Synthesizing Mapping Relationships Using Table Corpus ∗ Yue Wang Yeye He UniversityofMassachusettsAmherst MicrosoftResearch Amherst,MA,USA Redmond,WA,USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Country Code Ticker Company United States USA MSFT Microso+ Corp Mappingrelationships,suchas(country,country-code)or Canada CAN ORCL Oracle (company, stock-ticker), are versatile data assets for an South Korea KOR INTC Intel array of applications in data cleaning and data integration Japan JPN GE General Electric likeauto-correctionandauto-join. However,todaythereare China CHN UPS United Parcel Services … … … … nogoodrepositoriesofmappingtablesthatcanenablethese intelligent applications. (a)ISOcountrycodes (b)Stocktickers Given a corpus of tables such as web tables or spread- State Abbrev. Airport Name IATA sheet tables, we observe that values of these mappings of- Alabama AL Los Angeles Interna.onal Airport LAX ten exist in pairs of columns in same tables. Motivated by Alaska AK San Francisco Interna.onal Airport SFO Arizona AZ Tokyo Interna.onal Airport HND theirbroadapplicability,westudytheproblemofsynthesiz- Arkansas AR London Heathrow Airport LHR ing mapping relationships using a large table corpus. Our California CA Beijing Capital Interna.onal Airport PEK synthesis process leverages compatibility of tables based on … … … … co-occurrence statistics, as well as constraints such as func- (c)Stateabbreviations (d)AirportIATAcodes tionaldependency. Experimentresultsusingwebtablesand enterprisespreadsheetssuggestthattheproposedapproach Table1: Exampleone-to-onemappingtables: (a)Countries can produce high quality mapping relationships. toISOcodes,(b)Companynamestostock-tickers,(c)State names to abbreviations, (d) Airports to IATA-codes. 1. INTRODUCTION Model Make City State Mapping tables, sometimes also referred to as bridge ta- F-150 Ford Chicago Illinois bles [27], are two-column tables where each distinct value Mustang Ford San Francisco California in the left column maps to a unique value in the right col- Accord Honda Los Angeles California umn (or functional dependencies hold). Table 1 gives a few Camry Toyota Houston Texas Charger Dodge Sea9le Washington example mapping tables with one-to-one mapping relation- … … … … ships. Table2showsadditionalexampleswithmany-to-one (a)Carmakeandmodel (b)Cityandstate mappings. Mapping tables like these are important data assets for Table 2: Example many-to-one mapping tables: (a) Car a variety of applications such as data integration and data makes and models, (b) Cities and states cleaning. We briefly discuss three scenarios here. Auto-correction. Real-worldtablesareoftendirty,where ID Employee Residence State City State inconsistent values may be present in same columns. Ta- 2910 Bren, Steven California San Francisco California 1923 Morris, Peggy Washington Sea/le Washington ble3showssuchanexample. Thelastcolumnaboutstate 1928 Raynal, David Oregon Los Angeles California are mixed with both full state names and state abbrevia- 2491 Crispin, Neal CA Houston Texas tions. An intelligent data quality agent, equipped with the 4850 Wells, William WA Denver Colorado … … … … … mappingtableinTable1c,caneasilydetectandalertusers about such inconsistency, by discovering that values in the Table 3: Auto-correction: Table 4: Auto-fill: automat- correct inconsistent values ically populate values based ∗ Work done at Microsoft Research. (highlighted) using Table 1c. on mappings from Table 2b. Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor Ticker Market Cap Company Total '89 -'13 Dem Rep classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed GE 255.88B General Electric $59,456,031 41% 58% forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcita- WMT 212.13B Walmart $47,497,295 52% 44% tiononthefirstpage. Copyrightsforcomponentsofthisworkownedbyothersthan MSFT 380.15B Oracle $34,216,308 35% 64% ACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.Tocopyotherwise,orre- ORCL 255.88B MicrosoG Corp. $33,910,357 48% 50% publish,topostonserversortoredistributetolists,requirespriorspecificpermission UPS 94.27B AT&T Inc. $33,752,009 47% 51% and/[email protected]. … … … … … … SIGMOD’17,May14-19,2017,Chicago,IL,USA Table 5: Auto-join: joining related tuples based on map- (cid:13)c 2017ACM.ISBN978-1-4503-4197-4/17/05...$15.00 pings from Table 1b DOI: leftandrightcolumnofTable1caremixedinoneuserdata ing expensive online reasoning over large table corpora for column. Furthermore, it can automatically suggest correc- specificapplicationslikeauto-join[24]andauto-fill[38],one tionsbasedonthemappingrelationship(e.g.,correcting CA could index synthesized mapping tables using hash-based to California). techniques (e.g., bloom filters) for efficiently lookup based Auto-fill. In this example scenario in Table 4, a user on value containment. Such logic is both simple to imple- has a list of city names. She wants to add a column of ment and easy to scale. state names corresponding to the cities. By just entering a Lastly,mappingtablesareversatiledataassetswithmany few example values (e.g., California for San Francisco), applications. By solving this common underlying