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Testing the initial conditions and dynamical evolution of star clusters using Gaia - I PDF

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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2010) Printed16January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Testing the initial conditions and dynamical evolution of star clusters using Gaia - I Richard J. Allison1⋆ 2 1 1 Institut fu¨r Theoretische Astrophysik, Zentrum fu¨rAstronomie der Universita¨t Heidelberg, Albert-Ueberle-Str.2, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany 0 2 n a J 3 ABSTRACT 1 We investigate how the properties of escaping stars are related to the initial con- ] A ditions oftheir birthclusters.We findthat the number ofescapingstars,their spatial distribution, and their kinematics show a dependence on the initial conditions of the G host cluster (substructure and virial ratio). Thus the properties of escaping stars can . be used to inform us of the initial conditions of star formation, and also provide a h p window into the dynamical history of star clusters. The ESA Gaia mission will make - observationsofthepositionsandpropermotionsoftheseescapingstarsattherequired o accuracy to allow us to investigate the dynamical evolution of local star clusters and r t provide an important insight into the initial conditions of star formation. s a Key words: kinematics and dynamics - open clusters and associations: general [ 1 v 9 1 INTRODUCTION regation)canhaveaprimordialorigin.Escapingstars,how- 8 ever, offer a unique measure of the past dynamical state of 8 Howstarsformisoneoftheoutstandingquestionsinastron- a star cluster. Clusters with a violent past could be distin- 2 omy. In particular, it is not clear if stars typically form in . guishable from clusters with a relatively quiet history from 1 clusters (e.g., Lada & Lada 2003), in particular in a quasi- theirescaper population. 0 staticway(Tan et al.2006),orforminahierarchicaldistri- TheESAGaiamissionwillconductanall-skyastromet- 2 bution (Gutermuth et al. 2005; Bressert et al. 2010) which ric and spectrophotometric survey of ∼ 109 point sources 1 can then violently dynamically evolve into dense star clus- between 6th and 20th magnitude. The Gaia mission will be : ters (Allison et al. 2009, 2010; Portegies Zwart et al. 2010). v abletomeasurethedistance,positionandvelocitydistribu- Xi Dynamical interactions rapidly erase initial substructure tionofthelocalGalacticstellarpopulationtohighaccuracy. and any memory of the initial conditions, and so deduc- Therefore Gaia will not only findco-moving groupsof stars r ing the initial conditions from dynamically evolved clusters a (dispersing clusters), but it will be able to identify escap- and distinguishing thesepossibilities is difficult. ing stars from clusters and measure their velocities at large Constraining the initial conditions of star clusters (angular and physical) distances from their birth cluster. is important as their initial state directly influences Inthisletterweshowhowescapingstarsmightbeused the early dynamical evolution of the cluster, such as toinvestigatethedynamicalhistoryofstarclustersandthe its ability to remove any initial structure (Goodwin conditions of their formation. In Section 2 we describe our 1998; Goodwin & Whitworth 2004; Smith et al. 2011), initial conditions for relatively active and relatively quiet dynamically mass segregate (Allison et al. 2009, 2010; clusters. In Section 3 we show that theescaper populations Moeckel & Bonnell 2009a; Moeckel & Bate 2010), and pro- from the two clusters are very different and that these dif- cessitsbinarypopulation(Kroupa1995;Parkeret al.2009, ferences should be observable by Gaia. We discuss the im- 2011; Moeckel & Bate 2010). However, it is difficult to dis- plications in Section 4, before concluding in Section 5. tinguish between a cluster that has evolved dynamically to be, for example, mass segregated, and one which was mass segregated at its formation (primordial). Therefore it is im- portant tobeable toestimate whetheracluster isdynami- 2 INITIAL CONDITIONS cally evolvedornot;butthisisdifficulttomeasureasmost WeperformN-bodysimulationsofyoungstarclusterswith potential indicators of dynamical evolution (e.g. mass seg- twodifferentsetsofinitialconditions.Theinitialconditions are designed to produce one