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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000) Printed11January2016 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The dynamical fate of binary star clusters in the Galactic tidal field R. Priyatikanto,1,2(cid:63) M.B.N. Kouwenhoven,3† M.I. Arifyanto,4 H.R.T. Wulandari4 and S. Siregar4 6 1Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia 1 2Space Science Centre, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Bandung, Indonesia 0 3Kavli Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Yiheyuan Lu 5, Haidian District, Beijing 100871, P.R. China 2 4Astronomy Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia n a J 8 ABSTRACT ] A Fragmentation and fission of giant molecular clouds occasionally results in a pair of gravitationally bound star clusters that orbit their mutual centre of mass for some G time, under the influence of internal and external perturbations. We investigate the . evolutionofbinarystarclusterswithdifferentorbitalconfigurations,withaparticular h p focus on the Galactic tidal field. We carry out N-body simulations of evolving binary - star clusters and compare our results with estimates from our semi-analytic model. o Thelatteraccountsformasslossduetostellarevolutionandtwo-bodyrelaxation,and r t forevolutionduetoexternaltides.Usingthesemi-analyticmodelwepredictthelong- s termevolutionforawiderangeofinitialconditions.Itaccuratelydescribestheglobal a [ evolution of such systems, until the moment when a cluster merger is imminent. N- bodysimulationsareusedtotestoursemi-analyticmodelandalsotostudyadditional 1 features of evolving binary clusters, such as the kinematics of stars, global cluster v rotation, evaporation rates, and the cluster merger process. We find that the initial 2 orientationofabinarystarclusterwithrespecttotheGalacticfield,andalsotheinitial 5 orbital phase, are crucial for its fate. Depending on these properties, the binaries may 7 experience orbital reversal, spiral-in, or vertical oscillation about the Galactic plane 1 0 before they actually merge at t ≈ 100 Myr, and produce rotating star clusters with . slightly higher evaporation rates. The merger process of a binary cluster induces an 1 outburst that ejects ∼10% of the stellar members into the Galactic field. 0 6 Key words: Open clusters and associations: general – methods: numerical – stars: 1 kinematics and dynamics – Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics : v i X r a 1 INTRODUCTION nal processes (de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos 2008), leaving moving groups and stellar streams at larger Stars emerge from giant molecular clouds through contrac- scalesorinteractingbinarystarclustersatsmallerscales(de tion and fragmentation. Most stars are formed in crowded la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos 2009). stellar environments (Lada & Lada 2003; Kroupa 2005; Kruijssen 2012) which belong to star formation complexes Theexistenceofbinarystarclustersinnearbygalaxies ranging in size from sub-parsec to multi-kiloparsec scales became of topic of interest when Bhatia & Hadzidimitriou (Elmegreen & Efremov 1996). As shown by, e.g., Allison (1988) published a list of 69 star cluster pairs in the Large etal.(2009a,b),thesesystemsareoftenhighlysubstructured Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with projected separations of less and can rapidly evolve into star clusters with smooth den- than18pc.Theirstatisticalanalysisdemonstratedthatover sity profiles (however, see also Banerjee & Kroupa 2015b). half of these cluster pairs are physically interacting, rather Manystarclustersliveshort(t(cid:46)30Myr;see,e.g.,deGrijs than just chance projections. The catalog was appended by & Parmentier 2007) before being disrupted due to the high Pietrzyn´ski et al. (1999) who identified 73 double clusters, rate of destruction resulting from both internal and exter- 18triples,and5quadruplesfromtheOpticalGravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) mission. Dieball et al. (2002) suspected 473 clusters in LMC as the component of double (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] ormultiplesystems.IntheSmallMagellanicCloud(SMC), † E-mail:[email protected] Pietrzyn´ski&Udalski(1999)listed23doublesand4triples. (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Priyatikanto, Kouwenhoven, Arifyanto, Wulandari & Siregar Most of the cluster pairs have projected separations less merging binary clusters yield single star clusters with sig- than 20 pc, have relatively young ages, and their compo- nificant rotation (Makino et al. 1991), and different initial nents have small age differences, suggesting that they are orbital configurations may result in different types of ro- formed together as primordial binary star clusters (Dieball tating star clusters. The subsequent dynamical evolution of et al. 2002). theserotatingmergerremnantsisanimportanttopicbyit- In contrast to the LMC, binary star clusters appear to self (e.g., Einsel & Spurzem 1999; Kim et al. 2002, 2004; belesscommonintheMilkyWaygalaxy.Amonghundreds Ernstetal.2007),butadditionallydependsontheclusters’ of star clusters in the Solar neighbourhood, Subramaniam orientationswithrespecttotheirGalacticorbits,whichcan et al. (1995) identified 16 cluster pairs with spatial separa- vary considerably, depending on the orientation of the bi- tion less than 20 pc. Based on the updated WEBDA cata- nary orbit prior to the merger. logue (Mermilliod & Paunzen 2003) and the New Catalog The formation process of star clusters is highly com- ofOpticallyVisibleOpenClustersandCandidates(NCOV- plexprocess.Primordialbinarystarclustersconsideredhere OCC; see Dias et al. 2002), de la Fuente Marcos & de la are assumed to be in virial equilibrium and devoid of resid- Fuente Marcos (2009) proposed a list of 34 cluster pairs ual gas from their formation. Expulsion of the gas within with 11 pairs having minor age differences. Several among roughly a million years dilutes the gravitational potential these pairs, such as NCG 1981-NGC1976 and NGC3293- and determines the survivability of the clusters (see, e.g., NGC3324, are considered as weakly interacting systems, Kroupa et al. 2001; Pfalzner & Kaczmarek 2013a,b; Baner- while NGC6613-NGC6618 is a semi-detached system with jee&Kroupa2014,andreferencestherein).Thisearlyphase an estimated combined tidal radius of the primary compo- ofevolutionistypicallyfollowedbyare-virialisationprocess nentthatexceedstheirphysicalseparation.Thelowerpreva- that takes place at a timescale ranging between roughly lenceofbinarystarclustersintheMilkyWay(withrespect 1 Myr and 10 Myr, depending on the mass of the cluster