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The dynamics of critical Kauffman networks under asynchronous stochastic update Florian Greil and Barbara Drossel Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperphysik, TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 6, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany (Dated: February 2, 2008) We show that the mean number of attractors in a critical Boolean network under asynchronous stochastic update grows like a power law and that the mean size of the attractors increases as a 5 stretchedexponentialwiththesystemsize. Thisisinstrongcontrasttothesynchronouscase,where 0 thenumberof attractors grows faster than any power law. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 89.75.Hc,05.65.+b,89.75.Hc n a J RandomBooleannetworkswereintroducedin1969by figuration space, and their number was recently shown 5 Kauffman [1, 2] as a simple model for complex systems numerically[1,19,20,21, 22]andanalytically[23,24]to consisting of units that interact via directed links. They growfasterthananypowerlawwiththe networksizeN. ] n are used to model social and economic networks [3, 4], In contrast, we will show in the following that for asyn- n neural networks, and gene or protein webs [5]. chronous stochastic update the mean number of attrac- - ArandomBooleannetwork(RBN)is adirectedgraph tors grows as power law while their size increases like a s di with N nodes each of which takes a Boolean value σi ∈ stretched exponential with N. As the dynamics is no 0,1 . The number k of incoming edges is the same for longer deterministic, an appropriate definition of an at- at. a{ll n}odes, and the starting points of the edges are cho- tractor must be given. An attractor is a subset of the m sen at random. Usually these models are updated syn- configuration space such that for every pair of configu- chronously, σ (t + 1) = c (σ (t),...,σ (t)), where rations on the attractor there exists a sequence of up- - i i di,1 di,k d the Boolean coupling function c of node i is chosen at dates that leads from one configuration to the other. In i n random among a given set of functions and d denotes [7], such an attractor is called “loose attractor”. Start- o i,j the j-th input of node i. The configuration of the sys- ing from a random initial configuration, the system will c [ tem~σ σ1,...,σN thus performs a trajectory in con- eventually end up on an attractor. ≡{ } figurationspace. Critical networksareofspecialinterest Let us first consider a set of nodes arranged in a 1 v [6]. Their dynamics is at the boundary between a frozen loop. Such loops occur as relevant components of criti- 1 phasewhereinitiallysimilarconfigurationsconverge,and calnetworks. Nontrivialdynamics occurs onlyif the two 8 a chaotic phase where initially similar configurations di- constant Boolean functions are omitted, the remaining 0 verge exponentially. Booleanfunctionsbeing“copy”( ),and“invert”( ). A 1 ⊕ ⊖ However, synchronous update is highly improbable in loopwith n inversions canbe mapped bijectively onto 0 ⊖ 5 real networks, and it is used under the tacit assumption aloopwithn 2inversionsbyreplacingtwo withtwo − ⊖ 0 that going to asynchronous update will not modify the and by inverting the state of all nodes between these ⊕ / essentialpropertiesofthesystem[7]. Buttherearegood two couplings. It is therefore sufficient to consider loops t a reasons to doubt the validity of this assumption. For in- withzeroinversions(“even”loops)andloopswithonein- m stance, for cellular automata it is well-known that some version(“odd”loops). The positionofthe -couplingin ⊖ - of the self-organizationis an artifact of the central clock the odd loop is called the twisted edge. For synchronous d [8]. For RBNs there is also recent evidence that devia- update, each configuration is on a cycle in configuration n o tions from synchronous update modify considerably the space and occurs again at most after N (2N) time steps c attractors of the dynamics [9, 10]. for even (odd) loops. The number of cycles increases : v In this paper, we investigate a version of the model thereforeexponentiallywithN. Incontrast,mostconfig- i where at each computational step one node is cho- urationsaretransientintheasynchronouscase,andonly X sen at random and is updated. A model with this two (one) attractors are left. The reason for this is that r a asynchronous stochastic updating scheme is often called a domain of neighboring nodes that have the same value Asynchronous RBN (ARBN)[11, 12, 13], while the Clas- increasesordecreaseswithprobability1/N percomputa- sical synchronous RBN is referred to as CRBN. ARBNs tionalstep. Thedomainsizethereforeperformsarandom aremostlystudied numericallywiththe focus onvarious walk, and for an even loop no domain is left after of the measures of stability [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. ARBNs were order of N3 updates. The attractors are the two fixed observed to be capable to generate an ordered behavior, points. For an odd loop, the nodes of a domain change but the detailed properties of attractors have not been their state at the twisted edge, and the total number of studied yet. domain walls is therefore odd. The attractor contains We will show mostly analytically that the number of only one domain wall that moves around the loop, and attractors changes