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Preview Testing of information condensation in a model reverberating spiking neural network

1 1 0 Testing of information condensation in a model 2 reverberating spiking neural network1 n a J 0 1 A. K. Vidybida ] Department of Synergetics, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics C Metrologichna str., 14-B, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine N E-mail: [email protected] . o i b - Abstract q [ Information about external world is delivered to thebrain in theform of structured in time spike trains. 2 During further processing in higher areas, information is subjected to a certain condensation process, which v resultsinformationofabstractconceptualimagesofexternalworld,apparently,representedascertainuniform 0 spiking activity partially independent on the input spike trains details. Possible physical mechanism of 9 condensation at the level of individual neuron was discussed recently. In a reverberating spiking neural 4 network, due to this mechanism the dynamics should settle down to the same uniform/periodic activity in 0 response to a set of various inputs. Since thesame periodic activity may correspond to different input spike . 2 trains, we interpret this as possible candidate for information condensation mechanism in a network. Our 1 purpose is to test this possibility in a network model consisting of five fully connected neurons, particularly, 0 theinfluenceofgeometricsizeofthenetwork,onitsabilitytocondenseinformation. Dynamicsof20spiking 1 neuralnetworksofdifferentgeometricsizesaremodelledbymeansofcomputersimulation. Eachnetworkwas : propelled into reverberating dynamics by applying various initial input spike trains. We run the dynamics v i until it becomes periodic. The Shannon’s formula is used to calculate the amount of information in any X input spike train and in any periodic state found. As a result, we obtain explicit estimate of the degree of r information condensation inthenetworks,andconcludethatitdependsstronglyonthenet’sgeometricsize. a 1 Introduction bestsituationiswhenthebrainreceivesmaximum information from sensory systems. But compare thiswith [10]. Anotherparadigm, which is aswell Theabilityofabiological object toobtainenough mature, [23], concentrates on self-organization of information about external world is essential for spiketrainswhenprimarysensoryactivityspreads the object’s survival. The information is deliv- to higher brain areas. Self-organization is ac- ered to the central nervous system through vari- companied with information loss, [15], Indeed, a ous sensory pathways in the form of spike trains. kind of standartization of activity evoked by var- The pathways’ information throughput has been ious primary sensory inputs is obsereved exper- studyed for a long time in theoretical [22] and ex- imentally in higher brain areas during olfactory perimental [25] research. The paradigm of those [6, 38] and auditory [4] perception. In visual sys- researchisconsistentwiththeassumptionthatthe 1Accepted intheInternational JournalofNeuralSystems,http://www.worldscinet.com/ijns/ijns.shtml 2 A. Vidybida tem, simple examples are the transformation of ingdynamicsisallowed togofreely untilit settles scene representation to viewpoint-invariant, [7] or down to a periodic one. This allows to figure out retinotopic-invariant [32] coordinates. Here, spike sets of input stimuli bringing about the same pe- trains in the optic nerve must depend on certain riodic dynamics. The numberof different periodic information (retinal position, viewpoint), which dynamicsandthenumberofinputstimuliinaset, is removed in higher areas of conceptual repre- whichcorrespondstoadefiniteperiodicdynamics, sentation. In the context of cognitive physiol- characterize thenet’s ability tocondense informa- ogy,theprocessofreductionofinformation aimed tion. We found that this ability depends strongly at conceptual representation/recognition of exter- on thenet’s size. nal objects is known as information condensation, [21]. Usually pattern recognition phenomenon, 2 Methods which is closely related to information condensa- tion, is considered in parallel with training, see [12,17,24,28,30,31,39],learning, [1,11,13,21], 2.1 The Binding Neuron Model or other plasticity, [16], in the corresponding net- work. Inabiological network,thelearningmecha- The understanding of mechanisms of higher brain nisminvolvesbiosynthesis[27]andisthereforevery functions expects a continuous reduction from slow process, which requires seconds or minutes, higher activities to lower ones, eventually, to ac- [3]. Atthesametime,recognition ofobjects invi- tivities