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The Egoroff Theorem for Operator-Valued Measures in Locally Convex Spaces PDF

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The Egoroff Theorem for Operator-Valued Measures in Locally Convex Spaces J´an Haluˇska and Ondrej Hutn´ık1 1 Abstract. The Egoroff theorem for measurable X-valued functions and 1 operator-valuedmeasuresm:Σ→L(X,Y),whereΣisaσ-algebraofsubsets 0 of T 6=∅ and X, Y are both locally convex spaces, is proved. The measure is 2 supposed to be atomic and theconvergence of functions is net. n a 1 Introduction J 5 2 The classical Egoroff theorem states that almost everywhere convergent se- quences of measurable functions on a finite measure space converge almost ] uniformly, that is, for every ε > 0 the convergence is uniform on a set whose A complementhasmeasurelessthanε,cf.[5]. Anecessaryandsufficientcondition F for a sequence of measurable real functions to be almost uniformly convergent . h isgivenin[2]. Ingeneralizingtofunctionstakingvaluesinmoregeneralspaces, t a some problems appear arising from the fact that the classical relationship be- m tween the pointwise convergence and the convergence in measure is not saved. [ Namely,anyconvergencealmosteverywheredoesnotimplyconvergenceinmea- sure in general. For a complete measure space (T,Σ,µ), and a locally convex 1 space X the following condition may be considered, cf. [4]: v 8 Let M be a family of X-valued functions defined on T. The locally convex 0 space X is said to satisfy the finite Egoroff condition with respect to M if and 7 onlyifeverysequenceinMwhichconvergesalmosteverywheretoafunction,is 4 almostuniformlyconvergentoneverymeasurablesetA∈Σofafinitemeasure. . 1 However, it is not so easy to find such a family of functions M. Thus, 0 E. Wagner and W. Wilczyn´ski proved the following theorem in [13]. 1 1 Theorem 1.1 If a measurable space (T,Σ,µ) fulfils the countable chain condi- : v tion, then the convergence I-a.e. is equivalent to the convergence with respect i to the σ-ideal I if and only if Σ/I is atomic. X r a In the operator-valued measure theory in Banach spaces the pointwise con- vergence (of sequences) of measurable functions on a set of finite semivari- ation implies the convergence in (continuous) semivariation of the measure m : Σ → L(X,Y), where Σ is a σ-algebra of subsets of a set T 6= ∅, and X,Y are Banach spaces, cf. [1], and [3]. If X fails to be metrizable, the rela- tionship between these two convergences is quite unlike the classical situation, cf. Example after Definition 1.11 in [12]. 1Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary46G10; Secondary06F20 Key words and phrases: Operator valued measure, locally convex topological vector spaces, Egorofftheorem,convergence inmeasure,netconvergence offunctions. Acknowledgement. This paper was partially supported by Grants VEGA 2/0097/08 and VVGS45/10-11. 1 Itisalsowell-knownthattheEgorofftheoremcannotholdforarbitrarynets of measurable functions without some restrictions on measure, net convergence of functions, or class of measurable functions. For instance, the net of char- acteristic functions of finite subsets of [0,1] shows that one needs very special measures (supported by a countable set) to have almost uniform convergence. In [6], Definition 1.2, the first author introduced the so called Condition (GB) under which everywhere convergence of net of measurable functions implies convergence of these functions in semivariation on a set of finite variation of measure in locally convexsetting, cf. [7], Theorem3.3 (without the assumption of countable chain condition). This condition concerns families of submeasures and enables to work with nets of measurable functions instead of sequences. TheCondition(GB)isageneralizationofCondition(B)whichisimportantfor sequences in the classical measure and integration