3/27/2018 Geomorphology of Turkey Main Structures -1 TolgaGörüm İstanbul Üniversitesi, Coğrafya Bölümü The lecture notes has been compiled from the following sources Eren, Y. (2009). Neotektonik Ders Notları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Jeololoji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya. Okay, A. (2014). Türkiye’nin Jeolojisi Ders Notları. İTÜ. Sengör, A.M.C. Et al., 2005. The North Anatolian Fault Zone: A New Look. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2005. 33:37–112. Sengör,, A.M.C 1984. Türkiye'nintektoniktarihi., TürkiyeJeolojiKur., Ketin Sempozyumu,37‐62. Sengör, A. M. C., Tüysüz, O., Imren, C., Sakinç, M., Eyidogan, H., Görür, N., ... & Rangin, C. (2005). The North Anatolian fault: A new look. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 33, 37‐ 112. And the references in these books and lecture notes. 1 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is one of the most well‐known fault in the world, which is morphologically distinct and very active in terms of seismicity. The KAFZ is a right‐lateralstrike‐slip fault zone extending for about 1200 km, in the form of a wide arc from Eastern Anatolia to Greece. North Anatolian Fault Zone The width of the zone is between 100 m and 40 km. This fault is a transform fault that forms part of the boundary between Eurasia in the north and the Anatolian plate in the south. The fault zone extends from Karlıova in the east to the SarosGulf in the west and connects the East Anatolian compression zone to the Aegean‐Cyprus. It has long been recognized as an important tectonic line in North Anatolia and has been shown parallel to the later defined NAFZ. 2 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone: History • The fault zone has been named Cicatrice Nord Anatolienne by Nowacks (1928) Paphloganische Narbe; Salomon‐Calvi (1936‐1940), Fortsetzung der Tonale Linie and Pamir(1950).TheseinvestigatorsdefinedtheNAFZasanorogenicstructureandfurther described it as a vertex of the Alpine orogeny in Anatolia. Salomon and Calvi (1936, 1940)describedthisfaultzoneasasuturezoneconnectedtothecollisionofGondwana andEurasiainthetheoryoftheWegener’splatetectonic. • An examination of the earthquakes in 1939‐1948 by İhsan Ketin (1948) revealed that these earthquakes occurred along a rightward strike fault extending along the North Anatolian Mountains (Pontides) in northern Turkey and that this structure was not relatedtotheorogenicstructureoftheregion. Ketin, 1948 Leopold Kober’in20. yüzyılınilk yarısındakitektonikgörüşlereegemenolmuş“çiftkanatlı” Alp dağ sistemitasavvuru. Zwichengebirgearamasifleri(mor), pemberenklialankuzeyedevrikAlpid(=Alp Dağları’nailişkin) kanadını, mavirenklialanda güneyedevrikDinarid(=Dinar Dağları’nailişkin) kanadınıgöstermektedir. North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures 3 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures 4 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures Negative flower structure North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures 5 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures • Like many strike‐slip faults, the NAFZ includes morphologically well‐developed surface structures over a length of 1200 km such as semi‐parallel faults, braided geometry,pull‐apartbasins,sag‐ponds,pressureridgescanbeobservedalongthe faultzone. North Anatolian Fault Zone: Structures • Bir çok doğrultu atımlı fay gibi KAFZ 1000‐1200 km uzunluğu boyunca morfolojik olarak iyigelismişyüzeyyapılarıiçerir.Fayzonu boyuncazonaparalel, yarıparalel, faylar, saç örgüsü geometrisi, çek‐ayır havzaları, çökme gölleri, basınç sırtları, ötelenmişderelervb.gibiyapılarizlenir. Şengör et al., 2005 6 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone KAFZ morfolojik olarak Karlıova’dan Mudurnu’ya kadar net bir sekilde izlenir. Doğu AnadoluFayZonu(DAFZ)ilebirlestiğiKarlıova’nın10kmdoğusundanitibarenblokfaylı ve bindirmeli bir kuşak boyunca izlenmez. Karlıova doğusundan itibaren oluşan depremlerbirsırfdoğrultuatımlıfaydanziyadeönemlibindirmebileşenlerikapsar(Mc Kenzie,1972). North Anatolian Fault Zone The fault is characterized by a complex fault pattern and morphology in the Karlıova region(Allen, 1965; ArpatveSaroğlu, 1972, SeymenveAydın, 1972). The fault line is continuous from Karlıovato Erzincan. 7 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone North Anatolian Fault Zone Şengör et al., 2005 Fault plane solutions for 48 earthquakes M ≥ 5 occurred between 1939 and 2003 along s the North Anatolian Fault Zone. 8 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone • Erzincan yakınlarında fay kesilir ve 10 km kuzeye sıçrama yapar Bu iki fay kolu burada bir çek‐ayır havzası niteliğindeki Erzincan ovası ile birbirine bağlanır. • Erzincan’dan Resadiye’ye kadar fay zonu tekrar süreklilik sunar. Bu segmentin karakteristik özellikleri, uzamıs çökme gölleri (sag ponds), bazen travertenler ile iliskili kaynaklar, fay diklikleri ve deforme olmus akarsu vadileridir. Resadiye ve Erbaa arasında fay sürekliliğini tekrar kaybeder. North Anatolian Fault Zone 9 3/27/2018 North Anatolian Fault Zone North Anatolian Fault Zone 10