in individual neurons, expressed in terms sual scene can be accomplished within 150 ms, or of membrane potentials and ionic currents. While faster, citeThorpe1,Thorpe. During this short pe- thisapproachiscorrectscientifically anddesirable riod of time, the network has constant structure, for applications, the complete range of the reduc- but it is the spiking activity which evolves within tion is unavailable to a single researcher/engineer it from information-rich at the sensory periphery due to human brain limited capacity. In this con- into information-poor, representing concrete enti- nection, it would be helpful to abstract from the ties/concepts at higher brain areas. rulesbywhichaneuronchangesitsmembranepo- tentials to rules by which the input impulse sig- We now put a question: What could be the nals are processed into its output impulses. The physicalmechanismofinformationcondensationin coincidence detector, and temporal integrator are aspikingneuralsystem? Onepossiblemechanism, the examples of such an abstraction, see discus- [37] which operates at the level of single neuron, sion by K¨onig et al., [20]. One more abstraction, was discussed, see Fig. 1, 2 and n., be- thebindingneuron(BN)model,isproposedassig- low. In a reverberating spiking network, due to nal processing unit, [34] which can operate as ei- this mechanism the spiking dynamics should set- ther coincidence detector, or temporal integrator, tle down to the same definite periodic activity in depending on quantitative characteristics of stim- responsetoanystimulusfromadefinitesetofvar- ulation applied. This conforms with behavior of iousinputs,andtoanotherperiodicactivityinre- real neurons, see, e.g. work by Rudolph & Des- sponse to members of another set of inputs. If so, texhe, [26]. The BN model describes functioning then the definite periodic dynamical state can be of a neuron in terms of discret events, which are considered as an abstract representation of a fea- input and output impulses, and degree of tempo- ture,whichallstimulifromthedefinitesethavein ral coherence between the input events, see Fig. common. And this is just what is expected from 1. Mathematically, this can be realized as follows. thecondensation of information. Each inputimpulseis stored in theBN for a fixed Our purpose in this work is to study how the time, τ. The τ is similar to the tolerance inter- ability of a simple spiking neural net to condense val discussed by MacKay, [23]. All input lines are information in the above described sense depends excitatoryanddeliveridenticalimpulses. Theneu- on its physical parameter — the net’s geomet- ronfiresanoutputimpulseifthenumberofstored ric size. For this purpose we simulate dynamics impulses, Σ, is equal or higher than the threshold of a net composed of five binding neurons placed value,N0. Inthismodel,inhibitionisexpressedin equidistantly on a circle. The circle’s radius, R, decreased τ value. Itis clear, that BNis triggered characterizes the net’s geometric size. The net is when a bunch of input impulses is received in a fully connected, and propagation velocity is taken narrow temporal interval. In this case, the bunch the same for all connections and all values of R. could be considered as compound event, and the Thus,thevariationsinRareexpressedexclusively outputimpulse—asanabstractrepresentationof in the variations in the interneuronal propagation this compound event. One could treat this mech- times. Initially, the net is stimulated by a spike anism as binding of individual input events into train of inputimpulses triggering each of fiveneu- a single output event, provided the input events ronsattimes{t0,t1,...,t4}. Afterwards,thespik- are coherent in time. Such interpretation is sug- Testing of Information Condensation 3 elementary - event Binding of the elementary - elementary elementary event event events based for secondary neurons (cid:26)(cid:26)> . - (cid:26) - ... on their (representstheboundevent) HHHj .. temporal coherence elementary - event { inhibition controls binding Figure 1: Signal processing in the binding neuron model.[35, 36] gested by binding of features/events in largescale thatthetriggering condition issatisfied. Inaneu- neuronal circuits, [5, 8, 9, 36]. ron, which needs more than one input impulse to It would be interesting to characterize the BN fire,variationsoftemporalpositionofimpulses,re- input-outputrelationsintheformoftransferfunc- ceived just before the triggering one, do not influ- tion, which allows exact calculation of output in ence the moment of emitting the output impulse, terms of input. In our case, input is the se- provided those variations are in resonable limits quence of discrete arriving moments of standard and arrival moment of the triggering impulse re- impulses: Tin = {l1,l2,l3,l4,...