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Test Driven Development - The Ajax Experience PDF

73 Pages·2008·1.57 MB·English
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Tes t D riven D evelopment with YUI Tes t Nicholas C . Zakas P rincipal Front E nd E ngineer, Y ahoo! Who's this g uy? • P rincipal Front E nd E ngineer, Y ahoo! Front P age • Y UI C ontributor • Author Tes t D riven D evelopment Design Features Run Write Tests Tests Write Code Why Tes t D riven D evelopment? • No s uch thing as a s mall change • S pecifically identifies tas ks • Y ou unders tand your code the bes t • Upfront inves tment pays off later • Q A res ources are limited • P eace of mind Tes t D riven D evelopment Design Features Run Write Tests Tests Write Code The R equirements • Us ually, requirements are functional • Trans late into interfaces (objects and methods ) • D es cribe what each method s hould do in terms of inputs and outputs Design Features The R equirements • Need: When a us ername is entered, ignore s paces at the beginning and end of text • Trans lation: I need a trim function • Trim function: – R emove leading white space from the given string and return result – R emove trailing white space from the given string and return result Design Features Tes t D riven D evelopment Design Features Run Write Tests Tests Write Code Unit Tes ts • Tes t a s mall, is olated part of code (unit) – Unit = method • Tes t inputs and outputs – One set at a time • Tes t: “G iven this input, I expect this output.” Write Tests Unit Tes ting C omplaints • R amp-up time • Unfamiliar s yntax/concepts • Tes t harnes s s etup is hard • Writing tes ts takes too long • C an't figure out what broke when a tes t fails Write Tests

Why Test Driven Development? • No such thing as a small change. • S pecifically identifies tasks. • You understand your code the best. • Upfront investment pays
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