class of cluster that undergoes rapid and violent dynamical evolution, and another class ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] that has a relatively quiescent dynamical history. However, (cid:13)c 2010RAS 2 both produce a central ‘cluster’ that appear very similar to Escaping stars are definedusing three criteria: one another after a few Myr. The initial conditions vary the initial amount of struc- (i) Themagnitudeofthevelocityisgreaterthanthestars ture and the initial virial ratio. The initial spatial distribu- current escape speed; tion of stars is created by using a fractal distribution, as (ii) Themagnitudeof theradial component of theveloc- described in detail in Goodwin & Whitworth (2004). Using ity vectoris larger than thetangential component; a fractal distribution allows a simple procedure with which (iii) Thestarisoutsidesome’escaper’radius;whichisset structureddistributionscanbecreatedandreproduced.The at two times thehalf mass radius. method also benefits from having only a single parameter to control the amount of substructure – the fractal dimen- sion(D).Thefractaldimensionparamaterisesthestructure 3.1 Spatial distribution of ejected stars suchthatalowervalueimpliesmoresubstructure(i.e.more clumpy), and D =3.0 is a random distribution. The initial Our two clusters evolve in very different ways for the first velocitiesaresetasdescribedinAllison et al.(2010)andare 2 Myr. The clumpy and cool cluster (D1.6Q0.3) undergoes scaled to a global virial ratio (Q). We define the viral ratio a dense collapse phase and re-expansion before reaching as Q=T/|Ω| (where T and Ω are thekinetic and potential a Plummer-like equilibrium state by 4 Myr as described energiesofstars,respectively),suchthatavirialised cluster in (Allison et al. 2010). The smoother, virialised cluster has Q=0.5. (D2.6Q0.5) gentlyrelaxes to aPlummer-likeequilibrium in In this study we investigate the effect of initial struc- roughly a crossing time (see also, Allison et al. 2010). The ture and virial ratio on the properties of escaping stars. final states of the clusters are illustrated in Figure 1. The We present two different initialisations: 1) an initially cool left-handpanelsshowtheinner3pcradiusregionoftypical and highly structured cluster (D = 1.6, Q = 0.3); and 2) examplesofthetwoclustersafter4Myr,ascanbeseenthe an initially virialised and less structured cluster (D = 2.6, spatial distribution of the two clusters is very similar and Q = 0.5), labelled D1.6Q0.3 and D2.6Q0.5, respectively. memory of their initial conditions has been erased. How- Each simulation contains 1000 stars, has an initial maxi- ever,theright-handpanelsshow thespatial distribution on mum radius of 1 pc, includes no primordial binaries or gas, a20pcradiusscaleinwhichthereisclearlyadifference:the andathree-partpowerlawisusedforthestellarinitialmass D1.6Q0.3clusterhavingmore,andmorewidelydistributed, function (IMF, Kroupa2002), escaping stars. M−0.3 m06M/ M⊙ <m1, Clumpy and cool clusters undergo a much more dy- N(M)∝ MM−−12..33 mm1266MM// MM⊙⊙ <<mm23,, (1) nouams iwcaolrkevoonluttihoeneaffnedctsmofoointhitiaanldspraetlaiaxleddicstlurisbtuertsio.nPsrehvais-  shownthatclusterswhichareinitiallyclumpiertendtohave with m0 = 0.08 M⊙, m1 = 0.1 M⊙, m2 = 0.5 M⊙ and amoreviolent,dynamicalevolution,undergoingmasssegre- m3 = 50 M⊙. No stellar evolution is included because of gation(Allison et al.2009,2010;Moeckel & Bonnell2009b), the short duration of the simulations (∼ 4 Myr). We use forming trapezium-like systems (high-order multiples con- thestarlabN-bodyintegratorkiratorunoursimulations taininghigh-massstars;Allison & Goodwin2011),andeven (Portegies Zwart et al.2001).Weanalyse50realisationsfor influencing the binary properties (Parkeret al. 2011). In each initial condition. smoother, relaxed clusters these effects are much less pro- Forthisinitial studywehavesimplified theinitial con- nounced, and it is likely that features such as trapezium ditions. Complications such as initial binaries, tidal fields, systemsandmasssegregation cannothaveadynamicalori- natalgas,etchavebeenignoredtoallowasimplenumerical gin(Bonnell & Davies1998;Allison et al.2010)andsomust experiment to be performed. We also ignore various obser- havea‘primordial’origin inthenatureofstarformation it- vational selection effects and assume perfect knowledge of self. the four dimensions of phase