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THE EYNARD–ORANTIN RECURSION FOR SIMPLE SINGULARITIES TODORMILANOV 5 1 0 Abstract. Accordingto[9]and[19],theancestorcorrelatorsofanysemi-simple 2 cohomologicalfieldtheorysatisfylocalEynard–Orantinrecursion. Inthispaper, n we prove that for simple singularities, the local recursion can be extended to a a globalone. Thespectralcurveoftheglobalrecursionisaninterestingfamilyof J RiemannsurfacesdefinedbytheinvariantpolynomialsofthecorrespondingWeyl 5 group. Wealsoprovethatforgenus0and1,thefreeenergiesintroducedin[10] 1 coincideuptosomeconstantfactorswithrespectivelythegenus0and1primary ] potentialsofthesimplesingularity. G A . h t Contents a m 1. Introduction 1 [ 2. Analyticextensionofthekernel ofthelocal Eynard–Orantinrecursion 8 1 3. From localto global 11 v 4. Thefree energies andtheprimarypotentialsingenus0 and 1 15 7 7 AppendixA. Thespaceofholomorphic1-forms 21 6 References 23 3 0 . 1 0 5 1. Introduction 1 : v 1.1. Motivation. According to [9] and [19], the ancestor correlators of any semi- i X simple cohomological field theory satisfy local Eynard–Orantin recursion. The r term local refers to thefact that thespectral curveis justa disjointunionof several a discs. If we are interested in computing specific ancestor Gromov–Witten (GW) invariants in terms of Givental’s R-matrix, then the local recursion is all that we need. However,ifwewanttounderstandthenatureofthegeneratingfunctionfrom the point of view of representations of vertex algebras (see [2]) and integrable sys- tems (see [15]), then it is important to extend the local recursion to a global one, i.e., extend the spectral curve and the recursion kernel to global objects (see [3]). The appropriate spectral curve however, looks quite complicated in general, since 2000Math. Subj.Class. 14D05,14N35,17B69. Keywordsandphrases: periodintegrals,Frobeniusstructure,Gromov–Witteninvariants,vertex operators. 1 2 TODORMILANOV it is parametrized by period integrals. In particular, finding whether an appropriate generalization of the global Eynard–Orantin recursion [10, 3] exists in the settings of semi-simple cohomological field theories is a very challenging and important problem. In this paper we would like to solve the above problem for simple singularities. Inthiscase,thespectralcurveturnsouttobeaclassicalRiemannsurfacedefinedby the invariant polynomials of the monodromy group of non-maximal degree, while theinvariantpolynomialofmaximaldegreedefinesabranchedcoveringofP1. This brunched covering was also studied by K. Saito (unfortunately he did not write a text),becauseitisacoveringofwhathecalledaprimitivedirectionin thespaceof miniversaldeformationsofthesingularity. I think that the spectral curve for simple singularities is important also in the representation theory of the corresponding simple Lie algebras. For example, one canobtainasimpleproofofthewellknownfactthattheorderoftheWeylgroupis theproductofthedegrees oftheinvariantpolynomials(seeAppendixA). Finally, after a small modification our argument should work also for all finite reflection groups. The spectral curve is a certain family of Hurwitz covers of P1 parametrized by an open subset in the space of orbits of the corresponding reflec- tion group. It would be interesting to obtain the Frobenius structure on the space of orbits of the reflection group (see [8, 22]) via the construction of a Frobenius structureon themodulispaceofHurwitzcovers(see [8], Lecture5). 