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THE OPTIMUM SHAPE Automated Structural Design General Motors Research Laboratories Symposia Series 1985 J. A. Bennett, M. E. Botkin, eds., The optimum shape: Automated structural design, Plenum Press, New York, 1986. 1984 L. Evans, R. C. Schwing, eds., Human behavior and traffic safety, Plenum Press, New York, 1985. 1983 M. S. Pickett, J. W. Boyse, eds., Solid modeling by computers: From theory to applications, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. 1981 R. Hickling, M. M. Kamal, eds., Engine noise: Excitation, vibration and radiation, Plenum Press, New York, 1982. 1980 G. T. Wolff, R. L. Klimisch, eds., Particulate carbon: Atmospheric life cycle, Plenum Press, New York, 1982. 1980 D. C. Siegla, G. W. Smith, eds., Particulate carbon: Formation during combustion, Plenum Press, New York, 1981. 1979 R. C. Schwing, W. A. Albers, Jr., eds., Societal risk assessment: How safe is safe enough'? Plenum Press, New York, 1980. 1978 J. N. Mattavi, C. A. Amann, eds., Combustion modeling in reciprocating engines, Plenum Press, New York, 1980. 1978 G. G. Dodd, L. Rossol, eds., Computer vision and sensor-based robots, Plenum Press, New York, 1979. 1977 D. P. Koistinen, N.-M. Wang, eds., Mechanics of sheet metal forming: Material behavior and deformation analysis, Plenum Press, New York, 1978. 1976 G. Sovran, T. A. Morel, W. T. Mason, eds., Aerodynamic drag mechanisms of bluff bodies and road vehicles, Plenum Press, New York, 1978. 1975 J. M. Colucci, N. E. Gallopoulos, eds., Future automotive fuels: Prospects, perfor- mance, perspective, Plenum Press, New York, 1977. 1974 R. L. Klimisch, J. G. Larson, eds., The catalytic chemistry of nitrogen oxides, Plenum Press, New York, 1975. 1973 D. F. Hays, A. L. Browne, eds., The physics of tire traction, Plenum Press, New York,1974. 1972 W. F. King, H. J. Mertz, eds., Human impact response, Plenum Press, New York, 1973. 1971 W. Cornelius, W. G. Agnew, eds., Emissions from continuous combustion systems, Plenum Press, New York, 1972. 1970 W. A. Albers, ed., The physics of opto-electronic materials, Plenum Press, New York, 1971. 1969 C. S. Tuesday, ed., Chemical reactions in urban atmospheres, American Elsevier, New York, 1971. 1968 E. L. Jacks, ed., Associative information techniques, American Elsevier, New York, 1971. 1967 P. Weiss, G. D. Cheever, eds., Interface conversion for polymer coatings, American Elsevier, New York, 1968. 1966 E. F. Weller, ed., Ferroelectricity, Elsevier, New York, 1967. 1965 G. Sovran, ed., Fluid mechanics of internal flow, Elsevier, New York, 1967. 1964 H. L. Garabedian, ed., Approximation of functions, Elsevier, New York, 1965. 1963 T. J. Hughel, ed., Liquids: Structure, properties, solid interactions, Elsevier, New York,1965. 1962 R. Davies, ed., Cavitation in real liquids, Elsevier, New York, 1964. 1961 P. Weiss, ed., Adhesion and cohesion, Elsevier, New York, 1962. 1960 J. B. Bidwell, ed., Rolling contact phenomena, Elsevier, New York, 1962. 1959 R. C. Herman, ed., Theory of traffic flow, Elsevier, New York, 1961. 1958 G. M. Rassweiler, W. L. Grube, eds., Internal stresses and fatigue in metal, Elsevier, New York, 1959. 1957 R. Davies, ed., Friction and wear, Elsevier, New York, 1959. THE OPTIMUM SHAPE Automated Structural Design Edited by J. A. BENNETT and M. E. BOTKIN General Motors Research Laboratories PLENUM PRESS. NEW YORK - LONDON. 1986 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data General Motors Symposium on the Optimum Shape: Automated Structural Design (1985: General Motors Research Laboratories) The optimum shape. (General Motors Research Laboratories symposia series) Includes bibliographies and indexes. 1. Structural design-Data processing-Congresses. 2. Engineering design- Mathemtical models - Congresses. 