The Impact of Unlicensed Access on Small-Cell Resource Allocation Cheng Chen, Randall A. Berry, Michael L. Honig Vijay G. Subramanian Dept. of EECS, Northwestern University Dept. of EECS, University of Michigan Evanston, IL 60208 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 [email protected], {rberry, mh} [email protected] Abstract—Small cells deployed in licensed spectrum and un- networks, which canbe viewedboth asan additionalresource 6 licensed access via WiFi provide different ways of expanding foroffloadingtraffic,andasasourceofcompetitionforsmall- 1 wirelessservicestolowmobilityusers.Thatreducesthedemand cell networks in licensed spectrum.1 0 forconventionalmacro-cellularnetworks,whicharebettersuited In this paper we study the effect of unlicensed spectrum on 2 forwide-areamobilecoverage.Themixofthesetechnologiesseen in practice depends in part on the decisions made by wireless resource allocation in HetNets containing large- (macro-) and n service providers that seek to maximize revenue, and allocations small- (pico- or femto-) cells. The macro- and small-cells are a J oflicensedandunlicensedspectrumbyregulators.Tounderstand assumedtobeoperatedbyacellularSP,ormultiplecompeting theseinteractionswepresentamodelinwhichaserviceprovider SPs, using licensed (proprietary) spectrum. To model the 1 allocates available licensed spectrum across two separate bands, 2 demand for different services, we assume two types of users: one for macro- and one for small-cells, in order to serve two types of users: mobile and fixed. We assume a service model mobile and fixed. The mobile users must be served by macro- T] in which the providers can charge a (different) price per unit cells only, whereas the fixed users can be served by either rate for each type of service (macro- or small-cell); unlicensed the macro- or small-cells, or via the unlicensed spectrum. We I . access is free. With this setup we study how the addition of assumethattheSPschargeapriceperunitratetoaccesstheir s unlicensed spectrum affects prices and the optimal allocation of c network. The macro- and small-cells are viewed as providing bandwidth across macro-/small-cells. We also characterize the [ optimal fraction of unlicensed spectrum when new bandwidth two different services, hence the SPs set two corresponding 1 becomes available. prices for access. There is no access fee for the unlicensed v band. In all cases the available rate is split among all users 9 I. INTRODUCTION sharing the band. Given this setup, the SPs wish to set prices 3 8 Current cellular networks are evolving towards heteroge- and allocate bandwidth across the macro- and small-cells to 5 neous networks (HetNets) to cope with the accelerating de- maximize their revenue. 0 mand for wireless data along with variations in mobility and Our model is similar to that presented in our previous . work [14] to study bandwidth allocation in HetNets with 1 servicerequirements[1],[2].TheprimaryfeatureofaHetNet 0 is the deployment of multiple types of access infrastructure competing SPs; however, here the main distinguishing feature 6 with different transmission powers, range, and spectral effi- is the presence of the unlicensed band. Our results show 1 how the unlicensed spectrum affects the SPs’ willingness to ciency,suchassmall-cellstargetinglocal“hotspots.”Inaddi- : v tion to cellular infrastructure in licensed spectrum allocations, allocate resources to the small-cell network. Moreover, the Xi unlicensed services (e.g., WiFi) are an increasingly common model and results can be used to quantify the utility (total welfare) offered by the unlicensed spectrum, and to compare alternative for providing users local access. As unlicensed r it with that generated by the licensed spectrum taking the a networks and HetNets proliferate, wireless users have greater strategic decisions of the SPs into account. The introduction choice in the type of network they can access. That can in ofunlicensedspectrumraisesseveralanalyticalchallengesvis- turn affect strategic decisions on the part of the SPs regarding a-vis prior work (e.g., [14]). This is due to the expanded pricing and network resource allocation. set of choices (i.e., for fixed-user association) and also the While the introduction of HetNets, and small-cell networks additional conditions on equilibria due to competition from inparticular,willincreaseoveralldatacapacity,networkman- the unlicensed service. agementandresourceallocationbecomemorecomplicated.In We now summarize our main results. We first focus on a particular, an SP must allocate available resources across dif- monopolySP,andthenconsiderthemorecomplicatedscenario ferentcelltypes(smallvsmacro)takingintoaccountmobility with multiple competing SPs. In all scenarios we model the patternsanddemandfordifferentservices.Thatallocationthen SPanduseractionsasatwo-stagegameinwhichtheSPsfirst interacts with pricing strategies that can differentiate among partition the licensed band into subbands for the macro- and service categories and controls revenue. Resource allocation is further complicated by the existence of unlicensed WiFi 1For example, AT&T’s WiFi network helps to expand the capacity of AT&T’s cellular network, whereas Comcast’s WiFi service effectively com- ThisworkwassupportedbyNSFundergrant1343381. peteswithcellularservices. small-cellnetworks,andsubsequentlyannouncepricesforser- maximum social welfare. Furthermore, allocating insufficient vices.Thepricesthenenablethefixeduserstodeterminetheir unlicensed bandwidth in this scenario can cause the social networkassociation(macro-/small-/unlicensed).Thefollowing welfare to decrease below the all-licensed allocation. (This is results are obtained by analyzing sub-game perfect equilibria, illustrated in Fig. 5 in Sec. VII.) assuming a class of α-fair utility functions for tractability. 