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THE WEAK ORDER ON INTEGER POSETS GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS Abstract. Theweakorderonthesymmetricgroupnaturallyextendstoalatticeonallinteger binaryrelations. Wefirstshowthatthesubposetofthisweakorderinducedbyintegerposets defines as well a lattice. We then study the subposets of this weak order induced by specific families of integer posets corresponding to the elements, the intervals, and the faces of the permutahedron,theassociahedron,andsomerecentgeneralizationsofthose. The weak order is the lattice on the symmetric group S(n) defined as the inclusion order of 7 inversions, where an inversion of σ ∈S(n) is a pair of values a<b such that σ−1(a)>σ−1(b). It 1 is a fundamental tool for the study of the symmetric group, in connection to reduced expressions 0 of permutations as products of simple transpositions. It can also be seen as an orientation of the 2 skeletonofthepermutahedron(theconvexhullofallpermutationsofS(n)seenasvectorsinRn). n The weak order naturally extends to all integer binary relations, i.e. binary relations on [n]. a Namely, for any two integer binary relations R,S on [n], we define in this paper J 7 R(cid:52)S ⇐⇒ RInc ⊇SInc and RDec ⊆SDec, 2 where RInc:= {(a,b)∈R|a≤b} and RDec:= {(b,a)∈R|a≤b} respectively denote the increas- ] inganddecreasingsubrelationsofR. Wecallthisordertheweak orderonintegerbinaryrelations, O see Figure 1. The central result of this paper is the following statement, see Figure 5. C Theorem 1. The weak order on the integer posets on [n] is a lattice. . h Ourmotivationforthisresultisthatmanyrelevantcombinatorialobjectscanbeinterpretedby t a specificintegerposets,andthesubposetsoftheweakorderinducedbythesespecificintegerposets m often correspond to classical lattice structures on these combinatorial objects. To illustrate this, [ westudyspecificintegerposetscorrespondingtotheelements,totheintervals,andtothefacesin 1 theclassicalweakorder,theTamariandCambrianlattices[MHPS12,Rea06],thebooleanlattice, v and other related lattices defined in [PP16]. By this systematic approach, we rediscover and shed 5 light on lattice structures studied by G. Chatel and V. Pons on Tamari interval posets [CP15], 9 by G. Chatel and V. Pilaud on Cambrian and Schr¨oder-Cambrian trees [CP14], by D. Krob, 9 M. Latapy, J.-C. Novelli, H.-D. Phan and S. Schwer on pseudo-permutations [KLN+01], and by 7 0 P. Palacios and M. Ronco [PR06] and J.-C. Novelli and J.-Y. Thibon [NT06] on plane trees. . 1 Part 1. The weak order on integer posets 0 7 1.1. The weak order on integer binary relations 1 : v 1.1.1. Integer binary relations. Our main object of focus are binary relations on integers. An i integer(binary)relationofsizenisabinaryrelationon[n]:={1,...,n},thatis,asubsetRof[n]2. X As usual, we write equivalently (u,v)∈R or uRv, and similarly, we write equivalently (u,v)∈/ R ar or u(cid:54)Rv. Recall that a relation R∈[n]2 is called: • reflexive if uRu for all u∈[n], • transitive if uRv and vRw implies uRw for all u,v,w ∈[n], • symmetric if uRv implies vRu for all u,v ∈[n], • antisymmetric if uRv and vRu implies u=v for all u,v ∈[n]. From now on, we only consider reflexive relations. We denote by R(n) (resp. T(n), resp. S(n), resp. A(n)) the collection of all reflexive (resp. reflexive and transitive, resp. reflexive and sym- metric, resp.reflexiveandantisymmetric)integerrelationsofsizen. WedenotebyC(n)thesetof integer congruencesofsizen, thatis, reflexivetransitivesymmetricintegerrelations, andbyP(n) VPiwaspartiallysupportedbytheFrenchANRgrantSC3A(15CE40000401). 