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The sign problem and population dynamics in the full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo method J.S. Spencer,1,2 N.S. Blunt,2 and W.M.C. Foulkes2 1)Department of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, U.K. 2)Department of Physics, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, U.K. TherecentlyproposedfullconfigurationinteractionquantumMonteCarlomethodallowsaccesstoessentially 2 exact ground-state energies of systems of interacting fermions substantially larger than previously tractable 1 withoutknowledgeofthe nodalstructureofthe ground-statewavefunction. We investigatethenatureofthe 0 signprobleminthismethodandhowitsseveritydependsonthesystemstudied. Weexplainhowcancelation 2 of the positive and negative particles sampling the wave function ensures convergence to a stochastic repre- n sentationofthemany-fermiongroundstateandaccountsforthecharacteristicpopulationdynamicsobserved a in simulations. J 8 2 I. INTRODUCTION culation using the same basis. The memory required by FCIQMC simulations still scales factorially with system ] size,buttheexponentappearstobesubstantiallysmaller h Oneofthemajorgoalsofelectronicstructuremethods than for FCI simulations. Moreover, unlike the iterative p is to produce accurate ground-state energies and prop- p- erties of many-electron systems.1 Quantum chemistry daligaogrointhamliatisiorneasdchilyempeasrarleleqluiziraebdlefaonrdFcCaIn, rtuhne eFffiCcIiQenMtlCy m provides a hierarchy of ab initio methods2 based upon on thousands of cores. Alavi and co-workers have used Hartree-Fock, of which coupled-cluster singles and dou- o FCIQMC to reproduce essentially every molecular FCI bleswithperturbativetriples(CCSD(T)) isthemostac- c calculationeverdoneandhaveobtainedground-stateen- . curate applicable to medium-sized molecules.3 Quantum s ergies for systems with Hilbert spaces many orders of c Monte Carlo methods such as Green’s function Monte magnitude larger than the largest FCI calculations.13–15 i Carlo4,5 (GFMC), the closely related diffusion Monte s We believe that the FCIQMC method will become in- y Carlo6–8 (DMC), and auxiliary-field quantum Monte creasingly important in the electronic structure commu- h Carlo9(AFQMC)produceaccurateresultsviaastochas- nity, especially if improved algorithms or substantially p tic sampling of the many-electron wave function, but cheaper approximations can be found. Our motivation [ none of these methods is exact: GFMC and DMC sim- for exploring the behavior of the method is to provide 3 ulations of all but the smallest systems converge to the insight into possible improvements. v physicallyirrelevantmany-bosongroundstateunlessthe 9 fixed-node approximationis made;6,7 whilstAFQMC re- An FCI calculation based on iterative diagonalization 7 quires the phaseless approximation10 in order to avoid (using, for example, the Davidson method) requires the 4 an exponential growth in noise except in certain special storageofatleasttwovectors,eachoflengthequaltothe 5 cases.11 size of the Hilbert space. An FCIQMC simulation using . thesamebasisrequiresthestorageofthelabelsofthede- 0 The full configuration interaction (FCI) method12 1 terminants occupied by a population of stochastic walk- 1 casts the Schr¨odinger equation as a matrix eigenvalue ers (which, following Anderson,6 we call “psi-particles” 1 problem, in which the requirement that the many- orpsips) scatteredoverthe same Hilbertspace. In order : electronwavefunctionbeanti-symmetricwithrespectto for FCIQMC to be more efficient than FCI, the num- v exchange of electrons is imposed by working in a space i ber of psips required must be a small fraction of the X of Slater determinants formed from a finite basis set of size of the Hilbert space. The fraction required is sys- r single-particlewavefunctions. Thelowesteigenvalueand tem dependent and provides a measure of how “hard” it a eigenvector of the FCI Hamiltonian matrix give the ex- is for FCIQMC to treat that system. The hardness is act ground-state energy and wave function of the sys- surprisingly difficult to predict. FCIQMC is wildly suc- tem, subject only to the error due to the finite basis set. cessful for some systems, such as the neon atom, where Whilst the computational cost of FCI scales factorially it requires only 0.01% of the memory of a conven- withsystemsize,itneverthelessrepresentsthe holygrail tionalFCI calcula∼tion.13 Evenforthe nitrogenmolecule, of electronic structure methods. a classic example of a strongly correlated system and In 2009, Booth, Thom and Alavi13 introduced a new a tough test for quantum chemical methods, FCIQMC stochastic approach in which the nodal structure of the usedonly a quarterof the memory ofthe equivalentFCI ground-state wave function emerges spontaneously by calculation.13 However, FCIQMC struggles to describe samplingthediscretespaceofSlaterdeterminants. Their themethanemolecule,13 forwhichHartree-Fockisavery “full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo” good approximation. We show in Sec. II that FCIQMC (FCIQMC)methodyieldsexact(i.e.FCI-quality)results also struggles when applied to the Hubbard model and whilst requiring a fraction of the memory of an FCI cal- cannot treat systems larger than existing FCI methods 2 unless U is very small. What is it that makes a system and impose the normalization constraint using a La- difficult? Evidentlytheanswerismorecomplicatedthan grange multiplier, the optimal coefficients c form the 0i whether or not the system is strongly correlated. lowest eigenvector c of the matrix-eigenvalue problem 0 The