1. HetNet Market structure: In equilibrium the macro-cell Related work on pricing and bandwidth allocation in het- network serves only mobile users. Fixed users then associate erogeneous wireless networks is presented in [3]–[9]. In [3]– with either the small-cell or unlicensed network. This applies [5]small-cellserviceisanenhancementtomacro-cellservice, when the SPs maximize either revenue or social welfare. andin[6]–[9]small-andmacro-cellsprovideseparateservices Hence this association is optimal in the sense of maximizing (as we assume here). Optimal pricing only is studied in [3], social welfare.2 [5], whereas joint pricing and bandwidth allocation is studied 2. Bandwidth allocation with monopoly SP: Comparing in [4], [6]–[9]. However, in that work there is a single SP bandwidth allocations with and without unlicensed spectrum, (monopoly) and no unlicensed spectrum. when maximizing revenue, a monopoly SP may allocate more bandwidth to small-cells with unlicensed than without. This In [10]–[14], competition among multiple SPs providing occurs when the unlicensed network offers a sufficiently low HetNet services is investigated. References [10], [11] study rate (e.g., due to a small amount of unlicensed bandwidth). pricing and service competition with fixed bandwidth allo- This seems counterintuitive when the unlicensed network is cations, while [12]–[14] study both pricing and bandwidth viewed as an additional resource; however, this is because the optimization. However, in [12], [13] the SPs compete to presence of unlicensed bandwidth alters the dependence of acquire the spectrum from a spectrum broker, as opposed quantity (users served) with price. In contrast, when the SP to optimizing the bandwidth allocation across the different maximizes social welfare, it always allocates less bandwidth cell types in [14]. The preceding work does not consider any to small cells with unlicensed spectrum. interactions with unlicensed access. 3. Equilibrium with competitive SPs: With multiple com- petitive SPs we prove that there always exists a unique While the preceding work focuses on HetNet deployments sub-game perfect equilibrium with an associated bandwidth using licensed spectrum, the interaction of unlicensed with allocation. Furthermore, the equilibrium can fall in one of licensed spectrum in other contexts is considered in [15]– threecategories:(1)allSPsallocatebandwidthtobothmacro- [17]. In [15] an economic analysis of the trade-off between andsmall-cells(“Macro-SmallNashEquilibrium”,orMSNE); incremental licensed and unlicensed spectrum allocations is (2) a subset of SPs allocate bandwidth to macro-cells only, presented, which shows that licensed spectrum is the favored and the rest allocate to both macro and small cells (“Macro- option. In [16], an intermediate model of price competition Preferred Nash Equilibrium”, or MPNE); and (3) all SPs between two SPs having a fixed licensed part of the spectrum allocate bandwidth only to macro-cells (“Macro-only Nash and sharing the remaining part as unlicensed is proposed. Equilibrium”, or MNE). Without unlicensed spectrum for our It is shown that user welfare increases with the proportion choice of utility functions only the MSNE is possible [14]. of unlicensed spectrum; however, the overall social welfare Hence the increased competition from the unlicensed network decreases, indicating resources are used less efficiently. Ref- may cause some SPs to give up on small-cells and allocate erence [17] studies social welfare when unlicensed spectrum bandwidth only to the macro-cells. We also consider the is added to an existing allocation of licensed spectrum among asymptotic scenario where the number of SPs goes to infinity incumbent competing SPs. The conclusion is that the social and observe that in general, the equilibrium with an arbitrary welfare can decrease over a significant range of unlicensed amountofunlicensedspectrumdoesnotachievethemaximum bandwidths. The preceding work assumes that the licensed social welfare. spectrum supports a single type of service, hence does not 4. Dependence of social welfare on the licensed/unlicensed consider the associated bandwidth allocation problem studied split: For spectrum regulators, such as the FCC, a challenge here. Also, except for [17], the users are assumed to be is determining how much newly available spectrum should be homogeneous. licensedorunlicensed.Weuseourresultstoillustratehowthe mixoflicensedandunlicensedspectrumaffectssocialwelfare. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.Weintroduceoursystem This depends crucially on the relative spectral efficiencies modelinSectionII.Thepriceanduserassociationequilibrium associated with the small-cell and unlicensed networks. If for a monopoly SP is presented in Section III. Optimal the small-cell network has higher spectral efficiency, then bandwidth allocation for revenue maximization is discussed allocating the entire bandwidth as licensed maximizes social in Section IV, and for social welfare maximization in Section welfare. Conversely, if the unlicensed network has higher V. We then consider multiple competing SPs in Section VI. spectral efficiency, then there is an optimal (positive) amount Thedependenceofsocialwelfareontheamountofunlicensed of unlicensed spectrum, which may or may not achieve the bandwidth is discussed in VII, and conclusions are presented in Section VIII. All proofs of the main results and several 2Thisresultwasalsoshowntoholdwithoutunlicensedspectrumin[14]. supplemental results can be be found in the appendices. II. SYSTEMMODEL sufficient for optimizing the total user welfare. Recall, WiFi A. Network Model service is assumed to have no access charge. The density