problem the system automatically discovers the intent by matching and producing mapping tables as something that can be existing value pairs with those in Table 2b, and can thus easily plugged into other applications, it brings benefits to suggest to automatically fill remaining values in the right a broad class of applications as opposed to requiring sepa- column (grayed out in Table 4). ratereasoninglogictobedevelopedfordifferentapplications Auto-join. Indataintegrationandad-hocdataanalysis, (e.g., [24] for auto-join and [38] for auto-fill). users often need to “join” two tables together, whose key Why synthesize tables. Given table corpora such as columns may have different representations. In Table 5 for HTML tables from web or spreadsheets from enterprises, example, an analyst needs to join the left table that has fragments of useful mapping relationships exist. For exam- stocks by their market capitalization, with the right table ple, the country and country-ISO3-code columns in Ta- that lists companies by their political contributions, to an- ble1aareoftenadjacentcolumnsinsametablesontheweb. alyze potential correlations. However a direct join is not As such, an alternative class of approaches is to “search” possible since the subject column of the left table is stock tables based on input values and then ask users to select tickers,whiletherighttableusescompanynames. Asystem relevantones(e.g.,GoogleWebTables[1],MicrosoftPower equippedwithmappingtableswouldmakethejoinpossible Query [2], and DataXFormer [4]). However, because de- by using Table 1b as an intermediate bridge that performs sired values pairs often span across multiple tables, users a three-way join to connect these two user tables, without frequently need to search, inspect and understand table re- asking users to provide an explicit mappings. sults, before manually piecing them together from multiple Synthesize mapping tables with human curation. tables. Our experience suggests that this process is often In this work, we develop methods to automatically syn- too cumbersome for end users. thesize mapping relationships from existing table corpora, Mappings synthesized from multiple tables, on the other where the goal is to generate as many high-quality map- hand, take away the complexity and make it easy for end pings as possible. Because algorithms are bound to make users. More specifically, synthesized mappings have the fol- mistakes,additionalhumanverificationandcurationcanbe lowing benefits. usedtoensureveryhighprecision(Section4.3). Theresult- •Completeness. Inmanycasesonetableonlycoversasmall ingmappingscanthenbeutilizedtoenabletheapplications fractionofmappingsinthesamerelationship. Forexample, discussed above in a unified manner. whilethereexistthousandsofairports,awebtablelikeTa- Why pre-compute mappings. While there are sepa- ble 1d often lists only a small fraction of popular airports. rate solutions for auto-join and auto-fill problems (e.g., [24, Stitching together tables in the same relationship provides 38]), our approach has a few important advantages. better coverage and is clearly desirable. First, synthesized mappings are amenable to human in- •Synonymousmentions. Eachindividualtablefromatable spection and curation, which is critical to ensure very high corpus typically only has one mention for the same entity. quality. In attempting to commercialize technologies simi- For example, Table 1a has South Korea and KOR. In reality lar to [24, 38] in enterprise spreadsheet software like Excel, differenttablesusedifferentbutsynonymousnames. Table6 the main feedback we received is the trustworthiness of re- showsrealresultssynthesizedfrommanywebtables,which sults produced by black-box algorithms. Algorithms with has different synonyms of South Korea. Similarly the right even 99% correctness is still unacceptable in the context of part has many synonyms for Congo. Note that a specific enterprisespreadsheets,becauseanyerrorintroducedbyal- synonymof South Koreamaynotnecessarilyco-occurwith gorithmswouldbedifficultforuserstodetect,butishighly another synonym of Congo in the same web table, and the embarrassing and damaging in enterprise settings. probability of co-occurrence in conjunction with synonyms Ananalogywewouldliketodrawistheknowledge-bases of additional countries is even lower. However, any com- used in search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing. bination of these synonyms may actually be used in user Similar to our problem, the quality required for knowledge- tables that may require auto-join or auto-fill. Using single bases is also very high, so commercial knowledge bases are tables as mappings would not provide sufficient coverage in created in offline processes that combine algorithmic au- these cases. On the other hand, if all these synonyms are tomation with human curation. Mapping tables can be synthesized together as one table like in Table 6, then any viewed as the counterpart of knowledge bases in the rela- combinationofthesesynonymscanstillbecoveredwithout tionalworld,whereasimilarcurationprocessmaybeneeded requiring users to perform manual synthesis from multiple