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The Criminal Law Review 1992: Table of Contents PDF

5 Pages·1992·1.3 MB·English
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Table of Contents Articles A NOTE ON Previous PoLicE MALPRACTICE. By David Wolchover ADMITTING STATEMENTS OF MISSING OR INTIMIDATED WITNESSES: SECTION 23(3) OF THE CRIMINAL JusTICE AcT 1988 COMPARED WITH THE ISRAELI EXPERIENCE. By Nina Zaltzman ALTERNATIVE OFFENCES: LET THE JURY CHoose. By Sean Doran AUTONOMY, PROVOCATION AND Duress. By Jeremy Horder CAUTIONING JUVENILES—MULTI-AGENCY IMPOTENCE. By Steve Uglow, Andy Dart, Anne Bottomley and Chris Hale CONFISCATING THE LITERARY PROCEEDS OF CRIME. By Arie Freiberg DIPLOCK AND THE PRESUMPTION AGAINST JURY TRIAL: A CRITIQUE. By John Jackson DOCUMENTARY HEARSAY 1 IN CRIMINAL Cases. ByM ark Ockelton . Duress, NECESSITY AND THE LAW Commission. By Nicola M. Padfield ETHNIC MINORITIES IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. By 7 sales and Monica A. Walker EVIDENCE OF PREVIOUS MALPRACTICE BY PoLice WITNESSES AND R. v. Epwarps. By Rosemary Pattenden : ; ; FaiR HEARING AND FINALITY: REFLECTIONS ON BERRY (No. 2). By G. R. Sullivan and Colin Warbrick INSANITY AND THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HuMaN Ricuts. By Fg. “Sutherland and C. A. Gearty JUDICIAL LAW-MAKING IN THE CRIMINAL Courts: THE CASE OF MARITAL RAPE. By Marianne Giles LEGISLATING THE CRIMINAL CODE: THE Law Commission PROPOSAL Si ByA . T. H. Smith MISCARRIAGE OF Justice—A Root TREATMENT. By A. A. ‘ Zuckerman MovinG UP THE Day OF RECKONING: STRATEGIES FOR ATTACKING THE “CRACKED TRIALS” PROBLEM. By James K. Bredar . NOTES ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE IN THE NETHERLANDS. By Hans Lensing and Louise Rayar : PERSONAL SEARCHES OF PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS. ByM . I. Gunn 5 : PRE-SENTENCE REPORTS, CULPABILITY AND THE 1991 Act. By Nigel Stone PROSECUTION DISCLOSURE: PRINCIPLE, PRACTICE AND JUSTICE. By Patrick O’Connor . : RECOGNISING NOVEL SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUES: ‘DNA AS A TEST CASE. By Peter Alldridge RECORDING WITNESS STATEMENTS. ‘By Anthony Heaton- -Armstrong and David Wolchover SAFEGUARDS IN THE SCOTTISH CRIMINAL Justice SYSTEM. By Sheriff a D. Macphail, Q.C. ; : SOME PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPT. By C. J. Miller : THE AGGRAVATED VEHICLE-TAKING AcT 1992. By J. N. Spencer THE CiT1ZEN’s Duty To ASSIST THE POLICE. By Donald Nicolson THE CONSEQUENCES OF ILLEGAL EXTRADITION. By Andrew L.-T. Choo THE CRIMINAL Justice Act 1991: (1) CustopIAL SENTENCES. By D. A. Thomas TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CRIMINAL Justice Act 1991: (2) Non-CusTopIAL SENTENCES. By Andrew Ashworth THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT 1991: (3) ARRANGEMENTS FOR EARLY RELEASE. By Martin Wasik ; THE CRIMINAL JusTICE ACT 1991: (4) CHILDREN’ S ' EVIDENCE. — D. J. Birch . j THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Act 1991: “Youn OFFENDERS /A ND THE Youtn Court. By Caroline Ball THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (INSANITY AND> UNFITNESS TO PLEAD) Act. By Stephen White THE PROSECUTOR FINE. ByP eterD uff andK enneth Meechan F THE WAR CRIMES AND PROCEDURAL PROTECTION. By Ronald Cottrell . TIPPING THE SCALES OF JUSTICE: THE SUSPECT’S RIGHT TO LEGAL ADVICE. By Jacqueline Hodgson VIDEOTAPING INTERROGATIONS: POLICE BEHAVIOUR ON AND OFF CAMERA. By Mike McConville Letters to the Editor Clamping Criminal Justice Act 1991 English DNA Evidence held Inadmissible Insanity and Diminished Responsibility . Instant Lie Detection Judicial Law-Making Jury Trial Miscarriages of Justice Videotaping Interrogations Book Reviews BEVAN, VAUGHAN and LIDSTONE, KEN: The Investigation of Crime: a Guide to Police Powers Brown, SHEILA: Magistrates at Work FRIEDLAND, MARTIN (ed.): Rough Justice: Essays on Crime in English