THE PEOPLE ADVANTAGE The People Advantage Improving Results Through Better Selection and Performance Neville Bain and Bill Mabey LLA:\ ~IAC~ll Business © Neville Bain and Bill Mabey 1999 Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition I999 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WlP 9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their right to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 1999 by MACNULLANPRESSLTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-1-349-14941-4 ISBN 978-1-349-14939-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-14939-1 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 Formatted by The Ascenders Partnership, Basingstoke Illustrations by Ascenders For Charles and Mae Bain, Peter and Kathleen Kemp NEVILLE BAIN For Trudy, Georgina and Stephanie- always supportive BILL MABEY Contents List of Case Studies and Figures xii Foreword by Derek Wanless, Group Chief Executive, NatWest Group xiv Preface xvi Acknowledgements XX PART I AN OVERVIEW 1 Chapter 1 Setting the Scene 3 People power 3 Achieving a productivity gain 5 The beautiful complexity of people and jobs 10 Honing your people resource 13 Summary 14 Chapter 2 Competencies and Attributes 16 The critical role of job analysis 16 Competencies and attributes 21 Using a differentiated model of competencies and attributes 23 Whether competency models are adding value 26 Summary 29 Chapter 3 Selecting the Right People 30 The management case for examining selection 30 The right way to select 31 Cost against benefit 33 Comparative validity of selection methods 35 Usage of individual methods 37 - Personal interview 39 - Application formslbiodata 40 - Ability tests 42 - Simulation exercises 42 - Personality questionnaires 43 The appeal of good assessment 44 Summary 45 Chapter 4 Developing People in the Right Way 46 The practice of leading companies 46 Continuousleanring 47 The Human Resources input 49 Development of managers 50 The appraisal process 51 Appraisal practice 54 Management development and succession planning 56 Finding the talent 57 Assessing for potential 59 360° evaluation 62 Summary 64 Chapter 5 Optimum Use of the People Resource 66 The employee's perspective 66 The appraisal is central 69 The career review 70 Identifying the talent 72 Making managers accountable for their people 73 Making development bite 74 An effective organization 79 Summary 82 Chapter 6 An International Perspective 84 The cross-cultural context 84 The international operator 86 The implementation of an international assessment process 89 Standardizing international assessment 94 - Differences in practice 94 - Standardization versus adaptation 96 - Country variations 99 Summary 101 PART II SPECIFIC ISSUES 103 Chapter 7 The Testing of Abilities and Personality 105 Growth in psychometric testing 105 Testing for abilities 106 - The concept 106 - Definitions and descriptions 107 - Overview of ability testing 109 - The need for professional standards 112 - Future prospects 113 Measuring personality 114 - The concept 114 - Definitions and descriptions 115 - The fundamental assessment problem 123 - Considering the options 124 - The case for questionnaire-based assessment 125 - The issue of faking 125 - A current overview 126 - Gaining acceptance for personality measurement 127 Summary 130 Chapter 8 Motivation 132 The case for motivation analysis 132 The reading of motivation 134 The Motivation Questionnaire 135 - Need Theories 135 - Reinforcement Theories 136 - Cognitive Theories 136 - An integrated model 137 Applications of motivation analysis 139 Motivational implications for the organization as a whole 144 Summary 146 Chapter 9 Leadership 148 Background 148 What is leadership? 148 Leadership and management 149 Followers' perspective 151 Inspirational and perspirationalleadership 153 Successful leadership in practice 154 The cognitive approach 155 Identifying and developing leadership potential 157 Summary 160 Chapter 10 Further Applications - Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Stress and Communication 161 Creativity - an elusive resource 161 Identifying creative potential 163 Entrepreneurship - the management paradox 165 Entrepreneurship as a competency 167 Stress - a costly problem 169 The management of stress 169 The need for skill in communication 174 Critical role in management 175 Personal influencing skills 176 The process of influence 177 Summary 180 Chapter 11 Further Applications - Strategic Thinking and Knowledge 182 Strategic thinking 182 A key differentiator at the top of the organization 186 Measuring strategic thinking 186 Knowledge 188 Professional intellect 191 Summary 193 Chapter 12 Improving the Performance of the Board 195 The critical role of the board 195 The management of the board 196 The role of the chairman 197 The non-executive or independent director 198 Director selection 199 The board in interaction as a team 200 The assessment of new board candidates 201 Survey findings 203 Director development 205 The ongoing appraisal of board members 205 The directors' checklist 206 Evaluation of the board 207 Where the board can add value 210 Summary 210 Chapter 13 Looking into the Future 212 Imprecise but valuable 212 Changing job demands 213 Sharing knowledge 214 Communicating 215 Retaining top talent 215 Assessment and development practice 216 The HR management role 219 International development of HR management 220 Bringing the human barriers down 222 Summary 223 Chapter 14 Lessons Learned 224 A review of the main messages 224 What is value? 227 Latent assets 228 Measures 229 Measuring the capability of the people resource 229 People Advantage Health Check 231 A final thought 234 Appendix A Calculating the Financial Return of an Improved Selection Method 235 Glossary of Terms 238 References 242 Index 247