The Formation of Constellation III in the Large Magellanic Cloud Jason HarrisA,B and Dennis ZaritskyA ASteward Observatory,933 N.Cherry Ave.,Tucson, AZ 85721, USA B Email: [email protected] Abstract: We present a detailed reconstruction of the star-formation history of the Con- stellationIIIregionintheLargeMagellanicCloud,toconstraintheformationmechanism of this enigmatic feature. Star formation in Constellation III seems to have taken place during two distinct epochs: there is the 8-15 Myr epoch that had previously been recog- 8 nized, butwealsoseestrong evidencefora separate “burst” ofstarformation25–30 Myr 0 ago. The “super-supernova” or GRB blast wave model for the formation of Constella- 0 tion III is difficult to reconcile with such an extended, two-epoch star formation history, 2 because the shock wave should have induced star formation throughout the structure simultaneously, and any unconsumed gas would quickly be dissipated, leaving nothing n from which to form a subsequent burst of activity. We propose a “truly stochastic” a self-propagating star formation model, distinct from the canonical model in which star J formation proceeds in a radially-directed wave from the center of Constellation III to its 0 perimeter. As others have noted, and we now confirm, the bulk age gradients demanded 3 by such a model are simply not present in Constellation III. In our scenario, the prestel- lar gas is somehow pushed into these large-scale arc structures, without simultaneously ] h triggering immediate and violent star formation throughout the structure. Rather, star p formation proceeds in the arc according to the local physical conditions of the gas. Self- - propagatingstarformationiscertainlypossible,butinatrulystochasticmanner,without o a directed, large scale pattern. r st Keywords:galaxies:magellanic clouds — galaxies:stellar content a [ 2 1 Introduction ofstarclusterswhichmusthavehostedsimilarlystrong v massive-starwinds,yetitcontainsnootherstructures 7 Shapley’s Constellation III in the Large Magellanic like Constellation III. Instead, Efremov & Elmegreen 7 Cloud (LMC) is one of the most enigmatic structures (1999) favor an updated “super-supernova” idea, sug- 0 inthelocaluniverse: acoherentsemicirculararcspan- gesting the LMC4 cavity was blown by a gamma-ray 2 burst formed by the coalescence of an X-ray binary ning several hundred parsecs, composed of thousands . (perhapsejectedfromthenearbyrichstarclusterNGC 2 ofbrightyoungstarsandtensofstarclusters. Itsreg- 1978),andtheswept-upmaterialsubsequentlyformed 1 ularity across such a large scale defies the fractal-like Constellation III. Dopita et al. (1985) presented the 7 distributions that young stellar populations typically idea that Constellation III is the result of a stochas- 0 follow; infact,Constellation IIImaybeuniqueinthis tic self-propagating star formation (SSPSF) process, : regard. In addition, Constellation III is embedded in- v directed in an outward radial propagation. However, side the supergiant shell LMC 4, a circular hole in i recent studies of thedistribution of ages in Constella- X the LMC’s HI disk that spans more than a kiloparsec tion IIIhavenot confirmedtheradial agegradient re- (Kim et al. 1999), and whose rim is dotted with HII r portedbyDopita et al.(Olsen et al.1997;Braun et al. a regions (Meaburn 1980). 1997; Dolphin & Hunter1998). ThesingularnatureofConstellationIIIinvitesspec- Inthispaper,wepresentamapofthepasthistory ulation about its formation mechanism, which must ofstarformationinthevicinityofConstellationIII,in have been similarly unique given the absence of any- order to constrain the various formation scenarios for thing resembling this structurein other nearby galax- this unique structure. In Section 2, we briefly review ies. Westerlund & Mathewson (1966) popularized the the photometric data and our StarFISH analysis soft- “Constellation III” designation, and speculated that ware. In Section 3, we present a detailed map of the its stars were formed from material swept up in the star formation history (SFH)throughouttheConstel- shock of a “super-supernova”. Efremov & Elmegreen lation III region. We discuss the implications of our (1998)suggestedthatthecombinedwindsfromarela- SFH map in Section 4, and summarize the results in tivelysmallnumberofmassivestarscouldhaveswept Section 5. LMC4cleanofgas,andsubsequentlytriggeredthefor- mation of Constellation III. However, as they point outinEfremov & Elmegreen(1999),theuniquenature