1 2 GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS thecollectionofintegerposetsofsizen,thatis,reflexivetransitiveantisymmetricintegerrelations. In all these notations, we forget the n when we consider a relation without restriction on its size. A subrelation of R ∈ R(n) is a relation S ∈ R(n) such that S ⊆ R as subsets of [n]2. We say that S coarsens R and R extends S. The extension order defines a graded lattice structure on R(n) whose meet and join are respectively given by intersection and union. The complemen- tation R(cid:55)→{(u,v)|u=v or u(cid:54)Rv} is an antiautomorphism of (R(n),⊆,∩,∪) and makes it an ortho-complemented lattice. NotethatT(n),S(n)andA(n)areallstablebyintersection,whileonlyS(n)isstablebyunion. Inotherwords,(S(n),⊆,∩,∪)isasublatticeof(R(n),⊆,∩,∪),while(T(n),⊆)and(A(n),⊆)are meet-semisublattice of (R(n),⊆,∩) but not sublattices of (R(n),⊆,∩,∪). However, (T(n),⊆) is a lattice. To see it, consider the transitive closure of a relation R∈R(n) defined by Rtc:=(cid:8)(u,w)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)∃v1,...,vp ∈[n] such that u=v1Rv2R...Rvp−1Rvp =w(cid:9). ThetransitiveclosureRtc isthecoarsesttransitiverelationcontainingR. Itfollowsthat(T(n),⊆) is a lattice where the meet of R,S ∈ R(n) is given by R∩S and the join of R,S ∈ R(n) is given by (R∪S)tc. Since the transitive closure preserves symmetry, the subposet (C(n),⊆) of integer congruences is a sublattice of (T(n),⊆). 1.1.2. Weak order. From now on, we consider both a relation R and the natural order < on [n] simultaneously. To limit confusions, we try to stick to the following convention throughout the paper. We use couples (u,v) when we do not know whether u<v or u>v for the natural order. In contrast, we use couples (a,b) and (b,a) when we know that a≤b for the natural order. Let In:= (cid:8)(a,b)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9) and Dn:= (cid:8)(b,a)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9). Observe that In∪Dn = [n]2 while I ∩D = {(a,a)|a∈[n]}. We say that the relation R ∈ R(n) is increasing (resp. de- n n creasing) when R ⊆ I (resp. R ⊆ D ). We denote by I(n) (resp. D(n)) the collection of all n n increasing (resp. decreasing) relations on [n]. The increasing and decreasing subrelations of an integer relation R∈R(n) are the relations defined by: RInc:=R∩In =(cid:8)(a,b)∈R(cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9)∈I(n) and RDec :=R∩Dn =(cid:8)(b,a)∈R(cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9)∈D(n). Inourpictures,wealwaysrepresentanintegerrelationR∈R(n)asfollows: wewritethenumbers 1,...,nfromlefttorightandwedrawtheincreasingrelationsofRaboveinblueandthedecreasing relations of R below in red. Although we only consider reflexive relations, we always omit the relations (i,i) in the pictures (as well as in our explicit examples). See e.g. Figure 1. Besides the extension lattice mentioned above in Section 1.1.1, there is another natural poset structure on R(n), whose name will be justified in Section 2.1. Definition2. The weakorderonR(n)istheorderdefinedbyR(cid:52)SifRInc ⊇SInc andRDec ⊆SDec. The weak order on R(3) is illustrated in Figure 1. Observe that the weak order is obtained by combiningtheextensionlatticeonincreasingsubrelationswiththecoarseninglatticeondecreasing subrelations. Inotherwords,R(n)isthesquareofan(cid:0)n(cid:1)-dimensionalbooleanlattice. Itexplains 2 the following statement. Proposition 3. The weak order (R(n),(cid:52)) is a graded lattice whose meet and join are given by R∧ S=(RInc∪SInc)∪(RDec∩SDec) and R∨ S=(RInc∩SInc)∪(RDec∪SDec). R R Proof. Theweakorderisclearlyaposet(antisymmetrycomesfromthefactthatR=RInc∪RDec). ItscoverrelationsarealloftheformR(cid:52)R(cid:114){(a,b)}foraRIncborR(cid:114){(b,a)}(cid:52)RwithbRDeca. Therefore, the weak order is graded by R (cid:55)→ | RDec | − | RInc |. To check that it is a lattice, consider R,S ∈ R(n). Observe first that R∧ S is indeed below both R and S in weak order. R Moreover,ifT(cid:52)RandT(cid:52)S,thenTInc ⊇RInc∪SInc andTDec ⊆RDec∩SDec,sothatT(cid:52)R∧ S. R This proves that R∧ S is indeed the meet of R and S. The proof is similar for the join. (cid:3) R Remark 4. DefinethereverseofarelationR∈RasRrev:= (cid:8)(u,v)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)(v,u)∈R(cid:9). Observe that (Rrev)Inc =(RDec)rev and (Rrev)Dec = (RInc)rev. Therefore, the reverse map R (cid:55)→ Rrev defines an antiautomorphism of the weak order (R(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ ). Note that it preserves symmetry, R R antisymmetry and transitivity. THE WEAK ORDER ON INTEGER POSETS 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 d. 2 te 3 3 t 1 mi 2 2 3 o 1 1 e 2 r a 3 3 1 n] 2 2 [ 1 3 1 ∈ 2 i 3 3 3 3 r 1 o 2 2 2 2 f 1 1 23 1 1 i,i() 3 3 1 ns 2 2 o 1 3 1 ati 2 el 3 3 3 3 r 1 2 2 2 2 ve 1 1 3 1 1 xi 2 fle 3 3 e 1 r 2 3 2 All 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 3. 