of users connected to macro-cells and small- We consider a scenario where there are one or more SPs, cellsofSPiandtoWiFiaredenotedbyK ,K andK , each of which has a two-tier cellular network operating in i,M i,S U respectively. Note that K and K only consist of fixed licensed spectrum consisting of macro-cells (with wide cov- i,S U users, while K may include both mobile users and fixed erage) and small-cells (with only local coverage). Macro-cells i,M users. Additionally, mobile users are assumed to have priority andsmall-cellsareassumedtooperateinseparatebands.3 We connecting to macro-cells. As a result, macro-cells can only also assume that there is unlicensed spectrum in which WiFi accommodatefixedusersifallmobileusershavebeenserved. AccessPoints(APs)aredeployedwithnoaccesscharges.The assumptionofnoaccesschargeismadetomaketheunlicensed as desirable as possible to the users. Users in the network are C. User Optimization classified into two categories based on their mobility: mobile users that can only be served by macro-cells and fixed users Each user is endowed with a utility function u(r), which thatcanbeservedbymacro-cells,small-cellsorWiFi(butnot only depends on the service rate it gets from any type of multiple at the same time). service. For simplicity of analysis, we assume that all users Macro-cells, small-cells and WiFi APs are assumed to havethesameutilityandwefurtherrestrictthistobeanα-fair be uniformly deployed over a given area.4 To simplify our utility functions [19] with α∈(0,1): analysis we restrict our attention to the case where all SPs r1−α have the same infrastructure deployment density. The density u(r)= , α∈(0,1). (1) of macro-cells per SP is normalized to one and we denote 1−α the densities of small-cells and WiFi APs by N and N , S U Thisrestrictionenablesustoexplicitlycalculatemanyequilib- respectively. Both types of users are also uniformly deployed riumquantities,whichappearstobedifficultformoregeneral overthegivenarea,andweassumealargenumberofusersso classes of utility. Further this class is widely used in both that we can model them as non-atomic. The density of fixed networking and economics, where it is a subset of the class and mobile users are given by N and N , respectively. f m of iso-elastic utility functions.6 We assume that each SP i has total bandwidth B and i For a given licensed service, each user requests a rate the macro-cells of SP i can provide a total data rate of that maximizes their net payoff W, defined as the difference C =B R ,whereR isthe(average)spectralefficiency i,M i,M 0 0 between their utility and the cost of service, i.e. they solve: and B is the bandwidth allocated to macro-cells by SP i,M i.5 Similarly, the total available rate in small-cells of SP i and in WiFi APs are defined as C = λ B R and maximize W =u(r)−pr, (2) i,S S i,S 0 r≥0 C =λ B R ,respectively.Hereλ andλ reflecttherate U U U 0 S U difference due to the combination of spectral efficiency and where as described below, the SPs will set the prices p to deployment density differences in small-cells and WiFi APs ensure that the resulting demand can be met.7 For WiFi compared with macro-cells. Since small-cells generally have service, since there is no access charge, we assume all users a higher spectral efficiency and larger deployment density, we simply share the available total rate equally. Since fixed users assumeλS >1.WiFiAPstypicallyhaveahigherdeployment can choose any one service, they would choose the one with densitybutlowerspectralefficiency.Therefore,wedon’tmake the largest payoff. any assumptions on λU. For α-fair utility functions, (2) has the unique solution: B. Market Model r∗ =D(p)=(u(cid:48))−1(p)=(1/p)1/α, (3) Each SP i offers separate macro- and small- cell service. It charges all users of a given service the same price per unit where D(p) is the user’s rate demand function and u(cid:48) denotes rate,whicharedenotedbyp andp formacro-andsmall- i,M i,S the first derivative of u. The maximum net payoff for a user cellserviceofprovideri,respectively.Ofcourse,otherpricing is thus: approachesariseinpracticesuchasflat-ratepricing.Wefocus on per unit pricing in part because it is analytically tractable α and in part because, as will be shown in our analysis, it is W∗(p)=u(D(p))−pD(p)= p1−α1. (4) 1−α 3Equivalently,macro-andsmall-cellscouldoperateindifferenttime-slots, e.g.,usingtheAlmostBlankSubframes(ABS)featureinLTE[18]. 6Ingeneralα-fairutilitiesrequirethatα≥0toensureconcavity;requiring 4Alternatively,wecanviewsmall-cellsandWiFiAPsasbeinguniformly α>0 ensures strict concavity but allows us to approach the linear case as deployedover“hotspot”areasandrestrictfixeduserstotheseareas. α→0.Therestrictionofα<1ensuresthatutilityisnon-negativesothata 5OfcoursetheactualrateaSPcanprovideatanytimewilldependonmany usercanalways“optout”andreceivezeroutility.Notealsothatasα→1, factors such as the channel gains to its users and the scheduling algorithm weapproachthelog(·)(proportionalfair)utilityfunction. employed. Here, we view Ci as averaging over such effects over a long 7We assume that the users are price taking in that they do not anticipate enoughtimehorizon,whichisreasonableforthenetworkplanningproblems howtheirselectionofserviceorratewilleffecttheresultingprices,whichis weconsider. reasonableunderourassumptionofmanysmallusers. D. Service Provider Optimization For the WiFi service, the users net payoff is simply given Each SP i needs to decide on the bandwidth partition by u(KCUU). With non-atomic users, it follows that in any user associationequilibriumthenetpayoffsofanyservicesthatare (B ,B ) and pricing decisions (p ,p ) to maximize i,M i,S i,M i,S used by fixed users must be equal, and any service not used its revenue S , i.e., the aggregate amount paid by all users i must have