UK Data Archive Study Number 4871 The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure: a Digitised Sample of the Luton Study, 1961-1962 USER GUIDE Affluent Worker Study 1961-62: A digitised sample User Guide The following explanatory notes refer to tables within the AffluentWorkerDigitisedSample.mdb database. All tables: [] are used to highlight clarifications given by the data inputter, Dr Hilary Young, or (more commonly) to identify words or phrases that are illegible on the original questionnaires. Gaps in the original questionnaires are replicated here. Wife is abbreviated to ‘W’ and Husband to ‘H’ where necessary, as in questions that they both answer. This follows the format of the original questionnaire. Duration of jobs, housing tenure etc is often given in years, following the format of the original questionnaire. ‘0’ is used for less than 12 months. Often no figure appears in the questionnaire if length of time is less than 12 months. Vx is an abbreviation of Vauxhall, reproduced from the original questionnaires. Work T06: ‘NA’ is inputted into 12From and 12To where no dates are given on the questionnaire. Affluent Worker digitised sample Contextual information This ACCESS database was produced by Dr Selina Todd and Dr Hilary Young in 2008 as part of an ESRC-funded project on ‘Living standards, social identities and the English working class, 1945-1970’, RES-061-23-0032-A. It comprises digitised versions of 30 Vauxhall workers’ interviews held in the Affluent Worker collection at the National Social Policy and Social Change Archive, University of Essex. Data collection The records represent a sample of 30 Vauxhall, Skefco and Laporte workers’ interviews held in the Affluent Worker collection at the National Social Policy and Social Change Archive. The interviews are taken from the Luton Study, Boxes 01 and 02. Within these boxes, 30 workers’ questionnaires were selected according to having eligible handwriting and follow-up home interviews as well as the initial interview in the workplace. The married, male workers were all interviewed twice: once at home and once at work. The data are held in an ACCESS database and are collated into tabular form. The datasets replicate the structure of the questionnaires used in the original Affluent Worker study. Dataset structure Number of interviewees: 30 Number of questionnaires used: 60 (one at home, one at work) Number of ACCESS tables: 39 Number of variables: 464 Variables and values The unique identifier InterviewNo links the tables and the home data to the work data. The interviewees were ascribed a Work Interview No for their work interview. The variables replicate those used in the original Affluent Worker investigation. The relationships between tables are highlighted by the Relationships window within the database. Each variable relates to one question from the original questionnaire. The question (variable description) appears in the lefthand bottom corner of the screen when the variable is clicked on. By going into Design view one can read the full variable description. Data source ESDS SN 4871 Affluent Worker in the Class Structure, 1961-1962. Confidentiality and anonymisation The data are not anonymised. They replicate the original paper dataset. Individuals’ full names and addresses were not included in the original dataset and are not included here. However, street addresses and family names do appear in several variables. Validation checks Street, place and personal names were standardised by the original investigators. Care has been taken to retain original spellings. Originating project The originating project and its related