1.2. Singularity theory. Let f C[x ,x ,x ] be a weigthed-homogeneous poly- 1 2 3 ∈ nomial that has an isolated critical point at 0 of ADE type. Such polynomials cor- respond to the ADE Dynkin diagrams and are listed in Table 1, where we have included also the Coxeter number h and the Coxeter exponents of the correspond- ingsimpleLiealgebra. Table1. Simplesingularities Type f(x) Exponents h A xN+1+x2+x2 1,2,...,N N+1 N 0 1 2 D xN 1+x x2+x2 1,3,...,2N 3,N 1 2N 2 N 0− 0 1 2 − − − E x4+x3+x2 1,4,5,7,8,11 12 6 0 1 2 E x3x +x3+x2 1,5,7,9,11,13,17 18 7 0 1 1 2 E x5+x3+x2 1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 30 8 0 1 2 Wefix aminiversaldeformation N F(t,x) = f(x)+ tv(x), t = (t ,...,t ) B := CN, (1) i i 1 N X ∈ i=1 THEEYNARD–ORANTINRECURSIONFORADESINGULARITIES 3 where v(x) N isaset ofweighted-homogeneouspolynomialsthatrepresent a ba- { i }i=1 sisoftheJacobialgebra H = C[x ,x ,x ]/(f , f , f ). 1 2 3 x1 x2 x3 Theformω := dx dx dx isprimitiveinthesenseofK.Saito[21,24]andthespace 1 2 3 B inherits a Frobenius structure (see [16, 23]). For somebackground on Frobenius structureswereferto[8]. TheFrobeniusmultiplicationonT Bisobtainedfromthe t multiplicationintheJacobialgebraof F(t, )viatheKodaira-Spencerisomorphism · T B (cid:27) C[x ,x ,x ]/(F (t,x),...,F (t,x)), ∂/∂t ∂F/∂t. t 1 2 3 x1 x3 i 7→ i WhiletheFrobeniuspairing (, )on TBistheresiduepairing 1 φ (x)φ (x) (φ (x),φ (x)) := 1 2 dx ...dx , 1 2 t (2π√−1)3 ZΓ Fx1(t,x)···Fx3(t,x) 1 N where the cycle Γ is a disjoint union of sufficiently small tori around the critical points of F defined by equations of the type F = = F = ǫ. In particular, | x1| ··· | x3| wehavethefollowingidentifications: T B (cid:27) TB (cid:27) B T B (cid:27) B H, ∗ 0 × × wherethefirstisomorphismisgivenbytheresiduepairing,thesecondbytheLevi– Civitaconnectionoftheflatresiduepairing,andthelastoneistheKodaira–Spencer isomorphism T B (cid:27) H, ∂/∂t ∂ F mod(f ,..., f ). (2) 0 i 7→ ti t=0 x1 x3 (cid:12) Let B B be the subset of semi-simple(cid:12)points, i.e., points t B such that the ss (cid:12) ⊂ ∈ critical valuesof F(t, )forma coordinatesysteminaneighborhoodoft. Forevery · t B ,usingGivental’shigher-genusreconstructionformalism[12,13],wedefine ss ∈ ancestorcorrelationfunctionsofthefollowingform (c.f. [19]) a ψk1,...,a ψkn (t), a H, k Z (1 i n). (3) h 1 1 n n ig,n i ∈ i ∈ ≥0 ≤ ≤ A priory, each correlator depends analytically on t B , but it might have poles ss ∈ along the divisor B B . According to [20] the correlation functions (3) extend ss \ analyticallytotheentiredomain B. 1.3. The period vectors. Put X = B C3 and S = B C. Let Σ S be the × × ⊂ discriminantofthemap ϕ : X S, ϕ(t,x) := (t,F(t,x)). → RemovingthesingularfibersX = X ϕ 1(Σ)weobtainasmoothfibrationX S , ′ − ′ ′ where S = S Σ, known as the Mil\norfibration. Let us denote by X = ϕ →1(t,λ) ′ t,λ − the fiber over (\t,λ) S . The vector spaces H2(X ;C) and H (X ,C) form the so ′ t,λ 2 t,λ ∈ called vanishing cohomology and homology bundles. They are equipped with flat Gauss–Maninconnections. 