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THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD AND POLYNOMIAL BOUNDS FOR ORTHOGONAL SYSTEMS IN Fn q ERIC NASLUND Abstract. Let Fn be thesubset of self-orthogonal vectors in Fn, which has size = qn−1+O(√qn).SIn⊂thiqspaperweusetherecentlydeveloped slice ranqk method[11] to|sSh|ow 7 that any set E of size 1 0 ⊂S E >(n+1)(q−1)(k−1) | | 2 contains a k-tuple of distinct mutually orthogonal vectors, where n k and q = pr with n p k. The key innovation is a more general version of the slice ra≥nk2of a tensor, which ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) a we call the multi-slice rank. We use a combinatorial argument to create an appropriate J indicator tensor for the orthogonality of k-vectors, however for k 4 this tensor will have ≥ 6 large slice rank, and so to obtain our results we need to use the less restrictive multi-slice 1 rank. Additionally, we use this method to generalize a recent result of Ge and Shangguan [7], and provethat any set A Fn of size ] ⊂ q O n+(q 1)(k 1) A > − − C | | (q 1)(k 1) ! − − . containsa k-right-corner, that is distinct vectorsx ,...,x ,x wherex x ,...,x h 1 k k+1 1 k+1 k at xk+1 are mutually orthogonal, as long as n≥ k+21 and q=pr with p>k.− − m (cid:0) (cid:1) [ 1 1. Introduction v 5 Problem 1. What is the size of the largest subset E ⊂ Fnq which contains no distinct k-tuple 7 of mutually orthogonal vectors? 4 4 In2008Vinh[13]generalized aresultof IosevichandSenger [8], proving thatforn ≥ 2k−1, 0 if E ⊂ Fn satisfies . q 01 |E| ≫ qn2+k−1, 7 then E contains :1 (1+o(1)) |E|kq−(k2) v k! i mutually orthogonal k-tuples in E. Here q = pr is a prime power, and Fn denotes the vector X q space of dimension n over the finite field with q elements. In Iosevich and Senger’s [8, Lemma r a 3.2] paper, they constructed a set E ⊂ Fn of size q |E| ≥ cqn2+1 for some c > 0 such that no two of it’s vectors are orthogonal. In light of Vinh’s bound, when k = 2 this construction is tight up to a constant, and so it seems that problem 1 is resolved in this case. However, critical to this lower bound construction is the fact that none of the vectors in this set are self-orthogonal, that is no x ∈ E satisfies n x2 = 0. Let S denote i=1 i the set of all self-orthogonal vectors in Fn, also referred to as the set of isotropic vectors (see q P [1]). We note that n 1 |S|= qn−1+ χ(x2) q   χX∈ Fˆq xX∈Fq   χ 6= χ 0 Date: January 12 2017. 1 THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 2 where χ ranges over the characters of F , and so q |S| = qn−1+O qn2 (cid:16) (cid:17) since the Gauss sum x∈Fqχ(x2) has magnitude q21. Our main theorem is: Theorem 1. Let S ⊂PFn be the set of all x ∈ Fn satisfying n x2 = 0. Let k > 1 be given, q q i=1 i and suppose that n ≥ k and q = pr satisfies p ≥ k. If E ⊂ S has size 2 P (cid:0) (cid:1) n+(q−1)(k−1) |E| > , (q−1)(k−1) (cid:18) (cid:19) then E contains a k-tuple of k distinct mutually orthogonal vectors. The right hand side above is a polynomial in the dimension and so the result holds for very sparse subsets of S. In particular, the right hand side is bounded above by (n+1)(q−1)(k−1), which is at most O (1+ǫ)n ǫ,k,q for any ǫ > 0, where the subscript denotes that the implicit constant could depend on ǫ,k and q. To prove theorem 1, we use the slice rank method which was introduced by Tao [11] following the breakthrough of Croot, Lev and Pach [3]. The slice rank method for 3-tensors is asymmetrized version of Croot, Lev and Pach’s argument, and in his blog post, Tao usedit to reprove Ellenberg and Gijswijt’s bounds for arithmetic progression-free subsets of Fn [4]. This p method has seen applications to a variety of problems including the Erdő-Szemerédi sunflower problem [10, 6], and the group theoretic approach to fast matrix multiplication [2], and we refer the