1980, 1 \ (S.L.Montgom eBMrHy.), Distribution. Honshu (ChibaA,ichi),IzuIslands(HachijojimaS)hi,koku,Okinawa,Ishiga- kljima,Ogasawara (ChichijiHmaah,ajima). Addition sand corrections to the Geometrida eand Pyralidae ("-mark espdecies are new te Ogasawara) Family GEOMETRIDAE SubfamilyGeometrinae Plelagode santiguadran'a (Inoue) Thalassode santiquadrarius : Inoue ,I994 : 198, fig 2sA-D. Pelagodes Holloway,1996 261, antieuadearia : : Helloway (1996 d)ivided 77ialassodes sensu Prout (191 2& 1933) into three genera. Additional Chichijima, larva, 29, 1984,1di, frem specimen examined, ex em. xi. reared larva Schima (Theacea(eT).Kumata),HUS. on mertensinna Plelagodesagasawanensis(Inoue()Fig1.1) 7)halassodds ogasawarensis Inoue ,1994 : 199, fig s3A-D. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Moths of Ogasawara 279 Pelagodlas Holloway,1997 261. ogasawarensis : : Additional specimens examined. Hahajima, 2 & 3. xi .1994 ,2 cln (T ,Kumata), HUS. SubfamilySterrhinae 7beaminda aventian'a (Guenee) GnanqJtoloma avena'aria : Inoue, 1994 : 203. 7)'amindu Holloway,1997:22,figs5,6,8; 14. aventiaria: pl.6: C),clophor aobrinaria (Guenee )c,omb. noy. Anisz)cla sobrinarius : lnoue, 1994 : 203, fig.5A. I'la,ixenitlzloj,idan('GauenEe)" Anisocte sillbpicl aGruieanee, in Boisduval & Guen6e, lg57, Htst nat. insectes (Lepid .9): 421 ; Prout, 1938: 176, pl. 18: i; Inoue, 1982: 444, pl. 61: 22, Perixera il?bpidaria :Holloway, 1987: 5i, fig 9.5; pl.3: 21. Specimens examined. Chichijima :Suzaki ,1. v. 1995,1\, reared from FXbus retusa (Mor- aceae); ditto ,17, vii. 1995, 1 c?n, reared frem larv aon Litehi chinensts (Sapindac e(aTe,) Ohbayashi). Distribution,Japan (Honshu)T,aiwan, Hong Kong, Sundaland,PhilippinesN,E India, PhilippinesO,gasawara (Chichijima), Perixer aniveopuneta (Warren) Anisodas niveopuncttts Inoue, 1994: 203, fig s5B, C, Perixera niveopuncta: Helloway, 1997i 57, fig s135 ,138; pl ,2: 26. SubfamilyLaTentiinae Cbsuariclystilsatpmscia(Walker) Empitheci alatifasc iWaalker, 1866, List SPecime ntespia Insect sCblbi Bn Mus. 35 : 1674, enloroe(r sstciintstiIZzta : Inoue, 1994: 206, figs7A-D, Cbsuan'c4}L sltaitsij2isc iHao:lloway, 1997: 160 ,fig s516, 519, pl .10: 31. Additional specimen examined, Chichijima :2. iii .1995 ,1 \ (T,Ohbayashi). Holloway (199 7e)stablished a new genus for this species and at the same time he synonym- ized Eupithect aineupiiba tWaalker, 1866 ,EL perceptata Walker, 1866 ,Gymncrsz rneigdeisla Joannis, 1906 ,C7ilorocba smdetsallieata Fletche r,1910 and C scintiUata Prout ,1932. (]b,mnascel isashpumilata Inoue (lymnasceds suZlpumiltrta : Inoue ,1994 : 207, fig .7E. Additiona lspecimens examined. Chichijima :Futako, 5. iv .1995 ,1 \, reared from larva on Mangrfera indua (Anacardiao e; aChei)busa-yama, 15. xii ,1995, 1 \, reared from larva on flower of Dendeocacaha c,epidi;foha (Composit ae()K,Takeuch i)Ha.hajima: Hyogidaire g15. xii. I995 ,1 cl, reared from larva on fiower ofBidtins bitet:n (atCaompositae) (K.Takeuchi), NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclleotygical Society oofJfap anJapan 280 HiroshiINouE Figs 52-58 Male and female gemtalia of Phycitinae 52-S3 Eucampyla estnate1la Yamanaka (5 2Male gemtalia ,HI SIide 13471, 53 Female gemtaha, HUS) 54-55 orJ{ptoblabes gnidiet Z{aMilli e(r5e 4)Male genitalia ,HUS a uncus, ventral wew , 55 Female genita 1ia ,HUS) 56 Microthnrc inconsprcuedo (Ragonot),malegenit aSlliida e1(3H4l69 ) S7- 58 indomprlaea eugraphella (Ragono t)(5 7Male genitali aHUS , 58 Female genitalia, HUS) NII-Electronic Library Service

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