to the younger LMC) is most likely a result of the rela- (Banerjee & Kroupa 2013; Pfalzner et al. 2014; Banerjee tively short lifetime of binary star clusters. In addition, the & Kroupa 2015a,b). These processes are not covered in the differencemayalsobepartiallyattributedtoadenserenvi- presentstudy.Thezeropointforthetime,asusedinthispa- ronment or a stronger tidal field exerted by the Galaxy or per, can therefore be considered as the time at the clusters possiblyevenalowerfrequencyofbinaryclusterformation. are re-virialised. Finally, we assume that all star clusters Binarystarclustersareshort-lived.Clustersintightbi- modelled in this paper have no spin at t = 0, which may nariesexperiencemutualtidalinteractionsthatmaydisrupt be a reasonable assumption, as even if a cluster were ini- thesmallerofthetwoclusters,ormayresultinastarcluster tially rotating, then gas expulsion, violent relaxation, and merger.Binaryclustersinwideorbitssufferfrominteraction re-virialisation are likely to have removed most net angu- with the galactic tidal field that often breaks up the grav- lar momentum during the earliest phase cluster evolution. itational bond and separates the binary components (de la Althoughnotcoveredinthispaper,theprocessesofgasex- FuenteMarcos&delaFuenteMarcos2010).Forbinarystar pulsionandearlydynamicalevolutionremainexcitingtopics clusters in the LMC, Bhatia (1990) predicted that the life- that require a follow-up investigation. times of the binaries are in the order of 10−100 Myr, by In this paper we study the dynamical evolution of bi- considering merger lifetimes of binary clusters with differ- nary star clusters and their subsequent merger products ent separations, and the disruption rate resulting from the in the Galactic tidal field using N-body simulations, and galactictidalfieldandpassinggiantmolecularclouds.How- we develop a semi-analytic model. We provide a theoreti- ever, binary clusters can be more stable, i.e., having longer calbackgroundregardingthedynamicalevolutionofbinary lifetimes, when they are in a retrograde orbit with respect starclustersinsection2.Wesubsequentlydiscussthesemi- to their revolution around the host galaxy (Innanen et al. analyticmodelinsection3andtheinitialconditionsforthe 1972). Although Innanen et al. (1972) considered cases of N-body simulations in section 4. The results and analysis binary satellite galaxies in an eccentric Galactic orbit, they areprovidedinsection5.Wediscussourresultsinsection6 demonstrated that the emerging Coriolis force may influ- and finally summarise our conclusions in section 7. ence the orbits of the binary satellites and determines the stability of the systems. TheeffectoftheGalactictidalfieldontheorbitalevolu- 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND tionofbinarystarclustershasbeenstudiedbydelaFuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos (2010). These authors men- The evolution of binary star clusters is influenced by both tionthreepossiblefatesofbinaryclusters:mergers,separa- internal and external processes. The internal factors to be tions, and disruptions (shredded secondaries). Prior to the consideredareclustermasslossandevaporation(e.g.,Porte- merger, the binary clusters follow complicated trajectories, gies Zwart & Rusli 2007), tidal synchronisation (e.g., Sugi- different from the typical inspirals that are seen in simu- moto & Makino 1989) and dynamical friction (e.g., Binney lation of mergers of isolated (i.e., without an external tidal &Tremaine2008).Inthecaseofabinarystellarsystem,the field)binarystarclusters(Sugimoto&Makino1989;Makino ’termdynamical friction’is usedto describe the dissipation et al. 1991). of the clusters’ orbital energy into the clusters’ internal en- Previous studies only considered one class of galactic ergy. The external processes responsible for their evolution orbits:thosethatareco-planar(andalmostexclusivelypro- are the tidal field of parent galaxy, as well as perturbations grade)withrespecttotheGalacticplane.Giventhecrucial bygiantmolecularclouds(e.g.,Bhatia1990).Allthesepro- role of the Galactic tidal field on binary star cluster evolu- cessesaffecttheevolutionofthebinaryorbitthroughacom- tion, it is of interest to explore other orbital configurations plicatedandinterrelatedway,primarilythroughthetransfer that may affect the lifetimes of these systems. Moreover, of angular momentum and energy. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The dynamical fate of binary star clusters 3 When we describe the dynamics of binary star clusters which is generally non-isotropic due to the presence of an as a two-body problem with clusters of mass M and M , external Galactic tidal field. The value of l was the subject 1 2 then the angular momentum of such an orbit with semi- ofanalysisbysomeauthors(e.g.,Nariai1975)forthecaseof major axis a is binarystars,inordertodescribeparticlesescapingthrough one of the Lagrange points (L ). The typical value of l is q(M +M ) 2 L=µa2ω= 1 2 a2ω, (1) about 1.7 for escaping gas from a binary star, while for the (1+q)2 case of stellar system in binary orbit, Sugimoto & Makino where µ = (M M )/(M +M ) is the reduced mass of the (1989) find l = 1.2. Angular momentum loss by escaping 1 2 1 2 system, 0 < q = M /M (cid:54) 1 the mass ratio, and ω the or- starsplaysacrucialroleduringthemergerprocessofbinary 2 1 bital angular velocity. From this equation we can see that, starclustersandthesubsequentmergerproducts.Escaping when the total angular momentum is conserved, a decreas- stars take away angular momentum and hence reduce the ingtotalmass,forexampleresultingfromstellarmassloss, orbitalseparationtotheextentwheretidalsynchronisation yieldsanincreasingsemi-majoraxis.Decreasingorbitalan- and tidal friction become important. Without considering gular momentum (with constant mass), for example as a this effect, the semi-analytic models of Portegies Zwart & resultofthetidaltorque,synchronisationordynamicalfric- Rusli (2007) tend to result in separation of the two binary tion,resultsinorbitalshrinkage(i.e.,binaryhardening),and cluster components, rather than in a merger. in an increase of the angular velocity, as ω ∝a−3/2 ∝L−3. Dynamicalfriction,theeffectofwhichisstrongestduringa close encounter, converts some of the orbital kinetic energy 2.2 Tidal synchronisation into internal energy of the clusters, which decreases the an- Similar to the case of inspiraling binary stars, the mutual gularspeed.Angularmomentumconservationconsequently tidalforceplaysanimportantroleintheevolutionofbinary resultsinanexpansiontheorbit(undertheassumptionthat star clusters. As discussed in Sugimoto & Makino (1989), a negligible amount of the angular momentum is stored in star clusters in a binary orbit with initially zero (inter- the internal rotation of the two star clusters). These basic nal)rotationobtainspinangularmomentumfromtheorbit processes, all of which affect the evolution of binary star through tidal interaction with the other companion. Angu- clusters, are briefly reviewed below. lar momentum transfer is required in order to synchronise therotationandrevolution.Consequently,theorbitalangu- larmomentumdecreasesandtheorbitalseparationshrinks. 