a lower net payoff. choosing its macro- and small- cell services. This can be The SP adjusts the prices p and p to maximize its formulated as: M S revenue taking into account the user association equilibrium. maximize Si =Ki,Mpi,MD(pi,M)+Ki,Spi,SD(pi,S) 8 Two scenarios are possible: subject to K D(p )≤C ,K D(p )≤C 1. Mixed service: Macro-cells serve both mobile users and a i,M i,M i,M i,S i,S i,S subset of fixed users; 0≤p ,p <∞ i,M i,S 2. Separate service: Macro-cells only serve mobile users. B ,B ≥0,B +B ≤B . (5) i,M i,S i,M i,S i Theorem 1 (User Association): Given a fixed bandwidth allocationbetweenmacro-andsmall-cells,attheSPs’optimal Here the first constraint ensures that the SP can meet the rate prices, the market clears, i.e., all users are served, and all rate demanded by the users, where recall C and C depend i,M i,S is allocated. Further, there exists a threshold B such that if on the bandwidth allocation. Note also that K and K S,0 i,M i,S B <B ,thenthemixedservicescenarioholds.Otherwise, will depend on the users associations, which in the case of S S,0 the separate service scenario holds. multipleSPswilldependonthepricesandbandwidthschosen For the mixed service scenario, p = p , whereas for the by those SPs. Hence, we model the choice of bandwidth M S separate service scenario p >p . allocations and prices as a game played among the SPs. M S In practice, since bandwidth allocation takes place over a Hence, fixed users choose to associate with macro-cells slower time-scale than price adjustments, we view this game only when the small-cell bandwidth is sufficiently small. In asconsistingofthefollowingtwostages:First,SPsdetermine equilibrium the mixed service scenario implies that the net their bandwidth allocation between macro-cells and small- payoff to fixed users from connecting to macro-, small-cells cells. Then given their bandwidth allocation, SPs announce and WiFi must be the same, and so we can write prices for both macro- and small-cells. Users then choose the (cid:16)C (cid:17) C (cid:16)C (cid:17) (cid:16)C (cid:17) C services accordingly based on our association rules. u S −p S =u U =u M −p M , (7) K SK K K MK For such a game we characterize its sub-game perfect equi- S S U M M librium by first characterizing a user association equilibrium NotehereweareusingthefactfromTheorem1thatallofthe inwhichSPssetpricesgivenafixedbandwidthallocationand rate is allocated. For separate service the same equality will then study the equilibrium bandwidth allocation based on the hold except only for small-cells and unlicensed. With α-fair results obtained in the first step. utilities, the rate per user CS must satisfy (3). Using this in KS We also consider the choice of bandwidth allocations and the above equations yields the following lemma that gives a prices that maximize the social welfare, i.e. the sum utility useful comparison of the equilibrium rates of each service. over all users. This can be formulated as maximizing Lemma 1: In equilibrium fixed users in licensed spectrum (macro-/small-cells) achieve 1 times the average rate of users N κ (cid:88) in unlicensed spectrum where κ=α1/(1−α). SW= K u(R )+K u(R )+K u(R ) (6) i,M i,M i,S i,S U U Note that 1/κ > 1, which accounts for the access price i=1 chargedinlicensedspectrum.Interestinglywithα-fairutilities subject to the same constraints for each SP i as in (5). Here, this ratio is independent of any system parameters. R , R and R denote the average service rates per user i,M i,S U Using this quantity κ we can express the bandwidth thresh- ineachrespectiveservice,whichinturndependsontheprices old in Theorem 1 as and bandwidth allocations. B =max(κN B R −N C ,0)/(κN λ R ). (8) S,0 f M 0 m U m S 0 III. USERASSOCIATIONWITHASINGLESP From Theorem 1, since all users are served we have K + In this section we study the user association equilibrium U K +K =N +N .UsingthisandLemma1,wehavethe givenafixedbandwidthallocationbetweenmacro-andsmall- S M m f following explicit expressions for the equilibrium densities of cells by a single SP. Here we assume the SP maximizes users for each type of service in the mixed service scenario: revenue, and consider social welfare maximization in Section V. Since mobile users can only connect to macro-cells, we K =(N +N ) CU , need only consider the association of fixed users. U f m C +κ(C +C ) U M S Given a fixed bandwidth allocation and annoucned prices, κC K =(N +N ) M , (9) users select their service to maximize their net payoff. For M f m C +κ(C +C ) U M S macro- and small-cell service the net payoff for a user is κC given by (4). Since W∗(p) is a decreasing function of p, the KS =(Nf +Nm)C +κ(CS +C ). U M S choice between macro- and small-cell networks, ignoring the unlicensed network, is simply the one with the lower price. 8HerewedroptheSPsubscripti. Similarly, for the separate service scenario, we have: Furthermore, the SP’s revenue is always less with unlicensed spectrum than without. κC KM =Nm, KS =NfκC +SC , The last part of Theorem 3 is expected since unlicensed S U (10) access competes with the SP for fixed users. The first part C K =N U . can be explained as follows. Compared to the case without U fκC +C S U unlicensed spectrum, when unlicensed spectrum is present if IV. BANDWIDTHALLOCATIONWITHASINGLESP the SP keeps its bandwidth allocation the same, then it will We now consider optimal bandwidth allocation given the clearly lose revenue as fewer users will use its small-cell prices and user association equilibrium in the preceding sec- service. To improve its revenue it could decrease B , shifting S tion. In the mixed service scenario, this is given by: more resources to mobile users to make more revenue from them or it could increase B to make its small-cell service (cid:16)(B +λ B )R (cid:17) S