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The Traveling Salesman Problem K O A Computational Study O B - David L. Applegate E Robert E. Bixby S S Vasˇek Chv a´tal E William J. Cook R P Y T I S R E V I N U N O T E C N I R P A tspbook September11,2006 The Traveling Salesman Problem tspbook September11,2006 PrincetonSeriesinAppliedMathematics Editors Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University); Weinan E (Princeton University); Jan KarelLenstra(EindhovenUniversity);EndreSli(UniversityofOxford) ThePrincetonSeriesinAppliedMathematicspublisheshighqualityadvancedtexts and monographs in all areas of applied mathematics. Books include those of a theoretical and general nature as well as those dealing with the mathematics of specificapplicationsareasandreal-worldsituations. TitlesintheSeries ChaoticTransitionsinDeterministicandStochasticDynamicalSystems: Applica- tions of Melnikov Processes in Engineering, Physics, and Neuroscience by Emil Simiu SelfsimilarProcessesbyPaulEmbrechtsandMakotoMaejima Self-Regularity: A New Paradigm for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms by JimingPeng,CornelisRoos,andTamsTerlaky AnalyticTheoryofGlobalBifurcation: AnIntroductionbyBorisBuffoniandJohn Toland EntropybyAndreasGreven,GerhardKeller,andGeraldWarnecke AuxiliarySignalDesignforFailureDetectionbyStephenL.CampbellandRamine Nikoukhah Thermodynamics: ADynamicalSystemsApproachbyWassimM.Haddad,Vijay- SekharChellaboina,andSergeyG.Nersesov Optimization:InsightsandApplicationsbyJanBrinkhuisandVladimirTikhomirov MaxPlusatWorkbyBerndHeidergott,GeertJanOlsder,andJacobvanderWoude GenomicSignalProcessingbyEdDoughertyandIlyaShmulevich TheTravelingSalesmanProblembyDavidL.Applegate, RobertE.Bixby, Vasˇek Chva´tal,andWilliamJ.Cook tspbook September11,2006 The Traveling Salesman Problem AComputationalStudy David L. Applegate Robert E. Bixby Vasˇek Chva´tal William J. Cook PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD tspbook September11,2006 Copyright(cid:2)c2006byPrincetonUniversityPress PublishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress,41WilliamStreet, Princeton,NewJersey08540 IntheUnitedKingdom: PrincetonUniversityPress,3MarketPlace, Woodstock,OxfordshireOX201SY AllRightsReserved LibraryofCongressControlNumber: 2006931528 ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12993 ISBN-10: 0-691-12993-2 Thepublisherwouldliketoacknowledgetheauthorsofthisvolumeforproviding thecamera-readycopyfromwhichthisbookwasprinted. BritishLibraryCataloging-in-PublicationDataisavailable Printedonacid-freepaper. pup.princeton.edu PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 tspbook September11,2006 Bashonregardless. J.P.Donleavy,TheDestiniesofDarcyDancer,Gentleman tspbook September11,2006 tspbook September11,2006 Contents Preface xi Chapter1. TheProblem 1 1.1 TravelingSalesman 1 1.2 OtherTravelers 5 1.3 Geometry 15 1.4 HumanSolutionoftheTSP 31 1.5 EngineofDiscovery 40 1.6 IstheTSPHard? 