}. The output is mains the same. the sequence of discrete firing moments of BN: τ Tout={f1,f2,...}.ItisclearthatTout⊂Tin.The transferfunction inourcasecould bethefunction σ(l), l ∈ Tin, which equals 1 if l is the firing mo- t t t t t 25 24 23 22 21 ment, l ∈ Tout, and 0 otherwise. For BN with threshold N0 the required function can be con- structedasfollows. ItisclearthatthefirstN0−1 inputimpulsesareunabletotriggerneuron,there- t t t t t fore σ(l1) = 0,...,σ(lN0−1) = 0. The next input 15 14 13 12 11 is able to trigger if and only if all N0 inputs are coherent in time: Figure 2: Example of two different inputs into σ(lN0)=1 if and only if lN0−l1 ≤τ. a single neuron, which produce identical out- puts. In order to determine σ(lN0+k), k ≥ 1, one must Thus, different input spike trains can produce ex- takeintoacountallpreviousinputmoments,there- actly the same output. This looks like if some de- foreweusenotation σTin instead ofσ. Thevalues tailes of the input stimulus, which is composed of of σTin(lN0+k) can bedetermined recursively: several impulses, were reduced/condensed in the output. In the BN, the triggering condition is σTin(lN0+k)=1 if and only if lN0+k−lk+1≤τ and that the number of impulses in the BN’s inter- σTin(li)=0 for all i∈{k+1,...,N0+k−1}. nal memory equals to N0. Consider BN with TmhoedeflufnocrtaiornbitσrTairny tdhersecsrhiboelds vcaolmueplNet0el≥y 2th.e BN sNp0ike=tr4a,inwshwiicthhiinspsuttimimulpautelsdeswairtrhivatwltoimdeisffeSr1en=t {t11,t12,t13,t14,t15}, t11 < t12 < t13 < t14 < t15, 2.1.1 Information Condensation in a and S2 = {t21,t22,t23,t24,t25}, t21 < t22 < t23 < t24 <t25. Let the arrival moments satisfy the fol- Single Neuron lowing conditions: It is worth noticing, that any firing (triggering) t14−t11 <τ, t25−t22 <τ, moment of a spiking neuron is determined by the moment of last input impulse, which just ensures t24−t21 >τ, t14 =t25 =to. 4 A. Vidybida Inthiscase, bothS1 andS2,iffed totheBN,will 2.3 Data Acquisition Algorithm produceexactly thesame output,namely,thesin- 2.3.1 Set of Stimuli gle impulse at moment to. This is illustrated in Fig. 2. The net was entrained to reverberating dynamics by applying initial input spike train of five im- 2.2 The Network Model pulses,onetriggeringimpulseperneuron,attimes (in dt units) {t0 = 1,t1,t2,t3,t4}. The triggering As a reverberating spiking neural net we take the moment of neuron # 0 is taken 1 for all stimuli net of fiveneurons placed equidistantly at a circle in order to exclude rotational symmetry between ofradiusR,seeFig,3. Eachneuronhasthreshold thestimuliapplied. Otherfourtriggeringmoments N0 = 4, and internal memory, τ = 10 ms. The runindependentlythroughtheset{1,2,...,tmax}, net is fully connected. The connection lines are where tmax is choosen proportional to R for each characterized with length and propagation veloc- net size. In choosing tmax, we follow two different ity, v, which is the same in all lines. For R fixed, paradigms. In the first paradigm of short stim- there are two types of connection line, the short uli we restrict the overall duration of the stim- one, with propagation delay d, and the long one ulus train with the value tmax = d. Thus, the with propagation delay D. Each neuron has addi- set of stimuli has d4 different stimuli. If ti ≤ d, tionally the external stimulus input line, which is i = 0,...,4, then any neuron in the net never used to start the net dynamics. Single impulse in obtains impulse from other neurons before it ob- thestimulusinputlinedeliverstoitstargetneuron tains its external inputstimulation. In the second just threshold excitation. This causesfiringat the paradigmofextendedstimuli,werestricttheover- moment of the stimulus impulse arrival. For nu- all duration of the stimulus train with the value mericalsimulationsweuse20networksofdifferent tmax =M, whichis aboutthreetimeslongerthan sizes,seeTable1. Thepropagationvelocityinany d for each network (see Table 1). Here, all stim- interconnection line is taken v=0.1 m/s. uli{t0 =1,t1,t2,t3,t4},whichwerepresentedtoa network,coverthesetofM4differenttrains,which 2.2.1 Numerical Simulation equals from 625 different stimuli for net #1 to 100000000differentstimulifornet#20(seeTable As programming language we use Python under 1). The stimuli were sampled in accordance with Linux operating system. The dynamics was mod- standardalgorithm of4-digit counter. Namely,we elled by advancing time with step dt = 200 µs. started from stimulus {1,1,1,1,1}, the next stim- The delay values d and D, when measured in the dt units, were