reader to [2, Section 4] for an in depth discussion of the slice rank as well as its connection to geometric invariant theory. The slice rank method allows us to prove theorem 1 for k = 2 and k = 3, however to handle k ≥ 4 we need additional flexibility, and we introduce a generalization of the slice rank which we call the multi-slice rank. Using a combinatorial argument coming from the group action of S on the set of k-tuples of vectors in Fn, we create k q a tensor I satisfying k 1 x ,...,x are distinct and mutually orthogonal 1 k I (x ,...,x ) = (−1)k(k−1)! if x = ··· = x , k 1 k  1 k 0 otherwise so that Ik is diagonal when restricted to E×···×E, where E is any set that does not contain a k-tuple of distinct mutually orthogonal vectors. For k ≥ 4, I will have very large slice k rank, and so the slice rank method fails to obtain non-trivial bounds. However I will have k polynomially small multi-slice rank, and so the multi-slice rank method allows us to prove theorem 1 for k ≥ 4. Recently, Ge and Shangguan [7] used the slice rank method to improve upon a result of Bennett [1], showing that any set A⊂ Fn of size q n+q |A| > +3 q−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) contains a right-angle, that is distinct vectors x,y,z ∈ A satisfying hy−x,z−xi = 0. Usingthemulti-slice rankmethod wegeneralize this result to k-right-corners. Wesay thatthe vectors x ,...,x ,x form a k-dimensional right corner if the k vectors x −x ,...,x − 1 k k+1 1 k+1 k x form a mutually orthogonal k-tuple. In other words, x ,...,x must meet x at k+1 1 k k+1 mutually right angles. THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 3 Theorem 2. Let k be given, q = pr with p > k, and n ≥ k+1 . If A⊂ Fn has size 2 p n+(q−1)(k−1)(cid:0) (cid:1) |A| > , (q−1)(k−1) (cid:18) (cid:19) then A contains a k-dimensional right corner. The proof of theorem 2relies heavily on theflexibility of the multi-slice rank fork ≥ 3. Just as before, when we have 4 or more variables involved, the constructed indicator tensor will have polynomial small multi-slice rank yet exponentially large slice rank. In [9], we provide another application of the multi-slice rank method, and prove exponential upper bounds for the Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv [5] constant of (Z/pZ)n. In subsection 2.1, we review the slice rank, as defined in [11] and [2, Section 4.1], and in subsection 2.2 we introduce the multi-slice rank and prove the critical lemma, which states that the multi-slice rank of a diagonal tensor equals the number of non-zero diagonal entries. In 3.1 we introduce the indicator function H (x ,...,x ), which satisfies k 1 k 1 if x ,...,x are distinct 1 k H (x ,...,x ) = (−1)k(k−1)! if x = ··· = x . k 1 k  1 k 0 otherwise This function allows us to modify our tensor so that it picks up only k-tuples of distinct  elements. In subsections 3.2 and 3.3, we prove theorems 1 and 2, respectively, using the multi-slice rank and the indicator H . k 2. The Slice Rank and Multi-slice rank 2.1. The Slice Rank. We begin by recalling the tensor rank and the definition of the rank of a two variable function. Let X,Y be finite sets, and suppose that F is a field. The rank of a function F : X ×Y → F is defined to be the smallest k such that k F(x,y) = f (x)g (y) i i i=1 X for some functions f ,g . For finite sets X ,...,X , a function i i 1 n h :X ×···×X → F, 1 n h6= 0, of the form h(x ,...,x ) = f (x )f (x )···f (x ) 1 n 1 1 2 2 n n is called a rank 1 function, and the tensor rank of F :X ×···×X → F 1 n is defined to be the minimal k such that k F = g i i=1 X where the g are rank 1 functions. Following the breakthrough of Croot, Lev and Pach [3], i Tao [11] introduced the notion of the slice rank of a tensor: Definition 1. Let X ,...,X be finite sets. We say that the function 1 n h :X ×···×X → F, 1 n h6= 