theory, cf. [11]. The analo- gous condition for nets in the classical setting was introduced and investigated by B. F. Goguadze, cf. [4]. Recallthat Condition(GB) is fulfilled inthe caseof atomicoperator-valued measures, cf. [7]. Atomic measures are not of a great interest in the classical theory of measure and integral, because they lead only to considerations of absolutely convergentseries. But when we consider measureswith very general range space, e.g. a locally convex space, the situation changes. Inthis paperweprovethe Egorofftheoremforatomicoperator-valuedmea- sures in locally convex topological vector spaces. 2 Preliminaries The description of the theory of locally convex topological vector spaces may be found in [9]. By a net (with values in a set S) we mean a function from I to S, where I is a directed partially ordered set. Throughout this paper I is a directed index set representing direction of a net. For terminology concerning nets, see [10]. Let T be a non-void set and let Σ be a σ-algebra of subsets of T. By 2T we denote the potential set of T. Let X and Y be two Hausdorff locally convex topological vector spaces over the field K of all real R or complex numbers C, with two families of seminorms P and Q defining the topologies on X and Y, respectively. Let L(X,Y) denote the space of all continuous linear operators L:X→Y, and let N be the set of all natural numbers. In what follows m:Σ→L(X,Y) is an operator-valuedmeasure σ-additive in the strong operator topology of the space L(X,Y), i.e. m(·)x : Σ → Y is a Y-valued vector measure for every x∈X. Definition 2.1 Let p∈P, q ∈Q, E ∈Σ and m:Σ→L(X,Y). (a) The (p,q)-semivariation of the measure m is the set function mˆ :Σ→ p,q [0,∞], defined as follows: N mˆ (E)=supq m(E ∩E)x , p,q n n ! n=1 X where the supremum is taken over all finite disjoint partitions {E ∈ n Σ; E ⊂ N E , E ∩E =∅, n6=m, m,n=1,2,...,N} of E, and all n=1 n n m finite sets {x ∈X; p(x )≤1, n=1,2,...,N}, N ∈N. n n S 2 (b) The (p,q)-variation of the measure m is the set function var (m,·) : p,q Σ→[0,∞], defined by the equality N var (m,E)=sup q (m(E ∩E)), p,q p n n=1 X where the supremum is taken over all finite disjoint partitions {E ∈ n Σ; E = N E , E ∩E = ∅, n 6= m, n,m = 1,2,...,N, N ∈ N} of E n=1 n n m and S q (m(F))= sup q(m(F)x), F ∈Σ. p p(x)≤1 (c) Theinner (p,q)-semivariation of the measurem isthe setfunctionmˆ∗ : p,q 2T →[0,∞], defined as follows: mˆ∗ (E)= sup mˆ (F), E ∈2T. p,q p,q F⊂E,F∈Σ Note that mˆ (E) ≤ var (m,E) for every q ∈ Q, p ∈ P, and E ∈ Σ. The p,q p,q following lemma is obvious. Lemma 2.2 For every p ∈ P and q ∈ Q, the (p,q)-(semi)variation of the measure m is a monotone and σ-additive (σ-subadditive) set function, and var (m,∅)=0, (mˆ (∅)=0). p,q p,q Definition 2.3 Let m:Σ→L(X,Y). (a) The set E ∈Σ is saidto be of positive variation of the measurem if there exist q ∈Q, p∈P, such that var (m,E)>0. p,q (b) We say that the set E ∈ Σ is of finite variation of the measure m if to every q ∈ Q there exists p ∈ P, such that var (m,E) < +∞. We will p,q denote this relation shortly Q→ P, or, q 7→ p, for q ∈Q, p∈P. E E Remark 2.4 The relation Q → P may be different for different sets E ∈ Σ E of finite variation of the measure m. Definition 2.5 Ameasurem:Σ→L(X,Y)is saidto satisfy Condition (GB) ifforeveryE ∈Σoffiniteandpositivevariationandeverynet(E ) ,E ⊂E, i i∈I i of sets from Σ there holds limsupE 6=∅, i i∈I whenever there exist real numbers δ(q,p,E) > 0, p ∈ P, q ∈ Q, such that mˆ (E ) ≥ δ(q,p,E) for every i ∈ I and every couple (p,q) ∈ P ×Q with p,q i q 7→ p. E Note that the everywhere convergence of a net of measurable functions im- plies the convergence of these functions in semivariation on a set of finite vari- ation if and only if Condition (GB) is fulfilled. For instance, the Lebesque measure does not satisfy Condition (GB) on the real line (for arbitrary nets of sets). 