3. Mathematical optimization - Congresses. I. Ben· nett, James A., 1942- . II. Botkin, Mark E. III. General Motors Corporation. Research Laboratories. IV. Title. V. Series. TA658.G45 1985 620'.00425 86·21234 ISBN 978-1-4615-9485-7 ISBN 978-1-4615-9483-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-9483-3 Proceedings of a General Motors Symposium on The Optimum Shape: Automated Structural Design, held September 30-0ctober 1, 1985, at the General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan © 1986 Plenum Press, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1986 A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher v PREFACE This book contains the papers presented at the International Symposium, "The Optimum Shape: Automated Structural Design," held at the General Motors Research Laboratories on September 3D-October 1, 1985. This was the 30th symposium in a series which the Research Laboratories began sponsoring in 1957. Each symposium has focused on a topic that is both under active study at the Research Laboratories and is also of interest to the larger technical community. While attempts to produce a structure which performs a certain task with the minimum amount of resources probably predates recorded civilization, the idea of coupling formal optimization techniques with computer-based structural analysis techniques was first proposed in the early 1960s. Although it was recognized at this time that the most fundamental description of the problem would be in terms of the shape or contours of the structure, much of the early work described the problem in terms of structural sizing parameters instead of geometrical descriptions. Within the past few years, several research groups have started to explore this more fundamental area of shape design. Initial research has raised many new questions about appropriate selection of design variables, methods of calculating derivatives, and generation of the underlying analysis problem. By 1985, it was apparent that sufficient progress had been made that a symposium devoted to assessing the state of the art and identifying new directions was appropriate. It was also clear that this symposium should include not just people who had worked in the traditional areas of structural optimization, but should also include workers in such diverse fields as geometric modeling, error analysis, adaptive analysis and finite element mesh generation. The symposium was divided into four sessions: Derivatives and Algorithms, Analy- sis and Modeling for Shape Optimization, Applications, and New Frontiers in Shape Optimization. Following the formal presentation of each paper there was a discus- sion period, which was recorded and included in this book. At the end of the fourth session, Professor Lucien A. Schmit presented a summary of the topics covered in the symposium. This summary is also included in the book. Many people played significant roles in planning and implementing this symposium. Our organizing committee, composed of Dean Richard H. Gallagher, Professor vi PREFACE Edward J. Haug, Professor Lucien A. Schmit, Professor Garret N. Vanderplaats and Professor Oleg C. Zienkiewicz, assisted us in identifying the key topics to be covered and the speakers to be included in the symposium. Professor Raphael T . Haftka, Professor Barna A. Szabo, Dean Richard H. Gallagher, and Dr. Jaroslaw Sobieski chaired the sessions and moderated the discussions, which were such a significant part of the symposium. The local arrangements were ably provided by Shirley Worth. Dolly Kenney, the symposium's secretary, was invaluable in handling not only the secretarial duties but also coordinating the many details associated with both the symposium and this book. J. A. Bennett M. E. Botkin Publication of the book also required the able assistance of many people. Technical editing of both the discussions and the papers was handled by Dr. Martin Barone, Dr. Ji Oh Song, Dr. Dennis Vasilopoulos, and Dr. Ren-Jye Yang. Joan Kmenta edited the manuscripts and coordinated production, and Wendy Evans compiled the index. David Havelock and his group at the Research Laboratories were responsible for the artwork. We deeply appreciate the assistance of all these people in publishing this book. James A. Bennett Mark E. Botkin vii CONTENTS SESSION I-Derivatives and Algorithms 1 Chairman: R. T. Haftka 1. Adaptive Analysis Refinement and Shape Optimization - Some New Possibilities ...................... . 