documentation can be found at SN 4871 Affluent Worker in the Class Structure, 1961-1962. This project resulted in several publications, most significantly J.M. Goldthorpe et al, The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure (Cambridge, 1969). nR.lati_onshic"H;"101'AfflUotntWorIl.,D;,it.otds...p" --" o ... , ... , ...., ~ 1)fveManbot 13Vobd'o 1"""- l~ 10000llllon The interview schedules Whereverdatafromouriuterviewingprogrammehasbeenpresentedinthetext, we have followed the practiceofgiving in the text, or in afootnote to it, the wordingofthequestionsfromwhichthedatawerederived.Thepresentappen dix supplements this information by setting out our two main interviewing schedulesinalmostcompleteform.Whathasbeenomitted,forreasonsofspace, arethevariouschartsor'grids'onwhichtheresponsestoanumberofquestions were recorded and, in some cases, simultaneouslycoded. Atvarious points we haveaddedexplanatorynotes,whicharecontainedinsquarebrackets.Thenotes .in italics are instructions to the interviewer which appeared on the original schedules. Q!testions marked with an asterisk are those which were brought together to form the interviewschedule for our white-collar sample. In some few instances theirwordingwas modifiedslightlyso as to make them appro priateforwhite-collarrespondents. 1 Itmaybeobservedthatnoresultshavebeenpresentedinthisorotherreports onourresearchfromseveral·items included inourschedules. The reasons for 1 i suchomissionsvary.Forexample,insomecaseseitherthequestionsputorthe .. problemsonwhichtheywereintended tothrowlightwerenotwell-conceived R and theinformation producedwasthus oflittleuse. Inother cases, theresults I' I areofinterestbutwehavesimplynotfounditpossibletoincorporatetheminto the Structureofthereporrswehave produced. Availabletabulations ofresults fromalltheitemsinquestionmaybehadonapplicationtotheauthors. WORK SCHEDULE Date: Number: Section I: Work history In this section distinguish carefully 'job' in the sense ofworkingfor a specific firm andin the sense ofthe actualwork-task carriedout. I. WhendidyoufirstcometoworkhereatVauxhall/Skefko/Laporte? 2. Since then, have you ever left, either ofyour own accord or because of redundancy? If'Yes':Whenwasthat? Why? When did you come back? 3· HaveyoueverworkedanywhereexceptVauxhall/Skefko/Laporte? If'No':movetoquestionS. If'Yes':askquestion4. 202 4. (a) Whatwasthelastjobyou did before coming herein[date last joined 3. Doyoupreferthe jobyou'redoingnowtoothersyouhavedoneinVaux- presentfirm]. hall/Skefko/LaporteI (i) Nameoffirm I['Yes':WhyisthatI (ii) Location offirm I['No':WhichofyourotherjobsdidyoupreferI (iii) Actualtypeofjob WhyI (iv) Skilllevel 4. Ask all. Are there any othershop-floor jobs in Vauxhall/Skefko/Laporte (v) Indusny whichyouwouldratherdothanyourownI (h) Whatwerethemain jobsyouhad beforethat;saythoseyou had fora I['Yes':WhataretheyI yearormoreISpeeifybyaetualtypeofjob. . Why would you prefer thoseI (i) earliest HaveyoueverthoughtofaskingtobetransferredtooneofthesejobsI (ii) I['Yes':HaveyoudoneanythingaboutitISpeeify (iii) If'No' or uneertain: Doyouthinkyourjobisoneofthebestgoing (iv) thenI (v) • S.Hand eard. Here are some ofthethings often thoughtimportantabout a (vi) job:whichonewouldyoulookforfirstiuajobIAndwhichnextI Promptifneeessaryremilitaryserviceandjobdoneinforees. Interestandvariety (e) And how many different jobs have you had altogether since starting Goodpayandthechanceofplentyofovertime work including your present oneI Ifman is in doubt-say'wellroughly Goodworkmates then'. I Asupervisorwhodoesn'tbreathedownyourneck (d) DidyoulikeanyofyourotherjobsmorethantheoneyouhaveuowI Pleasantworkingconditions I['Yes':WhichonesI Astrongandactiveunion Whyl l 6. Sofaras these two thingsare concernedwould you saythatyourpresent • S. Have you ever thought ofleaving your present job at Vauxhall/Skefko/ jobis Laportel FirstrateI I['Yes':WhyI f: PrenygoodI Haveyou doneanythingaboutitl Promptifneeessary: 'sueh as looking \ , NottoogoodI forajobinthepaper'. VerybadI I['Yes':WhatwasthatI Askall:WhatisitthenthatkeepsyouhereI 7. Doyoufindyourpresentjobphysicallytiring? 