0, is a 1-slice if h(x ,...,x ) = f(x )g(x ,...,x ,x ,...,x ) 1 n i 1 i−1 i+1 n THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 4 for some 1 ≤ i ≤n. The slice rank, or 1-slice rank, of F :X ×···×X → F 1 n is the smallest k such that k F = g i i=1 X where the g are 1-slices. i The following lemma was proven by Tao, and used to great effect: Lemma 1. Let X be a finite set, and let Xk denote the k-fold Cartesian product of X with itself. Suppose that F :Xk → F is a diagonal tensor, that is F(x ,...,x ) = c δ (x )···δ (x ) 1 n a a 1 a n a∈A X for some A ⊂ X, c 6= 0, where a 1 x = a δ (x) = . a (0 otherwise Then slice-rank(F) = |A|. Proof. We refer the reader to [11, Lemma 1] or [2, Lemma 4.7]. (cid:3) 2.2. The Multi-Slice Rank. In what follows, we propose a new more general definition of the slice rank. Given variables x ,...,x and a set S ⊂ {1,...,n}, S = {s ,...,s }, we use 1 n 1 k −→ the notation x to denote S x ,...,x , s1 sk and so for a function g of k variables, we have that −→ g(x )= g(x ,...,x ). S s1 sk Definition 2. Let X ,...,X be finite sets. We say that the function 1 n h :X ×···×X → F, 1 n h6= 0, is a b-slice for 1≤ b ≤ n if 2 −→ −→ h(x ,...,x ) = f(x )g x 1 n S {1,...,n}\S for some f,g and S ⊂ {1,2,...,n} of size |S| = b. M(cid:0)ore genera(cid:1)lly, we say that F is a slice if it is a b-slice for some 1≤ b ≤ n. 2 For example, if X is a finite set, then the function h :X7 → F given by h(x ,x ,x ,x ,x ,x ,x )= f(x ,x ,x )g(x ,x ,x ,x ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 5 7 1 3 4 6 is a slice, and in particular it is a 3-slice with S = {2,5,7}. This leads us to the definition of the multi-slice rank: Definition 3. Let X ,...,X be finite sets. The multi-slice rank of a function 1 n F :X ×···×X → F 1 n is the minimal k such that k F = c g i i i=1 X where the g are slices. i THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 5 It is immediate that any tensor F with slice-rank(F) = k will satisfy multi-slice-rank(F) ≤ k. Remark 1. For a finite set X and a field F, consider the function F :X ×X ×X ×X → F given by 1 x =y and z = w F(x,y,z,w) = , (0 otherwise that is F(x,y,z,w) = δ(x,y)δ(z,w) where δ(x,y) denotes the function that is 1 when x = y, and 0 otherwise. Then F will have multi-slice-rank(F) = 1 and slice-rank(F) = |X| [12]. Our key observation is that the multi-slice rank of a diagonal tensor is full. Lemma 2. Let X be a finite set, and let Xk denote the k-fold Cartesian product of X with itself. Suppose that F :Xk → F is a diagonal tensor, that is F(x ,...,x ) = c δ (x )···δ (x ) 1 n a a 1 a n a∈A X for some A ⊂ X where c 6= 0, and a 1 x = a δ (x) = . a (0 otherwise Then multi-slice-rank(F) = |A|. Proof. It’s evident that the multi-slice rank is at most |A|, and so our goal is to prove the lower bound. The proof proceeds by induction on the number of variables. When n = 2, this is the usual notion of rank, and so the result follows. Suppose that we can write k −→ −→ F(x ,...,x )= c f (x )g x 1 n i i Si i {1,...,n}\Si i=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) where c 6= 0 and k < |A|, and suppose without loss of generality that |S | ≤ n for each i. If i i 2 there is no i such that |S | = 1, then choose an arbitrary variable, say x , and average over i 1 than coordinate. Then we have that k F(x ,...,x ) = c δ (x )···δ (x ) = c f˜(−x−−−→)g˜ −→x , 1 n a a 2 a n i i Si\{1} i {2,...,n}\Si xX1∈X aX∈A Xi=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) for functions f˜,g˜ given by averaging f,g over x . This contradicts the inductive hypothesis 1 since c δ (x )···δ (x ) will have multi-slice rank equal to |A| > k. Now, suppose that a∈A a a 2 a n there exists some S such that |S | = 1. Then S = {j} for some j ∈ {1,...,n}. Let U be the i i i P set of indices for which we have S = {j} = S for each u ∈ U, so that in particular