44 1.7 MilestonesinTSPComputation 50 1.8 OutlineoftheBook 56 Chapter2. Applications 59 2.1 Logistics 59 2.2 GenomeSequencing 63 2.3 ScanChains 67 2.4 DrillingProblems 69 2.5 AimingTelescopesandX-Rays 75 2.6 DataClustering 77 2.7 VariousApplications 78 Chapter3. Dantzig,Fulkerson,andJohnson 81 3.1 The49-CityProblem 81 3.2 TheCutting-PlaneMethod 89 3.3 PrimalApproach 91 Chapter4. HistoryofTSPComputation 93 4.1 Branch-and-BoundMethod 94 4.2 DynamicProgramming 101 4.3 GomoryCuts 102 4.4 TheLin-KernighanHeuristic 103 4.5 TSPCuts 106 4.6 Branch-and-CutMethod 117 4.7 Notes 125 Chapter5. LPBoundsandCuttingPlanes 129 5.1 GraphsandVectors 129 5.2 LinearProgramming 131 tspbook September11,2006 viii CONTENTS 5.3 OutlineoftheCutting-PlaneMethod 137 5.4 ValidLPBounds 139 5.5 Facet-InducingInequalities 142 5.6 TheTemplateParadigmforFindingCuts 145 5.7 Branch-and-CutMethod 148 5.8 HypergraphInequalities 151 5.9 SafeShrinking 153 5.10 AlternativeCallstoSeparationRoutines 156 Chapter6. SubtourCutsandPQ-Trees 159 6.1 ParametricConnectivity 159 6.2 ShrinkingHeuristic 164 6.3 SubtourCutsfromTourIntervals 164 6.4 Padberg-RinaldiExactSeparationProcedure 170 6.5 StoringTightSetsinPQ-trees 173 Chapter7. CutsfromBlossomsandBlocks 185 7.1 FastBlossoms 185 7.2 BlocksofG∗ 187 1/2 7.3 ExactSeparationofBlossoms 191 7.4 Shrinking 194 Chapter8. CombsfromConsecutiveOnes 199 8.1 ImplementationofPhase2 202 8.2 ProofoftheConsecutiveOnesTheorem 210 Chapter9. CombsfromDominoes 221 9.1 PullingTeethfromPQ-trees 223 9.2 NonrepresentableSolutionsalsoYieldCuts 229 9.3 Domino-ParityInequalities 231 Chapter10. CutMetamorphoses 241 10.1 Tighten 243 10.2 Teething 248 10.3 Naddef-ThienelSeparationAlgorithms 256 10.4 Gluing 261 Chapter11. LocalCuts 271 11.1 AnOverview 271 11.2 MakingChoicesofV andσ 272 11.3 RevisionistPolicies 274 11.4 Doesφ(x∗)LieOutsidetheConvexHullofT? 275 11.5 Separatingφ(x∗)fromT:TheThreePhases 289 11.6 PHASE1:FromT∗toT(cid:3)(cid:3) 291 11.7 PHASE2:FromT(cid:3)(cid:3)toT(cid:3) 315 11.8 ImplementingORACLE 326 11.9 PHASE3:FromT(cid:3)toT 329 11.10Generalizations 339 tspbook September11,2006 CONTENTS ix Chapter12. ManagingtheLinearProgrammingProblems 345 12.1 TheCoreLP 345 12.2 CutStorage 354 12.3 EdgePricing 362 12.4 TheMechanics 367 Chapter13. TheLinearProgrammingSolver 373 13.1 History 373 13.2 ThePrimalSimplexAlgorithm 378 13.3 TheDualSimplexAlgorithm 384 13.4 ComputationalResults:TheLPTestSets 390 13.5 Pricing 404 Chapter14. Branching 411 14.1 PreviousWork 411 14.2 ImplementingBranchandCut 413 14.3 StrongBranching 415 14.4 TentativeBranching 417 Chapter15. TourFinding 425 15.1 Lin-Kernighan 425 15.2 FlipperRoutines 436 15.3 EngineeringLin-Kernighan 449 15.4 ChainedLin-KernighanonTSPLIBInstances 458 15.5 Helsgaun’sLKHAlgorithm 466 15.6 TourMerging 469 Chapter16. Computation 489 16.1 TheConcordeCode 489 16.2 RandomEuclideanInstances 493 16.3 TheTSPLIB 500 16.4 VeryLargeInstances 506 16.5 TheWorldTSP 524 Chapter17. TheRoadGoesOn 531 17.1 CuttingPlanes 531 17.2 TourHeuristics 534 17.3 DecompositionMethods 539 Bibliography 541 Index 583

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