rounded to the nearest from below ulus is obtained by advancing t1 by 1, and so on. Thestimulusnextto{1,M,1,1,1}is{1,1,2,1,1}, integers, see Table 1. As a result, the simulating the onenext to {1,M,M,1,1} is {1,1,1,2,1} and programoperatesinwholenumberswithnoround- soon,untilstimulus{1,M,M,M,M}ispresented. ing errors involved. Intheextendedparadigm,thelateexternalin- Each single tick of the program, the network’s tick,advancestimebydt,andconsistsofthreepar- put impulse can enter corresponding neuron after itreceivedimpulsesfromneuronsalreadytriggered tial ticks, which are performed in the given order. by early external input impulses. Namely,(i) inputtick,whichadvancestimeinthe input lines, (ii) axonal tick, which advances time The second paradigme is in concordance with intheinternalconnectionlines,(iii)neuronaltick, visual information processing, [2] where activity which advancestime in theneurons. from higherbrainareas, whichwasinvokeddueto This mannerof updatingstates can betreated visual stimulation at earlier time, is retroinjected as synchronous in a sense that each component of to areas V1 and V2 in the primary visual cortex, the network has the same physical time when the where it interacts with activity invoked by visual network’s tick is complete. On the other hand, input at later time during perception. viewed as interneuronal communication process, the dynamics should be treated as asynchronous 2.3.2 Figuring out Periodic States dueto nonzero propagation delays. During the step (ii), a neuron can get impulse After the last input impulse from the train {t0 = intoitsinternalmemory. Ifaneuronappearsinthe 1,t1,t2,t3,t4} reachs its target neuron, the pro- state “Fire” as a result of the network tick, then gram begins appending at each time step the in- the output impulse it produces can appear in the stantaneous state of thenet toa Python list. The connectionlinesonlyduringthenextnetworktick. instantaneousstateconsistsofstatesofall20con- This introduces effective delay of one dt between nectionlinesandall5neurons(seeFig. 4). Before delivering the triggering impulse to a neuron and appending, the program checks if the current in- emitting output impulse by that neuron. stantaneous state was already included in the list. Testing of Information Condensation 5 1 t n 1 t d 2 n 2 D t = 1 0 n 0 n 3 t3 n 4 t 4 Figure 3: The network, used for simulations. Here {t0,t1,t2,t3,t4} — is the input spike train, d, D — are the propagation delays in the connection lines. Any line can be either empty, or propagating one impulse. net # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R, mm 0.029 0.057 0.086 0.114 0.143 0.171 0.200 0.229 0.257 0.286 d, dt 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 15 16 D, dt 2 5 8 10 13 16 19 21 24 27 M, dt 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 net # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R, mm 0.314 0.343 0.371 0.400 0.429 0.457 0.486 0.514 0.543 0.571 d, dt 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 30 31 33 D, dt 29 32 35 38 40 43 46 48 51 54 M, dt 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Table 1: Dimensions of networks used for simulations; dt=200 µs. net # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 31 61 91 111 141 171 201 221 251 281 104 154 184 234 284 324 364 414 454 123 187 227 287 347 407 447 507 567 246 296 376 456 526 net # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 301 331 361 391 411 441 471 491 521 551 494 544 584 634 Table 2: Distinct periods in dt units of found periodic states in the short stimuli paradigm. Superscript denotes the number of different periodic states with this period. 6 A. Vidybida Ifitwas,thentheperiodicdynamicalstateisfound andk3 >ki, i=0,1,2leadstocontradiction, and with its complete cyclic trajectory covered by in- so on. stantaneous states between the inclusion and the This number of triggering is either 1 or 2 for last record in the list, inclusively. Measures are trajectories found, see examples in Fig. 6. Some takeninordernottocountthesamecyclictrajec- netshaveonlyoneperiodicstate,whichcoresponds tory,whichwasentrainedatitsdifferentpoints,as tosynchronousfiringofall5neuronsandsymmet- different periodic states. rical states of connection lines at any moment of time. This is thecase for nets number1 and from 15 to 20 for short stimuli, and for nets number19 The data for each net were stored in two and 20 for extended stimuli. MySQL tables. Table STATES included the se- rial number of any periodic state found, one ele- mentfromthecorrespondingcyclictrajectory,and 3.2 Condensation of Information period of the state (see Fig. 4). Single record Inordertoestimatethedegreeofinformationcon- in the INPUTS table included the input stimulus densationinthecourseoftransformationofanex- {t0 = 1,t1,t2,t3,t4}, the serial number of the pe- ternalspiketrainintoacertainperiodicstateofthe riodic stateit leadsto(thisnumberis0for fading net, one needs to calculate information amount, dynamics), and relaxation time, namely, thetime, which is delivered by specifying a spike train, and which isspentbetween thelast externalinputim- which is delivered by specifying the state, it leads pulse is delivered and the net’s entrance moment to. into theperiodic regime. 