1 e 2 2 2 2 z 3 si 1 1 1 1 f 2 o 3 3 3 3 s 1 n 2 2 2 2 o 3 ti 1 1 1 1 a 2 el 3 3 3 3 r 1 y 2 2 2 2 r 1 1 3 1 1 na 2 bi 3 1 3 er 2 2 g 1 3 1 nte 2 i 3 3 3 3 ) 1 e 2 2 3 2 2 xiv 1 1 1 1 e 2 efl 3 3 r 1 ( 2 2 n 3 o 1 1 2 er 3 3 3 3 d 1 r 2 2 2 2 o 3 k 1 1 1 1 a 2 we 3 3 1 e 2 2 h 3 T 1 1 2 . 1 3 3 1 e 2 2 r 3 u 1 1 g 2 i F 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 4 GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS 1.2. The weak order on integer posets In this section, we show that the three subposets of the weak order (R(n),(cid:52)) induced by antisymmetric relations, by transitive relations, and by posets are all lattices (although the last two are not sublattices of (R(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ )). R R 1.2.1. Antisymmetric relations. We first treat the case of antisymmetric relations. Figure 2 shows the meet and join of two antisymmetric relations, and illustrates the following statement. Proposition 5. The meet ∧ and the join ∨ both preserve antisymmetry. Thus, the antisym- R R metric relations induce a sublattice (A(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ ) of the weak order (R(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ ). R R R R Proof. Let R,S ∈ A(n). Let a < b ∈ [n] be such that (b,a) ∈ R∧ S. Since (b,a) is decreasing R and (R∧ S)Dec = RDec ∩SDec, we have bRDec a and bSDec a. By antisymmetry of R and S, R we obtain that a(cid:54)RInc b and a(cid:54)SInc b. Therefore, (a,b) ∈/ RInc ∪SInc = (R∧ S)Inc. We conclude R that (b,a) ∈ R∧ S implies (a,b) ∈/ R∧ S and thus that R∧ S is antisymetric. The proof is R R R identical for ∨ . (cid:3) R R∈A(4) S∈A(4) R∧ S∈A(4) R∨ S∈A(4) R R 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Figure 2. The meet R∧ S and join R∨ S of two antisymmetric relations R,S. R R Our next two statements describe all cover relations in (A(n),(cid:52)). Proposition 6. All cover relations in (A(n),(cid:52)) are cover relations in (R(n),(cid:52)). In particu- lar, (A(n),(cid:52)) is still graded by R(cid:55)→|RDec|−|RInc|. Proof. Consider a cover relation R(cid:52)S in (A(n),(cid:52)). We have RInc ⊇SInc and RDec ⊆SDec where at least one of the inclusions is strict. Suppose first that RInc (cid:54)= SInc. Let (a,b)∈RInc(cid:114)SInc andT:= R(cid:114){(a,b)}. NotethatTisstillantisymmetricasitisobtainedbyremovinganarcfrom an antisymmetric relation. Moreover, we have R (cid:54)= T and R (cid:52) T (cid:52) S. Since S covers R, this implies that S=T=R(cid:114){(a,b)}. We prove similarly that if RDec (cid:54)=SDec, there exists a<b such that S=R∪{(b,a)}. In both cases, R(cid:52)S is a cover relation in (R(n),(cid:52)). (cid:3) Corollary 7. In the weak order (A(n),(cid:52)), the antisymmetric relations that cover a given anti- symmetric relation R∈A(n) are precisely the relations • R(cid:114){(a,b)} for a<b such that aRb, • R∪{(b,a)} for a<b such that a(cid:54)Rb and b(cid:54)Ra. 1.2.2. Transitive relations. We now consider transitive relations. Observe first that the sub- poset (T(n),(cid:52)) of (R(n),(cid:52)) is not a sublattice since ∧ and ∨ do not preserve transitivity (see R R e.g. Figure 4). When R and S are transitive, we need to transform R∧ S to make it a transitive R relation R∧ S. We proceed in two steps described below. T Semitransitive relations Before dealing with transitive relations, we introduce the inter- mediate