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The Effect of Spore Density on Germination and Development in Pteridium, Monitored Using a Novel Culture Technique PDF

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Preview The Effect of Spore Density on Germination and Development in Pteridium, Monitored Using a Novel Culture Technique

American Fern Journal 90[3):91-g9 [2000) The of Spore Density on Germination and Effect Development Monitored in Pteridium, using a Novel Technique Culture Carl Ashcroft^ and Elizabeth Sheffield^ J. School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, 3.614 Stopford Building, Oxford Road, M13 Manchester 9PT. — Abstract. Percentage germination and percentage two-dimensional growth transition to in Pter- idium (bracken were recorded spores sown on Phytagel^-based growth medium fern) for a solid mm known maximum at densities of between 3 and 9883 spores The germination recorded 2. maximum occurred at sowing densities higher than those at which transition occurred. Percentage germination was greatest (43 to 52% of spores sown) at intermediate densities (187 to 2114 spores mm-^j, being highest (52% of spores sown] at 360 spores mm"2. Percentage transition was highest the lowest densities used. was concluded germination and have at that transition different It density optima and that investigations of these two phenomena in ferns should take account of this. many Fern gametophytes are accepted as excellent models for the study of biological systems. Their utility in the studies of both pure and applied de- velopmental biology and genetics was described by Hickok aL et (1987), see also Miller (1968). Their usefulness for the study of developmental selection was by Klekowski Fern gametophytes have been illustrated (e.g. 1982). also mode used and in studies of herbicide tolerance herbicide of action, (Hickok Keary However, on et ah, 1987; et al, 2000). the density of fern spores their both percentage germination and gametophyte development substrate affects 1979 The reviewed by Dyer which (see Dyer, for review). findings related to known sowing on media the of spores densities indicated at artificial that per- centage germination inhibited both high and low few is at densities, yet fern researchers before or since have specified the spore densities used in their experiments. follows that fern gametoph3^e studies would benefit from being It phenomenon conducted at optimal densities for the under study; there a is need for quantification. Two problems arise in attempting to quantify the effects of spore sowing density on germination and transition. Transition a term used to describe is the progression from (ID) filamentous growth to (2D) growth involving divi- sions in more than one plane, which generates the thallus in most fern ga- metophytes. The problem obtaining an even distribution of spores first is across the culture medium. Carboxy-methyl cellulose (CMC, manufactured by BDH) has been used to help spread spores evenly over media surfaces (e.g. Current address: Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, ^ NG7 Nottingham, 2RD. MJSSOURt BOTANICAL Corresponding author. ^ FEB 2 Z001 GARDEN LISaARY NUMBER 92 CMC Sheffield et ah, 1997). does aid spore dispersal in liquid but does not ensure even distribution across the entire surface of solidified growth media. Even spore distribution can be achieved by spraying using a diffuser (see Dyer, 1979). However, this method only works well on a large scale and wasteful, is an important consideration work with in rare or irregularly species. fertile Given the toxicity of fern spores (Povey et al, 1995; Siman et ah 1999; Siman ah et 2000), the generation of aerosols containing spores raises health and A safety considerations. second problem concerns counting spores and scoring germination and sown transition in cultures high At high at densities. densi- ties, spores and gametophytes cover one another and make germination diffi- cult to detect. The aim work was of this to quantify the effect of spore sowing density on A germination and transition two-dimensional growth new to in Pteridium. was culture technique developed allow to this. Methods Two experiments were conducted under identical conditions, unless other- Experiment Mai These Number (Spain). spores are E.S. Collection 196. At the time of collec- rhizome was tion, material also taken. This was planted the University of at Manchester Botanical Grounds where specimen now the forms part of the liv- ing Spores were collection. stored in sealed plastic vials at 4 after collection ""C and until surface sterilisation in 1999. medium pH Moore's Moore, was (after 1903), 6.5, used as the growth me- dium, with the addition of Phytagel® (manufactured by Sigma) gelling agent % weight/volume). Phytagel® (0.2 is a gelling agent that forms a solid similar form in to that