3 2 0,1 4 state #319 0 50 3 Results 2,3 0,4 1 state #107 0 50 3.1 Characterization of Periodic 0,3 1,2 4 0,3 1,2 4 States Found state #199 0 66 After initial stimulation, networks from #1 to #7 entrain to periodic activity after any stimulation, Figure 6: Examples of periodic states found and networks #8 to #20 either entrain to peri- for net number 9 in the extended stimuli odic dynamics, or stops from any activity after paradigm. Spikes indicate the firing moments, some time. This takes place for both short and labelsneareachspikegivenumbersofneurons, extended stimuli.The number of different periodic firing at this moment. The two upper trains states found for each network is shown in Fig. 5. show states with period 10 ms, the lowerone - Here, the maximal number of periodic states ob- with period 13.2 ms. tained withshort stimuliis18, andthisnumberis achievedfornetnumbersfrom3to7. Exactvalues ThiscanbedonebywellknownShannon’sformula of periods, and numberof different periodic states [29] withthisperiodisshowninTable2forshortstim- H =−Xpilog2pi, (1) uli. We omit similar table for extended stimuli. i The maximal number of different periodic states where pi is the probability to obtain case num- obtained with extended stimuli is 485, which is ber i from a set of cases. At the input end we achieved in thenet number9. The maximal num- have the set of d4, or M4 different external input ber of different periodic states with the same pe- spike trains. In our statement of the problem, it riodis294forperiod50·dtinnet#9. Itshouldbe is natural to consider all external input trains as mentioned that two periodic states, which can be equallyprobable. Ifso,theninformation delivered turned into eachother by suitable renumeration of by specifying certain train is neurons, were considered as different. Itisevidentthatinthenetworkoffiveneurons Hs=4log2d, (2) withthreshold4,eachneuronistriggeredthesame for theshort stimuli paradigm, and number of times during period. Indeed, expect thatneuronn4 firesk4 times,andanyoftheother He=4log2M, (3) fourfiresless duringperiod: k4 >ki, i=0,1,2,3. In order to be triggered k4 times, n4 must obtain for theextended stimuli paradigm. not less than 4k4 input impulses during period. While estimating information, delivered by Butitcanobtainonlyk0+k1+k2+k3,whichisless specifying certain periodic state, one should take than required. Similarly, situation when k4 = k3 intoaccountthatprobabilitiesofdifferentperiodic Testing of Information Condensation 7 mysql> select * from STATES_5_9 where num=269; +------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------+--------+ | num | state | period | +------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------+--------+ | 269 | 0 1 1 0 8 8 17 17 24 15 15 24 8 8 0 0 8 17 17 8 0 False False 0 False False 0 False False 0 False False 0 False True 49 1 | 82 | +------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) mysql> Figure 4: Example of single record in the MySQL table STATES. The first field (num) is numerical, and gives the serial number of periodic state found. The second field (state) is a string, which describes instantaneous state from the periodic state found (a point from the cyclic trajectory,which represents the whole trajectory,or periodic state). The first 20 numbers in the string describe states of all connectionlines: ’0’ means that the line is empty, positive number specifies after how many ticks the propagating impulse will rich the targeted neuron. The next five chunks confined between the ”next line” symbols describe states of neurons. The first number in eachchunk isthe ”kick”—the totalnumber ofimpulsesobtainedbyneuronafterthe axonaltickwascomplete. During the neuronal tick, corresponding to that axonal tick, the ”kick” is utilized and set to zero. The next boolean in the chunk indicates if the neuron is in the ”Fire” state. The next booleanindicates if the neuron has any impulses inits internalmemory. If it has,thennext couplesofnumbers (up to three couples)describe those impulses. In this example, neuron #4 has 1 impulse with time to leave 49·dt. The third field (period) specifies period (in dt units) of this periodic state. 