notion of semitransitivity. We say that a relation R∈R is semitransitive when both RInc andRDec aretransitive. WedenotebyST(n)thecollectionofallsemitransitiverelationsofsizen. Figure 3 illustrates the following statement. Proposition 8. The weak order (ST(n),(cid:52)) is a lattice whose meet and join are given by R∧ S=(RInc∪SInc)tc∪(RDec∩SDec) and R∨ S=(RInc∩SInc)∪(RDec∪SDec)tc. ST ST Proof. Let R,S ∈ ST(n). Observe first that R∧ S is indeed semitransitive and below both R ST andS. Moreover,ifasemitransitiverelationTissuchthatT(cid:52)RandT(cid:52)S,thenTInc ⊇RInc∪SInc andTDec ⊆RDec∩SDec. BysemitransitivityofT,wegetTInc ⊇(RInc∪SInc)tc,sothatT(cid:52)R∧ S. ST This proves that R∧ S is indeed the meet of R and S. The proof is similar for the join. (cid:3) ST THE WEAK ORDER ON INTEGER POSETS 5 R∈ST(4) S∈ST(4) R∧ S∈/ ST(4) R∧ S∈ST(4) R ST 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Figure 3. Two semi-transitive relations R,S and their meets R∧ S and R∧ S. R ST As in the previous section, we describe all cover relations in (ST(n),(cid:52)). Proposition 9. All cover relations in (ST(n),(cid:52)) are cover relations in (R(n),(cid:52)). In particular, (ST(n),(cid:52)) is still graded by R(cid:55)→|RDec|−|RInc|. Proof. ConsideracoverrelationR(cid:52)Sin(ST(n),(cid:52)). WehaveRInc ⊇SInc andRDec ⊆SDec where at least one of the inclusions is strict. Suppose first that RInc (cid:54)= SInc. Let (a,b) ∈ RInc (cid:114)SInc be such that b−a is minimal, and let T:= R(cid:114){(a,b)}. Observe that there is no a < i < b such that aRiRb. Otherwise, by minimality of b−a, we would have aSi and iSb while a(cid:54)S b, contradicting the transitivity of SInc. It follows that TInc is still transitive. Since TDec = RDec is also transitive, we obtain that T is semitransitive. Moreover, we have R (cid:54)= T and R (cid:52) T (cid:52) S. Since S covers R, this implies that S=T=R(cid:114){(a,b)}. We prove similarly that if RDec (cid:54)=SDec, there exists (b,a) such that S = R∪{(b,a)}: in this case, one needs to pick (b,a) ∈ SDec(cid:114)RDec with b−a maximal. In both cases, R(cid:52)S is a cover relation in (R(n),(cid:52)). (cid:3) Corollary 10. In the weak order (ST(n),(cid:52)), the semitransitive relations that cover a given semitransitive relation R∈ST(n) are precisely the relations • R(cid:114){(a,b)} for a<b such that aRb and there is no a<i<b with aRiRb, • R∪{(b,a)} for a<b such that b(cid:54)Ra and there is no i<a with aRi but b(cid:54)Ri and similarly no b<j with jRb but j(cid:54)Ra. Transitive relations We now consider transitive relations. Note that T(n) ⊆ ST(n) but ST(n)(cid:54)⊆T(n). Inparticular, R∧ SandR∨ SmaynotbetransitiveevenifRandSare(see ST ST Figure 4). To see that the subposet of the weak order induced by transitive relations is indeed a lattice, we therefore need operations which ensure transitivity and are compatible with the weak order. For R∈R, define the transitive decreasing deletion of R as Rtdd:=R(cid:114)(cid:8)(b,a)∈RDec (cid:12)(cid:12)∃i≤b and j ≥a such that iRbRaRj while i(cid:54)Rj(cid:9), and the transitive increasing deletion of R as Rtid:=R(cid:114)(cid:8)(a,b)∈RInc (cid:12)(cid:12)∃i≥a and j ≤b such that iRaRbRj while i(cid:54)Rj(cid:9). Note that in these definitions, i and j may coincide with a and b (since we assumed that all our relations are reflexive). Figure 4 illustrates the transitive decreasing deletion: the rightmost relation R∧ S is indeed obtained as (R∧ S)tdd. Observe that two decreasing relations have T ST been deleted: (3,1) (take i=2 and j =1, or i=3 and j =2) and (4,1) (take i=4 and j =2). Remark 11. The idea of the transitive decreasing deletion is to delete all decreasing relations which prevent the binary relation to be transitive. It may thus seem more natural to assume in thedefinitionofRtdd thateitheri=borj =a. However,thiswouldnotsufficetoruleoutallnon- transitive relations, consider for example the relation [4]2 (cid:114){(2,3),(3,2)}. We would therefore