completely when going from CRBNs the attractor comprises 2N configurations. The dynam- to ARBNs. For CRNBs, attractors are cycles in con- ics on such a loop is closely related to the Glauber dy- 2 namics [25] of a one-dimensional Ising chain with cyclic der N−2/3, implying that of the orderN N−2/3 =N1/3 · boundaryconditionattemperatureT =0,wherethedo- nodes have 2 nonfrozen inputs. Consequently, the pro- mains also shrink and grow with a fixed rate and where portion N−1/3 of nonfrozen nodes (whether they are the equal-time correlation function obeys a scaling form relevant or not) have 2 nonfrozen inputs. This result, C(r,t)=f(r2t−1)[26]. Thedynamicsofanoddloopcan together with the other just mentioned features of the be mapped ontothe dynamicsofanIsingchainwith one modelisconfirmedby(unpublished)studiesofourgroup. negative coupling. It is a frustrated system in which not The other relevantnodes haveone relevantinput (as the all bonds can be satisfied simultaneously. To conclude, second input comes from a frozen node). The remain- by going from synchronous to asynchronous update, the ing non-frozen nodes (of the order of N2/3) are on trees number of attractors of a loop is reduced from an expo- rootedin relevantnodes. Justas for thek =1 networks, nentially large number to 1 or 2. This was also pointed thereareoftheorderofln(N)independentrelevantcom- outin[27],whereadifferentasynchronousupdating rule ponents [21]. In contrast to the k = 1 networks, these is used. componentsarenotalwayssimpleloops,butmaycontain Letusnextconsidercriticalnetworkswithconnectivity severalnodeswithtworelevantinputs. Inordertoobtain k = 1, where the Boolean coupling functions are again results for the number of attractors of the networks, we “copy” and “invert”. Relevant nodes are those nodes have to investigate the attractors of such relevant com- whose state is not constant and that controlat least one ponents. relevant element [21]. They determine the attractors of Let us first consider relevant components that contain thesystem. In[28],exactresultsforthetopologyofk =1 one node with two relevant inputs. These are two loops networks are derived, and in [24] it is shown that the with one interconnection (# #-component), and a loop − numberofattractorsofacriticalk =1networkincreases with an extra link ( -component). The dynamics un- ⊘ fasterthananypowerlaw. Thenumberofrelevantnodes der synchronous update for such components is studied scales as √N, and they are arranged in of the order of in [29], and it is found that the number of attractors in ln(N) loops. The remaining nodes sit on trees rooted bothsystemsincreasesexponentiallywiththe numberof in these loops. Under asynchronous update, each loop nodes. Withasynchronousupdate,thenumberofattrac- hasatmosttwoattractors. Thenodesontreesrootedin tors becomes very small. evenloopsarefrozenbecausetheloopisonafixedpoint. We discuss first two loops with one interconnection. The nodes on trees rooted in odd loops can assume any The first loop is independent of the second loop, and its combinationofstates,sinceonecanfindtoeachpossible attractor is either a fixed point (if the loop is even), or state of a tree a sequence of updates that generates it. it has one domain wall moving around the loop. If the Sinceeachloopisevenoroddwithequalprobability,the firstloopis onafixedpoint, itprovidesaconstantinput mean number of attractors of networks with n relevant to the second loop, which therefore behaves like an even loops is loop, or an odd loop, or a frozen loop. The system can have at most three attractors. If the first loop is odd, if 1 n 3 n 3 ln(N/2) provides a changing input to the second loop, which can 2i = , (1) 2n (cid:18)i(cid:19) (cid:18)2(cid:19) ≃(cid:18)2(cid:19) therefore have an attractor that contains an arbitrary Xi and fluctuating number of domain walls. Consequently, whichisapowerlawinN. Thenumberofnodesintrees a loop that has one external input can show one out of is of the order of N. On average, half of the trees are four different types of behavior on an attractor: rooted in odd loops. Consequently the mean attractor 1. The loop can be at a fixed point 0. size increases exponentially with N. Finally,weinvestigatethemostfrequentlystudiedcrit- 2. The loop can be at a fixed point 1. ical networks with connectivity k = 2, where each of the16possibleBooleancouplingfunctionsischosenwith 3. There is exactly one domain wall which moves equalprobability. AllnodesapartfromtheorderofN2/3 around the loop. nodes are frozen. This follows for instance from the fac- 4. Thenumberofdomainwallsinthe loopfluctuates. tor ǫ3 in the last term of Eqn. (9) of [23], which implies that only the fractionN−1/3 ofallnodes undergoa non- (Without loss of generality, we have assumed that all frozen sequence of states in time. Numerical support for coupling functions for nodes with one input are “copy”.) this result is presented in [20]. Nowweturntoaloopwithanextralink. Wecanagain The number of relevant nodes scales as N1/3 [20], and assumethatallcouplingfunctions fornodeswithonein- only a fraction N−1/3 of these relevant nodes have two put are “copy”. If this component has one fixed point relevant inputs. This last statement follows from the (two fixed points), it is (they are) the only attractor(s). evaluation of Eqns. (6) and (9) in [23] in saddle-point This isbecause