2.1 Cluster mass loss This synchronisation process can result in an instability, as Star clusters lose their mass mainly through stellar evolu- the rate of angular momentum transfer increases. This oc- tion, ejections following two-body encounters, evaporation, curs when the orbital separation reaches a critical separa- √ andtidaldisruption(Lamersetal.2005).Masslossresulting tion r . For the equal-mass case, r ≈ 12R , where crit crit g from stellar evolution during the early phase of star cluster R2 =(cid:80)m r2/(cid:80)m denotesthegyrationradiusofthestar g i i i evolutionhasanimportantinfluenceontheorbitalevolution cluster with respect to its rotation axis. of binary star clusters. Depending on its initial mass func- tion (IMF), a star cluster may lose about 20% of its mass during the first tens of millions of years (see, e.g., Cher- 2.3 Dynamical friction noff & Weinberg 1990; Kouwenhoven et al. 2014, and refer- encestherein).AsdemonstratedbyPortegiesZwart&Rusli Close encounters between two stellar systems are accompa- (2007) for binary star clusters without external tidal fields, niedbydynamicalfriction,wherepartoftheorbitalkinetic mass loss tends to widen the orbital separation and also al- energy is converted to internal kinetic energy. As a result, ter the orbital eccentricity. When mass loss occurs near the thebinarycluster’sorbitalvelocity,theangularmomentum, pericentre, it increases the orbital eccentricity, while mass andtheorbitalseparationarereduced,whiletheradiiofthe lossneartheapocentretendstocircularisetheorbit.Stellar two clusters grow as a response to the increasing internal evolution becomes less important as clusters become older. energy.Dynamicalfrictionisthekeyprocessthatresultsin Atthisstage,clustermasslossduetoevaporationdominates starclustermergers,althoughaquantitativecomparisonto themasslossrate.Duetotwo-bodyinteractions,somestars the synchronisation instability has not yet been explored. gain more energy and may escape into the galactic field as Manyauthorshavediscussedthisprocessastheresponsible their energy exceeds the binding energy of the system. As factor for orbital decay of satellite galaxies (e.g. Gardiner the clusters continue to lose mass, the tidal field gradually et al. 1994). For binary star cluster mergers, Bhatia (1990) reduces the energy limit for escaping stars. argue that the merging timescale is in agreement with the Starsescapingasaresultofevaporationorejectiontyp- prediction of tidal friction, particularly under the impulse icallycarryawayangularmomentum,andthisgenerallyre- approximation(e.g.,Alladin&Parthasarathy1978;Spitzer sults in a shrinkage of the binary cluster orbit. Sugimoto & 1987; Binney & Tremaine 2008). The only major discrep- Makino(1989)quantifytheangularmomentumlossrateby ancy between the two approaches occurs at small cluster escaping stars of mass ∆m as separations, where the impulse approximation greatly un- derestimates the merger timescale. In the impulse approxi- ∆L esc =−la2ω , (2) mation,therelativechangeoftheinternalenergyofastellar ∆m system, primarily the kinetic energy, depends on the mass wherelisadimensionlessconstantrepresentingthespecific (M ),theimpactparameter(b),thevelocity(V)oftheper- p angular momentum taken away by escaping stars. The lat- turbing body, and also on the cross-sectional area of per- ter is related to the directions into which the stars escape, turbedbody(∝R2).Binney&Tremaine(2008)suggestthe (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Priyatikanto, Kouwenhoven, Arifyanto, Wulandari & Siregar prograde retrograde galacticorbit galacticorbit Ftide A A Ftide Ftide CoM Ftide Ftide CoM Ftide A’ Ftide A’ y Ftide y regionswith inwardforce x x Figure 1.ThetwocomponentsofabinarystarclusterintheMilkyWayexperienceadifferentnetforce,dependingontheirpositions andvelocitiesrelativetothecentreofthegalaxy(seesubsection2.4).Alongcircularorbitsatdifferentradii,thenetvectorsofthetidal forcevaryasafunctionofpositionandvelocity.Forretrogradeorbits(right-handpanel)thereareregionswherethenetforceactsasin inward force (shaded regions) that shrinks the orbit. For example, when the two clusters are at points A and A’, respectively, there is no difference in gravitational potential, but the Coriolis force points towards the binary clusters’ centre of mass. To quantify the effect oftheseforces,weinvestigatetheevolutionofbinarystarclusterswithdifferentinitialconfigurations(seeTable1). proportionality (a ,a ,a ) of x y z ∆E (cid:18)M R(cid:19)2 ax =2(A−B)vy+4A(A−B)x, ∝ p (3) |E| b2V ay =−2(A−B)vx, (4) a =−(cid:2)4πGρ +2(cid:0)A2−B2(cid:1)(cid:3)z , for the relative change in the energy. z G where G is the gravitational constant. The star cluster is truncatednearthetidalradius,whichcanbeapproximated with the Jacobi radius, 2.4 The Galactic tidal field (cid:20) GM (cid:21)1/3 The Galactic tidal field plays an important role in deter- r ≡ . (5) J 4A(A−B) mining the fate of star clusters in the Solar neighbourhood (Lamers & Gieles 2006). Provided that a star cluster sur- Stars located at the Lagrange points, including (±r ,0,0), J vives the infant mortality phase, and is not harassed by gi- experience no net acceleration. ant molecular clouds, the external tidal field is the domi- Since the magnitude and the direction of the external nant contributing factor to the disruption of star clusters. force depend on both position and velocity, the tidal field The same applies to star clusters that are part of a binary acts differently on prograde and retrograde binary cluster cluster, and to the binary star cluster systems themselves. orbits. As illustrated in Figure 1, the tidal field always ex- Astatictidalfieldprunesstarsintheclusterhaloandsetsa erts an outward net force on a binary cluster in a prograde limittothecluster’ssize(King1966).Asmentionedabove, orbit (i.e., the tide is always extensive). In a retrograde or- thetidalfieldtendstoseparateclustersfromtheircompan- bit, on the other hand, there is an orbital segment where ions. However, under some conditions, the net effect of the the external tide exerts a net inward force towards the cen- tidal force acts as inward force that supports the merging tre of mass of the cluster system (i.e., the tide