becauseofthequalityrequirement. Andlikesearchengines tables. that have millions of users, spreadsheet software can reach •Spuriousmappings. Certainmappingsthatappeartohold millionsofdataanalysts,suchthatthecostofcuratingmap- locallyinsingletablesmaynotbemeaningful. Forexample, pings can be amortized over a large user base to make the a random table listing departure-airport and arrival- effort worthwhile. airport may happen to have values observe functional de- Second, synthesized mapping relationships can be mate- pendency at the instance level. However, at a conceptual rialized as tables, which are easy to index and efficient to levelthisisnotausefulmapping. Suchaspuriousmapping, scale to large problems. For example, instead of perform- when indexed from single tables, can trigger false-positive Step 1: Country Code Country Code Input: Korea (Republic) KOR Congo (Democra6c Rep.) COD Table Candidate Korea (South) KOR Congo (Demographic Republic of) COD Corpus Extraction KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOR Congo, Democra6c Republic of the COD Korea, Republic of KOR CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF (WAS ZAIRE) COD Korea, Republic of (South Korea) KOR Congo, Democra6c Republic of the (Congo & Kinshasa) COD Korea, South KOR Congo, The Democra6c Republic of COD Republic of Korea KOR CONGO, THE DRC COD Step 2: South Korea KOR Democra6c Republic of Congo COD Table … … … … Step 3: Synthesis Conflict Table6: Examplesfromasynthesizedmappingrelationship Resolution (country, country-ISO3-code) using real web tables. The lefttableshowsexamplesofsynonymsforthecountrySouth Korea, all of which map to the same code KOR. The right table shows similar examples for Congo. Figure 1: Solution overview with three main steps: (1) Ex- tract candidate two-column-tables; (2) Synthesize related tables; (3) Resolve conflicts in the same relationship. results for applications like auto-correct and auto-join. A holisticanalysisofglobalrelationshipsarenecessarytoiden- tify true mappings from spurious ones. listedinTable1(allofwhicharecommonmappings),while Existingapproaches: Giventhattablesynthesisisneeded Freebasemissestwo(stocksandairports). Furthermore,for toassisthumancuration,welookatexistingtechniquesthat mappings that do exist in KB, they typically do not have can be used here. synonyms like the ones in Table 6. Lastly, KB have limited Union tables. Ling and Halevy et al. studied the prob- coverage beyond the public web domain, such as mapping lemofstitchingtogetherwebtablesinthesameweb-domain (cost-center-name → cost-center-code) that is specific (where tables are more homogeneous) based on meta data to enterprises domains. such as column names [30]. While the technique is not de- Contribution. Observing that mapping relationships signedtosynthesizerelationshipsfromalargeheterogeneous are well-represented in tables, we propose to automatically corpus, it is the only work we are aware of that performs synthesize mapping relationships using table corpora. We table synthesis from corpora. We will show that adapting formalize this as an optimization problem that maximizes this to a large corpus of heterogeneous tables will fail, be- positive compatibility between tables while respecting con- cause column names are often undescriptive [15] that leads strains of negative compatibility imposed by functional de- to over-grouping and low-quality mappings. For example, pendencies. We show a trichotomy of complexity for the in Table 1a, the column name for countries are often just resulting optimization problem, and develop an efficient al- name,andthecolumnnameforcountry-codesmaybecode. gorithm that can scale to large table corpus (e.g., 100M ta- As a result, grouping by column names tends to lump this bles). Ourevaluationusingrealtablecorporasuggeststhat tablewithothername-to-codemappings. Ourapproachrea- theproposedapproachcansynthesizehighqualitymapping sonsaboutcompatibilityoftablesbasedonvalues,whichare tables. more reliable in telling the true relationships. Schema matching. There is a long and fruitful line of re- 2. SOLUTIONOVERVIEW searchonschemamatchingthatsuggestspossiblemappings between table columns [31]. However, schema matching is Inthissection,wefirstintroducenotionslikemappingre- typically used in database contexts for a small number of lationships and table corpora necessary for discussions. We schemas,andproducespair-wisematchesforhumanusersto then give a high-level overview of our synthesis solution. evaluate. In our problem we are given hundreds of millions 2.1 Preliminaries ofschemasasinput,forwhichpairwisehumanverificationis infeasible, and aggregation of pairwise decisions to a group Mapping relationships. The goal of this work is to level is necessary for human curation. Furthermore, since discover mapping relationships. Specifically, we focus on weareonlyinterestedinmappingrelationships,whicharea binary mappings involving two attributes. specifictypeoftablesthatalwaysobservefunctionaldepen- dencies, we can deriving additional negative incompatibility Definition 1. Let R be a conceptual relation with two induced by FDs that is not explored by schema matching. attributes