aim of this paper is to understand the FCIQMC algorithm better. Why are some systems more difficult Di Hˆ Dj c0j = Hijc0j =E0c0i, (5) h | | i totreatthanothers? Whatdeterminesthecharacteristic Xj Xj population dynamics observed in FCIQMC simulations? How does the cancelation of positive and negative psips whereE0isboththeLagrangemultiplierandtheground- ensure convergence to the many-fermion ground state? state energy eigenvalue. This approach yields the FCI How many psips are required to obtain correct results? wave function for the finite basis set used. What goes wrongif the population ofpsips is too small? One way to find the ground-state eigenvector c0 of We provide at least partial answers to all of these ques- theHamiltonianmatrixHistosolvetheimaginary-time tions. Schr¨odinger equation: Section II reviews the FCIQMC method and applies dc i it to the Hubbard model as an example. In Sec. III = H c . (6) ij j dτ − we discuss the nature of the sign problem in FCIQMC Xj and explain the effect of canceling positive and negative psips. SectionIVshowshowouranalysisofthesignprob- Thesolutionvectorc(τ)convergestoc0 asτ when- →∞ lem alsoexplains the characteristicpopulationdynamics ever the starting vector c(τ=0) has a non-zero overlap observed in FCIQMC simulations. Section V describes with c0; indeed, this is also the driving principle behind several special cases in which the sign problem can be other projector methods such as DMC and GFMC. The removed entirely. We offer some concluding remarks in convergence is easy to demonstrate by considering the Sec. VI. formal solution of the imaginary-time Schr¨odinger equa- tion: II. FCIQMC METHOD c(τ)=e−Hτc(0). (7) Iftheinitialvector,c(0),isexpandedintermsofthecom- We briefly summarize the FCIQMC method here, pleteorthonormalsetofthe2MC eigenvectors, c ,of N α largely following the derivations given by Booth et al.,13 the Hamiltonian matrix, H, { } withattentionpaidtodetailsrelevantlaterinthispaper. Consider an orthonormal set of 2M single-particle c(0)= v (0)c , (8) α α spin-orbitals, φ1,φ2,...,φ2M . Previous FCIQMC Xα work13–15 has u{sed a basis of H}artree-Fock spin-orbitals, the solution of the imaginary-time Schr¨odinger equation which is often a sensible choice but not required. One can be written as can construct an N-electron Slater determinant, D , by i selecting any N spin-orbitals (assuming N 2M): ≤ c(τ)=e−Hτ vα(0)cα = vα(0)e−Eατcα. (9) D =D (1) Xα Xα i i1,i2,...,iN φ (1) φ (2) φ (N) Thesummationisdominatedbytheground-statecontri- = √1N!(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)φii21...(1) φii21...(2) ··.··.··. φii21(...N)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). (2) bution in the licm(τit→τ →∞)∞≈avn0d(0t)heu−sE0τc0. (10) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)φiN(1) φiN(2) ··· φiN(N)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) The steady change in normalization due to the e−E0τ To ensurethatalls(cid:12)uchdeterminantsareunique(cid:12)(up to a factor is awkward but can be removed by choosing the sign), it is convenient to require that i1 <i2 < <iN. zero of energy such that E0 = 0. In practice, E0 is not The ground-state wave function, Ψ , may be··d·efined knownuntiltheendofthesimulation,soweinsteadsolve 0 variationally as the N-electron wave function that mini- dc mizes the energy expectation value, i = (H Sδ )c , (11) ij ij j dτ − − Xj E[Ψ]= ΨHˆ Ψ , (3) h | | i where the energy shift, S, is adjusted slowly to keep the subject to the normalizationconstraint ΨΨ =1. If we normalization more or less constant. The energy shift h | i restrictthe searchfor Ψ0 to the subsetofwavefunctions convergestotheground-stateeigenvalue,E0,inthelong- thatcanbeexpandedinthebasisof2MC determinants, time limit. Note that previous work13–15 also subtracted N the Hartree-Fock energy, E , from the diagonal ele- HF Ψ = c D , (4) ments of the Hamiltonian, but this amounts merely to 0 i i Xi a redefinition of S. To make the subsequent notation as 3 simple as possible, we define a “transition matrix”, T, boundedfrombothaboveandbelow. Italsofollowsthat via thetimestepislimitedifhigh-energystatesareincluded inthebasis;forexampleincreasingthebasissetincalcu- T= (H SI). (12) lations of quantum chemical systems requires a decrease − − in the time step. Note that the minimal eigenvalue of H corresponds to Rather than considering all possible spawning events, the maximal eigenvalue of T. itiscomputationallyefficienttoallowa psipatD to at- The FCIQMC algorithm proposed by Booth et al.13 i tempttospawnonlyontoitsowndeterminantandasin- may be summarized as follows. Consider a collection of gleconnecteddeterminantD pertimestep. (Connected j markersdistributedoverthespaceofdeterminants, D . i determinants are linked by non-zero transition matrix { } The markers do not move through the Hilbert space, so elements T .) The connected determinant is chosen followingAnderson6 wecallthem“psiparticles”orpsips ji stochastically according to some generation probability instead of “walkers”. (It is easy to devise alternative p (j i),whichmustbe non-zerowheneverT isnon- gen ji FCIQMCalgorithmsinwhichthe psipsdomoveandbe- ← zero and normalized such that p (j i) = 1. To havemuchlikewalkersinDMC,8butweusetheapproach j gen ← maximisetheprobabilityofsuccePssfulspawning,thegen- of Booth, Thom and Alavi here.) Each psip has both a erationprobabilitiesshouldbeassimilarto T / T location, i, and a “charge”, q = 1, associated with it. | ji| j| ji| ± as possible; in practice, we go for speed and set tPhe gen- In one time step, ∆τ, we loop over the population of eration probabilities for spawning on all connected