4 TODORMILANOV We fix (0,1) S as a reference point and denote by h := H2(X ,C). The dual 0,1 space h = H (X∈ ,C) is equipped with a non-degenerate intersection pairing and ∗ 2 0,1 wedenoteby( )thenegativeoftheintersectionpairing,sothat(αα) = 2forevery | | vanishing cycle α. The set R of all vanishing cycles together with the pairing ( ) | is a root systemof type ADE. Moreover, according to the Picard–Lefschetz theory (see[1]) theimageofthemonodromyrepresentation π (S ) GL(h ) (4) 1 ′ ∗ → is theWeyl group of R, i.e., the monodromytransformation s along a simpleloop α around the discriminant corresponding to a path along which the cycle α vanishes isthefollowingreflection s (x) = x (αx)α, α R, x h . α ∗ − | ∈ ∈ Letusintroducethenotationd ,where x = (x ,...,x )isacoordinatesystemon x 1 m some manifold, for the de Rham differential in the coordinates x. This notation is especiallyusefulwhenwehavetoapplyd tofunctionsthatmightdependonother x variablesas well. Themainobject ofourinterestare thefollowingperiodintegrals I(k)(t,λ) = d (2π) 1∂k+1 d 1ω T B (cid:27) H, (5) α − t − λ Z −x ∈ t∗ αt,λ where α h is a cycle from the vanishing homology, α H (X ,C) is the t,λ 2 t,λ parallel tra∈nsportofαalongareference path,and d 1ω is any2∈-form η Ω2 such that d η = ω. The periods are multivaluedanalytic−xfunctions in (t,λ) B∈ CC3 with x polesalongthediscriminantΣ. ∈ × 1.4. The period isomorphism. Let us fix a coordinate system t = (t ,...,t ) on 1 N B defined by a miniversal unfolding of f of the type (1). We may assume that v (x) = 1 and denote by t λ1 the point with coordinates (t ,t ,...,t λ). Note N 1 2 N that X = X ,so thepe−riodvectorshavethefollowingtranslationsy−mmetry t,λ t λ1,0 − I(k)(t,λ) = I(k)(t λ1,0). (6) α α − Sometimeswe restrict theperiod integralsto λ = 0 and itwill beconvenientto use as a reference point 1 B. Note that this choice is compatible with the choice of the other reference−po∈int (0,1) B C in a sense that the values of the period ∈ × vectorsat thesetwopointsare identifiedviathetranslationsymmetry(6). NowwecanstatethefollowingresultthatgoesbacktoLooijenga[18]andSaito [21]. Themonodromycoveringspaceof B := S Bisthecovering B of B corre- ′ ′ ′ ′ ∩ sponding to the kernel of the monodromy representation (4). It can be constructed e as the set of equivalence classes of pairs (t,C), where t B and C is a path in B ′ ′ ∈ from the reference point 1 to t and the equivalence relation (t ,C ) (t ,C ) is 1 1 2 2 t = t andC C 1 isint−hekernelofthemonodromyrepresentation(4∼). Notethat 1 2 1◦ 2− THEEYNARD–ORANTINRECURSIONFORADESINGULARITIES 5 the period integrals are by definition functions on B . In particular we have a well ′ defined periodmap e Φ : B h , Φ(C,t),α := (I( 1)(t,0),1), ′ → ′ h i α− where h is the coempleement in h oef the reflection hyperplanes of the roots R, i.e., ′ h = x h α,x , 0 α R . The first statement is that Φ is an analytic ′ isomo{rph∈ism.