onecanreachafixedpointfromanarbi- approximation, where the width of the first term in the traryinitialstate by updating one node after anotherby directionperpendiculartothelineofmaximaisoftheor- goingaroundthe loopinthe directionofthe links. After 3 at most two rounds the fixed point is reached. Only if twodomainwallsonthis section. Byrepeating the same thecouplingfunctionforthenodewithtwoinputshasno sequence of updates, every even number of domain walls fixed point, a more complicated attractor occurs. With- can be created in this section, and odd numbers can be outlossofgenerality,wechoosethisfunctiontohavethe created by moving one domain wall out of the section. output 1 if andonly if both inputs are 0. By considering If s is the number of sections, an upper bound for the thepossibleupdatesequences,onefindsthatthecompo- numberofattractorsofthe componentis thereforegiven nent can accumulate a large and fluctuating number of by 4s. domain walls, as illustrated in Fig. 1. We checkedthis analyticalresult by computer simula- tions. In order to make sure that we capture all attrac- tors, we did a complete search of state space, which can only be done for small networks. Starting from an ini- tial state, we did N3 updates before assuming that the a b c systemis onanattractor,and we made sure that the re- sults are not changed when the length of the initial time periodis varied. Allstatesthatcanbe reachedfromthis last state are on the same attractor as this state. All other states that have been visited are marked as tran- d e f sient states. Then we start with an unvisited state as newinitialconditioninordertoidentifyfurthertransient states and attractors. We constructed relevant compo- nents by starting with one loop of a certain size, and by iteratively inserting additional connections between two randomly chosen nodes. The new connection contains g h i a randomly chosen number of 1 to 4 nodes (such that a section can contain two domain walls in its interior). In these networks, the number of sections, s, is identi- cal to the number of nodes with 2 inputs, µ. After each insertion, we evaluated the number of attractors for dif- FIG.1: Apossiblesequenceofconfigurationsofaloopwitha ferent choices of coupling functions. This procedure was cross-link showing how multiple domain walls are generated. The coupling function of the node # with two inputs is such repeated more than 750000 times. The largest number thatonlytwodarkinputsleadtolightoutput,allothercom- of attractors found in a system is shown in Table I as binationgiveblackoutput. After(e)theproceduredescribed function of s=max(1,µ). by (a) to (d) is repeated to obtain (f) and similarly for (g), (h) and (i). µ νmax 4s realizations 0 2 1 227683 Equipped with these results, we now consider compo- 1 2 4 167370 nents with severalnodes with 2 inputs. We define a sec- 2 9 16 138541 tion to be a sequence of nodes starting at a node with 3 8 64 110263 twoinputs andending rightbefore anode with2 inputs. 4 23 256 73268 Suchasequencecanbranchandhaveseveralendpoints. 5 25 1024 40770 Clearly, the number of sections is the number of nodes 6 23 4096 15727 with 2 inputs; a simple loop is counted as one section. A section is controlled by its first node, which is the one TABLE I: Maximum number of attractors νmax as function with 2 inputs. Just as for the loop with one external in- of the number of nodes with 2 inputs, µ, for networks with put, a section can show on an attractor one out of the upto17nodes. Networkswithhigherµareprobedlessoften four different types of behavior listed above. This is be- because if only short links are added there is no node left causeallstatesthathavemorethanasingledomainwall which has not already two inputs. inagivensectionmustbepartofthesameattractor. We This leads us to the conclusion that a network con- showthis bythe followingargument: Assumethatonan sisting of the order of ln(N) relevant components, with attractorthere occur twodomainwallsina section. The componentnumberihavingµ nodeswith2inputs,can- twodomainwallscanbedestroyedbyupdatingallnodes i not have more than betweenthe twowalls,suchthatthe domainenclosedby the walls vanishes. A configuration with no wall on the ν =4max(1,µ1) 4max(1,µ2) ... 4max(1,µlnN) 4ln(N)+µ(2) section (and with the state of all other sections unmod- · · · ≤ ified) is therefore also part of the attractor, and there attractors. ThisisapowerlawinN iftheprobabilitydis- exists consequentlya waybackto the configurationwith tributionforthevalueofµbecomesindependentofN for 4 largeN. Indeed,aswehavementionedabove,eachofthe manmodelsincreasesasapowerlaw,andwethusregain N1/3 relevant nodes has two (randomly chosen) relevant the original claim by Kauffman - albeit for models with inputs with probability aN−1/3 (with some constant a). a different update rule than the original one. Since this probability is independent for different nodes, We thank V. Kaufman for useful discussions. the value of µ is distributed for large N according to a Poisson distribution with a mean a. We thus have shown that in critical k = 2 networks with asynchronous stochastic update, the number of at- tractors grows as a power law in N, which is in strong [1] S. A. Kaufmann,J. Theo. Bio. 22, 437 (1969). contrast to the synchronous case, where the number of [2] S. 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