de- psips and allow each to “spawn” children (new psips) terminants equal. Once the candidate spawning location located on new determinants (which may be the same j has been chosen, the spawning event is accepted with as the parent’s determinant) according to the following probability T ∆τ/p (j i).13 The effective size of ji gen rules: | | ← the Hilbert space can be reduced by only selecting can- didate spawning locations of some desired symmetry. Theprobabilitythatapsipatisuccessfullyspawns • The population evolution of the psips over the course a child at j is T ∆τ. ji | | of anFCIQMC simulationhas some commonly observed If the spawning event is successful, the child psip features,asillustratedinFig.1;wedevelopsimplemath- • has charge q =sign(T )q , where q is ematical models to understand these results in Sections child ji parent parent the charge of the parent. III and IV. The energy shift S is initially set to a value greater than (i.e., less negative than) the ground-state At the end of the time step, pairs of psips of opposite energy eigenvalue, ensuring that the largest eigenvalue charge on the same determinant cancel each other out of T = SI H is positive and hence that total psip (“annihilate”)andareremovedfromthe simulation. For − population grows exponentially. Once the population example, psips on determinant D with negative diago- i reaches a critical size the simulation spontaneously en- nal elements T may generate children which immedi- ii ters a “plateau” regime, where the total psip population ately annihilate with the parent psips. Thus, although remains stable and during which the ground-state wave psips on different determinants may have different signs, function emerges. The height of the plateau relative to all psips on any given determinant have the same sign the size of the space of Slater determinants provides a at the end of every time step. Any psips which remain measureforhowhardasystemistosolveusingFCIQMC. (whether originally “child” or “parent”) are merged and After a system- and S-dependent waiting time, the sim- areallowedtospawnnewpsipsinsubsequenttimesteps. ulation exits the plateau phase and the psip population The FCIQMC algorithm13 actually yields a stochastic starts to grow in an exponential fashion again, albeit at sampling of the solution of the iterative equation a slower rate than before. At this point the distribution ofpsipsis astochasticrepresentationofthe FCI ground- c (τ +∆τ)= (δ +T ∆τ)c (τ), (13) i ij ij j state wave function. Allowing the psip population to in- Xj crease further serves only to reduce the statistical noise, so it is convenient to hold the population constant by which may be regarded as a finite-difference approxima- varying the shift from this point in the simulation. The tion to the imaginary-time Schr¨odinger equation changesinshiftmustbecarriedoutsmoothlyandslowly dc to avoid introducing a bias. Following Booth,13 we use i = Tijcj. (14) the shift-update algorithm originally proposed for DMC dτ Xj simulations by Umrigar16: Assuming that S = E0, as is the case once the sim- ξ Np(τ +A∆τ) S(τ +A∆τ)=S(τ)+ ln , (15) ulation has converged on the ground state, the domi- A∆τ (cid:18) N (τ) (cid:19) p nant eigenvectors of δ +T ∆τ and T are identical if ij ij ij ∆τ(E E )<2,whereE isthelargesteigenvalue where A is the number of iterations between which the max 0 max − oftheFCIHamiltonianmatrixH. Thismeansthatthere shift is updated, ξ is a damping parameter and N (τ) is p is no time-step error if ∆τ is small enough. In order for the total psip population at time τ. In the simulations there to be a finite time step, the Hamiltonian must be presentedherewesetA=20andξ =0.1. Oncethe psip 4 populationhassettleddown,theexpectedvalueq¯ ofthe may also be written in reciprocal space, i sum of the charges of the psips on D is proportional to i theweightofD intheexactground-statewavefunction: i U τl→im∞q¯i(τ)∝c0i. (16) Hˆ =Xk,σ ǫkcˆ†k,σcˆk,σ+M k1X,k2,k3cˆ†k1,↑cˆ†k2,↓cˆk3,↓cˆk1+k2−k3,↑, (20) Note that annihilation of psips of opposite charge does not affect q¯i. where cˆ†k,σ = √1M rcˆ†r,σeik·r is the creation opera- There are two main ways of obtaining an estimate of tor for a Bloch statPe of wave vector k, the sums are the ground-state energy from an FCIQMC simulation. over the M wave vectors in the first Brillouin zone, Theshift estimator isthemeanvalueoftheshiftS inthe ǫk =−2t di=1cos(kia)istheone-electronkineticenergy constant-population-mode simulation after the plateau. for wave vPector k = (k1,k2,...,kd), and a is the lattice The projected estimator is obtained by noting that, for parameter(whichissettounityfromnowon). Thecom- any single determinant D0 with a non-zero ground-state binationofwavevectorsk1+k2 k3 is assumedto have − component, the quantity been reduced into the first Brillouin zone by addition of a reciprocal lattice vector if necessary. D Hˆ Ψ(τ) 0 E = lim h | | i (17) Whilst the FCIQMC algorithm may be used in the τ→∞ hD0|Ψ(τ)i real-andreciprocal-spacerepresentations,here,forillus- H q¯ j 0j j trativepurposes,wefocusonthereciprocal-spaceformu- = (18) P q¯ lation, as would be appropriate if U/t were small. As 0 U/t increases and so electrons become increasingly more tends to the ground-state energy as τ . Since the localised, the real-space formulation becomes more ap- → ∞ Hamiltonian operator only links determinants differing propriate. Indeed, as we show in Sec. V, the real-space bytwoorfewerexcitations,thenumberoftermsincluded basisissubstantiallymorefavourablefornon-zerovalues inthesumislimited. Notethatitisimportanttoaverage of U/t in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. q (τ) and q (τ) separately; the projected estimator and j 0 its associated error can then be found by taking the ra- The imaginary-time evolution of the psip population tiooftheaveragesandusingthecovariance,respectively. and energy estimators during a k-space FCIQMC sim- TakingD tobethedeterminantwiththelargestoverlap ulation of the 2D 18-site half-filled Hubbard model at 0 withthe exactground-statewavefunctionminimises the U/t=4(whichisnot small)isshowninFig.1. Asmight relative stochastic noise in the denominator of the above be expected, the k-space FCIQMC method becomes less equation. Furthermore,suchadeterminantwilltypically efficientatfindingthegroundstateofthis systemasU/t have single and double excitations which also have sig- increases — in fact, the psip population at the plateau nificantcontributions to the ground-statewavefunction, increases approximately linearly with U/t for U/t > 2 and hence determinants contributing to the numerator (Fig. 2). When U/t 4, one needs at least as many ≥ will also often have a significant population. The de- psips as there are determinants in the Hilbert space and terminant with greatest overlap may not necessarily be the memory requirements are comparable to those of it- knowna priori (or evenbe clearly defined, as is the case erative diagonalization. As a result, unless U/t is small, insystemsstudiedinSec.V)butinpracticetheHartree– k-spaceFCIQMCis notabletotreathalf-filledHubbard Fock determinant is usually a good choice. The choice model systems substantially larger than those accessible of D can be changed during the course of a simulation to the FCI method. 0 if a determinant with a particularly large population is found. Working in a space of Slater determinants has two We can illustrate the main features of the FCIQMC main advantages. As the basis is anti-symmetric with method by applying it to the Hubbard Hamiltonian17 respectto exchangeoftwospin-orbitals,thereis noneed for a d-dimensional cubic lattice, to use the fixed-node approximation to prevent collapse to the bosonic groundstate, as in DMC andGFMC. Al- though FCIQMC still has a sign problem (see Sec. III), Hˆ =−thrX,r′i,σcˆ†r,σcˆr′,σ+UXr nˆr,↑nˆr,↓, (19) tahnedinisstoafbteilnityleisssnsoetvewreit.hTrehsepescetcotnodthaedvaabntoasgoeniicsstthaatet the annihilation of psips with opposite charges proves where cˆ†r,σ (cˆr,σ) creates (destroys) an electron of spin σ surprisingly efficient in the discrete space of Slater de- onsite r, the number operatornˆ =cˆ cˆ counts the terminants. Walker cancelationcan in principle cure the r,σ †r,σ r,σ spin-σ electronsonsiter,andthe summationover r,r signproblemincontinuumDMCandGFMCsimulations ′ includes allnearest-neigborpairsoflattice sites. Ashsumi- too,21–30butsuchalgorithmsaresubstantiallymorecom- ing a system of M sites and 2M spin-orbitals subject to plicated and less successful than the sign cancelation in periodic boundary conditions,the HubbardHamiltonian FCIQMC. 5 coupled differential equations: 8sips/10 122...505 (a) ddnτ+i =Xj (cid:16)Ti+jn+j +Ti−jn−j (cid:17), p (21) 1.0 No.of −01.45 (b) S(τ) ddnτ−i =Xj (cid:16)Ti+jn−j +Ti−jn+j (cid:17). −15 E(τ) These can be decoupled by adding and subtracting: Energy/t −−−−11119876 EFCI d(cid:0)n+id+τ n−i (cid:1) =Xj (cid:16)Ti+j +Ti−j(cid:17)(cid:16)n+j +n−j (cid:17), −200 5 10 Uτ 15 20 d(cid:0)n+id−τ n−i (cid:1) =Xj (cid:16)Ti+j −Ti−j(cid:17)(cid:16)n+j −n−j (cid:17). (22) As τ , n+ + n tends to the eigenvector core- − spondi→ng t∞o the largest eigenvalue of T+ +T , whilst FIG. 1. Population dynamics and energy estimators for the − 2D18-sitesquarelatticehalf-filledHubbardmodelatU =4t. n+ n− tends to the eigenvector corresponding to the Periodic boundary conditions are applied to a 45◦ tilted larg−est eigenvalue of T+ T−. We wish to find the − square cell with sides 3√2. The ground-state wave function latter state. However, as explained below, the largest hasmomentumk=(0,0) andtheHilbertspaceformed from eigenvalue of T+ + T is always larger than that of − all determinantsofthismomentumcontains1.3 108 states. T+ T . Thus,thesignaln+ n alwaysdecays relative Graph(a)showshowthepsippopulationevolves×withsimula- to n−++−n . Fig. 3 shows tha−t p−erforming an FCIQMC − tion time. The psip population initially grows exponentially simulationwithoutannihilationdoesindeedgivethisun- before reaching a plateau, during which the distribution of desired state. We note that a similar analysis has been psips settles to model the FCI wave function. The psip pop- performedpreviously for the world-line Quantum Monte ulation then begins to grow exponentially again, reinforcing Carlo method31,32. the wave function signal, at which point the shift is allowed tovarytostabilizethenumberofpsips. Graph(b)showsthe One can provethat the largesteigenvalue of T++T− shiftandprojectedenergyestimatorsasafunctionofsimula- is always greater than or equal to the largest eigenvalue tiontime. TheFCIenergyisfromRef.18. FCIQMCrequires ofT+ T− asfollows. Supposethatc0 istheeigenvector roughly the same number of psips as the size of the Hilbert corresp−onding to the largest eigenvalue, λmax, of T+ diff − space to converge on the ground-state wave function in this T . If c is normalized and the Hamiltonian matrix is − 0 case. real,allcomponentsofc mayalsobechosenrealandso 0 λmdiaffx = c0i(Ti+j −Ti−j)c0j. (23) Xi,j Nowconsiderthevector c withcomponents c . This III. THE ORIGIN OF THE SIGN PROBLEM IN FCIQMC | 0| | 0i| vectorisalsonormalizedandmaybeusedasatrialstate in the (upside-down) variationalprinciple for the largest eigenvalue, λmax, of T++T : Booth et al.13 showed that annihilation is crucial