| hIn pairticula∀r, th∈ere i}s an induced isomorphism Φ : B h /W. The 2nd statement is that Φ extends analytically across the discreimin′an→t and′ the extension provides an analytic isomorphism B (cid:27) h/W := Spec(S(h )W). Using the ∗ isomorphismΦ and thenatural projection B B we can thinkof thecoordinates ′ ′ → t as W-invariant holomorphic functions on h . The 2nd statement is equivalent i e e ′ to saying that each coordinate t extends holomorphically through the reflection i mirrors, the extension is in fact a W-invariant polynomial in h, and the ring of all W-invariantpolynomialsisS(h )W = C[t ,...,t ].Wereferto[18,21]fortheproof ∗ 1 N ofallthesestatements. 1.5. The spectral curve. Let us fix a set of simple roots α N h and denote by x = (x ,...,x ) the coordinatesystem in h correspondin{git}oi=t1he⊂ba∗sis of funda- 1 N mentalweights ω N h, i.e., { i}i=1 ⊂ N x = xω, x = α,x . i i i i X h i i=1 As explained above t C[x ,...,x ]W are invariant polynomials and since the i 1 N ∈ periodmappingisweighted-homogeneous,t arehomogeneouspolynomialsofcer- i tain degrees d. Let us assume that the degrees are in an increasing order, then the i numbers 1 = d 1 d 1 ...d 1 =: h 1 are known as the Coxeter 1 2 N exponents(see Ta−ble1≤). Giv−en s≤ CN 1 w−edefine th−ealgebraiccurveV PN − s ∈ ⊂ t(X ,...,X ) = sXdi, 1 i N 1. i 1 N i 0 ≤ ≤ − As we will see later on if s B , then V is non-singular. In fact, the points s for ss s ∈ which V has singularities are precisely the caustic B B . I am not aware if the s ss familyofalgebraiccurvesV ,s B hasanofficialnam−eattached,butsinceitwill s ss ∈ be the spectral curve for the EO recursion, we will refer to it as the spectral curve ofthesingularityorjustthespectralcurvewhenthesingularityisunderstoodfrom thecontext. Thereisanatural projection λ : V P1, [X ,X ,...,X ] [Xh,t (X ,...,X )], (7) s → 0 1 N 7→ 0 N 1 N which is a branched covering of degree W , where A denotes the number of ele- ments of the set A. The branching point|s a|re λ = u| ,|...,u , , where u are the 1 N i ∞ critical values of F(s,x). By definition, the period integral (I( 1)(s,λ),1) defines − 6 TODORMILANOV locallynearanon-branchingpointλ P1 asectionofthebranched covering(7). It ∈ followsthat theset oframificationpoints λ 1(u), 1 i N − i ≤ ≤ isprecisely theintersectionsofV and thereflection mirrors s N α,X = α,ω X = 0, α R , i i + h i Xh i ∈ i=1 whereR isthesetofpositiveroots. Theremainingramificationpointsareλ 1( ). + − ∞ They correspond to eigenvectors of the Coxeter transformations with eigenvalue η := e2π√ 1/h: − [X ,X ,...,X ] λ 1( ) 0 1 N − ∈ ∞ if and only if X = 0 and N Xω h is an eigenvector with eigenvalue η for a 0 i=1 i i ∈ Coxeter transformation. ItPis easy to see that the ramification index of any point in λ 1(u)is2, whiletheramificationindexofapointinλ 1( )ish. − i − ∞ 1.6. TheEynard–Orantinrecursion. Wemakeuseofthefollowingformalseries fα(t,λ;z)= I(k)(t,λ)( z)k, φα(t,λ;z) = I(k+1)(t,λ)( z)kdλ. X α − X α − k Z k Z ∈ ∈ Note that φα(t,λ;z) = d fα(t,λ;z). Given n cycles α ,...,α and a