space that Gaia will best de- The spatial distribution of stars in the central regions termine,viz.positionsonthesky,andpropermotions.Gaia of these initially very different clusters (left-hand plots in itself, as well as follow-up observations will also determine Figure 1) show few differences. But if we move out beyond the distance and radial velocities of stars, but to a lower the pc-scale into the 10s pc-scale (right-hand plots) we can accuracy. immediatelyobservethattheseclustershavehadaverydif- ferent dynamical history. Essentially, the differences in the numbers,distanceandvelocitiesofescapersisawindowinto 3 THE VARIANCE OF PROPERTIES the dynamical history of the cluster. More and faster esca- pers means that a cluster is dynamically older and has had MEASURABLE BY GAIA more two-body encounters within it to eject stars. Hereweinvestigatetwopropertiesofescapingstarsthatare The D1.6Q0.3 cluster shown in Figure 1 (top panels) measurable byGaia: has 80 escaping stars as projected on the sky (in three di- mensions it has actually 149 escaping stars). This is com- (i) The numberof escaping stars and theirspatial distri- pared to 15 escapers in projection (30 in three dimensions) bution around theirparent cluster; fortheD2.6Q0.5 cluster(bottompanels).These resultsare (ii) Thekinematics of theescaping stars. typical throughout our ensembles, with clumpy, cool clus- Wewillshowthatthesepropertiesaredependentonthe ters producing an average of 57 escapers, and smooth, re- initial conditions, and therefore contain much information laxed clusters producing only 12 in projection (115 and 20 on theinitial conditions of star formation. in three dimensions, respectively). (cid:13)c 2010RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Testing the initial conditions and dynamical evolution of star clusters using Gaia 3 (a) (b) Figure1.Thetwo-dimensionalprojectionof(a)aninitiallycoolandclumpycluster(Q=0.3&D=1.6),and(b)aninitiallyvirialised andsmoother distribution(Q=0.5&D=2.6) at4Myrs.Theplots onthe leftshow the central regions on2pcscale, thedifferences betweenthespatialdistributionsarenotobvious.However,therightsideplotsshowazoomedoutview(20pc),herethedifferencesare clear.Theinitiallyclumpier cluster has amuchmorepronounced population ofescaping stars,caused byits moreenergetic dynamical evolution. 3.2 Kinematics The differences between the spatial distributions of the es- caping stars from the two clusters is also seen in the kine- maticsoftheirescapingstars.Figure2showsthecumulative distribution of the escaping stars from the D1.6Q0.3 clus- ter (black solid line) and the D2.6Q0.5 (red dashed line). There is a clear difference between the kinematics of the two sets of escaping stars. The D2.6Q0.5 cluster shows a small spread of escaper velocities, with 90 per cent of the ejectedstarswithina0.5 km s−1spreadaround1.5 km s−1, withamedianescapervelocityof1.2 km s−1.Themaximum escapervelocityfromthisclusteris<10 km s−1.Whilethe D1.6Q0.3 cluster, has a larger 2 km s−1spread for 90 per cent of escapers (with a median velocity of 2 km s−1), and hasamuchmore pronouncedhigh velocity tail. 10 percent ofescapingstarshavevelocitiesover5 km s−1andthemax- Figure 2.Thecumulativedistributionfunctionofthevelocities of escaping stars for the cool and clumpy (black, solidline) and imum escaper velocity is 15 km s−1. virialisedandsmoother(red,dot-dashedline)clustersat4Myrs. It should be noted that there is some degeneracy be- The differences between the velocity distributions are caused by tween thedistance of an escaping star from thecluster and the dynamical evolution of the clusters. The cool and clumpy its ejection velocity which Gaia can break. An ejected star clusterisabletoproducefastermovingescapingstarsthroughits at 10 pc from thecluster may havebeen ejected 4 Myrago dynamicearlyevolutionandejectstarsathighvelocitiesthrough at 2.5 km s−1, or 1 Myr ago at 10 km s−1. The difference binarystarformation.Thevirialisedsmootherclusterhasamore betweenthesetwosituationsisimportantasa10kms−1 re- quiescent early evolution, and does not produce a population of fastmovingescapingstars. quiresamuchstrongerinteraction(probablywithamassive binary) than a 2.5 km s−1 ejection event (see below). The velocity cumulative distribution functions shown (cid:13)c 2010RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 4 in Figure 2 can be separated into two populations, high- using their current relaxation times (Bastian et al. 2008; (& 5 km s−1) and low-velocity (. 