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Digitized bythe Internet Arcliive in 2011 with funding from IVIassachusetts Board of Library Commissioners andthe Institute of Museum and Library Services http://www.archive.org/details/newenglandcolleg2001newe The New England Optometry College of Commencement Exercises 2001 Saturday, The Second ofJune John Hancock Hall Boston, Massachusetts Commencement Program Processional Klarshalls: Dr. RichardJamara Dr. PaulMarescalchi Invocation ReverendColinLeitch Conunencement E.xercises Presiding: Dr. AlanLairdLewis, President Valedictorians PeterEbbertHall, Valedictorian, Classof2001 ConferringofHonoraryDegree James W. Hunt, Jr.,DoctorofHumaneLetters Presenter.NormanC Spector, JD CommencementRemarks JamesW. Hunt, Jr., DoctorofHumaneLetters PresentationofCandidates Dr.AlanSeidman,DeanofStudentAffairs PresentationofDegrees HoodingtheCandidates: Dr. DavidHeath, VicePresident/DeanofAcademicAffairs Dr. RichardLaudon,AssociateProfessor/ChairoftheFaculty PresentingDiplomas: Dr. AlanLairdLewis,President ConferringofDegrees: Dr AlanLairdLewis, President Pledge Dr. AlanLairdLewiswill leadthegraduatesintheOptometricOath WelcomefromtheAlumniAssociation Dr. PauletteTurco,AlumniAssociationPresident Benediction ReverendColinLeitch Recessional Reception immediatelyfollowingceremonyin theDorothyQuincySuite - \I Doctor of Optometry Degree Recipients MichelleAbigailAlcala'OS> otpjQa.|o\ Parlin,NewJersey JamesPatrickAllison- C-p o<e\ox\c\ Kittanning, Pennsylvania DeborahMAicmhelleAmster - c& c-^ijo-i /ci Bayside,NewYork KorayT. -ot> Ol«j(ox|oli NorthAndover, Massachusetts RubyAppiahArthur-eo owlc:ijoi Accra, Ghana NehaP Ashar- OB o o O Rutherford,NewJersey DueTruongAu-c>i> o<taij\oI'^^ii-loi Sacramento, California PatrickChnstianAyres-oc. oU ca NewCastle, Indiana ?oo-JaswinderSinghBains- ot> v?-iI><4loI\fe\ Vancouver, B.C., Canada KevinKeithBarrido- Oo oi.;lo3^lo\ Tampa, Florida AnnCatherineBennett—op ^^i--, i- Kittanning, Pennsylvania MamiE. Bessler- oj? Ob|ca.|ov Queens,NewYork TiJT KeshavS. Bhat-Oo ^,^»^C3-)o Boston,Massachusetts NicoleM.Boisvert,,^ I Reading, Massachusetts ot^|o3^|o\ DavidRexBurgett-oc> Granada, Spain c(^|o.5lJc( TMT-AraceliCaliz-OD 03/o3(.jo\ Madrid, Spain NicholasT. Chan-o^ DalyCity, California 0[^Iq,).\c\ ZoeeChan-oo G<alc:i\o\ North York, Ontario,Canada PDaatvtiydLMeaerCcheConhgeonD-c-P1o1o<(-^>IIo0\Jt|oi RSaanndDoilepgho,,MCaaslsiafcohrnuisaetts PoD- NathanAllenCorbell" tC> o^t[on ot LittleRock,Arkansas j PhilipLloydCrooks-oo Oicin3i 0\ Lynn,Massachusetts 1 MariaPasqualinaDeliaPorta-OP ci^l^^^j^j Southington,Connecticut AnnaDeNardo-OD oiijIC'SLJOS DobbsFerry,NewYork JenniferR. DeVita-OD ovejc3l|cI Vestal,NewYork IrediaJoeAziegbeEkukpe ob 0"TlOtelOl Dallas, Texas JeanetteM. Faulkner-Quintero-oo Ov.\Q'2io\ Braintree,Massachusetts ESltiancayGMiocmhaenleBFarsikiendm-aQnp-ocDvloOwSL|JC'oi^lC\ OShraarnogne,BMeaascsha,chAulsaebtatsma JoseAlejandroGomez-cp Queens,NewYork c{^\q:x.