3 Definition 2.6 We say that a set E ∈Σ of positive semivariation of the mea- sure m is an mˆ-atom if every proper subset A of E is either ∅ or A∈/ Σ. We say that the measure m is atomic if eachE ∈Σ canbe expressedin the form E = ∞ A , where A ,k ∈N, are mˆ-atoms. k=1 k k In [7] itSis shown that a class of measures satisfying Condition (GB) is non- empty and the following result is proved. Theorem 2.7 If m is a (countable) purely atomic operator-valued measure, then m satisfies Condition (GB). Definition 2.8 We say that a function f :T →X is measurable if {t∈T; p(f(t))≥η}∈Σ for every η >0 and p∈P. Definition 2.9 A net (f ) of measurable functions is said to be m-almost i i∈I uniformly convergenttoameasurablefunctionf onE ∈Σifforeveryε>0and every (p,q) ∈ P ×Q with q 7→ p there exist measurable sets F = E(ε,p,q), E such that limkf −fk =0 and mˆ (F)<ε, i E\F,p p,q i∈I where kgk =supp(g(t)). G,p t∈G In [8] the concept of generalized strong continuity of the semivariation of the measure is introduced. Note that this notion enables development of the conceptofanintegralwithrespecttotheL(X,Y)-valuedmeasurebasedonthe net convergence of simple functions. For this purpose the notion of the inner semivariation is used for this generalization. This way we restrict the set of L(X,Y)-valued measures which can be taken for such type of integration. For instance,everyatomicmeasureisgeneralizedstronglycontinuous. So,the class ofmeasureswiththegeneralizedstronglycontinuoussemivariationisnonempty. Definition 2.10 We say that the semivariation of the measure m : Σ → L(X,Y) is generalized strongly continuous (GS-continuous, for short) if for ev- ery set of finite variation E ∈ Σ and every monotone net of sets (E ) ⊂ T, i i∈I E ⊂E, i∈I, the following equality i limmˆ∗ (E )=mˆ∗ limE p,q i p,q i i∈I i∈I (cid:18) (cid:19) holds for every couple (p,q)∈P ×Q, such that q 7→ p. E The following result connecting the notion of GS-continuity and Condi- tion (GB) was proved in [8]. Theorem 2.11 If the semivariation of a measure m : Σ → L(X,Y) is GS- continuous, then the measure m satisfies Condition (GB). 4 3 Egoroff theorem for atomic operator-valued measures in locally convex spaces Beforeprovingthemainresultofthispaperwestatethefollowingusefullemma. Lemma 3.1 If m:Σ→L(X,Y) is a (countable) purely atomic measure, then its semivariation is GS-continuous. Proof. Let E ∈ Σ be a set of finite and positive variation of the measure m. Let (E ) be an arbitrary decreasing net of sets from Σ. Recall that i i∈I E ցG(∈2G) if and only if i (1) i≤j ⇒E ⊃E , and i j (2) E =G. i∈I i It is cTlear that it is enough to consider the case G=∅, because E ցG⇔G⊂E , E \Gց∅. i i i First, in the case E ∈Σ, i∈I, we have i limmˆ∗ (E )=limmˆ (E ), (1) p,q i p,q i i∈I i∈I and since the family of atoms is at most a countable set, there is limE = E ∈Σ i i i∈I i∈I \ and, therefore, mˆ∗ limE =mˆ limE (2) p,q i p,q i i∈I i∈I (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) for every p∈P, q ∈Q such that q → p. E Now,takeanarbitrarysetE ∈Σofpositiveandfinite variation. Denote by A the set of all mˆ-atoms, and put l(i,E)=(A∩E)\E , i∈I. Clearly i i≤j, i,j ∈I ⇒l(i,E)⊂l(j,E) and there exist atoms A ∈A, n∈N, such that l(i,E)={A ,A ,...,A ,...}. n 1 2 n By Lemma 2.2 we have var (m,E)=var (m,E )+ var (m,A ), p,q p,q i p,q n An∈Xl(i,E) for i∈I, and p∈P, q ∈Q. Since mˆ (E )≤var (m,E ), i∈I,p∈P,q ∈Q, p,q i p,q i there is mˆ (E )≤var (m,E)− var (m,A ), p,q i p,q p,q n An∈Xl(i,E) 5 where i ∈ I, p ∈ P, q ∈ Q. Since var (m,E∩·) : Σ → [0,∞) is a finite real p,q measure for every p ∈ P, q ∈ Q with q 7→ p, then for every ε > 0, p ∈ P, E q ∈Q such that q 7→ p, there exists an index i =i (ε,p,q,E)∈I, such that E 0 0 mˆ (E )<ε (3) p,q i holds for every i≥i , i∈I. Combining (1), (2), (3) and Definition 2.10 we see 0 thatthe assertionis provedfor the casewhen(E ) is adecreasingnetof