5 km s−1). The high ve- Portegies Zwart & Chen 2008; Allison et al. 2010). locity tail is populated by stars ejected by high-mass bi- Escaping stars are therefore a very useful population nary systems. This population is mostly missing from the to investigate, as they are dynamical in origin - there is no D2.6Q0.5 clusters because they are not able to easily form obviousprimordialprocessthatwouldproduceasignificant thesebinarysystems(theclustersare initially single stars). population of escaping stars from a cluster. Thus, measur- While the more dynamic early evolution of the D1.6Q0.3 ingthepopulationofescapingstarsfromastarcluster(and clusters allows the formation of high-mass binary systems their properties, e.g. velocities) tells us about the dynam- (e.g., Allison & Goodwin 2011). In clusters with a primor- ical history of the cluster. This work is the first step into dial binary population the formation of high-mass binary looking at how the escaping population is related to initial systemsiseasier,asformingbinariesthroughdynamicsisa conditions of star clusters. difficult process (Kroupa 1995). Starsthatescapefromclustersretaininformationabout If primordial massive binaries are present then a high- thedynamical stateof thecluster at thetimethat theyare velocitytailshouldalsobepresenteveninquiescentclusters, liberated.Thus,thekinematicsofescapingstarscanprovide althoughwewouldstillexpectasmallernumberofejections us with information about the state of their host cluster at asthenumberofencounterswiththemassivebinaryshould thetimeoftheirescape.Forexample,high-velocityescapers belower(duetotheyoungerdynamicalageofthequiescent are an indication of either the formation of a binary or an cluster). We will return to this in a later paper when we interaction with one. The kinematics of a star ejected by a examine theeffect of primordial binaries. binary can inform us of the properties of the binary, and the velocity and distance of the escaping star allow us to constrainatimeatwhichtheinteractionoccurred(seee.g., Tan 2004; Zapata et al. 2009). In particular, examining the 4 DISCUSSION high-velocity escapers produced by interactions with mas- We have investigated the influence of the initial conditions sivebinariesandTrapezium-likesystemsmayconstrain the of star cluster on the properties of escaping stars. We have formation time of those systems and distinguish between shown that after 4 Myr of evolution clusters with very dif- primordial and dynamical models for their formation. ferent initial conditions in both substructure and virial ra- The Gaia mission provides the first opportunity to ex- tio)appeartohavesimilarspatialdistributionsonpc-scales. amine the dispersed population around star clusters. As it However,on larger scales (∼10pc) thespatial distributions is all-sky it will findstars at great (angular) distances from of the clusters are very different (Figure 1). Clusters which clustersandtheadditionalkinematicanddistanceinforma- are initially cool and clumpy havesignificantly more escap- tion provided will allow stars to be associated with their ingstars, andtheseescapershaveahigheraveragevelocity, birth cluster even if they have travelled a large distance on and a pronounced high-velocity tail (Figure 2). Therefore, thesky. onecanlearnaboutthedynamicalevolutionandinitialcon- What we have not addressed in this letter are the ob- ditions of star clusters, by observing the population of es- servational limitations of the Gaia data. Sky position and caping stars around star clusters. propermotionswill beobtainedtoanaccuracy ofpositions Disentangling the effects of dynamical evolution and and proper motions are expected to be ∼ 200µarcseconds birth properties in star clusters is a complex problem. For and∼150µarcseconds, respectively,for20thmagnitudeob- example, can one use young star clusters (<1 Myrs) to in- jects (Lindegren 2010). This means that Gaia will have ac- vestigatetheprimordialbinarypopulation?Dynamicalsim- curate positions and proper motions for G-dwarfs at 1 kpc, ulationshaveshown thatstarclustersprocesstheirprimor- but for M-dwarfs only out to a few 100 pc. Therefore the dialbinarypopulationastheydynamicallyevolve,therefore massesofescapersfrommoredistantclusterswillbeanim- itisimportantthatweareabletoestimatehowdynamically