\o\ JasonC.W. Gnffith- oo ob|o2^t>» EastRochester,NewYork , AngelaColetteGrillo od oL-JQajo Chesterfield, Virginia JoanneLeighGross -OP coJoO-loj1 Brighton, Massachusetts JasonDouglasGuilford-os* oii>tc3LJ Wyoming,Pennsylvania NmaHuyenHa-OD OU|cx|oi GardenGrove, California PeterEbbertHall-qq q^^ ^i^,u^ Falmouth, Maine StacyJ. Hamlet-ooob OjXJo ThousandOaks,California JohnChristopherHersey-o|j) o(^jQ-^tq. PresqueIsle,Maine ^:^n'HildaYadiraHite-oP a^lo^4o Jacksonville,Florida RobertKeleighHomer_c>p c.rjic\,i|ci WallaWalla,Washington XnT- VliA^u. {bcUfiij - O^V^/ZS/CC Ii i -OD WeilunHsu e>U7(o-2jc4 Albany, California SamanthaP. Hua -OP dUiIcS-IoS Rosemead, California PeterChrisKevinHuffman-oo oU?!oJiJot Concord,NorthCarolina ElizabethBinhCamHuynh—oi? ot^jC2jc\ Collingdale, Pennsylvania CNTT DCehevlisPeraiyMa.JJaancakksiorna-maono-oopu.?qjc^^:i^coojI o HRaocckkgelnesna,ckS,asNkeatwchJeerwsaeny,Canada SusanBarbaraJanik-Op j i Berlin,Connecticut 0(i3|o.i|'C'l A.J. Javid—CO OU|ci-2-jok HasbrouckHeights,NewJersey LaMiaDeneneJones_q^ qItplTpJo KingofPrussia, Pennsylvania RobertJosephJoyce - op o'tici(o 1 SanDiego,California CatherineSoyoungKim—oC> OC?jo^jo^ NorthYork,Ontario, Canada- PatrickKwong—OD owIqxJC Edmonton,Alberta, Canada JohnEdwardLamers-QD oCi>|Ic2.|o» Spokane,Washington MJiacehHeololneLNeaeyu-nCgOLeeo-Ujq1qCIxIOoI FPahyieltatdeevliplhliea,,GPeeonrngsiyalvania DommgosS.Leung_oD Isj"Oaiol Macao, China oi^jcijo^ DarnelD. Lieu-OD Westminster, Califonua 0(^Jc>a.Joi SusanYeanLim -Ob o^jcijm Haverhill, Massachusetts RonL.Lm-ODoUlo^tjA^^^ FortWayne,Indiana rwT- IrmaLilianaLopez_ ^p ^^^ . ^ , RichmondHill,NewYork DinhLuong-GD Ov/03-loV Toronto,Ontario, Canada KKealtlhyerMi.neMYauceDho-nMaelid-Lyo-pOOoi^oilgO>'^|cJo^vio^ SYiellvleorwkSnpirfineg,,NMWaryTlerarnidtories, Canada KNeanhneeetdhK.RoMsaslMiakc-MaOhPonO-vqic^iio-lv£d>l02^Ot NFaehwnoYuothr,kMCiatiyn,eNewYork ZeenatRehanaMamdaru_Qp p Toronto, Ontario, Canada o,,I/-y-5 ?0D JohnHaroldMatthews- op | Glasgow,Kentucky oiolo^vl PhilipLMattson-eDocloajot Cedarville, Ohio CalogeraL.Mendola_Qp oUoalol Buffalo,NewYork Pt30- LotfiB. Merabet - cx> o'lfcoio Boston,Massachusetts TanyaMestey-OD ol?|q^|o Middleburgh,NewYork AllenJudeMok-oD ou I Reno,Nevada KathyAndreaMoreira-oiI>o:o)lt|^}o>^xki'^ Yonkers,NewYork RonaldCharlesMatthewMoses-c>C> Shavertown,Pennsylvania DimpleKapoo^^Nanchahal-OD C\3Oi\icix'-k\j-o^\vI Lowell, Massachusetts AndrewW. Nearingoo ow O Hancock,NewYork jd^-j TuQuynhThiNguyen- t>t> cn|bni<ii FountainValley,California JonathanAlanNiblett -op OV"jo^O ^ Redwater,Alberta, Canada MichaelJosephO'Neil-op 0*«:Vo3i|o\ Winchester,Massachusetts IEsuagbeelneMaYroiiachOirOdaszak-oo-oQpcW>5|1o^aj|^j^o^|\^^ MHuinatmiin,gtFolonrBiedaach, California » \ AmiDineshPatel- op &t#|o'2L|o\ Cirmaminson,NewJersey AndriaManePihos--c>0 Ol<3\o3Lio» GlenEllyn, Illinois BrianAndrewPratt-OP Ovi|o;)Jol Rochester,NewYork fcp- TimothyR. Qumlan - ot> C^ijO'l ti Burlmgton, Vermont | RHeatnaulnN.AnRtahnoany-Roadbbaon<ii3-looPajOUC!lo'-xlc\ TPaasrszaainca,,NCealwifJoerrnsieay naxi Rana -oO ow|o'x\0\ Passaic, NewJersey Xt4'i- IsabelArgelesSabate- oO nJ2.S-)oo Alicante, Spain CynthiaSuzaraie Sayers-eo ov^Ico-Io Struthers, Ohio RNeahmaySS.eSyhaamh--cOpO odcK^lloajaJjivci^I DNeonrvtihllBee,rgNeen,wNJeerwseJyersey Robert Sholomon -oo oi^j|caIo^ Brooklyn, NewYork JonathanShvka- cf^ oL.jc::xJe,i Toronto,Ontario, Canada JeffreySonsmo -OD Ovs|io'3,\0\ Alta, Utah JasonAnthonySoscia-t,j>ev«jo-i o\ Cranston, RhodeIsland JustmDaVidSparhawk—oo I Leonard, Minnesota Ol^lo-J.lc\ JJeenannieftetreKEalraemneSTtarnogm—-tOoOO oOt«o*jjOorXai|c> NLaewwndYaolrek,,CNaleiwfoYrnoirak YenMyTran-oD OL^\cj\q\ RochesterHill,Michigan ThiTneu-oo ou.IqxSo\ SanDiego, California JacquelmeTruong -OO O^j o» o Walnut, California AnnaB. Tsolakos^qd a^\}o^i|oi Salem,NewHampshire TNT-JoseA. Vega - ot> o^lcn (c^ \ Waterloo, Ontario, Canada BaseemWahab—OP Oi^jo^ici Toronto, Ontano, Canada