Literature . : GUDJOHNSSON, GISLI: The Psychology of Interrogations, Confessions and Testimony . ; McConviLLe, MIKE, SANDERS, ANDREW and LENG, “ROGER: The Case for the Prosecution: Police Suspects and the Construction of Criminality McEwan, JENNEY: Evidence and the Adversarial Process: The Modern Law ; Meirs, Davip: C ompensation for ~ riminal Injuries. MorGan, JANE and ZepneR, Lucia: Child Victims: Crime, Impact and Criminal Justice . ; Norrig, ALAN: Law, Ideology and Punishment REINER, RoBert: Chief Constables . Rock, PAUL: Helping Victoif Cmrsim e . : SmiTH, K. J. M.: A Modern Treatise on the Law of Ccri minal c omplicity ; Wa ter, Nicotas A.: Blasphemy Ancient & Modern Wasik, Martin: Crime and the Computer TABLE OF CONTENTS Contributors of Articles ALLDRIDGE, PETER: Recognising Novel Scientific Techniques: DNA as a test case ASHWORTH, ANDREW: The Criminal JusticeA ct 1991: (2)N on-C ustodial Sentences . BALL, CAROLINE: The Criminal Justice Act 1991: Young Offenders and the Youth Court ; Bircu, D. J.: The Criminal Justice Act 1991: (4) Children’ S Evidence BREDAR, JAMES K.: Moving Up the Day of Reckoning: Strategies for attacking the ‘cracked trials” problem : F : Cuoo, ANDREW L. T.: The Consequences of Illegal Extradition COTTRELL, RONALD: The War Crimes Act and Procedural Protection Doran, SEAN: Alternative Offences: Let the Jury Choose Durr, PETER and MEECHAN, KENNETH: The Prosecutor Fine FREIBURG, ARIE: Confiscating the Literary Proceeds of Crime . GILES, MARIANNE: Judicial Law-Making in the Criminal Courts: the case of marital rape Gunn, M. J.: Personal Searches of Psychiatric Patients HopcGson, JACQUELINE: Tipping the Scales of Justice: The Suspect’ S Right to Legal Advice . Horper, JEREMY: Autonomy, Provocation andD uress JACKSON, JOHN: Diplock and the Presumption Against Jury Trial : JEFFERSON, TONY and WALKER, Monica A.: Ethnic Minorities in the Criminal Justice System LENSING, HANs and Rayar, Louse: Notes on . Criminal Procedure ii n the Netherlands McCOonviLLe, MIKE: Videotaping Interrogation: police behaviour on and offcamera . MAacPHAIL, SHERIFF us D., Q. ©. ‘Safeguards in the Scottish Criminal Justice System. : MILLER, C. J.: Some Problems of Contempt ; NICOLSON, DONALD: The Citizen’s Duty to Assist the Police OcKELTON, Mark: Documentary Hearsay in Criminal Cases O’Connor, PATRICK: Prosecution Disclosure: principle, practice and justice PADFIELD, NICOLA: Duress, Necessity and the Law Commission PATTENDEN, ROSEMARY: Evidence of Previous Malpractice by Police Witnesses and R. v. Edwards ‘ SmitH, A. T. H.: Legislating the Criminal Code: the Law Commission Proposals . SPENCER, J. N.: TheA ggravated Vehicle- Taking Act 1992 ; STONE, NIGEL: Pre-Sentence Reports, Culpability and the 1991 Act . SULLIVAN, G. R. and Warsrick, COoLin: Fair Hearing and Finality: reflections on Berry (No. 2) SUTHERLAND, P. J. and Gearty, C. AL: Insanity and the European Court of Human Rights ; Tuomas, D. A.: The Criminal JusticeA ct 1991: (1) Custodial Sentences ; Ucitow, Steve, Dart, ANDy and BorTroMLey, ANNE: Cautioning Juveniles—Multi-Agency Impotence Wasik, Martin: The Criminal Justice Act 1991: (3)A rrangements for Early Release TABLE OF CONTENTS WHITE, STEPHEN: The Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act . Wo LcHover, Davip: A Note on Previous Police Malpractice : 4 Wo LcHoverR, Davip and HEATON-ARMSTRONG, ANTHONY: Recording Witness Statements ZALTZMAN, NINA: Admitting Statements of Missing or Intimidated Witnesses: section 23(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 compared with the Israeli experience . ZUCKERMAN, A. A. S.: Miscarriage ofJ ustice—A Root Treatment Current Topics “Cracked Trials’ —What is happening? By Paul Robertshaw Criteria for Custody: the role of appeals. By Chris Stanley Provocation from the Home Office. By Sue Bandalli The Crack Explosion. By Patrick Bucknell

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