20 500 450 odic states 15 odic states 334050000 peri 10 peri 250 of of 200 umber 5 umber 110500 n n 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 net # net # Figure 5: Number of different periodic states found for each net with short (left panel), and extended (right panel) stimuli. 8 A. Vidybida statesarenotthesame. Inordertocalculateprob- ability pn of a periodic state Cn, we calculate the 8 nnuammebleyr, Tofn,inapnudtdsipviikdeettrhaiisnsnulemabdeinrgbytoththeetoCtnal, dic states 67 e afomroTunntinoFfidg.iff7e)rent input stimuli (see histogram of perio 45 on 3 s Tn mati 2 pn= d4, (4) nfor 1 i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 for theshort stimuli paradigm, and net # Tn pn= M4, (5) Figure 8: Dependence of information amount, which is ascribed to periodic state, on the net for the extended stimuli paradigm. Then we use size. Curve’e’correspondstoextendedstimuli Eq. (1) with probabilities of individual periodic paradigm, ’s’ — to the short stimuli one. states found in accordance with (4), (5) to cal- culate information which should be ascribed to informationofaperiodicstate,calculatedinaccor- any periodic state. In this calculations, we treat dancewithEq. (1)withprobabilitiesfounddueto Eqs. (4), (5), varies between 6.93 and 7.33 bits uniformly with others the external input stimuli, which lead to fading dynamics. Correspondingly, for extended stimuli, and between 3.17 and 3.46 thestatewithnoactivityistreateduniformlywith for short stimuli. In the plateau, the degree of in- formation condensation calculated as input infor- periodic states. This is in the contrast with data presented in Fig. 5, and Table 2, where the state mation divided by the periodic state information, with no activity is excluded. varies between 9.02 and 12.27 for extended stim- uli, and between 11.2 and 19.31 for short stimuli. Out of a plateau range, for greater net sizes the amount of information in a periodic state drops sharply due to simplification of the set of peri- 90 odic states. Namely, the total number of periodic ne bin 7800 states decreases to one, with the second one with o domains in 456000 nuthoneeavdceetnigvlryieteyb,oeatfnwidneeftonhrmethpaitrsioobtnwabociolsnittdyaetinesss.datisiTotrnhibiasustleehadigdvhseratyos ber of 2300 41000forextendedstimuli,and690forshortones. m u 10 n 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 4 Discussion size of conceptual domain Any reverberating spiking neural net can repre- Figure 7: Histogram of conceptual domain sent complicated dynamical behavior. If the net’s sizes for net #9 in extended stimuli paradigm. instantaneous states can be described with whole Thebinsizeis518. 23domainswithsizesfrom numbers, then the net will inevitably either en- 50764 to 193732are not presented. train to periodic dynamics, or stop its activity at all. Inthisstudy,itisappearedthataverysimple As it could be expected, the information net of Fig. 3 can be engaged into a considerably amount in an external input spike train increases large set of different periodic activities. It is not as logarithm of the net size, in accordance with clear whichpartofall possiblein thisnetperiodic Eqs. (2), (3), varying from 25 to 81 bits for short states was discovered in our simulation. As it fol- paradigm, and from 37 to 106 bits for extended lowsfromcomparisonbetweenshortandextended paradigm. Information, which could be ascribed stimuliparadigm, thenumberofdifferentperiodic to a periodic state, depends on the net size in a states found increases with increasing range of in- more complicated manner, see Fig. 8. A remark- put stimuli. Certainly, thisincrease must saturate able feature is a kind of plateau between net #3 somewhere. Thisisbecauseanytwodifferentperi- and #9 for both short, and extended stimulation odicregimesarerepresentedbytheircyclictrajec- paradigme. Inthe plateau, the tories,whichhasnocommonpoints(instantaneous states). On the other hand, the total number of instantaneousstatesthenetworkcanhaveisfinite Testing of Information Condensation 9 duetofinitenessofthesetofstatesofeachelement extended stimuli paradigm. left, cross-section thenetwork is composed of. is made with plane (t3 = 23,t4 = 23), right, The number of periodic states found in a net (t3 = 21,t4 = 23). Origin for (t1,t2) is in depends on the net’s geometric size. Variations the upper left corner. Both t1 and t2 run in the net’s size display themselves exclusively in through the set {1,2,...,45} of values. Num- variations of interneuronal propagation delays d bersinpolygonsindicateserialnumbersofcor- and D. On