maximize S =(B +λ B )R u(cid:48) M S S 0 more attractive and try to win back some users from the M S S 0 K +K M S unlicensed network. However, increasing B also results in a S subject to B ,B ≥0,B +B ≤B,B <B . M S M S S S,0 decrease in p since the service rate per user increases (and a S where the objective is revenue, KM,KS are given in (9), and lossinrevenuefromthemobileusers).WhenCU issmall,this BS,0 is defined in (8). decrease in pS is smaller since more users will switch to the In the separate service scenario, the objective becomes small-cells making the second option more attractive. When C is large enough, fewer users will switch to the small-cells (cid:16)B R (cid:17) (cid:16)λ B R (cid:17) U S =B R u(cid:48) M 0 +λ B R u(cid:48) S S 0 (11) perunitofadditionalbandwidth,makingthefirstoptionmore M 0 K S S 0 K M S profitable. where KM,KS are given in (10), and the constraint BS ≥ When α → 0+, κ → 0+ (so that α-fair utility function BS,0 applies. becomes the linear utility function), β∗ →0+, and therefore, Theorem 2 (Monopoly Bandwidth Allocation): The op- Cth →0+. This implies that the SP should always invest less U timal bandwidth allocation is unique and always corresponds bandwidth to small-cells compared with the scenario without to the separate service scenario. unlicensed spectrum. However, in this case the SP should still Theoptimalbandwidthallocation(Brev,Brev)canbedeter- investalmostallbandwidthtosmall-cells,i.e.,Brev →B.This S M S mined by solving the necessary conditions given in Appendix is because α = 0 effectively corresponds to maximizing the B.Althoughthesolutionmustbecomputednumerically,some sumrate.(Thiscanbeseendirectlyfromtherevenuefunction.) general properties are easily established. First, Brev > 0 When α → 1−, the utility function becomes logarithmic, M (always), but BSrev > 0 if and only if CU < CUrev (otherwise κ → e−1, and β∗ → ∞, so that CUth → ∞. Hence, the SP Brev =0), where shouldallocatemorebandwidthtosmall-cellswithunlicensed S spectrum. Again, in the limit the SP allocates all bandwidth κN BR (cid:16) λ (cid:17)1 Crev = f 0 S α. (12) to small-cells, i.e., Brev → B. We can see this by rewriting U N 1−α S m the revenue function as follows: Whenα→0+ orα→1−,Crev →+∞.Thatis,astheutility function becomes either lineaUr or logarithmic, the SP always S =BMR0u(cid:48)(cid:16)BKMR0(cid:17)+λSBSR0u(cid:48)(cid:16)λSKBSR0(cid:17) allocates some bandwidth to small-cells. M S (cid:48) (cid:48) =K R u (R )+K R u (R ). (14) The optimal bandwidth allocation with no unlicensed spec- M M M S S S trum can be determined by setting CU = 0. We will denote For a log-utility function the revenue per mobile user all associated quantities with a tilde, i.e., (B˜Srev,B˜Mrev) is the RMu(cid:48)(RM) and revenue per fixed user RSu(cid:48)(RS) become optimized bandwidth with CU = 0. With no unlicensed constants and are equal. Therefore maximizing revenue is spectrum, it is straightforward to show that B˜Srev =β˜B where equivalent to maximizing KM and KS. As a result, the SP βw˜i=thuNnfl+icNeNmnfsλe1Sd−1s/pαe,cstorutmhatthBe˜Sraedvd>iti0onaanldcBo˜mMrevpe>tit0io.nIncacnonctarausste, amllaoccraot-ecsellasntoarbgiutraarrainlyteesmthalalt aamlloumnotbiolfe buasnedrswiadrtehsteorvtehde, a revenue-maximizing SP to abandon small-cells altogether. and the remaining bandwidth to small-cells to maximize We will see a more drastic example of this effect when we K . In contrast, with no unlicensed access β˜ converges to S consider competing SPs. Nf <1 and lim B˜rev <B. Nf+Nm α→1− S The next theorem compares the amount of bandwidth allo- V. SOCIALWELFAREMAXIMIZATION cated to small-cells with and without unlicensed spectrum. Theorem 3 (Bandwidth Allocation Comparison): Nowwechangetheobjectivefunctiontosocialwelfareand There exists a threshold Cth such that when C < Cth, analyzethecorrespondingprices,userassociationequilibrium U U U Brev > B˜rev, and when C > Cth, Brev < B˜rev, where and bandwidth allocation. S S U U S S Cth = β∗κλ B˜revR with β∗ being the unique strictly Theorem 4 (Social Welfare Maximization): Given a sin- U S S 0 positive solution of gle social welfare maximizing SP, in equilibrium we have the following properties: (1−α)(1+β)1+α−β =1−α. (13) 1. The prices and user association are the same as for revenue maximization stated in Theorem 1. VI. SERVICECOMPETITIONAMONGMULTIPLESPS 2.Theoptimalbandwidthallocationisuniqueandcorresponds In this section we study service competition among N >1 to separate service. SPs and investigate the corresponding sub-game perfect equi- 3.Comparedtothescenariowithoutunlicensedspectrum,with librium with unlicensed spectrum. Users choose the service unlicensed spectrum the SP always allocates less bandwidth (macro-/small-/unlicensed) which yields the largest net pay- to small-cells and more bandwidth to macro-cells. off, and they fill the corresponding capacity accordingly. In Similar with revenue maximization, the optimal bandwidth licensed spectrum, if multiple services offer the same price, allocation (Bsw,Bsw) can be determined by solving the nec- then the users are allocated across them in proportion to the S M essary conditions given in Appendix D. Also, it can be shown capacities. Once a particular service’s capacity is exhausted, that Bsw >0 (always), and Bsw >0 if and only if C <Csw then the leftover demand continues to fill the remaining M S U U (otherwise B =0), where services in the same fashion. In unlicensed spectrum, fixed S usersalwaysgetanaveragerateequaltothetotalratedivided (cid:2) (cid:3)1 κN BR (α+1)λ α by the mass of fixed users associated with that network. Csw = f 0 S . (15) U N We again consider a sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium m consisting of (i) A price equilibrium given a fixed bandwidth As α → 0, Csw → +∞, i.e., in the limiting case of a U allocation; and (ii) An optimized bandwidth allocation given linearutilityfunction,theSPalwaysallocatessomebandwidth that prices are set according to (i). As for the scenario with to small-cells, even if C is large. Similar with revenue U a single SP, given a set of prices and bandwidth allocations, maximization, this is because this maximizes the total rate. When α → 1, Csw → 2e−1λ NfBR0 (as opposed to infinity theuserassociationequilibriumfallsinoneoftwocategories: U S Nm a mixed service equilibrium in which all macro-cells serve for revenue maximization). With no unlicensed spectrum, B˜sw >0 and B˜sw >0. both mobile and a subset of fixed users, and separate service S M equilibrium in which the macro-cells serve only mobile users. Part 3) in Theorem 4 is due to the additional resources The next theorem generalizes Theorem 1 to multiple SPs. in the unlicensed network. Since fixed users are better off Theorem 5 (Price Equilibrium with Multiple SPs): with unlicensed spectrum, to maximize the sum utility over Given fixed bandwidth allocations for all SPs, there is a all users, the SP allocates more bandwidth to the macro-cells. unique price equilibrium which clears the market. Further if We emphasize that with unlicensed spectrum, Theorems 3 and 4 imply that the optimal bandwidth allocation is different (cid:18) N (cid:19) (cid:80) max κN B R −N C ,0 for revenue and social welfare maximization. That is, the N f i,M 0 m U (cid:88)B < i=1 corresponding necessary conditions generally have different i,S κN λ R m S 0 solutions. In contrast, without unlicensed access, revenue i=1 and social welfare maximization give the same bandwidth then a mixed service equilibrium holds. Otherwise, the sepa- allocation for α-fair utility functions shown in our previous rate service equilibrium holds. work [9]. For the mixed service scenario, pi,M =pi,S for each SP i; Figure 1 shows an example of the optimal bandwidth in the separate service case, all SPs i charge the same pi,M allocation for different α’s as the rate offered by the unli- and pi,S, with pi,M >pi,S. censed network increases. Curves are shown for both revenue The next theorem characterizes the equilibrium for the and social welfare maximization. The system parameters are bandwidth allocation stage and thus the overall sub-game N = N = 50, R = 50, and λ = 4. For revenue f m 0 S perfect Nash equilibrium for the game. Before stating this maximization, the curve initially increases for small C , and U we define the following types of equilibria: A Macro-Small then decreases. In contrast, for social welfare maximization, Nash Equilibrium (MSNE) is one where all SPs allocate the curve is monotonically decreasing. bandwidthtobothmacro-andsmall-cells.AMacro-Preferred Nash Equilibrium (MPNE) is one where some SPs allocate mall−cells BS000...789 α=0.5 bSoanPnlsydawNlliaodscthhateEtoqbuabniolditbhwriimdutmahcrt(ooM-mNanEadc)rosism-coaenlllle-scowenlhllsye.raeFndianlalthlSleyP,rseamaMlalaoincciranotge- width allocation to s 000...456 α=0.7 buanniTqdhuweeiodsrutehbm-tgo6amm(Naecaprsoehr-fceeEclqltsuNoilanisblhyr.ieuqmui)l:ibTrihuemreanadlwitaycsorreexsipsotsndas Optimal band 00..23 WWiitthho uunt liucnelninsceeds espde scptreucmtr,u rmevenue maximization tion tshmeaslle-pcaerlalsteascehriveviceeascheingahreiro.avInertahgeeerqauteilitbhrainummofibxielde uusseerrss With unlicensed spectrum, SW maximization in macro-cells. Moreover, this Nash equilibrium can only be 0.10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 one of the following types: an MSNE, an MPNE or an MNE. Total rate capacity in unlicensed spectrum C U Ifthereisnounlicensedspectrum,thenfortheα-fairutility Fig. 1. Optimal bandwidth allocation to small-cells for a single SP versus function only an MSNE exists and it is always efficient, totalunlicensedcapacity. i.e., maximizes social welfare [14]. Here, the presence of unlicensed access can cause a subset of the SPs to engage motivated by the scenario in which a spectrum regulator, in macro-service only. Further, for any number of SPs, it can such as the FCC, must determine how much newly available be shown that, in general, none of the equilibrium categories spectrum will be licensed or unlicensed. We assume a total (including MSNE) are efficient. Figure 2 illustrates the Nash available bandwidth B and consider the following scenarios: equilibrium regions for two SPs as a function of the available 1) Efficient allocation: A social planner determines the bandwidthsB andB .WhenB andB aresufficientlylarge, bandwidth allocation to macro-cells B , small-cells B , and 1 2 1 2 M S then the equilibrium is an MSNE, whereas if B and/or B unlicensed network B that maximizes total utility. We will 1 2 U become sufficiently small, the equilibrium transitions so that denote the optimal allocation as Bopt,Bopt,Bopt, and use the M S U at least one SP serves only mobile users. corresponding social welfare as a benchmark. 