can under process. certainconditions be compressive). Theportionof thisseg- Inthecaseofastarclusterwithacircularorbitaround ment depends on the radius and velocity of the orbit. This the Galactic centre, the tidal field can be approximated extensive or compressive tide is in fact the result Coriolis using Hill’s approximation, or the epicyclic approximation force experienced by the two moving clusters. This force is (Binney & Tremaine 2008). In this approximation, the star the result of a combination of two vectors: the angular ro- clusters are assumed to be much smaller than the distance tationaroundthehostgalaxy(Ω(cid:126))andthecluster’svelocity toGalacticcentre.Inthisscheme,itisconvenienttoexpress ((cid:126)v). The Coriolis component becomes prominent when the thepositionandvelocityofstarsintherotatingcoordinate binary cluster components are positioned at points A and system centred on the cluster’s (or binary cluster’s) centre A’ (Figure 1), because at those locations the difference in of mass. In this coordinate system, the Galactic centre is the external gravitational potential experienced by the two locatedat(−R ,0,0),whereR =8.5kpc.Thecoordinate clusters vanishes. In a prograde system, the Coriolis force (cid:12) (cid:12) system rotates with an angular speed of Ω = 2.7×10−2 is directed away from the centre of mass, resulting in a ex- 0 Myr−1. The Oort constants A = 14.4 kms−1kpc−1 and tensive tide. In a retrograde orbit, on the other hand, the B = −12.0 kms−1kpc−1 and the local stellar density of Coriolis force becomes a compressive force. Therefore, we ρ =0.11M pc−3fortheSolarneighbourhoodcanbeused mayexpectthatbinaryclusterswithretrogradeorbitshave G (cid:12) to parameterise the Galactic tidal field, and Ω = A−B. alargerprobabilityofmerging,whilesystemswithprograde 0 Then,anystarthatislocatedatposition(x,y,z)andmoves orbitsaremorevulnerabletothedisruptiveeffectofthetidal withvelocity(v ,v ,v )experiencesanexternalacceleration field. x y z (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The dynamical fate of binary star clusters 5 3 SEMI-ANALYTIC MODEL using Equation 8, while angular momentum loss due to es- caping stars is calculated using Equation 2, assuming ∆m As a bridge between theory and more realistic (but more tobemasslossduetorelaxationandtidalstripping(Equa- complicated) N-body models, we develop a semi-analytic tion 7). Instantaneous loss of an amount ∆L of angular modelthatincludestheaforementionedprocesses.Themain esc momentum is translated into a decrease in the tangential purpose of this model is to predict the fate (merger or sep- velocity (v ) according to aration) of binary star clusters with different initial con- t ditions. In this model, a star cluster is represented by a ∆vt = ∆Lesc ∆L <0 , (9) spherical body of mass M and radius R that belongs to v L esc 0 0 t initially bound binary orbit with a certain semi-major axis suchthatthenew(instantaneous)tangentialvelocityisv(cid:48) = and eccentricity. The initial and orbital phase and orbital t v (1+∆L /L). Followed by circularisation, this process orientation with respect to the Galaxy can be adjusted to t esc results in the gradual hardening of the binary star cluster, arbitrary values. A technical explanation about the set-up and can in the absence of external forces result in a merger of the initial conditions can be found in Appendix A. between the two star clusters. The total mass of each star cluster changes over time The combined contributions of the mass loss, the an- duetostellarevolutionandevaporation.Theanalyticalpre- gular momentum loss and the tidal torque determines the scription of Lamers et al. (2005) is invoked to model these dynamical fate of the binary star cluster (merger or sepa- processes. The mass loss fraction due to stellar evolution, ration). When the separation of the clusters becomes small q ≡(∆M) /M , can be approximated with ev ev 0 enough, the mutual tidal interaction becomes stronger and logq =(logt−a )bev +c for t>12.5 Myr , (6) acceleratesthemergingprocess.However,oursemi-analytic ev ev ev model does not include tidal synchronisation and dynami- where a , b and c are constants that depend on the ev ev ev cal friction which have reciprocal effect with the cluster ra- IMFandthemetallicity.FollowingtheGALEVstellarpop- dius (although these processes are well-modelled in the N- ulation model (Anders & Fritze-v. Alvensleben 2003), we body model; see section 4). Thus, the validity of our semi- useaSalpeter(1955)IMFwithα=−2.35,amassrangeof analytic model is limited by the condition when the tidal 0.15 to 50 M and a Solar metallicity, so that a = 7.00, (cid:12) ev effects become significant, i.e., the moment when the clus- b =0.255 and c =−1.805. As the Salpeter IMF is more ev ev tersapproacheachother’sRochelobes.Weestimatethesize bottom-heavy than the more realistic canonical IMF, the of the Roche lobe is using initial total cluster masses (given an identical number of member stars) are about 30% lower than that for realis- 0.44q0.33 R ≈ r . (10) tic star clusters. On the other hand, stellar and dynamical L (1+q)0.2 evolution result in a mass loss rate smaller than that for a (Eggleton 1983). Here, q =M /M is the mass ratio of the cluster with a canonical IMF (see Kroupa et al. 2013, for a 2 1 clustersandristheirmutualseparation.Iftheradiusofany discussiononthistopic).Finally,weassumethattheradius clusterexceedsitsRochelobe,thenthesimulationistermi- of each star cluster is constant over time. natedandthebinarysystemisexpectedtomergeinthenear Atearlytimes,clustermasslossisdominatedbystellar future.Thispredictionisplausiblesincehigh-speedencoun- evolution.Afterseveraltensofmillionsofyears,evaporation tersbetweentwoclusters(withoutasubsequentmerger)are due to two-body relaxation and tidal stripping become the very unlikely in the case of primordial binary clusters. On dominantmechanismsformassloss.AsdiscussedinLamers the other hand, when the separation between the two clus- et al. (2005), this mass loss rate depends on a combination tersexceedstheir(combined)tidalradiuswithintheGalac- of the total cluster mass and the strength of the external tic field, then the separation continues to increase and the tidal field. This can be approximated analytically as binary cluster becomes unbound. In this paper we primar- (cid:18)dM(cid:19) M (cid:18) M (cid:19)1−γ ilyconcentrateonequal-massbinaryclusters,forwhichthe = (cid:12) , (7) dt evap t0 M(cid:12) tRwoecehnetrhaediculsusitserRsL(se(cid:39)e E0.q3u8art,iownhe1r0e).rInisotuhresdemisti-aanncaelybteic- wheret0 ≈18Myrisaconstantparameterisingthelifetime models we make the assumption that the cluster radii re- ofastarclusterinagivenexternaltidalfield.Theparameter