of Constellation III belies such a mundane formation mechanism. After all, the LMC is home to thousands 1 2 Publications of theAstronomical Society of Australia tryandphotometryfor24millionLMCstarsandmore than 6 million SMC stars. In Figure 1, we show a stellar flux density map derived from our MCPS photometry,for a 2.5◦×2.5◦ region including Constellation III. The Figure shows thatthearctraditionallyknownasConstellationIIIis actually one of at least three large stellar arcs in this region;allofthesearcslieintheinterioroftheLMC4 HI supergiant shell. Figure1: Astellarfluxdensitymapofa2.5◦×2.5◦ region in the LMC, including Constellation III. The map was derived from our MCPS photome- try: each pixel’s value is proportional to the to- tal stellar flux in B, V and I (for blue, green and red, respectively). Major structures and clus- ters are labeled, including Constellation III itself (dashed outline), and the approximate position of the LMC 4 supergiant shell (large dotted circle). NotethatConstellationIIIisactuallyoneofafew Figure 3: The six panels on the left show (B−V) large stellar arcs in this region; our analysis will vs. V CMDsforsixofourConstellationIIIregions include all of these arcs. (as labeled atthe topofeachpanel; see Figure2). The termination of the main sequence at V=12– 13 mag indicates that the youngest stars in these regionsisaged10–15Myr(theredisochronesover- plottedineachpanel). Inaddition,the three pop- ulations in the top row show an isolated clump of red supergiants near V = 13.5 mag, indicative of a burst of star formation activity around 30 Myr ago (the green isochrones overplotted in the top panels). Thisisfurtherillustratedbythesynthetic stellarpopulationsintherightmostcolumn. These two populations differ only in their SFH between 10and100Myr: inthe toppanel,the starsinthis agerangeallhaveanageof30Myr,whereasinthe bottom panel, the ages are uniformly distributed Figure 2: The same flux-density maps as in Fig- between 10 and 100 Myr. ure1,withourconformalgridoverplotted. Wede- termined the best-fit SFH solution independently foreachgridcellinordertogenerateamapofthe Thestellarpopulationsofagalaxyrepresentafos- SFH in this region. sil record of its past star-formation activity. By sta- tisticallycomparingmulticolorphotometryofresolved stellar populations to synthetic populations based on theoretical isochrones (e.g., Girardi et al. 2002), we canreconstructtheSFHofthetargetgalaxy. Wehave 2 Overview of the Magellanic developedasoftwarepackage(starFISH; Harris & Zaritsky Clouds Photometric Survey 2001),whichperformsrobustSFHanalysisofresolved stellarphotometry. StarFISHworksbyconstructinga and StarFISH libraryofsyntheticcolor-magnitudediagrams(CMDs), eachofwhichisbuiltfromisochronesspanningasmall The Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey (MCPS, rangeinageandmetallicity. ThesyntheticCMDsare Zaritsky et al. 2002, 2004) is a drift-scan survey of designedtoreplicatethecharacteristicsoftheobserved boththeLMCandtheSmallMagellanicCloud(SMC), dataineveryway(distance,extinction,IMF,binarity, undertakenattheLasCampanansObservatory1-meter photometric errors, and incompleteness). Each syn- Swope telescope between 1995 and 2000. The MCPS thetic CMD therefore represents the contribution to provided CCD imaging to V = 21 mag in U, B, V, the CMD of stars of a particular age and metallic- and I filters, covering 8.5◦ ×7.5◦ in the LMC, and ity. Through linear combination of synthetic CMDs 4◦×4.6◦ in the SMC. Our catalogs contain astrome- spanning all relevant combinations of age and metal- 3 licity, we can generate composite model CMDs that lation III over an extended time interval, from about represent any arbitrary SFH. These composite model 30Myragountil8Myrago. Starformationwasactive CMDscanthenbequantitativelycomparedtothereal, indifferentpartsofConstellationIIIatdifferenttimes; observed CMD, andbyminimizing thedifferences be- however, there do not appear to be systematic, large- tween them, the best-fitting SFH solution can be ob- scale age gradients revealed in these maps. We also tained. note that Constellation III does not distinguish itself fromthebackgroundstellarpopulationuntiltheonset ofrecentstar-formation30Myrago,soitislikelythat 3 Mapping the SFH of the Con- 30 Myr ago marks the time of its initial formation. stellation III Region This can also be seen in Figure 5, the summed total SFH for theentire Constellation II region When examining Figure 4, it is important