in sum − FCIQMC; without it the simulation never converges to λmsuamx ≥ |c0i|(Ti+j +Ti−j)|c0j|. (24) the FCI ground state. In this section we attempt to ex- Xi,j plain why annihilation is required and how it helps the The right-hand side of Eq. 24 is manifestly greater than ground state to emerge. orequaltotheright-handsideofEq.23,soλmax λmax. sum ≥ diff The discrete annihilation process is difficult to model First,considertheeffectofremovingannihilationfrom exactly33inadifferentialequation. Wethereforeconsider the simulationprocedure. This meansthat psips ofboth a simpler annihilation process in which pairs of psips of charges are permitted to reside on and propagate from opposite sign on the same determinant annihilate each the same determinant at the same time. We shall use n+i and n−i to represent the populations of positive and ocothnesrtaanttaancdonthsteanfatctroarteof2κ2,iswihnetrreodκucisedassomlealyllfpoorsaitlgivee- negative psips on determinant D . It is convenient to i braicconvenience. Thisleadstothedifferentialequations write the transition matrix T as T+ T , where T+ − contains the positive transition matrix−elements, T+ = dn+ max(Tij,0), and T− contains the absolute values ofijthe dτi =Xj (cid:16)Ti+jn+j +Ti−jn−j (cid:17)−2κn+i n−i , Tnofe+gpaaotnsividteiTvee−leamanredenttnsh,eegrTaei−tfjoivr=eenpmosnaipx-sn(−eegvTaoitjli,vv0ee)..aTcAcholelrdpeilonepmgueltanottisothnoesf ddnτ−i =Xj (cid:16)Ti+jn−j +Ti−jn+j (cid:17)−2κn+i n−i . (25) 6 FIG. 2. Graphs (a)–(d) show the psip population dynamics for the 2D 18-site square lattice half-filled Hubbard model at k=(0,0) for various values of U/t. Periodic boundary conditions are applied to a 45◦ tilted square cell with sides 3√2. The dataforU =4t in(b)isidenticaltothatin Fig.1. Graph(e) showsthat thenumberof psipsat theplateau increases linearly withU/twhenU/t 2. Thestandarderrorsinthenumbersofpsipsduringtheplateauphaseswereobtainedusingablocking analysis19 andthest≥raightlinewasfittedusingthemethodofleastsquaresasimplementedinRef.20. Unlessshown,theerror bars are smaller than themarkers. Eq. 22 thus become 0.00 −−00..1005 d(cid:0)n+id+τ n−i (cid:1) =Xj (cid:16)Ti+j +Ti−j(cid:17)(cid:16)n+j +n−j (cid:17)−4κn+i n−i , −−00..2105 Eλ((ττ)) d(cid:0)n+id−τ n−i (cid:1) =Xj (cid:16)Ti+j −Ti−j(cid:17)(cid:16)n+j −n−j (cid:17). −0.25 E0 (26) λ0 ItisclearhowannihilationenablestheFCIQMCmethod 0 50 100 150 200 250 to converge upon the ground state of the Hamiltonian τ/a.u. matrix: asthetotalpsippopulation, i(n+i +n−i ),rises, the rate of annihilation events rises qPuadratically. This FIG. 3. The impact of removing annihilation from the causestherateofgrowthofthen++n signaltodecrease − FCIQMC algorithm applied to a 100 100 randomly- until spawning of new psips is balanced by annihilation. generated real symmetric Hamiltonian ma×trix H. E0 is the The growth of n+ n , the desired solution, is not af- − exactground-stateeigenvalueandE(τ)theprojectedestima- − fected and so this signal eventually emerges. As shown tor for H. λ and λ(τ) are the analogous quantities for the matrix H++0H−, where H=H+ H− and all elements of inSec.IV,the ratesofgrowthofthe twosignalsactually H+ andH− arenegative(i.e.,allel−ementsofT+ andT− are becomethe samebutduetoannihilationallpsips onthe positive). Thesimulation convergestothelowest eigenvector same determinant have the same sign. of H++H−,which does notcorrespond toan eigenvectorof Tosummarize,thesignprobleminFCIQMCoriginates theHamiltonian matrix. from the in-phase combination of positive and negative psips, which grows at a rate determined by the largest eigenvalue of T+ +T . This eigenvalue is greater than − the largesteigenvalueofT+ T ,whichdetermines the − − growth rate of the physical ground state of the system. The decoupledordinarydifferentialequations(ODEs)in The severity of the sign problem depends upon the dif- 7 ference between the largest eigenvalue of T+ +T and where α=c n(0). Hence the evolution equation for p − 0 the largest eigenvalue of T+ T — and thus on the becomes · − − prevalence of negative off-diagonalelements of T — and dp upontheconcentrationofpsipsrequiredtoachieveasuf- i = V p κp2+κα2e2Tmaxτc2. (29) ficient rate ofannihilationfor the growthofthe in-phase dτ Xj ij j− i 0i signaltobesuppressed. Adifficultsignproblemdoesnot necessarily imply a strongly correlated system. Eq. 29 is difficult to solve exactly, but the population Eq.21models the time dependence ofthe populations dynamics it embodies can be illustrated using a simple ofpositiveandnegativepsipsinasimulationinwhichall one-component analogue: annihilation is forbidden. In a realFCIQMC simulation, however, the annihilation rate per psip does not tend to dp =V p κp2+κn2, (30) max zero as the psip density tends to zero. The probability dτ − of encountering and annihilating an unrelated psip van- where p(τ) is the total psip population at time τ, V ishes,butaparentmaystillspawnachildoftheopposite max is larger than T , and n(τ) = n eTmaxτ. It is common signonitsowndeterminant,inwhichcasetheparentand max 0 to start an FCIQMC simulation with a population of child annihilate each other. The low-density limit of the positive psips only, in which case the initial condition is standardFCIQMCalgorithmisbettermodeledbydefin- p(0)=n(0)=n . As the initial psip population and an- ing T+ and T in a different way: T+ now contains all 0 − nihilationratearesmall, p(τ) growsexponentiallyatthe diagonal elements of T, regardless of sign, and all pos- start of the simulation: p(τ) = n eVmaxτ. The exponen- itive off-diagonal matrix elements; whilst T is zero on 0 − tial growth ceases when p V /κ, at which point the