main constant over time (R = 1.5 pc), so the simulation is γ ≈ 0.6 is an empirical mass loss scaling factor which is terminated at the moment when the orbital separation is roughly constant (Boutloukos & Lamers 2003). less than r = 3.9 pc. Simulation are also terminated when Combiningthecontributionsofstellarevolutionanddy- theseparationbetweentwoclustersexceedsthe(combined) namical mass loss, the evolution of the total mass of a star tidalradiusofthebinaryclustersystemintheGalacticfield cluster can be approximated as (Equation 5). M(t) (cid:20) γt(cid:18)M (cid:19)γ(cid:21)1/γ (cid:39) (1−q )γ− (cid:12) . (8) M ev t M 0 0 4 N-BODY SIMULATIONS The equation of motion of the binary cluster is integrated using the Hermite predictor-corrector scheme We conduct N-body simulations of binary clusters in the (Makino & Aarseth 1992), which includes gravitational at- Solar neighbourhood using the nbody6 package (Aarseth traction and the external tidal field. The time step for in- 2003). Stellar evolution is included following the prescrip- tegration is 10−3P, where P is initial orbital period of the tions of Hurley et al. (2000). In our models we adopt a binary.Bothaccelerationsandtheirfirstderivativesarecal- solar metallicity (Z = 0.02). Each model consists of two culated. For each time interval, the mass loss is calculated identical star clusters with a Plummer distribution profile (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Priyatikanto, Kouwenhoven, Arifyanto, Wulandari & Siregar Duringthemergingprocessitisimportanttocarryout Table1.InitialconditionsfortheN-bodysimulations.Columns 1, 2, and 3 list the inclination angle, the longitude of the as- a careful membership analysis before any further analysis, cending node, and the initial orbital phase for the binary star in particular when dealing with the orbital evolution of the clusters. The other initial conditions for the binary star clusters binary system. To this end, we use the hierarchical cluster- (draco1−7 and notide) are listed in column 4. The single ingalgorithm(Silvermann1996),whichassignsmembership star cluster consists of N = 4096 stars and has a total mass of accordingtothenearestneighbourdensityestimateofeach M =2064 M(cid:12), while all other initial conditions are identical to star(ρ ).Starswithidenticalrootsbelongtothesameclus- i thoseofthebinarystarclusters. ter.Subsequently,thecentreofdensity(cid:126)r foreachcluster cod is determined following the procedure of (Casertano & Hut Model i Ω θ Otherparameters 1985), ddrraaccoo12 1800◦◦ 00◦◦ 00◦◦ NM==22××21004382M(cid:12) (cid:126)rcod = (cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:126)rρiρii , (11) draco3 0◦ 0◦ 90◦ Rvir=1pc andisusedasthedefinitionofeachclustercentre.Forkine- draco4 180◦ 0◦ 90◦ 0.15(cid:54)m(cid:54)50M(cid:12) matic analysis, it is more appropriate to use centre of mass draco5 90◦ 0◦ 0◦ Salpeter(1995)IMF of the innermost fraction of the member stars. The centre draco6 90◦ 0◦ 90◦ a=10pc ofmasspositionandvelocityforeachclusterarecalculated draco7 90◦ 90◦ 0◦ e=0 using notide 0◦ 0◦ 0◦ SolarcircleGalactictide (cid:80)(cid:126)r m (cid:80)(cid:126)v m single − − − (cid:126)rcom = (cid:80)mi i and (cid:126)vcom = (cid:80)mi i , (12) i i where we only use the stars within a distance R = lim max(R ,R ) from the centre of density, where R is the (Plummer1911),eachcontainingN =2048singlestars.To 25 L 25 radius containing 25% cluster mass, and R is the Roche remain consistent with the initial conditions of the semi- L lobeoftheclusterwithinbinarysystem(Equation10).The analytic models (section 3), stellar masses are drawn from choice of this limiting radius is necessary to avoid false or- the Salpeter (1955) IMF with slope α=−2.35 in the mass range 0.15M (cid:54)M (cid:54)50M , resulting in an average stel- bital element determination in a tidally distorted cluster (cid:12) ∗ (cid:12) during a close encounter with another cluster. Using the lar mass of (cid:104)M (cid:105)(cid:39)0.504M and an average total mass of ∗ (cid:12) centre of mass and the centre of velocity of each cluster, 2064M of the binary cluster (note that these values are (cid:12) we determine the orbital elements of the binary cluster us- smaller than for a canonical IMF; see also section 3 and ing the approximation for the two-body problem (see, e.g. the review of Kroupa et al. 2013). The individual star clus- Kroupa2008).Thetypicaltidalradiusofthesystemofmass tersareinitialisedinvirialequilibriumwithaninitialvirial 2064M is about r ≈ 18 pc (Equation 5). Stars that es- radius of R =1 pc, which corresponds to a half-mass ra- (cid:12) J vir cape from the binary cluster system and reach a distance dius of 0.77 pc (e.g., Heggie & Hut 2003). All clusters are beyond two Jacobi radii are removed from the system, and initially non-rotating, and for simplicity we do not include their kinematic properties are recorded. primordial binary stars. The binary clusters are initialised on gravitationally-bound circular orbits with a semi-major axisofa=10pc,whichcorrespondstoanorbitalperiodof P =65.7 Myr. During the simulation, star clusters are im- 5 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS mersedinaGalactictidalfieldidenticaltothatoftheSolar 5.1 Predictions from the semi-analytic model neighbourhood (see also section 2). This external tidal field isadoptedforcomparisonwiththesemi-analyticmodel,but To characterise the influence of the tidal field on the evo- can be adjusted for arbitrary environments (see, e.g., Re- lution of a binary star cluster’s orbit, we simulate models naud et al. 2011). Note that this binary orbital period cor- withdifferentinitialconditions.We restrictthesimulations respondstoapproximatelyaquarteroftherevolutionperiod tobinaryclustersincircularorbits,butallowarangeofini- around the Galaxy for a binary cluster on a solar orbit. tial values for the semi-major axis a, the orientation angles Westudytheevolutionofbinaryclusterswithdifferent Ω and i, and the orbital phase θ. Each binary cluster con- orbital orientations, which are defined by the inclination i, sists of two equal-mass components of 1032M and virial (cid:12) thelongitudeoftheascendingnodeΩandthephaseangleθ. radii of R =1.7 pc, which corresponds to a half-mass ra- vir TheangleΩismeasuredfromtheGalacticcentrealongthe dius of 1.31 pc, and to a projected half-mass radius of 1 pc Galactic plane, while the inclination is the angle between (see, e.g., Heggie & Hut 2003). These binary systems have thenormalvectorofthebinaryorbitandthenormalvector a (combined) tidal radius of r =17.9 pc. We study binary J of the Galactic plane. The phase angle θ usually measured clusters with initialsemi-major axis ranging from a=5 pc, from