semi-simple λ 1 n point s B wedefinethefollowingn-pointsymmetricforms ss ∈ ωgα,1n,...,αn(s;λ1,...,λn) = φα+1(s,λ1;ψ1),...,φα+n(s,λn;ψn) (s), (8) g,n D E where the + means truncation of the terms in the series with negativepowers of z. Thefunctions(8)willbecalledn-pointseriesofgenusgorsimplycorrelatorforms. The ancestor correlators (3) are known to be tame (see [14]), which by definition means that they vanish if k + + k > 3g 3 + n. Hence the correlator (8) is 1 n ··· − a polynomial expression of the components of the period vectors (5). Thanks to the translation symmetry, we may assume that s = 0, then (8) is a meromorphic N function on the spectral curve V V with possible poles at the ramification s s ×···× pointsofthecovering(7). Let us fix s = (s ,...,s ) CN 1 and denote by γ h an arbitrary cycle, s.t., 1 N 1 − ∗ (γα) , 0 for all α R. We−defi∈ne a set ofsymmetricm∈eromorphicdifferentialson | ∈ Vn withpolesalongtheramificationpointsofV s s ω (s;p ,...,p ) := ωγ,...,γ(s;λ ,...,λ ), (9) g,n 1 n g,n 1 n where the RHS is defined by fixing a reference path for each (s,λ) S , s.t., i ′ p = (I( 1)(s,λ),1). Ourmain resultcan bestatedas follows. ∈ i − i THEEYNARD–ORANTINRECURSIONFORADESINGULARITIES 7 Theorem 1.1. If s B , then the forms ω , 2g 2 + n > 0, satisfy the Eynard– ss g,n ∈ − Orantinrecursion associatedwith thebranchedcovering (7) and themeromorphic function f : V P1, f (x) := γ,x . γ s γ → h i Therecursion willberecalled lateron (seeSection 3.3). Wewouldlikehowever toemphasizethattheEynard–Orantinrecursioninourcasediffersfromthestandard onebytheinitialcondition: ω (x,y) = (γwγ)B(x,wy), (10) 0,2 X | w W ∈ where B(x,y) is the Bergman kernel of V and for x = wy one has to regularize s the RHS by removing an appropriate singular term (see Section 3.3). Let us point out that while the Bergman kernel depends on the choice of a Torelli marking of V , i.e., a symplectic basis of H (V ;Z), our initial condition is independent of the s 1 s Torellimarking(seeCorollary2.5). Thisfactcouldbeprovedalsodirectlybyusing the explicit formula (24) for the holomorphic 1-forms and some standard facts for W-invariant polynomials. Finally, let us point out that the set of correlators (9) determinestheset(8),because bydefinition ωw1γ,...,wNγ(s;λ ,...,λ ) = ω (s;w 1p ,...,w 1p ), g,n 1 N g,n −1 1 −N N wherew ,...,w W are arbitrary. 1 N ∈ The branched covering (7) and the meromorphic function f determine a bi- γ rational model of V in C2. Following [10] we can introduce the tau-function s Z(~,s) := Z (V ,λ, f ) of the birational model of the spectral curve. It has the ~ s γ form ∞ Z(~,s) = exp ~g 1F(g)(s) , − (cid:16)Xg=0 (cid:17) where F(g)(s) is called the genus-g free energy of V . It is very natural to compare s F(g)(s) with Givental’sprimary genus-g potentials F(g)(s). Unfortunately we could notsolvethisproblemingeneral, butonlyfor g = 0 and g = 1 W W F(0)(s) = (γγ)| |F(0)(s), F(1)(s) = | |F(1)(s) = 0, − | N 2 where the first identity is valid up to quadratic terms in the Frobenius flat coordi- nates of s B, whilethesecond oneup to a constant independent of s. It is known ∈ thatthegenus-1potentialoftheFrobeniusstructureishomogeneousofdegree0,so itmustvanishinthecaseofasimplesingularity. Accordingto[10],Z(~,s)satisfies Hirotabilinearequations. Accordingto[15],thetotalancestorpotential (~;q)of s A anADEsingularitysatisfiestheHirotabilinearequationsofthecorrespondinggen- eralized KdV hierarchy. It willbeinterestingto clarify therelation between F(g)(s) and F(g)(s) for g 2, as well as to determine whether Givental’s primary ancestor potential (~;0)≥alsosatisfies Hirotabi-linearequations. s A 8 TODORMILANOV 2. Analytic extension ofthekernel ofthelocal Eynard–Orantin recursion It was proved in [19] (see also [9]) that the correlator forms (8) satisfy a local Eynard–Orantin (EO) recursion, whose kernel is defined by the symplecticpairing of certain period series. In this section, we will prove that these symplectic pair- ings are convergent and can be extended to the entire spectral curve V . Moreover, s the corresponding extensions can be expressed in an elegant way via the so called Bergmankernel ofV . s 2.1. The kernel ofthelocal recursion. Recall thesymplecticpairing Ω(f(z),g(z)) = Res (f( z),g(z))dz, f,g H((z 1)). z=0 − − ∈ Thelocalrecursion isdefined intermsofthesymplecticpairings Ω(φα(s,λ;z),fβ(s,µ;z)) = dλ ∞ ( 1)k+1(I(k+1)(s,λ),I( k 1)(s,µ)), + − X − α β− − k=0 where the infinite series is interpreted formally in a neighborhood of a point µ = u(s), s.t., the cycle β vanishes over µ = u(s). We are going to prove that this i s,µ i infiniteseries expansionis convergenttoa meromorphicfunctionon V V . s s Tobeginwith,letusrecallthattheperiodssatisfythefollowingsystem×ofdiffer- entialequations ∂ I(n)(s,λ) = v I(n+1)(s,λ) a a s − • ∂ I(n)(s,λ) = I(n+1)(s,λ) λ 1 (λ E )∂ I(n)(s,λ) = θ n I(n)(s,λ), (11) s λ − • − − 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) where ∂ := ∂/∂s , E is the Euler vector field E = N deg(t)t∂ , and θ is the a a i=1 i i ti Hodge-gradingoperator P θ : H H, v (D/2 deg(v ))v , a a a → 7→ − where D = deg(Hess(f)) = 1 2/h is the conformal dimension of the Frobenius − structure. The key to proving the convergence is the so called phase 1-form (see [14, 2]) (s,ξ) = I(0)(s,ξ) I(0)(s,0) T S, Wα,β α • β ∈ s∗ wheretheperiodvectorsareinterpretedaselementsinT S andthemultiplicationin s∗ T S isinducedbytheFrobeniusmultiplicationviathenaturalidentificationT S (cid:27) s∗ s∗ T S. The dependence on the parameter ξ is in the sense of a germ at ξ = 0, i.e., s Taylor’sseries expansionaboutξ = 0. Thephaseformisapowerseriesinξ whose coefficients are multivalued1-forms on B . ′ THEEYNARD–ORANTINRECURSIONFORADESINGULARITIES 9 Lemma 2.1. Wehave (αβ) = ι (s,0) = (I(0)(s,0),E I(0)(s,0)). | − EWα,β − α • β Thisisawell knownfact dueoriginallytoK. Saito[21]. Lemma 2.2. The phaseformisweighted-homogeneousof weight0, i.e., (ξ∂ +L ) (s,ξ) = 0, ξ E α,β W where L istheLiederivativewithrespect to thevector field E. E Proof. Notethat (s,ξ) = (I(0)(s,ξ),dI( 1)(s,0)). Wα,β α β− Itiseasytocheckthat isaclosed1-form,sousingtheCartan’smagicformula α,β L = d ι +ι d , wherWeι isthecontractionbythevectorfield E, weget E s E E s E L = d (I(0)(s,ξ),(θ+1/2)I( 