need to iterate the deletion process, which would require to prove a converging property. Our definition of Rtdd simplifies the presentation as it requires only one deletion step. Lemma 12. For any relation R∈R, we have Rtdd (cid:52)R(cid:52)Rtid. Proof. Rtdd is obtained from R by deleting decreasing relations. Therefore (Rtdd)Inc = RInc and (Rtdd)Dec ⊆RDec and thus Rtdd (cid:52) R by definition of the weak order. The argument is similar for Rtid. (cid:3) 6 GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS R∈T(4) S∈T(4) R∧ S∈/ ST(4) R∧ S∈ST(4)\T(4) R∧ S∈T(4) R ST T 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Figure 4. Two transitive relations R,S and their meets R∧ S, R∧ S and R∧ S. R ST T Lemma 13. If R∈R is semitransitive, then Rtdd and Rtid are transitive. Proof. We prove the result for Rtdd, the proof being symmetric for Rtid. Set U:= (cid:8)(b,a)∈RDec (cid:12)(cid:12)∃i≤b and j ≥a such that iRbRaRj while i(cid:54)Rj(cid:9), so that Rtdd = R(cid:114)U with (Rtdd)Inc = RInc and (Rtdd)Dec = RDec (cid:114)U. Let u,v,w ∈ [n] be such that uRtddv and vRtddw. We want to prove that uRtddw. We distinguish six cases according to the relative order of u,v,w: (i) Ifu<v <w,thenuRIncvandvRIncw. ThusuRIncwbytransitivityofRInc,andthusuRtddw. (ii) If u<w <v, then uRIncv and vRDecw. Since v(cid:54)Uw, we have uRIncw and thus uRtddw. (iii) If v <u<w, then uRDecv and vRIncw. Since u(cid:54)Uv, we have uRIncw and thus uRtddw. (iv) If v < w < u, then uRDec v and v RInc w. Since u(cid:54)U v, we have uRDec w. Assume by contradiction that uUw. Then there is i ≤ u and j ≥ w such that iRuRwRj but i(cid:54)Rj. Since vRIncw and wRIncj, the transitivity of RInc ensures that vRj. We obtain that uUv, a contradiction. Therefore, u(cid:54)Uw and uRtddw. (v) If w < u < v, then uRInc v and v RDec w. Since v(cid:54)U w, we have uRDec w. Assume by contradiction that uUw. Then there is i ≤ u and j ≥ w such that iRuRwRj but i(cid:54)Rj. Since iRIncu and uRIncv, the transitivity of RInc ensures that iRv. We obtain that vUw, a contradiction. Therefore, u(cid:54)Uw and uRtddw. (vi) If w <v <u, then uRDecv and vRDecw, so that uRDecw by transitivity of RDec. Assume by contradiction that uUw. Then there is i≤u and j ≥w such that iRuRwRj but i(cid:54)Rj. Since u(cid:54)Uv and v(cid:54)Uw, we obtain that iRv and v Rj. If i ≤ v, then we have i ≤ v and j ≥w with iRvRwRj and i(cid:54)Rj contradicting the fact that v(cid:54)Uw. Similarly, if j ≥v, we have i≤u and j ≥v with iRuRvRj and i(cid:54)Rj contradicting the fact that u(cid:54)Uv. Finally, if j <v <i, we have iRDecvRDecj and i(cid:54)RDecj contradicting the transitivity of RDec. (cid:3) Remark 14. We observed earlier that the transitive closure Rtc is the coarsest transitive re- lation containing R. For R ∈ ST, Lemmas 12 and 13 show that Rtdd is a transitive rela- tion below R in weak order. However, there might be other transitive relations S with S (cid:52) R and which are not comparable to Rtdd in weak order. For example, consider R:={(1,3),(3,2)} and S:={(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)}. Then S is transitive and S (cid:52) R while S is incomparable to Rtdd = {(1,3)} in weak order. We use the maps R (cid:55)→ Rtdd and R (cid:55)→ Rtid to obtain the main result of this section. Figure 4 illustrates all steps of a meet computation in T(4). Proposition 15. The weak order (T(n),(cid:52)) is a lattice whose meet and join are given by R∧ S=(cid:0)(RInc∪SInc)tc∪(RDec∩SDec)(cid:1)tdd and R∨ S=(cid:0)(RInc∩SInc)∪(RDec∪SDec)tc(cid:1)tid. T T Proof. The weak order (T(n),(cid:52)) is a subposet of (R(n),(cid:52)). It is also clearly bounded: the weak order minimal transitive relation is In = (cid:8)(a,b)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9) while the weak order maximal transitive relation is Dn = (cid:8)(b,a)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b(cid:9). Therefore, we only have to show that any two transitive relations admit a