thediagonalbutcontainstheabsolutevaluesofthenega- κp2 annihilationterm(whi≈chismlaaxrgerthantheκn2 term tive off-diagonal elements. This redefinition corresponds because V > T ) counteracts it. The psip popula- to a change in viewpoint: instead of allowing parents to max max tion then enters a plateau phase, remaining rougly con- spawnchildrenoftheoppositesignontheirowndetermi- stantuntilthen(τ)signal,whichhasbeensteadilygrow- nant,withsubsequentannihilation,thenegativediagonal ing like n eTmaxτ, begins to dominate. From then on the elements of T+ remove psips from the simulation in one 0 population rises exponentially again, although now at a step, introducing an exponential decay of the psip pop- ulation on determinants for which T+ < 0. The psip rate determined by Tmax. The ground-state wave func- ii tion thus spontaneously emerges from the simulation. densities n+i and n−i remain positive at all times and The plateau begins to appear at a time τ determined the above analysis is unchanged, but the severity of the 1 by the equation p(τ ) n eVmaxτ1 V /κ. Hence sign problem,as measuredby the difference between the 1 ≈ 0 ≈ max largesteigenvalues ofT++T and T+ T , is smaller − − ln(V /κn ) − max 0 than the above analysis suggests. τ1 . (31) ≈ V From now on it will be assumed that T+ and T are max − definedasexplainedinthepreviousparagraph,andhence Moreprecisely,solvingEq.30withtheκn2 termomitted that all diagonal elements of T are zero. − and assuming that κn /V 1 (which must be the 0 max ≪ caseiftheannihilationrateisnegligibleatthebeginning of the simulation) shows that p(τ) reaches 95% of its IV. POPULATION DYNAMICS plateau value at time Separating the psip population into positive and neg- ln(19(Vmax/κn0 1)) τ = − . (32) 95% ative contributions also explains the population dynam- Vmax ics observed during an FCIQMC simulation. Let V = T++T , p = n++n and n = n+ n . The decou- The end of the plateau occurs at a time τ2 determined − − − − by the equation n(τ )=n eTmaxτ2 V /κ, and hence pled ODEs in Eq. 26 can thus be written as 2 0 ≈ max ln(V /κn ) dp max 0 i = V p κ(p2 n2) τ2 . (33) dτ ij j− i − i ≈ Tmax Xj (27) dn Combining Eqs. 31 and 33 yields i = T n . ij j dτ Xj τ2 Vmax . (34) τ ≈ T 1 max In the long-time limit, n(τ) becomes dominated by its ground-state component, which grows at a rate deter- The energy shift S appears on the diagonal of T = mined by the largest eigenvalue, T = S E , of the SI Handis incorporatedintothe diagonalelementsof max 0 transition matrix T: − T+−;itthereforeaffectsT=T+ T− andV=T++T− − equally. Thisdependencecanbemadeexplicitbywriting n(τ) αeTmaxτc , (28) T =S+T andV =S+V ,whereT andV ( T ) 0 max 0 max 0 0 0 0 ≈ ≥ 8 Vmax/κn0=25.0;Vmax/Tmax=30.0 Vmax/κn0=12.5;Vmax/Tmax=15.0 Vmax/κn0=12.5;Vmax/Tmax=30.0 100 80 0 60 n / ) τ p( 40 20 FIG. 4. Effect of the initial value of the shift on the plateau height in an FCIQMC simulation of the 2D 18-site square lattice half-filled Hubbard model at U = 2t and k = (0,0). 0 Periodic boundary conditions are applied to a 45◦ tilted cell 0 20 40 60 80 100 with sides 3√2. The reference determinant, D0, is formed Vmaxτ fromoccupyingthe18lowest-energyBlochfunctions. Setting theshiftslightlybelowH00=hD0|Hˆ|D0ireducestheplateau FIG. 5. Model population dynamics in an FCIQMC simula- height butincreases the time spent in the plateau region. tion. The psip population evolves according to Eq. 30 and shows the key features of the population dynamics in real FCIQMC calculations: an initial exponential growth phase arethelargesteigenvaluesofTandV whenS =0. This followedbyaplateaufollowedbyasecondslowerexponential leads to the equation growth phase. Asexpected,thepsip population reaches95% of its plateau value when V τ ln(19(V /κn 1)), τ S+V S+V max 95% ≈ max 0− 2 0 = 0. (35) the height of the plateau is given by p/n0 = Vmax/κn0, and τ1 ≈ S+T0 S−E0 the plateau ends when Vmaxτ2 ≈ ln(Vmax/κn0)Vmax/Tmax. The vertical dashed (dotted) lines show V τ (V τ ) max 95% max 2 In most FCIQMC simulations the shift is initially held foreachsetofparameters. Thehypergeometricfunction, F , 0 1 at a fixed value, typically the Hartree-Fock energy, until was calculated using Ref. 20. the desired psip population is reached. If S is reduced and allowed to approach E from above, the simulation 0 never exits the plateau. The duration of the plateau can that V /(2T ) is not an integer. The normalization max max be shortened by moving the initial value of S further of u(τ) drops out of p(τ) = (κu) 1du/dτ, leaving one − abovetheground-stateenergyE0,butonlyatthecostof arbitrary constant to be fixed by the initial conditions. increasingthe psippopulation(S+V0)/κattheplateau. Fig.5 shows the resulting populationdynamics for three The effect of modifying the initial shift in an FCIQMC differentsets ofparameters,imposingthe boundarycon- simulation is shown in Fig. 4. dition p(0)=n in all cases. Whilst this is an extremely 0 TheODEinEq.30isanexampleofaRiccatidifferen- simple model, it captures allof the features of the popu- tial equation34 and canbe transformedfroma quadratic lation dynamics seen in actual FCIQMC calculations. first-orderODEintoalinearsecond-orderODEusingthe LetusnowreturntoEq.29andconsiderwhathappens substitution beyondtheendoftheplateau,wherethepsippopulation beginstoriseagainuntilthe energyshiftisadjustedand 1 du p(τ)= . (36) a steady state with dp /dt=0 is attained. Since the lin- κudτ i earVtermisnegligibleincomparisonwiththequadratic The solution of the resultant second-order ODE is terms in this regime, Eq. 29 becomes u(τ)=c1 0F1 ;1 Vmax ;z 0= dpi κp2+κn2, (39) · (cid:18) − 2Tmax (cid:19) dt ≈− i i (37) V +c2zVmax/2Tmax ·0F1(cid:18);1+ 2Tmmaaxx;z(cid:19), i0m. pDlyeintegrmthiantanptis≈on±nwihaicnhdthheencgerotuhnadt-nst−iat≈e 0amorplnit+iud≈e c is positive are occupied only by positive psips and where 0i determinants on which c is negative are occupied only 0i κ2p2(0)e2Tmaxτ by negativepsips. The signedpsipdensity ni =n+i −n−i z = , (38) isproportionaltoc andtheunsigneddensityp =n++ 4T2 0i i i max n−i to |c0i|. c and c are constants of integration, F is a confluent We canalsouseEq.29to understandwhy the plateau 1 2 0 1 hypergeometric limit function,35 and we have assumed psippopulationsplottedinFig.2areproportionaltothe 9 Hubbard U. Assuming that the growth of the in-phase inthisexamplearespinconfigurationsratherthanSlater signal, p, is fast enough to allow the plateau to emerge determinants.) Indeed, the sign structure of the ground- before the ground-state signal becomes significant, the statewavefunctionofthebipartiteHeisenbergmodelhas plateau occurs when long been known.36 Every non-zero off-diagonal matrix element of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian flips a neighbor- V p κ p2. (40) ij j ≈ i ingpair ofspinsfromdown-upto up-downor vice-versa. Xij Xi The Hamiltonian matrix element is positive if J > 0, If U/t is large, the kinetic energy contributions to the implying that the corresponding matrix element of T is Hamiltonian matrix (and hence T and V) can be ne- negative,sothesignsofchildrenproducedbyoff-diagonal glected and changing U simply scales these matrices. spawningeventsalwaysdifferfromthesignsoftheirpar- Defining V = UV and p = Up leads to the follow- ents. Initially it appears as if this ought to cause a seri- ij i′j i ′i ing condition for the emergence of the plateau: ous sign problem. Consider, however,a bipartite system consistingoftwointer-penetratingsub-lattices,arranged 2 Vi′jp′j ≈κ p′i , (41) such that the pairs of spins flipped by off-diagonal ele- Xij Xi ments of Hˆ are always on different sub-lattices. The ac- where V and p contain no dependence upon U. The tion of any off-diagonal element of Hˆ increases the total ′ ′ valueofS ononesub-latticeby1anddecreasesthetotal total psip population at the plateau, p = U p , z i i i ′i value of S on the other sub-lattice by 1. This allows all therefore scales linearly with U. P P z spin configurations to be assigned to one of two classes, A or B. Starting from the classical N´eel state, which is V. SIGN-PROBLEM-FREE SYSTEMS arbitrarilyassigned to class A, all states that differ from the N´eel state by an even number of applications of Hˆ are also assigned to class A, while states that differ by If there exists a similarity transformthat maps T into anoddnumber ofapplicationsofHˆ areassignedtoclass V,andhencemakeseveryoff-diagonalelementofTpos- B. If an FCIQMC simulation is initialized by placing a itive and every off-diagonalelement of H=SI T neg- − population of positive psips on the N´eel state, all psips ative, then V and T have identical eigenvalues. Even createdonconfigurationsinclassAwillbepositivewhile without annihilation, the in-phase and out-of-phase sig- allpsips createdonconfigurationsinclass B willbe neg- nals, p and n, grow at the same rate and there is no ative. Psips of different signs will never mix, no cance- difficulty extracting the ground-state (out-of-phase) sig- naln=n+ n . Suchsystemsaresign-problemfreeand lation is required, and there is no sign problem. In fact, − − byapplyingasimpleunitarytransformationinwhichthe FCIQMC simulations of them yield correctground-state sign of every configuration in class B is flipped, all off- energieswitharbitrarilysmallpsippopulations,although diagonal matrix elements of H can be made negative.37 no plateau phase is seen. Increasing the psip population servesonlytoreducethestochasticerror. Indeed,byfor- By way of an example, the Heisenberg model for a mulating the problem in the transformed basis, we can two-dimensional6 6squarelatticewithperiodicbound- carry out an FCIQMC simulation in which no negative ary conditions ha×s a Hilbert space of 9.08 109 con- psips need ever appear. figurations. Using just 1.8 106 psips w×e find the × Aparticularlysimpletypeofsimilaritytransformation E/N = 0.67886(2)J, which is in excellent agreement − does no more than change the signs of some of the basis withthevalueE/N = 0.678871(8)JobtainedbyRunge determinants. No choice of signs is sufficient to render using Green’s function−Monte Carlo.38 Note that, unlike alloff-diagonalelementsofT positiveinmostcases,but Runge, we did not use importance sampling. FCIQMC ij there are a few interesting model systems in which sim- simulations of Heisenberg models defined on other (non- ple sign-changing transformations are effective. In some bipartite or “frustrated”) lattices display the same be- models, for example, all psips spawned on any given de- havior as for fermionic systems (Fig. 6); in particular, terminant D have the same sign regardless of the loca- the population plateau is a universal feature unless the i tion of their parent, so that positive and negative psips system is sign-problem free. never mix. A simple sign-changing transformation that The Hubbard Hamiltonian, Eq. 19, is closely related multiplieseverybasisdeterminantbythesignofthepsips to the Heisenberg Hamiltonian and is also sign-problem- that occupy it then makes all off-diagonal elements of T free, although only in one dimension. Consider a 1D positive. HubbardlatticewithN sitesandN (N )spin-up(spin- s The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model defined by down)electrons,wherethesystemis↑not↓necessarilyhalf- the Hamiltonian filledandperiodicboundaryconditionsareapplied. IfN