of conventional agar media. Phytagel® from distinct is tradi- when tional gelling agents in that agitated, changes phase from it a solid to a The medium liquid. Phytagel®-based growth was autoclaved then allowed to cool approximately to 40°C. In the experiment (Experiment 100 first ^1 of 1). mm medium Phytagel®-based was dispensed each into 2.35 diameter well A microtitre plate (approximate well volume 175 microtitre plate a \il]. is transparent with 96 plastic tray, individual wells). In the second experiment (Experiment 200 of Phytagel®-based medium was dispensed each 2), \x\ into mm 6.65 diameter well microtitre plate (approximate well volume 370 \jA). were open medium Microtitre plates left until the surface of the was Lids dry. were then sealed in place with Parafilm (manufactured by NESCO). All equip- ment and were solutions autoclaved or purchased Procedures were sterile. Envar laminar temperature dH^O, to which had been added 2 drops of Tween 80 detergent (BDH). Tween clumps then What ASHCROFT & SHEFFIELD: Spore Density Pteridium in 93 Table 1. The spore sowing densities used (spores mm^^ of medium surface). 1122122222 122 Treatment dl d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 dlO dll dl2 dI3 Experiment Density 3 35 187 360 538 618 1137 2414 4445 5671 7813 7859 9883 man). The Tween 80 solution was then fihered off from the spores. The spores 5% were then sm-face steriUsed by re-suspending 50 ml in of (vol/vol) aq. sodium 10-14% BDH) hypochlorite (approximately available chlorine, for three minutes. The sodium hypochlorite was and solution the filtered off ml spores rinsed three times each with 50 of dH.O. sterile medium, In order to facilitate the inoculation of the growth surface sterilised CMC spores were suspended in a solution of 0.5% (w/vol) (BDH) in sterile dH^O. This was done by removing membrane from the nitro-cellulose the filter and from membrane ml unit eluting the spores the using Gilson a 1 pipette. was In the case of the highest density treatments, inoculation conducted using volume a fixed of undiluted stock spore suspension. In the case of other den- treatments, aliquots were taken from stock spore suspension and made sity this up same volume inoculum was used to the fixed of that to inoculate at the mm The highest densities. 2.35 diameter microtitre plate wells used in Exper- mm iment were inoculated with 10 of inoculum. The 6.65 diameter mi- 1 [xl crotitre plate wells used in Experiment 2 were inoculated with 20 of in- |jlI The oculum. spore suspension flowed across the surface of the growth medi- um, distributing the spores evenly. sown Experiment were In spores at four densities (Table In Experiment 1, 1). A sown spores were nine 2, at densities (Table total of thirteen densities 1). were sown, dl to dl3. For each experiment, four replicate blocks were sown on the same microtitre plate. The experiment was designed so that there was sown an overlap in the ranges of spores in the two experiments. To illustrate the repeatability of the cultm^e technique, one spore density was repeated in both experiments; dll from Experiment was sown approximately same the 1 at dl2 from Experiment density as 2 (see Table 2), ± were grown Spores in sealed microtitre plates maintained 20 2 with at ""C 12 h light, 12 h dark cycles of illumination for 14 days. Approximate photon was -2o-l 120 flux density |xmol.m"^s At end growth were the of the period spores re-suspended using gradual CMC known additions of volumes of 0.5% (w/vol) (BDH) dH^O in sterile to each treatment until all spores were re-suspended. Gentle fluxing back and ml forth using a Gilson pipette caused the Phytagel® change phase 1 to firom a solid to a liquid, thereby re-suspending the spores and gametophytes that had previously been evenly spread across surface of the solid medium. Each was spore suspension rendered final sufficiently dilute to enable convenient scoring using a Sedgwick Rafter counting chamber and viewed under a Leitz 20EB compound X400 Dialux binocular microscope magnification. Final at volumes of spore suspension (including the volume Phytagel®-based of 1 1 AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN 94 JOURNAL: 90 3 (2000) U Table Mann-Whitney 2. test of dl versus dl2 for density, germination and transition. I U-Value Tied Z- Value Tied P- Value Density 51222 0.079 0.9369 Germination 20 5 1.27 0.2037 1 1 4886 Transition .086 0.2775 1 medium) growth on spore density. ml were taken from each treatment final spore suspension, with the exception of treatments with suspension volumes final of less than 2 ml. In such cases, the whole final spore suspension was sampled. Between 266 and 431 one-micro- A chamber counting were litre cells scored for each treatment sowing density. total of 4386 one-microlitre counting chamber were examined and 7228 cells spores or gametophytes were recorded. Germination