2)Marketequilibrium:Hereasocialplannerdeterminesthe 1 bandwidth assigned to licensed spectrum B and unlicensed L 0.9 spectrum B . Each of the N SPs operating in licensed spec- U 00..78 MSNE trum obtains the same portion of total bandwidth Bi ≡ BNL, and then further determines the split of B between B and 0.6 i iM B tomaximizeitsrevenue.Thisscenariocorrespondstothe B20.5 iS MPNE more practical setting in which the regulator sets aside part of 0.4 the available bandwidth as unlicensed, and grants licenses for 0.3 0.2 the remainder. We will denote the bandwidths that maximize 0.1 MNE MPNE social welfare in this scenario as B∗,B∗. L U 0 In the first scenario the social planner determines the 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 B 1 bandwidth assignment without explicit pricing. The optimal bandwidth allocation equalizes the marginal utility for mobile Fig. 2. Nash equilibrium regions for 2 SPs. The system parameters are and fixed users. It is easy to verify that the efficient allocation α=0.5,Nm=Nf =50,R0=50,λS =4,λW =3,BU =1. corresponds to separate service. In the market equilibrium Proposition 1 (MSNE Properties): Assuming an MSNE, scenario, we will use the results from Sections IV and VI for any two SPs i and j with total bandwidth B and B , the to determine the optimal bandwidth assignments. We will i j following properties hold: also present social welfare curves for the asymptotic regime 1)Symmetry:IfB =B ,theneachSP’sbandwidthallocation of many SPs, i.e., as N → ∞, for which we will use the i j must be the same, i.e., B =B ,B =B . characterization below (full version in Appendix G). i,S j,S i,M j,M 2) Monotonicity: If B > B , then SP i allocates more Proposition 4: If we have i j bandwidth to both macro- and small-cells than SP j, i.e., 1 κN λα Bi,S >Bj,S,Bi,M >Bj,M. BUλU >B Nf S , (17) Denote the total bandwidth allocated to small-cells by all m SPs with and without unlicensed spectrum as BS and B˜S, then there exists an N∗(BUλU) such that for all N > respectively. N∗(B λ ) we have an MNE. Otherwise, we always have U U Proposition 2 (MSNE Bandwidth Comparison): If an an MSNE (B >0 and B >0 ∀ i∈N, and ∀ N). i,M i,S MSNE exists with unlicensed access, then BS <B˜S. Given newly available bandwidth B, the optimal split into Hence, for the MSNE case, competing SPs reduce the licensed and unlicensed subbands depends on the relative bandwidth allocation to small-cells when unlicensed spectrum values of λ and λ (proofs in Appendix I). We have the S U is introduced. following cases: Proposition 3 (MNE Conditions): An MNE holds if and a) λ > λ : In this case an efficient allocation by a social S U only if planner would assign all spectrum to macro- and small-cells, R (cid:80)N B κN λα1 i.e., there is no unlicensed network. The optimal bandwidth C ≥ 0 i=1 i f S , (16) U (cid:0)1−α Bmax (cid:1)α1 Nm assignment is then: (cid:80)Ni=1Bi N B µ N B Bopt = m ,Bopt = S f ,Bopt =0, (18) where Bmax =max{Bi :i∈N}. M Nm+µSNf S Nm+µSNf U For N = 1 (monopoly) this condition yields the threshold 1−1 in (12) so that the SP allocates no bandwidth to small-cells. where µ := λα . This is also true for the market equilib- S S rium since it is shown in [9], [14] that without unlicensed VII. UNLICENSEDBANDWIDTHANDSOCIALWELFARE spectrum, maximizing revenue is the same as maximizing In this section we study the effect of increasing unlicensed social welfare for α-fair utility functions, independent of N. bandwidth on social welfare. Using the preceding framework, Henceinthiscasethemarketequilibriumachievestheefficient we can determine the specific mix of unlicensed/licensed allocation. spectrum such that the market equilibrium yields the same b) λ = λ : In this case the social planner only needs to S U social welfare as that achieved by a social planner. This is considerthebandwidthassignedtomacro-cells;thebandwidth split between small-cells and unlicensed access can be arbi- when λ < λ , the optimal bandwidth assignment (when it S U trary. Here the optimal assignment satisfies exists) is an MNE. Figures3-5illustratetheprecedingobservations.Theyshow N B µ N B Bopt = m ,Bopt+Bopt = S f , (19) social welfare versus the amount of unlicensed bandwidth for M N +µ N S U N +µ N m S f m S f total bandwidth B =2, N =N =50, R =50, and λ = f m 0 S where µS = λα1−1. This includes the two extremes (BSopt > 4. Each figure shows four plots corresponding to the efficient 0,Bopt = 0) and (Bopt = 0,Bopt > 0). Hence for the allocation (straight line), monopoly SP, two competitive SPs, U S U and perfect competition. market equilibrium case, an optimal bandwidth assignment Figure 3 illustrates case b), where α = 0.5 is chosen so strategy is to allocate all bandwidth as licensed. As in case that two different bandwidth assignments give the efficient a), this achieves the efficient allocation. However, here there allocation for all scenarios. We also compute Bopt = 1.6, may exist another efficient allocation in which the fixed users U are served by the unlicensed network. For the competing λCUUsRw0 =: BUsw ≈ 1.39, and λCUUrRev0 =: BUrev = 1.6. A SPs, that corresponds to an MNE, i.e., the SPs only allocate social welfare maximizing monopolist would start ignoring their licensed bandwidth to the macro-cells (Bi,S = 0 for all small-cells when BU ≈ 1.39, while a revenue maximizing i∈N). monopolist takes the same action exactly at the value of BU The bandwidth allocation corresponding to this second where social welfare is maximized. Figure 4 illustrates case c) where a monopolist can be optimalassignment,alongwiththeconditionforitsexistence, is aenffidciBenstw(λ≈λUS 0=.506.,4,soα=tha0t.8b)o.tHhearesBocUrieavl≈w1e.l1fa6r,eBoUorptr≈eve1n.2u8e N B µ N B U B∗ = m ,B∗ = S f , maximizing monopolist abandon small-cells for small enough L N +µ N U N +µ N m S f m S f values of B . Figure 5 illustrates case c) where a monopolist U if N ≥2 or N =1 and 0<α≤0.5. is not efficient (λS = 8,α=0.8). Here Brev ≈1.51, Bopt ≈ 1.19 and Bsw ≈λU0.92.9Note that the reveUnue maximizUation For N = 1, if α ∈ (0.5,1), then this second optimal point U objective makes the monopolist abandon small-cells only for does not exist and the unique optimal bandwidth allocation large B , well after Bopt. corresponds to no unlicensed spectrum. All other bandwidth U U We do not plot an example for case a) as it is easily under- assignments yield lower social welfare. stood. When λ > λ , all scenarios achieve the maximum c) λ < λ : In this case a social planner assigns spectrum S U S U social welfare when all bandwidth is allocated to licensed to the macro-cell and unlicensed networks only; there