meet and a join. We prove the result for the meet, the proof for the join being symmetric. LetR,S∈T(n)andM:=R∧ST S=(RInc∪SInc)tc∪(RDec∩SDec), sothatR∧T S=Mtdd. First we have M(cid:52)R so that R∧ S=Mtdd (cid:52)M(cid:52)R by Lemma 12. Similarly, R∧ S(cid:52)S. Moreover, T T R∧ S is transitive by Lemma 13. It thus remains to show that R∧ S is larger than any other T T transitive relation smaller than both R and S. THE WEAK ORDER ON INTEGER POSETS 7 Consider thus another transitive relation T ∈ T(n) such that T (cid:52) R and T (cid:52) S. We need to show that T (cid:52) R∧ S = Mtdd. Observe that T (cid:52) M since T is semitransitive and M = R∧ S T ST is larger than any semitransitive relation smaller than both R and S. It implies in particular that TInc ⊇MInc =(Mtdd)Inc and that TDec ⊆MDec. Assume by contradiction that T (cid:54)(cid:52) Mtdd. Since TInc ⊇ (Mtdd)Inc, this means that there ex- ist(b,a)∈TDec(cid:114)Mtdd. Wechoose(b,a)∈TDec(cid:114)Mtddsuchthatb−aisminimal. SinceTDec ⊆MDec, we have (b,a) ∈ MDec (cid:114) Mtdd. By definition of Mtdd, there exists i ≤ b and j ≥ a such that iMbMaMj while i(cid:54)Mj. Observe that bRa and bSa since (b,a)∈MDec =RDec∩SDec. Since bMa, we cannot have both i = b and j = a. By symmetry, we can assume that i (cid:54)= b. Since(i,b)∈MInc =(RInc∪SInc)tc,thereexistsi≤k <bsuchthat(i,k)∈MIncand(k,b)∈RInc∪SInc. Assume without loss of generality that kRIncb. We obtain that kRbRa and thus that kRa by transitivity of R. We now distinguish two cases: • Assumethatk ≤a. Wethenhave(k,a)∈RInc ⊆MInc andthusthatiMInckMIncaMIncj while i(cid:54)MIncj contradicting the transitivity of MInc. • Assume that k ≥ a. Since (k,b) ∈ RInc ⊆ TInc and bTa we have k Ta by transitivity of T. Since k ≥ a, we get (k,a) ∈ TDec ⊆ MDec. Therefore, we have i ≤ k and j ≥ a with iMbMj and i(cid:54)Mj. This implies that (k,a) ∈ MDec(cid:114)Mtdd thus contradicting the minimality of b−a. (cid:3) Remark16. Wecanextractfromthepreviousproofthefollowingfactthatwillbeusedrepeatedly inourproofs. LetRandSbetwotransitiverelations,letM=R∧ S,andlet1≤a<b≤nsuch ST that bMa and b(cid:54)Mtdda. By definition of Mtdd, there exist i≤b and j ≥a such that iMbMaMj while i(cid:54)Mj. Then we have • either i(cid:54)=b or j (cid:54)=a, • if i(cid:54)=b, there is a<k <b such that iMkMb and (k,b)∈R∪S, • if j (cid:54)=a, there is a<k <b such that aMkMj and (a,k)∈R∪S, • in both cases, b(cid:54)Mtddk(cid:54)Mtdda. Remark 17. In contrast to Propositions 6 and 9 and Corollaries 7 and 10, the cover relations in(T(n),(cid:52))are morecomplicated todescribe. Infact, thelattice(T(n),(cid:52))is notgradedas soon as n ≥ 3. Indeed, consider the maximal chains from I to D in (T(3),(cid:52)). Those chains passing 3 3 throughthetrivialreflexiverelation{(i,i)|i∈[n]}havealllength6, whilethosepassingthrough the full relation [3]2 all have length 4. 1.2.3. Integer posets. We finally arrive to the subposet of the weak order induced by integer posets. TheweakorderonP(3)isillustratedinFigure5. WenowhavealltoolstoshowTheorem1 announced in the introduction. Proposition 18. The transitive meet ∧ and the transitive join ∨ both preserve antisymmetry. T T In other words, (P(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ ) is a sublattice of (T(n),(cid:52),∧ ,∨ ). T T T T Proof. Let R,S∈P(n). Let M:= R∧STS=(RInc∪SInc)tc∪(RDec∩SDec), so that R∧T S=Mtdd. Assume that Mtdd is not antisymmetric. Let a < c ∈ [n] be such that {(a,c),(c,a)} ⊆ Mtdd with c−a minimal. Since (c,a) ∈ (Mtdd)Dec ⊆ MDec = RDec ∩SDec, we have (a,c) ∈/ RInc ∪SInc by antisymmetry of R and S. Since (a,c) ∈ (RInc ∪SInc)tc (cid:114)(RInc ∪SInc), there exists a < b < c such that {(a,b),(b,c)}⊆(RInc∪SInc)tc. Since cMtdd aMtdd b, we obtain by transitivity of Mtdd that {(b,c),(c,b)}⊆Mtdd, contradicting the minimality of c−a. (cid:3) Remark 19. In contrast, there is no guarantee that the semitransitive meet of two transitive antisymmetric relations is antisymmetric. For example in Figure 4, R and S are antisymmetric butM=R∧ Sisnotasitcontainsboth(1,3)and(3,1). However,therelation(3,1)isremoved ST by the transitive decreasing delation and the result Mtdd =R∧ S is antisymmetric. T As in Propositions 6 and9 and Corollaries 7and 10, the next two statements describe allcover relations in (P(n),(cid:52)). Proposition 20. All cover relations in (P(n),(cid:52)) are cover relations in (R(n),(cid:52)). In particular, (P(n),(cid:52)) is still graded by R(cid:55)→|RDec|−|RInc|. 