6. For those who have worked elsewhere than at presentfirm. Had you ever 8. Wouldyou sayit putsagreatstrainonyouruerves? Promptifneeessary: worked on [present type of job] before coming to Vauxhall/Skefko/ 'Doesitmakeyoufieljitteryattheendoftheday?' Laportel 9. DoyoufinditmonotonousI • 7. (a) Whatsortofwork doesyour father do or what was hislast job,ifhe la. [Vauxhall]Canyou'workuptheline'or'buildabank'inyourjobl isnolongeraliveorretiredI If'No':WhyisthatI • (b) Has/hadhebeeninthatkindofworkformostofhislifeI [Skefko] Do you set yourselfan output target-say, so many pieces of I['No':Probeforothermainjobsdone;besuretogetskilllevel. workperday? lj'Yes': Doyoueverworkfaster togetwithinreachofthetargetearly onandthentakeiteasyforabit? Section2: The worker andhisjob [ThisquestionwasnotaskedofLaparteworkers.] • t. Whatexactlyisyour present jobI Could you tell me brieflyinyour own II. DoyoueverfindthepaceofthejobtoofastI wordsjustwhatitisthatyoudoI 12. Doyoufindyoucanthinkaboutotherthingswhiledoingyourjob? 2. HaveyoudoneanyotherjobsinVauxhall/Skefko/LaporteI If'Yes':Whatdoyouthinkabout? If'No':movetoquestion4. 13. Whichwouldyouprefer:ajobwheresomeonetellsyouexactlyhowtodo I['Yes':WhatweretheyI theworkoronewhereyouarelefttodecideforyourselfhowtogoaboutitl 14. Iftherewasonethingaboutyourjobhereyoucouldchangewhatwouldit VerymuchI beIAtsomepointaskall:'How do you feel about shiftworkI' QllitealotI NotmuchI NotatallI Section3: Worker andworkgroup • (h) WhydoyousaythisI I. (a) Inyour job, how much do you talk to your workmatesI Would you 10. HaveyoueverthoughtseriouslyofbecomingaforemanI say !f'Yes':Whathaveyoudoneaboutitl AgooddealI JustnowandthenI 11. Justsupposingyou did becomeaforeman, whatdoyouthinkyourmates HardlyatallI would feelaboutitIProbefor admiration..envy..senseofhetrayal.. amuse (b) When do you talk to them? Mainly during work or during breaks? ment,ctc. (c) !f'gooddeal'or'nowandthen':Whatsortofthingsdoyoutalkabout, isitmainlyaboutworkormainlyaboutthingsoutsidethefactoryI Section 4: Worker andfirm • z. HowwouldyoufeelIfyouweremovedtoanotherjobinthefactory more orlessliketheoneyou donow butawayfrom themen whoworknearto • I. Check back to section I, question S and ask ifappropriate. You said you you?Wouldyoufeel I stayed at VauxhaII/Skefko/Laporte because•..Do you think there are VeryupsetI many firms which would give you these advantagesI FairlyupsetI ! • z. How would you say Vauxhall/Skefko/Laportecompares with otherfirms NotmuchbotheredI , youknowofasafirmtoworkfor.Wouldyousayitwas Notbotheredatall? ! BetterthanmostI AboutaverageI 3. HowmanyofthemenwhoworkneartoyouwouldyoucallclosefriendsI WorsetbanmostI !fnonemovetoquestion7. • 3. (a)Whichworkers get a better deal for themselves; those in nationalised 4. Whendoyouseehim/themoutsideofthefactory? industries or those in private enterprise concerns like Vauxhall/Skefko/ i 5. How well do you know his wife and family/their wives and families? Laportel Wouldyousayyouknowthem • (h) Why? VerywellI 4- Doyouthinkthisfirmisrunasefficientlyasitmightbe? Quitewell? Ij 'No': Have you ever made any suggestions for improving effici JusttosayhellotoI ency? Notatall? 