1)(s,0)) = d ((θ 1/2)I(0)(s,ξ),I( 1)(s,0)). EWα,β s α β− − s − α β− Weused thatθ isskew-symmetricwithrespect totheresiduepairingand that ι d I( 1)(s,0) = EI( 1)(s,0)) = (θ+1/2)I( 1)(s,0), E s β− β− β− where the last equality comes from the differential equation (11) with n = 1 and λ = 0. Furthermore, usingtheLeibnitzruleweget − ((θ 1/2)d I(0)(s,ξ),I( 1)(s,0)) ((θ 1/2)I(0)(s,ξ),d I( 1)(s,0)). − − s α β− − − α s β− Thefirst residuepairing is (AI(1)(s,ξ),(θ+1/2)I( 1)(s,0)) = (AI(1)(s,ξ),E I(0)(s,0)), (12) α β− − α • β whereweusedthatθisskew-symmetricandthatd I(0) = AI(1)withA = N (∂/∂s )ds . s α − α a=1 a• a Similarly,the2ndresiduepairingbecomes P ((ξ∂ +E)I(0)(s,ξ),d I( 1)(s,0)) = ξ∂ (s,ξ)+(E I(1)(s,ξ),AI(0)(s,0)). (13) ξ α s β− ξWα,β • α β On the otherhand, since theFrobenius multiplicationis commutative,[A,E ] = 0, sotheterms(12)and (13)add upto ξ∂ (s,ξ),whichcompletesthepro•of. (cid:3) ξ α,β W Let us define the following meromorphic 1-forms on V V . Given (x,y) s s × ∈ V V ,s.t., x,yarenotramificationpoints,thereareuniquepairs(C,λ)and(C ,µ), s s ′ × s.t., x = Φ(C,s λ1) and y = Φ(C ,s µ1), where C and C are paths in B ′ ′ ′ − − connectingrespectively s λ1and s µ1 withthereference point. Put e − e − dλ K (s,x,y) := (I(0)(s,λ),(θ+1/2)I( 1)(s,µ)), α,β λ µ α β− − 10 TODORMILANOV where the branches of I(0) and I( 1) are determined respectively by the pathsC and α β− C . This definition extends analytically across the ramification points and the form ′ has apoleonlyalong thedivisor (x,y) V V : λ(x) = λ(y) = x = wy , s s w W { ∈ × } ∪ ∈ { } wheretheactionofW on his inducedfromtheactionon h , i.e., ∗ α,wx = w 1α,x , α h , x h. − ∗ h i h i ∈ ∈ Proposition2.3. Thesymplecticpairing Ω(φα(s,λ;z),fβ(s,µ;z)) = K (s,x,y), + α,β − where x = Φ(C,s λ1), y = Φ(C,s µ1) andC is thepath that specifies thevalue − − ofthesymplecticpairing. e e Proof. Usingthedifferentialequationsfortheperiods, itiseasy to verifythat d Ω(φα(s,λ;z),fβ(s,µ;z)) = dλI(1)(s,λ) I(0)(s,µ) = d (s µ1,λ µ). s + − α •s β λWα,β − − Accordingto Lemma2.2 wehave 1 ∂ (s ,λ µ) = d ι (s ,λ µ) , (14) λ α,β ′ s E α,β ′ W − − ′ λ µ W − (cid:16) (cid:17) − whichby definitionis 1 d (I(0)(s ,λ µ),(θ+1/2)I( 1)(s ,0) . s′ λ µ α ′ − β− ′ (cid:16) (cid:17) − Integrating(14)withrespect to s alongashortpath from s := s u(s)1 to s µ1 ′ 0 i − − and usingthat I( 1)(s ,0)vanishesas s s , weget β− ′ ′ → 0 dλ Ω(φα(s,λ;z),fβ(s,µ;z)) = (I(0)(s,λ),(θ+1/2)I( 1)(s,µ)). (cid:3) (15) + λ µ α β− − − 2.2. ThelocalkernelandtheBergmankernel. Nowweareinapositiontoprove the key result in this paper. Let us fix a symplectic basis , g of H (V ;Z), {Ai Bi}i=1 1 s s.t., = δ . Thereisauniquesymmetricdifferential B(x,y) Ω1 ⊠Ω1 (2∆) Ai◦B| i,j ∈ Vs Vs whichisholomorphiconV V exceptforapoleoforder2withnoresiduealong s s thediagonal∆ V V , no×rmalizedby s s ⊂ × B(x,y) = 0, 1 i N I ≤ ≤ y i ∈A and dλ(x)dλ(y) B(x,y) = + (λ(x) λ(y))2 ··· − for any local coordinate λ : U C (U V ) and for all x,y U U. The s differential B(x,y) is called the B→ergman ke⊂rnel. We refer to [10] f∈or m×ore details and references.

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