i ∈ U. u i Define V = h: X → F : f (x )h(x )= 0 for all u ∈ U . u j j    xXj∈X  This vector space has dimension at least |X|−|U|. Let v ∈ V have maximal support, and set   Σ = {x ∈ X : v(x) 6= 0}. Then |Σ|≥ dimV ≥ |X|−|U|, since otherwise there exists nonzero r ∈ V vanishing on Σ, and the function v+r would have a larger support than v. Multiplying THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 6 both sides of our expression by v(x ) and summing over x reduces our tensor dimension by j j 1. Indeed v(x )F(x ,...,x )= c δ (x )···δ (x )δ (x )···δ (x ) v(x )δ (x ) , j 1 n a a 1 a j−1 a j+1 a n j a j   xXj∈X aX∈A xXj∈X   and since the sum v(x )δ (x ) will be non-zero for at least |X|−|U| values of a ∈ X, xj∈X j a j the multi-slice rank of the above must be at least |A|−|U| by the inductive hypothesis. Since P −→ v(x )f (x )= 0 j i Si xXj∈X for each i ∈ U, it follows that k −→ −→ v(x ) c f (x )g x j i i Si i {1,...,n}\Si xXj∈X Xi=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) will be a sum of at most k−|U| slices, and hence it has multi-slice rank at most k−|U|. This implies that |A|−|U| < k−|U|, which is a contradiction, and the lemma is proven. (cid:3) We conclude this section with the following lemma: Lemma 3. Let X be a finite set, and suppose that F : Xk → F has tensor rank T and G: Xk → F has multi-slice rank R, then multi-slice-rank(G·T)≤ RT. Proof. This follows immediately from writing F as a sum of T slices and G as a sum of R rank 1 functions, since the product results in at most RT slices. (cid:3) 3. The Main Theorems Let S denote the set of self-orthogonal vector. Our goal is to find a function I : Sk → F , k q of low multi-slice rank satisfying c x ,...,x are mutually orthogonal and distinct 1 1 k (3.1) I (x ,...,x )= c x = ··· = x k 1 k  2 1 k 0 otherwise where c2 6= 0. If E ⊂ S is a set without any distinct mutually orthogonal k-tuples, then when we restrict I to Ek, I will be a diagonal tensor taking the value c on the diagonal, and so k k 2 by lemma 2, I must have multi-slice rank at least |E|. It then follows that any set E ⊂ S of k size E > multi-slice-rank(I ), k must contain a k-tuple of k distinct mutually orthogonal vectors. Define F : Sk → F k q by (3.2) F (x ,...,x ) = 1−hx ,x iq−1 . k 1 k j l j<l≤k Y (cid:0) (cid:1) For example, n q−1 n q−1 n q−1 F (x,y,z) = 1− x y 1− y z 1− z x , 3 i i i i i i     ! ! ! i=1 i=1 i=1 X X X     THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 7 is a polynomial of degree 3(q−1) in n variables. This function satisfies 1 x ,...,x are mutually orthogonal 1 k F (x ,...,x )= . 1 k (0 otherwise We note that x ,...,x are not required to be unique for F(x ,...,x ) to equal 1, and in 1 k 1 k particular if x = ··· = x , then F (x ,...,x ) = 1 since hx,xi = 0 for every x ∈ S. Ideally, 1 k k 1 k we would like to take I = F , however this only works when k = 2, and does not hold due to k k the repetitions for k ≥ 3. For example, when k = 4, if x,y ∈ Fn satisfyhx,yi= 0, then q F (x,x,y,y) = 1, 4 and we need to try to modify F to make it zero in this case. k 3.1. Constructing an indicator function for distinct k-tuples. Let X be a finite set, F a field, and let Xk = X ×···×X denote the Cartesian product of X with itself k times. For every σ ∈ S , define k f :X ×···×X → F σ to be the function that is 1 if (x ,...,x ) is a fixed point of σ, and 0 otherwise. 