the other hand, the duration of neu- responding periodic states. ronalinternalmemory,τ,isthesamefornetofany size. Thus, it is namely the relationships between It would be interesting to have a look on thetimesanimpulsespendsfortravellingbetween the topology of the conceptual domains in the 4- neurons, and time it is allowed to spend in a neu- dimensional space of all stimuli. For this pur- ronwaitingforadditionalimpulses,whichcontrols pose we figured out 2-dimensional cross-section possible numberof periodic states. of the input stimuli (see Fig. 9). In the cross- Itisworthnoticingthateachnethasonecom- section, a typical conceptual domain is composed pletely synchronized periodic state. The com- of several coherent clusters disconnected with ea- chother. The histogram of sizes of conceptual do- pletely synchronozed state is stable and achieved during finite time. This is in the contrast to the mains found is given in Fig. 7. caseofpulse-coupledoscillators withdelayedexci- Decompositionofthewholesetofinputstimuli into a number of conceptual domains represented tatory coupling, (see, e.g. Ref. [40]). bycorresponding periodicdynamicsresembles ap- In the four-dimensional set of stimuli we used, proachinanalysesofmultivariatedatasets,seere- the neighbouring stimuli differ from eachother by view in [14]. The difference is that here the 4- one dt in one of four dimensions. This can be dimensional dataset (aconceptual domain) is rep- treatedasanalogousrepresentationofsomereality. resentedbyunidimensionalcyclictrajectory,which The set of periodic states should be considered as corresponds to the domain, and the trajectory is a set of discrete entities due to qualitative differ- composed of points/vectors, which have other di- ence between any two states. This conforms with mension than the dataset vectors (see Fig. 4). aparadigm discussed in cognitivephysiology, [21]. Nevertheless,havingthenetwork,thewholecyclic The process of transformation of initial analogous trajectorycanbereproducedstartingfromitsany inputsintoadiscretsetofperiodicstatesimpliesa single point. Thus, here the datasets are reduced loss of information and can be treated as conden- down to individual points. This is in concordance sation of information. with theinformation condensation idea. If we take a set of input stimuli, any of which Whydowestickourselveswithnamelythepe- leadstothesameperiodicstate,thenthatperiodic riodic dynamics? The answer is related to the state can be considered as an abstract/conceptual memory/learning problem, even if we do not con- representation of a feature, which all stimuli from sider any plasticity in this study. It is known [3] thesethaveincommon,andthecorrespondingset that modification of synaptic strength may hap- could be named as “conceptual domain”. What penduetorepetitivedelivery ofimpulses tothose kindof featureorconceptdoes theconceptualdo- synapses. Periodic dynamical states are just well mainrepresent? Ifournetwastrainedtorecognize suited for such repetitive delivery. All other dy- acertainrealfeature,thenitwouldbethatfeature. namical behaviors are of transient type, and have Inthecontextofthisstudy,thecommonfeatureis less chances to cause plastic changes in biological thatallstimulifromtheconceptualdomainengage network. Ontheotherhand,successfulperception namely this net into namely this periodic dynam- expectsabilitytoreportaboutwhatwasperceived, ics. which is impossible without memory. 11111111112222222222333333333344444412345678901234567890123456789012345678901234535182322495567323298059101112138142145511661718192024122221328077312121449425810224622452261127232853422921370871130321350322332163477235083612222222222222222237666666222666666767898765410145678902383940224317745203247304422233472074550839 1111111111222222222233333333334444441234567890123456789012345678901234567890123451312332200390145522333099000675021207389101112138142152516561791819203333222292455551565216420290924223212228707053112216211394944257842220146728245112622327532811142723298532137002731160327233834222222222222212222366622266666667666756541014567892898701376813871138862139907149032324371672247725050247342444022232342307475589093 annarotooanffoemntutapsisUivlroomoooeisdngnnnsuecyfilsolhlbyi,atrtalnt.te[oneiu1eooTxegt8nnwxceh]afs.itaoittiesnraaerrR.kltndnyooedra,uRrrpaleyrwamerqs,enaaetuaslipabimetcrlpubniyeacurtitssnaooliiinlnlsaat,logoyocbogwhtofihithcnuahdoaaictscibvrlrshaetre4nwaecar%aegihsenttaetqawehrslrouddeoaifitsarsrchdkseitbtentasehiithrno2aneaiislu5cb.oqstlmipgiuuntcieobdaeceruleieaidnysr--l Finally, what happens if we use another neu- ronalmodelinthenetwork? 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