8 GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Figure 5. The weak order on integer posets of size 3. Proof. Consider a cover relation R (cid:52) S in (P(n),(cid:52)). We have RInc ⊇ SInc and RDec ⊆ SDec where at least one of the inclusions is strict. Suppose first that RInc (cid:54)= SInc. Consider the set X:= (cid:8)(a,b)∈RInc(cid:114)SInc (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:54)∃a<i<b with aRiRb(cid:9). This set X is nonempty as it contains any (a,b) in RInc (cid:114)SInc with b−a minimal. Consider now (a,b) ∈ X with b−a maximal and letT:=R(cid:114){(a,b)}. WeclaimthatTisstillaposet. Itisclearlystillreflexiveandantisymmetric. Fortransitivity, assumebymeansofcontradictionthatthereisj ∈[n](cid:114){a,b}suchthataRjRb. Since (a,b) ∈ X, we know that j < a or b < j. As these two options are symmetric, assume for instance that j < a and choose j so that a−j is minimal. We claim that there is no j < i < b such that jRiRb. Otherwise, since aRjRi and R is transitive, we have aRiRb. Now, if i<a, wehaveaRiRbandj <i<acontradictingtheminimalityofa−j inourchoiceofj. Ifi>a,we haveaRiRbanda<i<bcontradictingthefactthat(a,b)∈X. Finally,ifi=a,wehaveaRjRa contradicting the antisymmetry of R. This proves that there is no j < i < b such that jRiRb. By maximality of b−a in our choice of (a,b) this implies that jSb. Since (a,j)∈RDec ⊆SDec, we therefore obtain that aSjSb while a(cid:54)Sb, contradicting the transitivity of S. This proves that T is transitive and it is thus a poset. Moreover, we have R (cid:54)= T and R (cid:52) T (cid:52) S. Since S covers R, this implies that S=T=R(cid:114){(a,b)}. We prove similarly that if RDec (cid:54)=SDec, there exists (b,a) such that S=R∪{(b,a)}. In both cases, R(cid:52)S is a cover relation in (R(n),(cid:52)). (cid:3) Corollary 21. In the weak order (P(n),(cid:52)), the posets that cover a given integer poset R∈P(n) are precisely the posets • the relations R(cid:114){(a,b)} for a<b such that aRb and there is no i∈[n] with aRiRb, • the relations R∪{(b,a)} for a<b such that a(cid:54)Rb and b(cid:54)Ra and there is no i(cid:54)=a with aRi but b(cid:54)Ri and similarly no j (cid:54)=b with jRb but j(cid:54)Ra. THE WEAK ORDER ON INTEGER POSETS 9 Part 2. Weak order induced by some relevant families of posets Intherestofthepaper,wepresentourmotivationtostudyTheorem1. Weobservethatmany relevant combinatorial objects (for example permutations, binary trees, binary sequences, ...) can be interpreted by specific integer posets. Moreover, the subposets of the weak order induced by these specific integer posets often correspond to classical lattice structures on these combinatorial objects (for example the classical weak order, the Tamari lattice, the boolean lattice, ...). Table 1 summarizes the different combinatorial objects involved and a roadmap to their properties. As we will only work with posets, we prefer to use notations like (cid:67),(cid:74),(cid:97) which speak for themselves, rather than our previous notations R,S,M for arbitrary binary relations. It also allows us to write a (cid:66) b for b (cid:67) a, in particular when a < b. To make our presentation easier to read, we have decomposed some of our proofs into technical but straightforward claims that are proved separately in Appendix A. 2.1. From the permutahedron We start with relevant families of posets corresponding to the elements, the intervals, and the faces of the permutahedron. Further similar families of posets