the pericentre of binary orbit, but for convenience we whichisclosetothemergerlimit,toa=35pc,whichisjust definephaseanglezeropointattheascendingnode(seeFig- below the combined tidal radius of the binary system. Fig- ureA1).Theinitialconditionsofthebinaryorbitsaresum- ure2showstheresultsofoursemi-analyticmodels.Thefate marisedinTable1andillustratedinFigure1.Theirorbital of a binary cluster (merger or separation) depends strongly orientationsareinthex−y plane(draco1-4),inthex−z onitsinitialorbitalorientationwithrespecttotheGalactic plane(draco5,6)orinthey−zplane(draco7).Inorderto tidal field. quantify the contribution of external perturbations, we run Binaryclusterswithprogradeorbitsorlowinclinations forcomparisonalsobinarystarclusterswithoutanexternal have a relatively large probability to be separated, as the tidal field (notide), as well as single clusters (single). tidalforcealwaysactsoutwards(seeFigure1).Incontrast, (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The dynamical fate of binary star clusters 7 Merger Timescale (Myr) Separation Timescale (Myr) 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 e = 0, Ω = 0, θ = 0 e = 0, Ω = 90, θ = 0 e = 0, i = 90, θ = 0 180 Draco-2 180 Draco-4 180 120 120 120 i (degrees) 60 Draco-5 i (degrees) 60 Draco-7 Ω (degrees) 60 DDrraaccoo--77 0 Draco-1 0 Draco-3 0 Draco-5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 a (pc) a (pc) a (pc) Figure 2. Equal-mass binary clusters on circular orbits may experience merging or separation, depending on their initial orientation and orbital phase. The left-hand panel shows which binary clusters merge (blue) and which clusters separate (red), for different initial semi-majoraxesaandinclinationsi,butwithafixedinitiallongitudeofascendingnodeΩ=0◦(rotationaboutthex-axis).Amergeris assumedtooccurwhenthetwoclustersentereachother’sRocheradius,andtheyareassumedtoseparatewhentheirmutualseparation exceeds the combined tidal radius of the system in the external galactic tidal field (see section 3 for details). The middle panel shows theresultsforΩ=90◦ (rotationaboutthey-axis)asafunctionofaandi.Theright-handpanelshowstheresultsfori=90◦ (rotation about the z-axis) as a function of a and Ω. The colours indicate the time at which a merger or separation occurs. Binary star clusters that lie near the boundary between the blue and red regions have relatively long lifetime. The initial condition for the N-body models areindicatedwiththeblackdots. manyofthesystemswithretrogradeorbits,evenwiththose Table2.Mergertimeofvariousmodels(column2)andthean- with large initial separations, tend to shrink over time and gularmomentumcomponents(inunitsof103M(cid:12)pc2Myr−1)of ultimately merge. The left-hand and middle panels in Fig- themergerremnants(columns3,4,and5),measured∼10Myr ure2showtheresultsforbinaryclusterswithidenticalphys- afterthemergerhastakenplace.Theuncertaintyofthemerger ical and orbital properties, apart from the longitude of the timeisroughly1Myr. ascending node Ω. Although these results are qualitatively similar,thedynamicalfateofmanyoftheseclusters(merger Model Mergertime Angularmomentum or separation) is ultimately determined by the initial value (Myr) Lx Ly Lz of Ω (see also the differences between models draco1 and draco3 in Figure 3 and the discussion in subsection 5.2), draco1 92.2 0.00 −0.06 −1.47 which is a direct result of the external tidal field. Another draco2 30.3 0.25 0.12 −5.35 interesting prediction can be derived from the right-hand draco3 ∞ − − − panelofFigure2forperpendicularorbitswithdifferentan- draco4 49.5 −0.12 0.00 −5.35 gles Ω. There is a region near Ω ≈ 75◦ where the binary draco5 44.5 −2.27 1.29 −0.61 clusters, even when they have initial separations as wide as draco6 62.8 2.21 −2.52 −2.83 a=35 pc, are likely to merge. draco7 65.9 −1.60 0.61 −0.86 Finally, we note that binary clusters that are initially notide 131.8 −0.06 −0.06 3.99 locatedneartheboundarybetweenthemergingbinaryclus- ters (blue region) and the separating binary clusters (red region)tendtosurvivelongest.Binaryclustersnearthisre- the existence of relatively stable configurations, and direct gion experience a more or less balancing contribution from N-body simulations can be used to explore these in further the processes that drive orbital shrinking and widening. detail. The longest time span for our semi-analytic binary model is about 200 Myr. Although some of the assumptions, such as that of the time-independent radius, may no longer be 5.2 Orbital evolutions of N-body models appropriateatthisage,oursemi-analyticmodelgivesusan orderofmagnitudeestimateofthesurvivaltimeofanequal- Althoughthesemi-analyticmodelsdescribedaboveprovide mass binary star cluster evolving within the tidal field of a fastandvaluableinsightsabouttheevolutionofbinarystar galaxy. In general, the expected lifetime depends on many clusters, they are unable to model the merging process and parameters, such as the masses of clusters and the mass lack the details that are required for a deeper investigation ratio of the binary system, the initial separation, and the of the dynamics. N-body simulations, although slower, can eccentricity. Among these possibilities, our model predicts giveusthenecessaryinformationaboutthemergerprocess, (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Priyatikanto, Kouwenhoven, Arifyanto, Wulandari & Siregar 10 8 20 8 draco1 draco2 draco3 draco4 merged at 92.2 Myr merged at 30.3 Myr separated at 39.5 Myr merged at 49.5 Myr y (pc) 0 y (pc) 0 y (pc) 0 y (pc) 0 40 40 40 40 0 0 0 0 -10 -8 -20 -8 -10 0 10 -8 0 8 -20 0 20 -8 0 8 x (pc) -40 x (pc) -40 x (pc) -40 x (pc) -40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 8 8 8 10 draco5 draco6 draco7 notide merged at 44.5 Myr merged at 62.5 Myr merged at 65.5 Myr merged at 131.0 Myr z (pc) 0 z (pc) 0 z (pc) 0 y (pc) 0 40 40 40 40 0 0 0 0 -8 -8 -8 -10 -8 0 8 -8 0 8 -8 0 8 -10 0 10 x (pc) -40 x (pc) -40 y (pc) -40 x (pc) -40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 -40 0 40 Figure 3. Positions of the stars just before the binary star clusters merge (except for the draco3 system, in which the two clusters separate). Each system is plotted in the orbital plane (x−y, x−z, or y−z) of their initial conditions. The blue and yellow dots indicatestellarmembershiptothetwostarclusters.Theinsetsdepictawiderfieldofview,wheredashedcirclesmarkthecut-offradius r =2rJ (cid:39)36 pc. The blue and red curves mark the trajectories of the centres of mass (blue and red filled circles, respectively) of the twoclusterssincethestartofthesimulations. 