s Hˆ =J Sˆr ·Sˆr′, (42) Nis evaenndaNndaNre↑baonthdeNv↓ena,rtehebnotthheordedexoirstNsasnisanoadldagaonuds hXr,r′i tra↑nsform↓ation to that described above for the Heisen- where J>0, Sˆ is the vector spin operator on lattice site berg model. (This is most easily seen if the orbitals are r r,andthesumrunsovernearestneighbors,issuchasys- ordered first by spin and then by their position in the tem ifthe lattice is bipartite. (Note that the basis states lattice.) The ground-state energies of large 1D Hubbard 10 whereasthatwithBlochorbitalscontainsonly1.31 108 × determinants. VI. DISCUSSION The aboveobservationsprovidesomedegreeofinsight intotheFCIQMCmethodandthefactorsthatdetermine how hard it is to apply FCIQMC to any given physical system. We now briefly comment upon other topics re- lated to FCIQMC before summarizing our work. TheinitiatorapproximationtoFCIQMC(i-FCIQMC), FIG.6. Thepopulation dynamicsofan FCIQMCsimulation wherebyspawningeventsontopreviouslyunoccupiedde- of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model for a 5 5 trian- terminantsareonlyallowediftheparentdeterminanthas × gularlattice. Noperiodicboundaryconditionswereimposed. a psip population above a specified threshold, has been Aswithfermionicsystems,frustratedHeisenbergmodelsdis- shown to dramatically reduce the number of psips re- play a population plateau. quired to obtain excellent results in many systems.15 In i-FCIQMC,theeffectiveHilbertspacegrowsandchanges dynamically as the simulation proceeds, including only models with many different choices of N and N can determinants that have a significant psip population or thereforebe foundusingtheFCIQMCmet↑hodwith↓very lie close (in terms of applications of the Hamiltonian) to small numbers of psips. determinantswithasignificantpsippopulation. Asare- Thisbringsusontoanimportantpoint: thesignprob- sult,psips arepreventedfromspawninginregionsoflow lem in FCIQMC is not constant for a given system but psipdensityandtheannihilationrateisgreatlyincreased is dependent upon the choice of basis. Consider two for a given psip population. No plateau is observed in Hamiltonian matrices, H and H , which describe the i-FCIQMC calculations14,15 because the growth of the 1 2 same system but have been constructed using different in-phase combination is suppressed by annihilation even basis sets, one of which is obtained from the other by a when the total psip population is low. The i-FCIQMC transformation matrix S, so that H = S 1H S. The approximationbecomesincreasinglygoodasthenumber 1 − 2 correspondingtransitionmatrices T andT arerelated of psips is increased because more of the Hilbert space 1 2 in the same way. However, when we partition the two becomes accessible and the psip dynamics more closely transition matrices into T+ and T , the partitions are resembles that of the true Hamiltonian. − not necessarily related by the same unitary transforma- IncoupledclusterMonteCarlo39 (CCMC),theexcita- tion. Inotherwords,althoughT1 =S−1T2S, andhence tion amplitudes of the coupled cluster wave function are tTh+1at−TT±1−1 ==SS−−11T(T±2+2S−. TC−2on)Sse,qiuteinstnlyo,ttihnegepnlaetreaaluthheecigahset sptloincghaosftcicoanlfilygusaramtpiolnedaminpmlitaundneesriannFaCloIgQouMsCt.oAthltehosaumgh- (and thus the ease with which FCIQMC can be used to theCCMCalgorithmismuchmorecomplicatedthanthe find the groundstate) depends on the basis in which the FCIQMC algorithm, we believe that a similar analysis Hamiltonian matrix is expressed. holds. The particles or “excips”40 that sample the dis- An FCIQMC simulation of the 18-site half-filled 1D crete excitor space in CCMC also have positive or nega- Hubbard model at U = t exhibits no plateau when the tive signs and annihilationis crucialfor the desired(and Hamiltonian matrix is expressed in a basis of determi- physicallymeaningful)solutionto emerge. Itis observed nants of local orbitals (as in Eq. 19), since this partic- thatCCMCcalculationshaveahigherplateauthancon- ular problem is sign-problem free as explained above. figuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo (CIQMC) Yet an FCIQMC simulation of exactly the same Hamil- calculations at the same truncation level.39 It is likely tonian expressed in a basis of determinants of Bloch that this is because the excips have to explore a larger functions (as in Eq. 20) exhibits a plateau at 6.9 106 effective Hilbert space than the psips in the equivalent × psips. As expected, the sign problem increases the dif- CIQMC simulation, so more excips are requiredto make ficulty of the FCIQMC simulation in the Bloch repre- the annihilation rate high enough to suppress the in- sentation. A short simulation using just 2.8 105 psips phase signal. × in the local orbital basis gave a ground-state energy of In summary, we have shown that the sign problem in 18.8423(3)t,whereas2.3 107psipswererequiredtoob- FCIQMC simulations is caused by the growth of an un- − × tainaground-stateenergyof 18.84248(8)tintheBloch physical dominant solution of the coupled ODE’s that − orbitalbasis. Furthermore,ourimplementationcurrently describe the time evolution of the densities of positive conserves crystal momentum when using Bloch orbitals andnegativepsips. Thisunphysicalsolutiongrowsfaster but does not make use of symmetry when using local than the ground-state solution we seek and masks the orbitals; the Hilbert space used in the calculation with ground-state signal. A similar problem arises in DMC localorbitalsthereforecontains2.36 109 determinants, simulations of fermionic systems, where the dominant ×

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