sets i i∈I from Σ. The other cases of monotone nets of sets may be proved analogously. Let now G ⊂ T be an arbitrary set. Then there is exactly one (countable) set F∗ =A∩G with the property: mˆ∗ (G)= sup mˆ (F)=mˆ (F∗), p∈P,q ∈Q. p,q p,q p,q F⊂G,F∈Σ The proof for the inner measure and the arbitrary net of subsets (E ) i i∈I goes by the same procedure as in the previous part of proof concerning the set system Σ. 2 Remark 3.2 Observe that Lemma 3.1 and Theorem2.11 imply the statement of Theorem 2.7. Theorem 3.3 (Egoroff) Let m : Σ → L(X,Y) be a purely atomic measure, and let E ∈ Σ be of finite variation of the measure m. Let f : T → X be a measurable function, and (f : T → X) be a net of measurable functions, i i∈I such that limp(f (t)−f(t))=0 for every t∈E and p∈P. (4) i i∈I Then a net (f ) of functions m-almost uniformly converges to f on E ∈Σ. i i∈I Proof. We have to prove that for a given ε > 0 and every q ∈ Q, p ∈ P, such that q → p there exist measurable sets F = E(ε,p,q) ∈ Σ, such that E lim kf −fk =0, and mˆ (F)<ε. i∈I i E\F,p p,q Suppose that (4) holds. For every m∈N, p∈P, and j ∈I, put 1 Bp = E∩ t∈T; p(f (t)−f(t))< , i≥j m,j i m (cid:26) (cid:27) 1 = E∩ t∈T; p(f (t)−f(t))< , i∈I . i m i≥j(cid:26) (cid:27) \ Since there are countable many of atoms, Bp ⊂Σ and #Bp =ℵ . Clearly, m,j m,j 0 if i,j ∈I such that i≤j, then Bp ⊂Bp for every m∈N and p∈P. Put m,i m,j Ep = Bp . m m,j j∈I [ Thenet(Ep\Bp ) clearlytendstovoidsetforeverym∈Nandp∈P. Since m m,i i∈I m is a purely atomic operator-valued measure, then according to Lemma 3.1 its semivariation is GS-continuous, and therefore limmˆ∗ (Ep \Bp )=0, q ∈Q, p∈P, such that q 7→ p. p,q m m,i E i∈I 6 Let ε > 0 be given. To every p ∈ P and m ∈ N there exists an index j =j(m,p)∈I, such that for q 7→ p, E mˆ (Ep \Bp )<ε·α ·β , p,q m m,i p m holds for every i ≥ j(m,p), where {α ; p ∈ P} is a summable system of posi- p tive numbers in the sense of Moore–Smith and {β ; m ∈ N} is an absolutely m convergentseries of positive numbers. Put F = Ep \Bp . m m,j(m,p) m[∈Np[∈P(cid:16) (cid:17) So, we have: mˆ∗ (F) = mˆ∗ Ep \Bp p,q p,q m m,j(m,p)  m[∈Np[∈P(cid:16) (cid:17)   ∞ = lim mˆ Ep \Bp K={p1,...,pm} p,q m m,j(m,p)  mX=1pX∈K(cid:16) (cid:17) ∞   ≤ lim mˆ Ep \Bp p,q m m,j(m,p) K={p1,...,pm} mX=1pX∈K (cid:16) (cid:17) < ε. Let us show that the convergence of net of functions (f ) is uniform on i i∈I E\F. Note that ∞ Ep =E for every p∈ P. For a given η > 0 choose an m=1 m m ∈N, such that 1 <η. Then 0 Sm E\F = E\ Ep \Bp m m,j(m,p) m[∈Np[∈P(cid:16) (cid:17) = Bp ⊂Bp m,j(m,p) m0,j(m0,p) m∈Np∈P \ \ for every p∈ P. By definition of the set Bp we have that if t ∈ Bp , m0,j(m0,p) m0,i then p(f (t)−f(t))<η i for every i ≥ j(m ,p). So, (4) implies that for every η > 0 and p ∈ P there 0 exists an index j =j(η,p), such that for every i≥j(η,p), i∈I, there is p(f (t)−f(t))<η, t∈E\Bp ⊃E\F, i m0,i i.e., the net (f ) converges uniformly on E\F. The proof is complete. 2 i i∈I References [1] Bartle, R. G.: A general bilinear vector integral. Studia Math. 15 (1956), 337–352. 7 [2] Bartle,R.G.: AnextentionofEgorov’stheorem.Amer.Math.Monthly87 (1980), 628–633. [3] Dobrakov,I.: OnintegrationinBanachspaces,I.CzechoslovakMath.J.20 (1970), 511–536. [4] Goguadze,B.F.: OntheKolmogoroffintegralsandsometheirapplications. (in Russian), Micniereba, Tbilisi, 1979. [5] Halmos, P. P.: Measure Theory. Van Nostrand, New York, 1968. 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Hungar. 36(1980), 125-128. J´an Haluˇska, Mathematical Instituteof Slovak Academy of Science, Current address: Greˇs´akova 6, 040 01 Koˇsice, Slovakia E-mail address: [email protected] OndrejHutn´ık,InstituteofMathematics, FacultyofScience,PavolJozefSˇaf´arikUni- versity in Koˇsice, Current address: Jesenn´a 5, 040 01 Koˇsice, Slovakia, E-mail address: [email protected] 8

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