1 k Lemma 4. We have the identity 1 if x ,...,x are distinct 1 k sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ) = , σ 1 k (0 otherwise σX∈Sk where sgn(σ) is the sign of the permutation. Proof. By definition, sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ) = sgn(σ) σ 1 k σX∈Sk σ∈SXtab(−→x) −→ −→ where Stab(x) ⊂ S is the stabilizer of x. Since the stabilizer is a product of symmetric k −→ groups, this will be non-zero precisely when Stab(x) is trivial, and hence x ,...,x must be 1 k distinct. This vector is then fixed only by the identity element, and so the sum equals 1. (cid:3) Lemma 5. Let C ⊂ S , C = Cl(1 2 ··· k), be the conjugacy class of the k-cycles in S , and 1 k 1 k define H (x ,...,x )= sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ). k 1 k σ 1 k σX∈ Sk σ ∈/ C 1 Then 1 if x ,...,x are distinct 1 k H (x ,...,x )= (−1)k(k−1)! if x = ··· = x . k 1 k  1 k 0 otherwise Proof. This follows from lemma 4and the fact that the conjugacy class of the k-cycle in Sk has (k−1)! elements each with sign equal to (−1)k−1. (cid:3) This function can be used to zero-out those tuples of vectors with repetitions, and so when X = Fn, we define q I (x ,...,x ) := F (x ,...,x )H (x ,...,x ), k 1 k k 1 k k 1 k and this will satisfy precisely the desired properties of equation (3.1) with c = 1 and c = 1 2 (−1)k(k−1)!. Since we want c 6= 0, this imposes the constraint p ≥ k. 2 When k = 2, H (x ,x ) = 1, 2 1 2 when k = 3 H (x ,x ,x ) = 1−δ(x ,x )−δ(x ,x )−δ(x ,x ) 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 8 and when k = 4 H (x ,x ,x ,x )=1−δ(x ,x )−δ (x ,x )−δ(x ,x )−δ(x ,x )−δ(x ,x )−δ(x ,x ) 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 3 2 4 +2δ(x ,x ,x )+2δ(x ,x ,x )+2δ(x ,x ,x )+2δ(x ,x ,x ) 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 1 4 1 2 +δ(x ,x )δ(x ,x )+δ(x ,x )δ(x ,x )+δ(x ,x )δ(x ,x ) 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3 where 1 x = ··· = x 1 k δ(x ,...,x ) = . 1 k (0 otherwise As a function on X3, slice-rank(δ(x ,x )) = 1, but on X4 the function 1 2 δ(x ,x )δ(x ,x ) 1 2 3 4 hasslicerankequalto|X|. Thisfunction does however havemulti-slice rank equalto 1. When writing H (x ,...,x ) as a linear combination of δ functions, it will always have multi-slice k 1 k rank at most k!, since it is a sum of k! slices. However, starting from k = 4 there will be functions in the sum whose slice rank is maximal, and this is why the multi-slice rank is needed to prove theorems 1 and 2 for k ≥ 4 and k ≥ 3 respectively. 3.2. Proof of Theorem 1. Proof. Let F be defined as in (3.2), and let H :Sk → F be defined as in lemma 5. Define k k q I (x ,...,x )= F (x ,...,x )H (x ,...,x ). k 1 k k 1 k k 1 k This function satisfies 1 x ,...,x are mutually orthogonal and distinct 1 k I (x ,...,x ) = (−1)k(k−1)! when x = x =··· = x , k 1 k  1 2 k 0 otherwise and so we assume that q = pr where p ≥ k, since otherwise the above function would be zero  when x = ··· = x . It then follows from lemma 2 that any set E ⊂ S satisfying 1 k |E| > multi-slice-rank(I ) k must contain a k-tuple of distinct mutually orthogonal vectors. In what follows, we bound the multi-slice rank of I . For any t, we may write k n q−1 F (x ,...,x ) = 1− x x , t 1 j ji li   ! j<l≤t i=1 Y X   and expand this product as a polynomial. The total number of terms in the expansion of this polynomial will be at most the total number of terms in the polynomial (1+z1+···+zn)(q−1)t(t−21). t(t−1) Letting β = (q−1), it is a classical combinatorics result that the above has at most 2 n+β 1 β ≤ (n+β) β β! (cid:18) (cid:19) terms. Since this was a bound on the total number of terms, this bounds the tensor rank of F , and by lemma 3 combined with the fact that multi-slice-rank(H ) ≤ k!, we immediately t k retrieve the bound n+β multi-slice-rank(I ) ≤ k! . k β (cid:18) (cid:19) By being slightly more careful, we can obtain significantly better results. For σ ∈S let f be k σ defined as in subsection 3.1, and consider f (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x ). σ 1 k k 1 k THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 9 Let t be the number of cycles in the permutation decomposition of σ, and let r denote the number of fixed points. Then f will be a product of t − r multi-variable delta functions. σ Suppose that f (x ,...,x ) = 