was considered have to occurred with emergence the of a rhizoid. Results Preliminary Mann-Whitney analysis showed < there to be no difference between replicate treatments and 0.01] (p that th < taken from a given treatment spore suspension Consequently, O.OlJ. val- [p ues recorded from each counting chamber were cell treated as individual es- timates of spore density, germination and Means and transition. confidence were intervals calculated using these estimates. The were data not normally distributed. Accordingly, spore density esti- mates were and log-transformed percentage germination and percentage tran- were sition data arc-sin transformed. Ninety percent confidence five intervals were calculated using transformed data according Wheater & Cook to [1999]. All statistics were conducted using StatView and graphs produced using Excel. The shown spore densities tested are in Figure 1 and listed in Table Per- 1. was 52% centage germination greatest (43 to of spores sown] intermediate at mm densities, 187 to 2114 spores ^ [d3 to d8], being highest (52% of spores mm sown at 360 snores (d4). Percentage transition was [between ^ greatest 0.5 and 1.4% of spores sown) at lower densities to 538 spores mm-^]. At (3 mm"^ 4445 and densities of spores above, percentage transition did not exceed 0.00005%. Percentage transition was zero at densities of 7813 and 9883 spores was nmi"^. Far greater variance observed for transition than germination. for The two sown same treatments at the density in different experiments, dll and showed same dl2, the proportions of germination and transition, see Table 2. ASHCROFT & SHEFFIELD: Spore Density Pteridium in 95 (a) 00 90 <N ^ *n 5 f Q 2 { fS R fO ^ I »c 00 f*^ dl d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 dlO dll dl2 dl3 (b) 60 -^ 50 I 40 % 30 ^ ' - 20 t , . - 10 I — 1 ^ ^ I I , J 1 1 1 dl d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 dlO dll dl2 dl3 (C) 2.0 _ 1.5 % 1.0 0.5- t t t dl dl d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 dlO dll dl2 dl3 Fig. 1. Sowing density (a), percentage germination [b) and percentage transition (c) for Pteridium = spores 13 densities (dl-dl3). Open symbols + Experiment closed symbols Experiment at 1, 2. = 95% Error bars confidence interv-als. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 96 JOURNAL: 90 [2000) 3 Discussion The period of time for which Pteridium spores remain viable varies. Pteri- dium spores do not remain viable for long in soil under field conditions (Con- way, 1953; Lindsay et ah, 1994). In contrast, seems that spores stored in it may many sealed containers at 4*'C remain viable for years (Simpson & Dyer, Our show 52% may 1999). findings that germination percentage high as as way occur in spores stored in this for 9 years, this higher than the percentage is germination obtained from 9 year old spores in the study of Lindsay ah et should be noted was (1994). that subsequently, transition low, than 1.5% It less in cases, but the reasons were not sought all for this or identified. Sheffield (1996) reported that Pteridium spores collected from the same location in dif- can may ferent years differ considerably in percentage germination. be that It the environmental conditions to which a frond exposed have an on is effect that known example, for presented evidence temperature influences germination in three Asplenium. species of Percentage germination of Pteridium spores collected in the same year from different localities also varies, as does germination in spores stored for differ- ent lengths of time, but there is no direct relationship between Pteridium spore and age (Lindsay viability et al„ 1994; Sheffield, 1996). Given effects of hy- dration (Lindsay, Williams and Dyer, growing temperature and 1992), storage time on percentage germination, clear that storage conditions have an is it important influence on fern spore percentage germination. would be valu- It able standardised spore conditions could be if agreed, or at least that future- authors were encouraged to include a statement describing spore storage con- Although many ditions. germination of species might be higher following fully hydrated storage (Lindsay et al, 1992) this method space and time consum- is and ing inappropriate such for species, as Pteridium, capable of dark germi- We nation. therefore suggest that pteridophytes spores should routinely be stored dry, in sealed containers at 4°C, in the dark. Not only are spores inherently variable in terms of germination, but our show experiments they that are also sensitive growing The to conditions. den- which sity at Pteridium spores are sown on their substrate germination affects and development. Percentage germination was highest densities interme- at diate in the range tested herein. This in keeping with such is earlier findings, as those reviewed by Dyer Smith & Rogan (1979). found an (1970) inhibition of development by gametophytes Polypodium of vulgare increase with spore to sowing Smith & Robinson density. (1971) identified three growth factors re- sponsible for the inhibition of cell division in high densities of Polypodium They concluded vulgare. that other factors, such as competition nutrients for an mportant development and at later stages of sities. Light is not required for germination of Pteridium spores (Lindsay et al., 1994) but is required for photosynthesis to drive gametophyte development. ASHCROFT & SHEFFIELD: Spore Density Pteridium 97 in Smith & Robinson's (1971) investigations into the effect of high spore density We were done in liquid growth media. have expressed our densities on the basis of numbers on the surface of the medium, and undoubtedly depth of medium and speed of diffusion of nutrients and exudates from, game- into, medium. tophytes influences results in different vessels or types of solidified We attribute impeded development of Pteridium extremely high sowing at densities to both resource limitations and inhibition due to gametophyte ex- As udates. for storage conditions, discussed above, clear that density does is it we recommend have an important influence on germination and growth, and sowing that future authors standardise, or at least state, their spore densities. There are ecological implications density-dependent germination to rates. The majority of fern spores probably within a few metres of their sporangia fall but a few travel great distances, see Sheffield (1996) and Siman et qL (1999). Our results imply that spores landing close to the parental sporophyte could accumulate to such a high density that germination and gametophyte devel- opment would are inhibited; the reverse apply to spores dispersed over great distances. Ecological implications are that lone or sparse spores are unlikely to germinate but they do, they are likely to undergo transition and therefore if mean go on to produce female gametophytes. This will that these female ga- metophytes will secrete antheridiogens and promote germination in any other spores in the area, and cause those neighbouring spores germinate develop male gametophytes into (Naf, 1958). new The technique employed work provides an economical culture in this and straightforward means of determining spore density and quantifying ger- mination and The technique was by transition. repeatability of the illustrated the identical germination and transition percentages observed in dll from Ex- periment and dl2 from Experiment two treatments sown identical den- 1 2, at in separate experiments. sities Laboratory conditions were optimised during the course of preliminary volume inoculum used The volumes work. In particular, the of is critical. pre- room and sented here were optimised in a laminar flow cabinet temperature at may are intended only for guidance. Other laboratories have slightly different room may environmental conditions, temperature, and be necessary to e.g. it fine-tune procedures for local conditions. Preliminary and error optimi- trial recommended. was observed during our preliminary experiments sation is It inoculum upon that sub-optimal conditions lead to shrinkage of drying, re- which sulting in a distribution of spores did not extend to the full circumfer- may ence of the microtitre plate well. In such situations be possible to it still quantify spore density by estimating the diameter of dried spore inoculum and re-calculating accordingly, using this diameter, rather than that of the micro- plate well. titre sown In conclusion, Pteridium spores stored for nine years at 4°C and at 360 maximum mm"^ had mean germination 52%. Lower mean spores a rate of maximum germination were observed above and below rates this density. In- may hibition of germination at high densities be due to resource limitation, physical impediment or biochemical inhibition caused by the exudation of AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 98 JOURNAL: 90 3 (2000) growth low may inhibitors. Inhibition of germination have at densities a bio- may chemical basis; germination be stimulated by the exudation of growth promoters from other spores. At higher spore densities, the effects of growth impediment inhibitors, physical or resource limitation overcome the effects of growth promoters. The low percentage transition observed could be a conse- quence of the age of the spores used. Inhibition of transition high densities at furth two hypotheses. last Acknowledgments Thanks Dr Rod to Cullen for his help with the statistics and Dr Caroline Bowsher for the Phy- was tagel®. Carl Ashcroft in receipt of a Natural Environmental Research Council Studentship. Literature Cited Conway. E. 1953. Spore and sporeling survival in bracken [Pteridium aquilinum L. 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