3 o. C. Zienkiewicz, A. W. Craig, J. Z. Zhu and R. H. Gallagher 2. Material Derivative Methods for Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis 29 E. J. Haug and K. K. Choi 3. The Relationship Between the Variational Approach and the Implicit Differentiation Approach to Shape Design Sensitivities 61 R. J. Yang and M. E. Botkin 4. Variational Approach to Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Optimal Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Z. Mr6z SESSION II-Analysis and Modeling for Shape Optimization 111 Chairman: B. A. Szabo 5. Automatic Finite Element Modeling for Use with Three-Dimensional Shape Optimization ............................... 113 M. S. Shephard and M. A. Yerry 6. Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Shape Optimization of Linearly Elastic Structures ................... . 139 N. Kikuchi, K. Y. Chung, T. Torigaki and J. E. Taylor 7. Uncertainties in Engineering Design: Mathematical Theory and Numerical Treatment .................... . 171 I. Babu!!ka viii CONTENTS 8. Boundary Elements in Shape Optimal Design of Structures 199 C. A. Mota Soares and K. K. Choi SESSION III-Applications ...... . 233 Chairman: R. H. Gallagher 9. Shape Optimization of Three-Dimensional Stamped and Solid Automotive Components ................. . 235 M. E. Botkin, R. J. Yang and J. A. Bennett 10. Multidisciplinary Shape Optimization 263 G. N. Vanderplaats 11. Optimal Shape Design of Axisymmetric Structures 283 Ph. Trompette, J. L. Marcelin and C. Lallemaud 12. Shape Optimal Design by the Convex Linearization Method 297 C. Fleury SESSION IV-New Frontiers in Shape Optimization 327 Ch".irman: J. Sobieski 13. A Numerical Method for Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Built-up Structures . . . . . . . .... 329 K. K. Choi and H. G. Seong 14. Anomalies Arising in Analysis and Computational Procedures for the Prediction of Optimal Shape ............... . 353 J. E. Taylor 15. Geometric Modeling for Structural and Material Shape Optimization ................. . 365 E. L. Stanton 16. Symposium Summary and Concluding Remarks 385 L. A. Schmit Symposium Participants 399 Author and Contributor Index 405 Subject Index .......... . 409 1 SESSION I DERIVATIVES AND ALGORITHMS Session Chairman R. T. HAFTKA Vilyima Polytechnic Institure and State University Blacksburg, Vilyinia 3 ADAPTIVE ANALYSIS REFINEMENT AND SHAPE OPTIMIZATION- SOME NEW POSSIBILITIES O. C. ZIENKIEWICZ, A. W. CRAIG, and J. Z. ZHU University College of Swansea Swansea, United Kingdom R. H. GALLAGHER Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Massachusetts Abstract Engineers have turned to shape optimization of structures to assure the effiCient use of finite element analysis in producing safe and econom- ical designs. Constraints on stresses and displacements $hould however be imposed with an accuracy commensurate with the degree of preci- sion attainable in the analysis. A progressive refinement strategy can be used to increase the accuracy as the optimal design is approached and constraints are most critical. For this reason a simple and efficient error estimation capacity and an adaptive refinement strategy must be incorporated into the design program. This chapter will describe a new and efficient error estimation method based on mixed formulation con- cepts which can be incorporated into any existing program framework. In addition, a relatively simple refinement strategy will be shown which for a given problem can be designed to yield a specified accuracy of stress computation. Finally, a review of the methods used in shape opti- mization indicates the need for efficient mesh generation capabilities. If these can be combined with the indicators of error, then tIle objectives outlined above can be achieved. INTRODUCTION Sophisticated and elaborate finite element analysis is only justified in practice if it provides assurance on the performance and safety of engineering designs and

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