to un- Inordertodistinguishbetweenthevariouscompeting derstand that SFH maps like this do not allow us theoriesfortheformationofConstellation III,wecon- to display information on the uncertainties associated structed a spatially-resolved map of the SFH of the entire 2.5◦ ×2.5◦ region. In order to maximize our with the best-fit star formation rates (SFRs) in each timestep. However,StarFISHdoesestimatetheseun- ability to detect any radial or azimuthal population certainties,andtheydoincludecovariancebetweenad- gradients present in these stellar arcs, we constructed jacent agebins. So, forexample, in themap thereare aconformal grid thatfollows theircurvature(seeFig- many regions that have a large SFR in the 10 Myr ure 2), and determined an independent SFH solution panel, but a very low SFR in the 8 Myr panel, and for the stars in each grid cell. The synthetic CMDs vice versa. The uncertainties computed by StarFISH employed for each grid cell used extinction distribu- for these bins indicates that these variations are not tions and empirical photometric error models derived significant; in other words, it is clear from the fitthat directly from the grid cell’s stellar population. there was a large amount of star formation activity Previous analyses of the SFH of Constellation III 8–10 Myr ago in many of these regions, but in most have largely sought to determine a single characteris- cases,thedatadonotallowustodistinguish8Myrold ticagefordifferentlocationsinthestructure,without stars from 10 Myr old stars, and this non-uniqueness considering the full distribution of stellar ages that is reflected in the computed uncertainties. makes up the true SFH. In particular, the ages as- signed have been the youngest age present. As an il- lustration that a more complete SFH is warranted for 4 Discussion and Implications theseregions, weexaminethe(B−V)CMDs ofeight of our Constellation III regions in Figure 3. Each of these regions shows a prominent main sequence, and MostpreviousanalysesofConstellationIII’sSFHhave bysimpleisochronefitting,onecandeterminetheage concluded that the stellar arc is 10–15 Myr old. We of the youngest stellar population in each region (as haveshown thattheyoungest starsin thesearc struc- shown by the red curves in each panel). However, tures are 10–15 Myr old, but that they also contain these CMDs show clear evidence for a more complex abundant populations as old as 30 Myr. This ex- SFH. The red giant branch and red clump are obvi- tended epoch of star formation is difficult to recon- ous tracers of old stellar populations, but there are cile with currently-proposed ideas about the forma- also supergiants present which trace star formation tion mechanism of Constellation III. In the “super- that occurred several tens of millions of years ago. supernova” or GRB shockwave scenario, star forma- In particular, the CMDs in the top row of Figure 3 tion would be triggered throughout the arc structure each show an isolated knot of red supergiants with on a short timescale, resulting in a small age spread V = 13.5 mag. An isolated knot of supergiants at a among the stars in Constellation III. The SSPSF sce- common luminosity is strong evidence for an isolated nario predicts a more protracted epoch of star forma- burst of star formation activity in the recent history tion, but as it is usually discussed in the literature of the region, because the luminosity of a supergiant (Dopita et al. 1985; Olsen et al. 1997), the propaga- is directly and unambiguously correlated with its age tion waveis directed radially outward from thecenter (Dohm-Palmer et al.1997). Theisochroneoverplotted ofConstellationIII.OurSFHmapconfirmsthatthere in green in Figure 3 indicates that the supergiants in are no large-scale age gradients in Constellation III these knots are roughly 30 Myr old. Thus, by simple that would berequired by this model. visual inspection of these CMDs, we can already con- Weproposeanewscenarioinwhichthepre-stellar clude that some of the Constellation III regions have material was swept into large arcs (perhaps by dra- experiencedmultiple,isolatedburstsofstarformation. maticforcessuchasaGRB-likeexplosion,orthecom- VariationslikethesewillberecoveredinourStarFISH bined winds of massive stars), but that star forma- analysis, giving us a much more complete picture of tion was not immediately triggered throughout the theSFH of Constellation III. structure by these forces. Rather, star formation pro- The SFH