will appear in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. Let S(n) denote the symmetric group on [n]. For σ ∈S(n), we denote by ver(σ):=(cid:8)(a,b)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b and σ−1(a)≤σ−1(b)(cid:9) and inv(σ):=(cid:8)(b,a)∈[n]2 (cid:12)(cid:12)a≤b and σ−1(a)≥σ−1(b)(cid:9) the set of versions and inversions of σ respectively1. Inversions are classical (although we order their entries in a strange way), while versions are borrowed from [KLR03]. Clearly, the versions of σ determine the inversions of σ and vice versa. The weak order on S(n) is defined as the inclusion order of inversions, or as the clusion (reverse inclusion) order of the versions: σ (cid:52)τ ⇐⇒ inv(σ)⊆inv(τ) ⇐⇒ ver(σ)⊇ver(τ). Itisknownthattheweakorder(S(n),(cid:52))isalattice. Wedenoteby∧ and∨ itsmeetandjoin, S S and by e:=[1,2,...,n] and w◦:=[n,...,2,1] the weak order minimal and maximal permutations. 2.1.1. Weak Order Element Posets. We see a permutation σ ∈ S(n) as a total order (cid:67) σ on [n] defined by u (cid:67) v if σ−1(u) ≤ σ−1(v) (i.e. u is before v in σ). In other words, (cid:67) is the σ σ chain σ(1)(cid:67) ...(cid:67) σ(n) as illustrated in Figure 6. σ σ σ =2143 ←→ (cid:67)σ = 1 2 3 4 ver(σ)={(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)} ←→ (cid:67)Iσnc = 1 2 3 4 inv(σ)={(2,1),(4,3)} ←→ (cid:67)Dσec = 1 2 3 4 Figure 6. A Weak Order Element Poset (WOEP). We say that (cid:67) is a weak order element poset, and we denote by σ WOEP(n):=(cid:8)(cid:67)σ (cid:12)(cid:12)σ ∈S(n)(cid:9) the set of all total orders on [n]. The following characterization of these elements is immediate. Proposition22. Aposet(cid:67)∈P(n)isinWOEP(n)ifandonlyif∀u,v ∈[n],eitheru(cid:67)voru(cid:66)v. The following proposition connects the weak order on S(n) to that on P(n). It justifies the term “weak order” used in Definition 2. 1Throughoutthepaper, weonlyworkwithversionsandinversionsofvalues(sometimescalledleftinversions, or coinversions). The cover relations of the weak order are thus given by transpositions of consecutive positions (sometimescalledrightweakorder). Asthereisnoambiguityinthepaper,weneverspecifythisconvention. 10 GRE´GORYCHATEL,VINCENTPILAUD,ANDVIVIANEPONS Permutreelattices permutrees[PP16] 742 3 5 641OPEP()Prop.60Thms.87&90dependsonOtheorientation Permutreelatticeintervals2121 3,3 11OPIP()Coro.55Coro.58dependsonOtheorientation Schr¨oderpermutrees[PP16] 742 3 5 641OPFP()Prop.63Rem.66dependsonOtheorientation booleanlattice binarysequences−−−+++4356721 4356721 BOEPn()Prop.60Coro.88,,,,,...124816[OEIS,A000079] Booleanlatticeintervals321321 , 321321 BOIPn()Coro.55Coro.58,,,,,...1392781[OEIS,A000244] ternarysequences−−0+++7642135 3576421 BOFPn()Prop.63Rem.66,,,,,...1392781[OEIS,A000244] Part2. n ambrianlattices[Rea06] Cambriantrees[CP14] 763 5421 COEPε()Prop.60Coro.88,,,,,...1251442[OEIS,A000108] Cambrianlatticeintervals3232 , 11 COIPε()Coro.55Coro.58dependsonεthesignature Schr¨oderCambriantrees[CP14] 74235 61 COFPε()Prop.63Rem.66,,,,,...131145197[OEIS,A001003] orialobjectsconsideredi C t a n 8 bi Tamarilattice binarytrees 7235641 TOEPn()Prop.39rop.41&Coro.8,,,,,...1251442[OEIS,A000108] Tamarilatticeintervals , 123123 TOIPn()Coro.42Coro.44,,,,,...131368399[OEIS,A000260] Schr¨odertrees 3576421 TOFPn()Prop.46Rem.47,,,,,...131145197[OEIS,A001003] throughthecom P p a m weakorder permutations2751346 6435172 WOEPn()Prop.22Prop.24&Coro.91,,,,,...12624120[OEIS,A000142] weakorderintervals,[213321] 1213,32 WOIPn()Prop.26Coro.28,,,,,...13171511899[OEIS,A007767] orderedpartitions||1253746 6473 215 WOFPn()Prop.30Rem.31,,,,,...131375541[OEIS,A000670] Table1.Aroad s s s ne ne ne oti oti oti torial rizatiroper tion torial rizatiroper tion torial rizatiroper tion a nep a a nep a a nep a bincts tioactce mer bincts tioactce mer bincts tioactce mer comobje notacharlatti enu comobje notacharlatti enu comobje notacharlatti enu nts als Eleme Interv Faces

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