is no spectrum. This is because when B = 0, from [9], [14] U small-cell network. The optimal allocation is: maximizing revenue is the same as maximizing social welfare N B µ N B for any N. Bopt = m ,Bopt =0,Bopt = U f , (20) M N +µ N S U N +µ N We make several observations from the figures. First, the m U f m U f three curves corresponding to the market scenarios (N =1,2, where µ = λα1−1. For the market equilibrium, allocating and N → ∞) all have a “kink”, or turning point after which U U all bandwidth to licensed spectrum no longer achieves the the curves are concave with BU. This corresponds to the efficient allocation. The only possibility for achieving an transitionfromanMSNEtoMNE(macro-cellsonly).Thatis, efficient allocation, then, is to allocate Bopt to unlicensed totherightoftheturningpointbandwidthisallocatedonlyto U access. This achieves the efficient allocation if and only if macro-cells and unlicensed access, and the social welfare is the corresponding equilibrium is an MNE. The corresponding always concave in BU. For the MNE the social welfare is the bandwidth assignment, along with the condition that guaran- same for the three market scenarios, so that the three curves tees its existence are: overlap in this region, i.e., when BU becomes sufficiently large. This common strictly concave function gives the sum N B µ N B B∗ = m ,B∗ = U f , utility as function of B if there are no small-cells. It can be L N +µ N U N +µ N U m U f m U f extended to all B ∈ (0,B) and has a unique maximizer in U if N ≥2 or N =1 and 0<α≤α , 0 (0,B). where 0 < α0 < 1 is the unique solution to καλλUS +α = 1. havWehtewnoλoSpti=maλlUp,oionutsr. rTehsuerltesfosrheoiwn Fthigat. 3fotrheαc=urv0e.s5fiwrset All other bandwidth assignments yield lower social welfare. decrease and then increase to the second optimal point as Also, for N = 1, if α ∈ (α ,1), then the optimal bandwidth 0 part of the concave function we previously described. When allocation is not efficient.9 λ < λ , with a small amount of bandwidth allocated to To summarize, in contrast to the results of [9], [14], with S U unlicensed spectrum, we obtain slightly more rate, but this the addition of unlicensed spectrum it is possible to achieve does not maximize social welfare, and so the social welfare efficiency only with a specific split of licensed and unlicened decreases. However, when we increase B , the fixed users’ spectrum, even as N → ∞ (perfect competition). Moreover, U utility increases with rate, and this effect dominates even thoughwearenotallocatingtherateefficiently.Asaresult,the 9ThemarketequilibriumdoesachievetheefficientallocationwhenBU =0 [9],[14].HerewehavethatfortheefficientallocationBU >0. social welfare goes up again. As BU approaches B, mobile users in macro-cells suffer and therefore the social welfare SPs the (unique) equilibrium is one of three different types, decreases again. depending on the system parameters, including one in which theSPsdonotallocateanybandwidthtoasmall-cellnetwork λS=λU=4, α=0.5 (e.g., when the available bandwidth is small). We observe 320 that in general, these equilibria do not achieve an efficient 315 allocation corresponding to the maximum social welfare even 310 when the number of competing SPs is large. In contrast, Social Welfare 233900505 wfoirtWhtoheuethcualnavsleisceuonsfesαedd-ftsahpiirescuttfrirulaimtmyethfwueonercqktiuoitnloisbrcaionunamlsyiidzseearlewtdhaehyeserefeff.eficctieonft Optimal social welfare 290 Monopoly SP unlicensed bandwidth on social welfare. If the small-cell Two SPs 285 Infinite SPs network offers higher spectral efficiency than the unlicensed 280 network, then according to our model, allocating all of the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Bandwidth allocated to unlicensed spectrum bandwidthaslicensedisefficient.Otherwise,iftheunlicensed networkoffershigherspectralefficiency,thenweobservethat Fig.3. SocialwelfareversusunlicensedbandwidthwithλS =λU. thereisauniquemixofunlicensedandlicensedspectrumthat maximizes social welfare, but that mix may or may not be λS=4, λU=10, α=0.8 efficient when the licensed spectrum is allocated to revenue- 660 maximizing SPs. 650 In practice, a newly deployed licensed small-cell network 640 may be based on LTE or WiFi, and the unlicensed (open 630 Welfare 620 athcecessasm) enedtewnosriktymofayacbceessbapsoeidntos,naWmiFaniaogredLTLTEE-Un.eGtwivoernk Social 610 would likely have the highest spectral efficiency, in which 600 Optimal social welfare case,accordingtoourmodel,allocatingbandsaslicensedwill 590 Monopoly SP Two SPs maximize the social welfare. Of course, this assumes that the 580 Infinite SPs utility of a band depends only on the offered rate. Advocates 570 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 ofunlicensedspectrumhavepointedtootherproperties,which Bandwidth allocated to unlicensed spectrum are not taken into account here, such as lowering barriers Fig. 4. Social welfare versus BU with λS <λU. Here a monopolist can to entry and the potential for developing new technologies beefficient. and business models.10 Also not taken into account here is investment, which may pose different types of barriers to 590 λS=4, λU=4.5, α=0.8 entry in licensed versus unlicensed spectrum. Incorporating investment within the framework presented here is left for 585 future work. 580 Social Welfare 575 REFERENCES 570 OMpotnimopaol lsyo SciPal welfare [1] Qualcomm,“LTEAdvanced:HeterogeneousNetworks,”whitepaper,Jan. 565 TInwfion itSeP SsPs 2011. 5600 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 [2] A. Ghosh et al., “Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: From Theory to Bandwidth allocated to unlicensed spectrum Practice,”IEEECommunicationsMagazine,June2012. 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