portant observational limitation. We will return to this in evolved a cluster is if we are to infer information about its later work. primordialstate.However,canwedistinguishbetweenapri- mordialbinarypopulationthatlooksdynamicallyprocessed andapopulationthatactuallyhasbeen?Likewisewithmass 5 CONCLUSIONS segregation -howdoesonedistinguishbetween‘primordial’ and dynamical mass segregation? Clearly, dynamical mass We have investigated how the properties of escaping stars segregation mustonlyoccurindynamicallyevolvedclusters arerelatedtotheinitialconditionsoftheirhostclusters.We (asthisoccursontherelaxationtimescale).Therefore,mass findthatthenumberofescapingstarsandtheirspatialdis- segregatedclustersthatarenotdynamicallyevolvedbutare tribution/kinematics show a dependenceon the initial con- mass segregated are primordially mass segregated. ditionsofthehostcluster(substructureandvirialratio).Es- Measuringthetruedynamicalageofastarclusterisdif- capingstarsfrominitially coolerandclumpierclusterstend ficult. Clusters such as the Orion Nebula Cluster have cur- tobemorenumerous,andhavealargerspreadinvelocities. rentrelaxation timesof∼50Myrs,whichimpliesthatthey While virialised and smoother clusters are less efficient at are dynamically very young, having an age ≈ 1/10 its re- producing escaping stars. These simulations have been car- laxation time. However, dynamical simulations have shown ried out with simple initial conditions (i.e. no binaries, gas, that current cluster timescales can be misleading. Clusters tidal fields), although there is no reason to think that the that undergo an initial collapse and re-expansion have had addition of more complex initial conditions/processes will much shorter relaxation times in their past, and can there- significantly alter the results as the results depend on the fore be dynamically more evolved than they appear when dynamical age of thecluster. But following work will inves- (cid:13)c 2010RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Testing the initial conditions and dynamical evolution of star clusters using Gaia 5 tigate the influence of more complicated initial conditions. Portegies Zwart S. F., Chen H.-C., 2008, in A. de Koter, Thepropertiesofescapingstarscanbeusedtoinformusof L. J. Smith, & L. B. F. M. Waters ed., Mass Loss from theinitial conditionsof star andcluster formation, andcan StarsandtheEvolutionofStellarClustersVol.388ofAs- provideuswithawindowintothedynamicalhistoryofstar tronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Re- clusters. constructing the Initial Relaxation Time of Young Star TheESAGaiamissionwillprovidetheall-skycoverage ClustersintheLargeMagellanicCloud:TheEvolutionof and dynamical information required toinvestigate escaping StarClusters. p. 329 populationsfromstarclustersandprovideanimportantin- Portegies Zwart S.F., McMillan S.L.W., HutP., Makino sight into theinitial conditions of star formation. J., 2001, MNRAS,321, 199 Smith R., Slater R., Fellhauer M., Goodwin S., Assmann P., 2011, MNRAS,416, 383 Tan J. C., 2004, ApJL, 607, L47 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TanJ.C.,KrumholzM.R.,McKeeC.F.,2006,ApJL,641, RJA would like to thank Simon Goodwin, Simon Portegies L121 Zwart, RichardParker andAndreasKoch for usefuldiscus- Zapata L. A., Schmid-Burgk J., Ho P. T. P., Rodr´ıguez sionsthatimprovedthismanuscript.RJAalsoacknowledges L.F., Menten K. M., 2009, ApJL, 704, L45 support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in theformofaresearchfellowship.Thisworkhasmadeuseof theIcebergcomputingfacility,partoftheWhiteRoseGrid computing facilities at theUniversity of Sheffield.The sim- ulations reported in this paper also made use of the Kolob cluster at the University of Heidelberg, which is funded in part by theDFG via Emmy-Noethergrant BA 3706. REFERENCES Allison R.J., Goodwin S. P., 2011, MNRAS,415, 1967 AllisonR.J.,GoodwinS.P.,ParkerR.J.,PortegiesZwart S.F., deGrijs R., 2010, ArXiv e-prints AllisonR.J.,GoodwinS.P.,ParkerR.J.,PortegiesZwart S.F.,deGrijsR.,KouwenhovenM.B.N.,2009,MNRAS, 395, 1449 Bastian N., Gieles M., Goodwin S. P., Trancho G., Smith L. J., Konstantopoulos I., Efremov Y., 2008, ArXiv e- prints,806 Bonnell I. A.,Davies M. B., 1998, MNRAS,295, 691 Bressert E., Bastian N., Gutermuth R., Megeath S. 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