map of Constellation III resulting from ceeded stochastically throughout the giant prestellar our StarFISH analysis is shown in Figure 4. In this cloud complex, according to the local physical condi- Figure, each panel represents a map of the past star tionsoftheinterstellarmedium. Self-propagationmay formation rate for a different time step, from 12 Gyr wellbeapartofthisprocess. WedonotrejectSSPSF ago to 5 Myr ago. It is immediately apparent from per se in the formation of Constellation III, but the theSFHmapthatstarformationoccurredinConstel- large-scaleradially-directedforminwhichitisusually 4 Publications of theAstronomical Society of Australia Figure 4: The SFH map for the Constellation III region. Each panel displays the star formation rates for a single time step in the LMC’s history, from 12 Gyr ago in the upper left to 5 Myr ago in the lower right. Within a panel, the greyscale is proportional to the relative star formation rate in each grid cell (with darker color corresponding to a larger star formation rate). discussed for thisregion. northern LMC disk. We find that stars in the giant It may seem unlikely that it would be possible to stellar arcsinthisregion formed overan extendedpe- sweepmaterial intolarge,coherentstructureswithout riod, from 30 to 10 Myr ago. While there are signifi- triggering massive, rapid star formation in the mate- cant spatial variations intheSFH,theredon’t appear rial. However, the LMC currently contains an exam- tobelarge-scaleagegradientsaswouldbeexpectedin pleofjustsuchalarge, coherentprestellarcloudcom- a SSPSFformation scenario. plex: thereisa ridgeof molecular gas extendingmore Since our detailed SFH reconstruction of Constel- than 1.5 kpcsouthward from 30 Doradus, with a typ- lationIIIfitsneitherofthewidely-discussedformation ical width of 100 pc (Mizuno et al. 2001). This ridge scenarios for this unique structure, we propose a new contains abundant molecular and atomic gas, and yet scenarioinwhichtheprestellarmaterialwassweptup its specific star formation rate is currently quite low. into large arcs, but star formation was not immedi- While the physical processes that led to the forma- ately triggered throughout the cloud, or at least not tion of this giant molecular ridge may be quite dif- violentlyso. Themolecular ridgesouthof30Doradus ferent from the forces that scuplted Constellation III, provides evidence that it is possible to organize kpc- its existence is evidence that it is at least possible to scalecoherentstructuresinprestellarmaterialwithout gather prestellar material into a large coherent struc- immediatelytriggeringrapidstarformationinthegas. ture,without simultaneously triggering rapid starfor- mation throughout it. Acknowledgments 5 Summary Much of this work was performed while JH was sup- portedbyNASAthroughHubbleFellowshipgrantHF- We present a reconstruction of the spatially-resolved 01160.01-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science SFH of the enigmatic Constellation III region in the Institute,whichisoperatedbytheAssociationofUni- 5 Girardi,L.,Bertelli,G.,Bressan,A.,Chiosi,C.,Groe- newegen, M. A. T., Marigo, P., Salasnich, B., & Weiss, A.2002, A&A,391, 195 Harris, J. & Zaritsky,D. 2001, ApJS, 136, 25 Kim,S.,Dopita,M.A.,Staveley-Smith,L.,&Bessell, M. S.1999, AJ, 118, 2797 Meaburn, J. 1980, MNRAS,192, 365 Mizuno, N., Yamaguchi, R., Mizuno, A., Rubio, M., Abe, R., Saito, H., Onishi, T., Yonekura, Y., Yam- aguchi,N.,Ogawa,H.,&Fukui,Y.2001,PASJ,53, 971 Olsen, K. A. G., Hodge, P. W., Wilcots, E. M., & Pastwick, L. 1997, ApJ, 475, 545 Westerlund,B.E.&Mathewson,D.S.1966,MNRAS, Figure 5: The summed total SFH of the entire 131, 371 Constellation III region, shown as the star forma- tion rate as a function of time. The time axis Zaritsky, D., Harris, J., Thompson, I. B., & Grebel, is displayed linearly, but the scale changes in the E. K. 2004, AJ, 128, 1606 three panels so that the very narrow time inter- Zaritsky, D., Harris, J., Thompson, I. B., Grebel, vals at the young end can be displayed. The left E. K., & Massey, P.2002, AJ, 123, 855 panelcoversabout100Myr,themiddlepanelcov- ers about 1 Gyr, and the right panel covers more than 10 Gyr. The black histogram represents the SFH of the stellar arcs in the Constellation III re- gion,while thegreyhistogramrepresentsthe SFH of the backgroundpopulation in this region. versitiesforResearchinAstronomy,Inc.,underNASA contractNAS5-26555. 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