20 draco1 10 draco2 20 draco3 10 draco4 merged at 92.2 Myr separation merged at 30.3 Myr separated at 39.5 Myr separation merged at 47.8 Myr 15 15 r (pc)10 separation r (pc) 5 r (pc)10 separation r (pc) 5 5 5 0 radius (50%, 75%, 90%) 0 radius (50%, 75%, 90%) 0 radius (50%, 75%, 90%) 0 radius (50%, 75%, 90%) 1.20 20 40 t (Myr) 60 80 100 1.20 10 t (Myr) 20 30 1.20 10 t (M20yr) 30 40 1.20 10 20 t (Myr) 30 40 50 e0.6 e0.6 e0.6 e0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 t (Myr) t (Myr) t (Myr) t (Myr) 10 draco5 15 draco6 15 draco7 15 notide separation merged at 44.5 Myr merged at 62.6 Myr merged at 65.9 Myr separation merged at 131.8 Myr separation separation 10 10 10 r (pc) 5 r (pc) r (pc) r (pc) 5 5 5 1.020radius (5010%, 75%, 9020%) t (Myr) 30 40 50 1.020radius (50%, 75%20, 90%) t (Myr) 40 60 1.020radius (50%, 2075%, 90%) t (M40yr) 60 80 10.20radius (50%, 75%,50 90%) t (Myr) 100 150 e0.6 e0.6 e0.6 e0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 10 20t (Myr)30 40 50 0 20 t (Myr) 40 60 0 20 t (M40yr) 60 80 0 50 t (Myr) 100 150 Figure4.Orbitalevolutionofvariousmodels,representedbytheirseparations(r)andeccentricities(e).ResultsfromN-bodysimulations (solid lines) are compared to semi-analytic results (dashed) with identical initial conditions. The red and blue curves indicate the 50% (lowercurves),75%(middlecurves)and90%(uppercurves)Lagrangianradiiofthetwostarclusters,andprovideinsightintotheeffect oftidalinteractionsbetweenthetwoclusters. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The dynamical fate of binary star clusters 9 cluster expansion, cluster rotation, and about the escaping The orbital evolution of the perpendicular models stellarpopulation.TheresultsoftheN-bodysimulationsof (draco5−7) presents another effect of the tidal influence the eight binary star clusters listed in Table 1 are shown in on binary star clusters. Both draco5 and draco7 start at Figure 3 and Figure 4, while the time scales at which the theGalacticplanewhilethetwoclustersindraco6areini- mergers take place are listed in Table 2. tially located above and below Galactic plane. In all these The isolated binary cluster (notide) merges into one cases, the tidal force tumbles the orbital axis of all these cluster, as the binary always loses its angular momentum binarystarclusters,uptothemomentofthemergerevents. due to escaping stars, which are ejected from both clusters As indicated by the angular momentum components of the as a result of internal dynamical mechanisms (Sugimoto & merger remnants (see Table 2), there is no preferred direc- Makino 1989). Mass loss due to stellar evolution at early tiontowhichtheorbitalspinsaredirectedbythetide.Each times also widens the binary cluster separation and post- componentofthetidalforceactsindependentlyaccordingto pones orbital decay (Portegies Zwart & Rusli 2007). The theinstantaneouspositionandvelocityofthesubjectbody. two clusters in model notide make over than two revolu- Furthermore,oscillatingorbitsaboutGalacticplaneareob- tions before merging after more than 130 Myr. served in all three models. The vertical component of tidal Allbutoneofthedracobinaryclustermodelsleadto force is responsible for the clusters’ separations to bounce amerger,aspredictedbyoursemi-analyticmodels(seeFig- up after a close encounter. Consequently, binary clusters ure2).Theonlyexceptionismodeldraco3,whichhasapla- with initially perpendicular orbits have moderately longer narprogradeorbitwithinitialconditions(Ω,θ)=(0◦,90◦). lifetimes, before experiencing a merger. An abrupt expan- Note that, since i = 0◦, the latter is equivalent to (Ω,θ) = sionoftheclusterradiusoccursjustafteracloseencounter. (90◦,0◦). draco3 suffers from a strong outward tidal force Evenverycloseencounters(orcollisions)withanimpactpa- within half an orbital period. The draco1 system is iden- rameter below 2 pc occur during the evolution of draco6, tical to draco3, apart from the initial phase angle, and causing a steep increase in the clusters’ radii. As predicted merges after 92.2 Myr. This demonstrates that the initial by the impulse approximation, an encounter with smaller phase angle is an important contributing factor to the dy- impact parameter yields a larger energy change, which in namical fate of a binary star cluster. turn expands the cluster radius at a higher rate. The draco1 model provides a unique case where the initialorbitalconditionliesneartheboundaryofthemerg- ing and separation region (see Figure 2), but finally merges at age t ≈ 92 Myr. Initially, this binary has a prograde orbit (counter-clockwise) with one component located at apogalacticon.Theexternaltidalfieldstretchesthedistance 5.3 Comparison between the semi-analytic between two clusters, but to such an extent that it almost models and N-body models disrupts the binary. A maximum separation of r≈20 pc is achievedatt≈25Myr,almosthalfoftheinitialorbitalpe- Oursemi-analyticmodelaccountsformassloss,angularmo- riod. The binary changes its orbital spin direction and sub- mentum loss and the external tides of a galaxy, while the sequently experiences a nearly head-on collision that ends more realistic N-body simulations account for all dynami- in a merger. At the start of the collision, the relative veloc- cal processes. A comparison between these two approaches ity between two clusters is about 1.5 kms−1, slightly above isnecessarytocharacterisethevalidityofthe(muchfaster) the velocity dispersion of the member stars of each of the semi-analytic model. Such a comparison, in terms of sepa- twoclusters.However,thetidalinteractionbetweenthetwo ration and eccentricity, is presented in Figure 4. clustersdoesnotseverelychangetheirstructureasshownin In most cases, the results of the semi-analytic models Figure 4, where an abrupt increase of clusters’ radii is not are in very good agreement with the orbital evolution ob- observed. tained using the N-body simulations, at least in the time Models with initially retrograde orbits (draco2 and span before a close encounter occurs. Minor differences are draco4) have relatively short merging time scales as the generally present, in which the semi-analytic approach un- tidal force accelerates the merging process. draco2, which derestimates the separations and overestimates the eccen- startsatθ=0◦,mergesfasterthandraco4.Thisisincon- tricities. These differences may be due to the variation of trast to the simulation results form Innanen et al. (1972), thecoefficientl inEquation2astheorbitalseparationsbe- who find that binary stellar systems are more likely to sur- comesolargeandtheclustersgrazethetidalradiusthatis vive when they have retrograde orbits with respect to the determined by the Galactic environment. The value of this systematicorbitsaroundthegalaxy.Contrarytotheresults coefficientalsodependsontheorbitaleccentricity(Nariai& of the notide model, both