DianeMarieWallach 'CP o<olox\o\ Williamsburg, Virginia YvormeM. Williams -c5 a'=i|o"i(ov Harvey,Illinois VictoriaShandalovYampolsky_t'->^^ f^i,i ^i Stoughton, Massachusetts Boston,Massachusetts The information in thisprogram shouldnotbe consideredasverification thata degree wasreceived. Allinquiresshouldbe directedto theRegistrar'sOffice. Candidates for Residency Certification Cornea andContactLenses HowardWard, OD TheNewEnglandCollegeofOptometry Cornea/ContactLenses/FamilyPractice Optometry WoodyHong,OD TheNewEnglandCollegeofOptometry FamilyPractice Optometry PhuongNguyen,OD DorchesterHouseMulti-ServiceCenter AdvancedOcularDisease MelissaWalters, OD BostonMedicalCenter OcularDisease AmieLe, OD KitteryOptometricAssociates ThomasMaher, OD D'AmbrosioEyeCare, Inc. Pediatric Optometry Jami Sykes,OD TheNewEnglandCollegeofOptometry PrimaryEye Care JenniferHazelwood-Ugarte, OD SouthBostonCommunityHealthCenter PrimaryEye Care - DepartmentofVeteransAffairs BetsyCabanillas, OD VABoston-JamaicaPlainCampus ChristieChan, OD Brockton/WestRoxbtiryVAMedicalCenter JacquelineCoronel, OD Brockton/WestRoxburyVAMedicalCenter AmyDufour, OD VAConnecticut/NewingtonCampus SandraDufour,OD VAConnecticut/NewingtonCampus RhettMacDonald,OD Brockton/WestRoxburyVAMedicalCenter AimeeMaher, OD ManchesterVA/Medical Center AmyNau,OD Brockton/WestRoxburyVAMedicalCenter KathleenProphet-Harms, OD VABoston-JamaicaPlainCampus AmyScally, OD BedfordVA/Memorial Hospital MarciaValero,OD Brockton/WestRoxburyVAMedicalCenter PrimaryEye Care -Low Vision Rehab - DepartmentofVeteransAffairs KimberlyChin,OD VAConnecticut-WestHavenCampus MichaelHuang, OD VAConnecticut-WestHavenCampus NicoleSandone,OD VACoimecticut-WestHavenCampus 2001 Honorary Degree Recipient James W. Hunt, Jr. Doctor ofHumane Letters James W. Hunt, Jr. is president and chief executive officer ofthe Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers. A renowned public health advocate, he has been instrumental in securing millions of dollars for the support of neighborhood health centers and the patients they serve. He has worked tirelessly to maintain state-based reimbursement to health centers for their care of Massachusetts' uninsured citizens and has successfully developed funding from federal, state and local governments for health center capital expansion and systems enhancement. Mr. Huntwas instrumental in the design and implementation oftheNewEngland College of Optometry's external clinical rotation program at many of the Community Health Centers in Boston. This clinical training program was the first in the nation to utilize community-based multidisciplinary clinical sites for the education of optometry students, a model that has more recently been emulatedby mostother schools across the country. James Hunt is certified by the American Society ofAssociation Executives. He is the former president of the National Association of Commimity Health Centers and was awarded the prestigious Johnson and Johnson Community Health Care Awardfor his innovative health outreach project for Boston's underservedwomen and children. He also has faculty appointments at Suffolk University and Boston University. Mr. Hunt is a respected and admired champion public health and has committed his life to ensuring that high quality medical, dental and optometric services are availableanddeliveredwho all who needhealthcare.

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