5. Do you think work study men are more concerned to make things go 6. Doanyofthem/doeshelivenearyou,say,withintenminutes'walk? smoothlyforeveryoneorchieflytomaketheworkerkeepupafastpaceall • 7. (a) Howdoyougetonwithyourforeman?Wouldyousayyougoton thetimeI Verywell? • 6.Handcard. Herearetwoopposingviewsaboutindustrygenerally. I'dlike PretrywellI you totellmewhichyouagreewith more. Somepeoplesaythatafirm is NotsowellI like a football side-because good teamwork means success and is to VerybadlyI everyone'sadvantage. Otherssaythatteamworkinindustryis impossible (b) WhyisthisI -becauseemployersandmenarereallyonoppositesides. Whichviewdo 8. If'pretty well','.notsowell'or'veryhadly':Doyouthinkitpossiblefora youagreewithmore? wOrkertogetonreallywellwithhisforeman? • 7. This firm has an exceptionally good industrial relations record. Why do !f'No':WhynotI youthinkthisisI !f'Yes': Whatwouldhavetobechangedtomakethispossibleinyour 8. How doyou feel aboutthe numberofofficeworkers in Vauxhall/Skefko/ case? LaporteIWouldyousaythereare • 9. (a) Howabouttheideaofbecomingaforeman?Wouldyoulikethis ToomanyI NotenoughI J AboutrightI ;j IS· [S.kefko/Laporte] How do you think Skefko/Laporte products WIth th f th " . compare 9· What do you think about the pay ofmen in clerical jobs in Vauxhalll Betotseer?0 0 erengmeermg/chemlcalfirms. Would you say theyare.• 1 Skefko/Laporteascompared withyourownIWouldyousaytheyearned Aboutthesame? ToolittleI ! WorseI ToomuchI !i AboutrightI I Section5: Worker andunion pIefrawskeeedk.a'boutamountearnedbyclericalworkerssay'Anythingfrom£12-20 * I. (a) Areyouamemberofatradeunion? If'No':movetoquestionI3. *10. (a)Doyouthinkthefirmcouldpayyoumorethanitdoeswithoutdamag If'Yes':Which? ingitsprospectsforthefutureIPromptifnecessaryaboutmarkets. I * (b) Whyl , Whendidyoujoin? WhydidyoujointhenI H. (a) You are paid by[method ofpayment in operation]: some workers in ~. (b) Wereyou ever amember ofanother union beforeyou joined the otherfirmsareonpiece-rates/time-ratesandmanyofficeworkersgetpaid If'Yes':speriJj. ••• afixed salarywith nothingextra for overtime. Whichmethodofpayment (c) DoyoupayLabourPartyduesI wouldyoupreferI If'No':Haveyoucontractedoutthen? Asalary I Hourlyrates 2. (a) HowoftendoyougotounionshopmeetingsIWouldyousayyouwent Regularly? Piece-rates I Occasionally? (b) Whyl Rarely? I 12. Itispossiblethatatsometimeinthefuture workers maygettheirwages Never? I bycheque.HowwouldyoufeelaboutthisIWouldyoube (b) When did you last go to one? GenerallyagainstI I NotmuchbotheredI 3· (a) How often doyou go to union branchmeetings? Would you sayyou went GenerallyinfavourI Regularly? *13. In this firm there are different canteens for shop-floof workers, office Occasionally? workersand managers. Doyouthinkthisis onthewholeagood thingor Rarely? shouldallcanteensbeopentoeverybodyI . Never? 14· Are you a special sectionmemberofthe[works club], thatis, morethan (b) And when did you last go to onel an'ordinarymember't /f'Yes': Whatactivities do you take part inIProbefor roughdegree of 4· /f:rarely'or'never'to2 and3above:Whyisitthenyoudon'tbotherwith UnIon meetmgs? regularity. If, I" , rareD'. or never to3.only:Whyisityougotoshopmeetingsbutdon't Haveyoueverheld an official position inIhe[worksclub] orone ofits botherWIthbranchmeetmgs? sections? If'Yes':WhatwasthatI 5· Howaboutvotingin theelectionsforshopstewards. Wouldyou sayyou voted WhendidyouholditI RegularlyI IS· (a) [Vauxhall]HowdoyouthinkVauxhallcarscompalewithothermakes, OccasionallyI priceforprice.Wouldyousaytheyale Rarely? BetterI Never? AboutthesameI WorseI 6. AndhowaboutvotinginunionbranchelectionsIWouldyousayyouvoted , RegularlyI (b) DoyouhaveacarI , OccasionallyI /f'Yes': IsitaVauxhallI Rarely? If'No': WhatmakeisitthenI(Specify) Never?