draco2 and draco4 obtain a Sugimoto1976).Largerdiscrepanciesappearforthecasesof high eccentricity relatively early on, which is caused by the draco7 and notide. In draco7, there is a close encounter externaltidalforce.Theseeccentricorbitsbothleadtoperi- thatresultsinamoreeccentricorbit.Sincethesemi-analytic centre passage at t ≈ 20 Myr, but with different minimum modeldoesnotaccountthetidalinteractionbetweenthetwo distances. As the tidal force has a stronger contribution to clusters (synchronisation and dynamical friction), it gives a theevolutionofdraco2,theminimumdistancebetweenthe lessaccuratepredictionofthemergertimescale.Innotide, components becomes as small as 3 pc. At this point, tidal thesemi-analyticmodelpredictsanimmediateshrinkageof circularisation(decreaseineccentricity)andtidaldistortion theorbitalseparation,whiletheN-bodymodelexperiences (increase of the cluster halo radii) are observed. However, expansion. The difference arises from the evaporation rate the half-mass radii (r ) are only marginally affected by oftheisolatedmodel,whichcannotberepresentedbyEqua- 50% the close encounter. tion 7, even with different values of t . 0 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Priyatikanto, Kouwenhoven, Arifyanto, Wulandari & Siregar 5.4 Rotating merger remnants 1.0 draco1 As discussed in previous works (e.g. Sugimoto & Makino ddrraaccoo24 1989; de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos 2010), a ddrraaccoo56 merger of a binary star cluster transforms orbital angular /s) dnoraticdoe7 m momentum into rotational angular momentum, and thus k 0.5 produces a rotating merger remnant. We therefore expect v (θ thattherotationalnatureoftheremnantsstronglydepends on a combination of the orientation of the initial binary or- bit and and the external tidal field. To understand the ro- 0.0 tational nature of the merger remnants, we first define the 0 1 R/2rh 3 4 2 net angular momentum of a star cluster, which is the sum of the angular momenta of the member stars: draco2 L(cid:126) =(cid:88)mi(cid:126)ri×(cid:126)vi . (13) m/s) 1 k i v (θ 0 Here, the positions (cid:126)r and velocities (cid:126)v are relative to the i i centre of mass of the cluster, and stellar members are iden- tified as those that are located at a distance less than two -1 tidal radii from the cluster centre of mass (the default cri- 0 1 2 3 4 terion in nbody6; see Aarseth 2003). If the cluster has sig- R/rh nificantrotation(velocityanisotropy),thenthenetangular Figure 5. Top: rotation curves of the different N-body mod- momentum L = |L(cid:126)| is non-zero, and the direction of the els, 10 Myr after the merger has taken place (cf. Table 1 and angular moment direction Lˆ ≡ L(cid:126)/|L| defines the rotation Table2).Thehorizontalandverticalaxesrepresentthecylindri- axis of the cluster. The values of the three components of cal radius (Equation 14) and rotational velocity (Equation 15), L = (L ,L ,L ) for the different models are listed in Ta- respectively. Bottom: rotational velocities of the bound stars in x y z ble 2. Subsequently, we calculate the cylindrical radius R thedraco2model10Myrafterthemergerhastakenplace.The (the distance of the star to the rotational axis: correspondingrotationcurveisindicatedwiththesolidcurve. |L(cid:126) ×(cid:126)r | R = i . (14) i |L(cid:126)| Perpendicular models produce merger remnants with a moderate amount of rotation. draco7 exhibits a slightly We also calculate the rotational velocity v of each star, θ different rotation curve as compared to the other two per- whichwedefineasthevelocitycomponentperpendicularto pendicularmodels(draco5anddraco6).Insteadofanin- rotationalaxis,projectedontotheequatorialplane(i.e.,the crease with radius, the rotation curve conforms to a more plane with normal vector Lˆ). This quantity is calculated as Kepleriantrend,similartothatoftheisolatedmodelnotide follows (seealsoMakinoetal.1991).Thisisaresultofthepeculiar ((cid:126)r ×(cid:126)v )·Lˆ orientation of draco7’s rotational axis with respect to the v = i i . (15) θ,i R Galactic plane. i The amplitudes of the velocity curves of merger rem- Therotationalvelocitiesofthestarsinthemergerremnants nantsdecreaseovertime,asangularmomentumisremoved are shown in Figure 5. Rotation can also be represented in from escapers through evaporation and ejection of member the form of a rotation curve that consists of the average stars,whichisawell-studiedmechanismofangularmomen- value of rotational velocity as a function of the cylindrical tum removal from rotating star clusters (see, e.g., Akiyama radius.Clusterswithsignificantrotationshowanasymmet- & Sugimoto 1989; Spurzem 1991; Einsel & Spurzem 1999; ric distribution of v about zero. The dispersion of v is θ θ Ernst et al. 2007; Hong et al. 2013, and references therein). largenearthecentrewhiletherotationcurvealmostresem- However, a systematic non-zero rotational velocity of halo bles rigid rotation up to the half-mass radius (see also Kim starsispreservedoverlongperiodsoftime,duetothepres- et al. 2002). Outside that radius, the average value of v is θ ence of the external tidal force. expected to drop radially (e.g. Kim et al. 2004, 2008; Hong et al. 2013). However, some merger products simulated in this study do not reveal a clear decrease in the rotational 5.5 Evaporation rates velocity at large cylindrical radii, as expected from single rotating star clusters. Dynamical processes experienced by Mergingbinaryclustersaresubjecttoahigherrateofmass the binary clusters prior to the merger might be the main lossduetoacombinationofseveralmechanisms.First,close cause of this difference. encounters and collisions between two clusters increase the The degree of rotation does not scale with the time internal energy of each cluster, which in turn induces ra- at which the merger occurs, as each of the models went dial expansion and increases the mass loss rate. Numerical throughdifferenttrajectoriesbeforethemerger.draco1has simulationsofunequal-massbinaryclustersinisolationcon- the smallest degree of rotation as it is the result of a head- ducted by de Oliviera et al. (2000) demonstrated that col- oncollision.Theincreasedrotationalvelocityofstarsinthe liding binary star clusters eject a fraction ((cid:54) 3%) of their clusterhalostarsismainlyaresultofthetidalfield.Onthe total mass into the field. This fraction is small, but the ex- other hand, the spiral-in orbital decay of both draco2 and ternal tidal field in our simulations substantially increases draco4 induce the fastest rotation in the merger remnant. the fraction of escaping stars. During and shortly after the (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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