1. Then there will be exactly t distinct elements among the x , σ 1 k i and so we have the equality −→ f (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x )= f (x ,...,x )F (x ) σ 1 k k 1 k σ 1 k t S where S ⊂ {1,2,...,k} is a subset of indices such that no two elements of S are in the same cycle of the permutation σ. By slicing in between the cycles, it follows that the multi-slice rank of this tensor will be at most the slice-rank of the t-dimensional tensor F (z ,...,z ). t 1 t Thus −→ multi-slice-rank(f (x ,...,x )F (x )) ≤ multi-slice-rank(F ), σ 1 k t S t where the right hand side is viewed as a t-dimensional tensor. This implies the bound k k (3.3) multi-slice-rank(I )≤ multi-slice-rank(F ) k i i i=2(cid:20) (cid:21) X where k denotes the unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind, which count the number i of permhutiations of length k made of exactly i disjoint cycles, and multi-slice-rank(Fi) refers to the multi-slice rank of F when viewed as an i-dimensional tensor. Returning to (3.2), the i product form for F , t n q−1 F (z ,...,z ) = 1− z z , t 1 t ji li   ! j<l≤t i=1 Y X   we may bound the multi-slice rank by counting the number of polynomials in z that can 1 occur. Expanding the above product, it will be a linear combination of terms of the form (ze11···zet1)···(ze1n···zetn) 11 t1 1n tn where e ≤ q−1 for all i,j and ij n e ≤ (q−1)(t−1) ij j=1 X for every i. It then follows that n multi-slice-rank(F ) ≤ # ~v ∈ {0,1,...,q−1}n : v ≤ (q−1)(t−1) . t i ( ) i=1 X Let n C =# ~v ∈ {0,1,...,q−1}n : v ≤(q−1)(t−1) . t i ( ) i=1 X This can be thought of as putting (q−1)(t−1) balls into n+1 buckets, where the (n+1)st bucket represents the constant term. By the balls and buckets theorem, n+(q−1)(t−1) C ≤ , t (q−1)(t−1) (cid:18) (cid:19) however this significantly over counts the number of such vectors. Each vector v satisfying n (q−1)(t−2) < v ≤ (q−1)(t−1) i i=1 X will be counted exactly once. Each vector v satisfying n (q−1)(t−3) < v ≤ (q−1)(t−2) i i=1 X THE MULTI-SLICE RANK METHOD 10 will be counted exactly n+1 = n+1 times, since we may put an extra (q−1) balls into any 1 of the n+1 buckets and arrive at the same vector. Each vector v satisfying (cid:0) (cid:1) n (q−1)(t−r−2) < v ≤ (q−1)(t−r−1) i i=1 X will be counted exactly n+r times, since we have r extra (q−1)’s to put into n+1 buckets. r Thus (cid:0) (cid:1) n+(q−1)(k−1) n+1 n+0 n+2 n+1 = C + − C + − C +··· , k k−1 k−2 (q−1)(k−1) 1 0 2 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) that is n+(q−1)(k−1) n+1 n+2 (3.4) = C +nC + C + C +··· k k−1 k−2 k−3 (q−1)(k−1) 2 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) k n−1+j (3.5) = C . k−j j j=0(cid:18) (cid:19) X We remark that from this identity, one could use generating series to work out C exactly as k a sum of binomial coefficients, and hence get an exact expression for k k C . t t i=t (cid:20) (cid:21) X However thisexpressionhasanunpleasant form, andsotohavethetheorem inasimplerform, we proceed by proving the following lemma: Lemma 6. Let k denote the unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind and let n = k . i 2 Then h i (cid:0) (cid:1) k n ≤ k−i i (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) for all 1 ≤ i≤ k. Proof. Let σ ,...,σ denote the k transpositions in S . Every element of S with k − i 1 n 2 k k cycles is the product of exactly i distinct transpositions. Hence (cid:0) (cid:1) k n ≤ , k−i i (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) and the lemma is proven. (cid:3) By equation (3.4) and the above lemma, for n ≥ k it follows that 2 (cid:0) (cid:1)k n+(q−1)(k−1) k ≥ C , t (q−1)(k−1) t (cid:18) (cid:19) t=2(cid:20) (cid:21) X and so n+(q−1)(k−1) multi-slice-rank(I ) ≤ , k (q−1)(k−1) (cid:18) (cid:19) and the proof is complete. (cid:3)

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