X,Y. The relationship is a mapping relationship, For example, there are multiple country-to-code relation- denoted by M(X,Y) or X → Y, if for all x ∈ X, x func- shipssuchas(country→ISO3-country-code),(country→ tionally determines one and precisely one value y∈Y. FIFA-country-code),(country→IOC-country-code),etc, allofwhichsharesubstantialvalueoverlapaswellassimilar Examples of mapping relationships include (country → columnnames. Schemamatchingtechniqueswouldidentify country-code)and(company→stock-ticker)asshownin them as matches and merge them incorrectly, whereas we Table 1 and Table 2. There is a mapping relationship be- wouldpreventthesynthesisbecauseoftheFD-basedincom- tween attributes country and country-code, for instance, patibility. Considering both positive and negative signals is sincevalueinoneattributeisuniquelyassociatedwithpre- critical for high-quality synthesis at a large scale. cisely one value in the other attribute. Knowledge base. Knowledge bases (KB) such as Free- Notethatthisiscloselyrelatedtofunctionaldependency base[7]andYAGO[34]haveimportantentity-relationships (FD),traditionallydefinedoveronephysicaltable. Wemake thatcanbeviewedassynthesized(semi-automatically)from the distinction to define mappings as conceptual relation- differentsources. However,manymappingsaremissingfrom ships that can be represented in multiple tables, but may KB.Forinstance,YAGOhasnoneoftheexamplemappings neverbefullyembodiedinonephysicaltable(e.g.,thesyn- thesized mapping shown in Table 6 with both South Korea Home Team Away Team Date Stadium Loca3on and Korea (South) would not occur in one table). Chicago Bears Greenbay Packers 10-12 Soldier Field Chicago, IL 60605 Detroit Lions Minnesota Vikings 10-12 Ford Field Detroit, MI Existing FD discovery work mainly focuses on efficiency Detroit Lions Greenbay Packers 10-19 Ford Field Detroit, MI (e.g., [3]), because it is intended for interactive data explo- Minnesota Vikings Chicago Bears 10-19 US Bank Stadium Minneapolis ration on ad-hoc data sets. However, in our problem the Greenbay Packers Minnesota Vikings 10-26 Lambeau Field 1265 Lombardi Ave key challenge is to produce high-quality synthesis of tables … … … … … to assist human curation, where efficiency is not as impor- Table 7: An example input table. Candidate two-column tant because the corpus is given a priori and synthesis can tables can be extracted using both PMI and FD filtering. be run as offline jobs. For cases where both X → Y and Y → X are map- ping relationships, we call such bi-directional relationships shipandarecompatiblewitheachother. Thereasonthisis 1:1 mappings (examples are in Table 1). If the mapping necessary is because many web tables and spreadsheets are relationship only holds in one direction, then it is an N:1 for human consumption [30], and as a result contain only a mapping (Table 2). subset of instances for the ease of browsing. Furthermore, Itisworthnotingthatinpractice,becauseofnameambi- one table in most cases mentions an entity by one name; guity,functionalrelationshipinsomemappingsmayappear synthesis helps to improve coverage of synonyms that are to only hold approximately. For example, city → state important for many applications. is conceptually a mapping relationship. However, when en- Step 3: Conflict Resolution. Because results from table tities are represented as strings, the functional relationship synthesis piece together many tables, some of which are may not completely hold. For example, in the same table bound to have erroneous values inconsistent with others, there may be a city called Portland in the state of Oregon, namely two pairs of values in the same mapping with the andanothercityPortlandinthestateof Maine,thusgiving sameleft-hand-sidevaluebutdifferentright-hand-side(thus the appearance of violating FD. To take such name ambi- violating the definition of mappings). These can often hap- guity into account, we consider relationships whose surface pen due to quality issues or extraction errors. We apply a forms are approximate mapping relationships. post-processingsteptoresolveconflictsinsynthesizedmap- Definition 2. Let R be a conceptual relation with two ping relationships to produce our final results. attributes X,Y. The relationship is a θ-approximate map- pingrelationship,denotedbyMθ(X,Y)orX →θ Y,ifthere 3. CANDIDATETABLEEXTRACTION exists a subset R ⊂ R with |R| ≥ θ|R|, in which all x ∈ X functionally determines one and precisely one value y∈Y. In this section we briefly describe the preprocessing of tables. Recall that in this work we focus on synthesizing Weconsiderapproximatemappingswithθover95%. Here- binary mapping relationships. We start with two-column after we will simply use mapping relationship to refer to its tables extracted from an existing table corpus. Given a ta- θ-approximate version when the context is clear. ble T = {C ,C ,...C } with n columns, we can extract bi- 1 2 n Table corpora. The only input toour problem is acor- narytableswithpairsofcolumns{(C ,C )|i,j ∈[n],i(cid:54)=j}, i j pus of tables. for a total of 2(cid:0)n(cid:1) such column pairs. For example, in Fig- 2 Definition 3. A table corpus T = {T} is a set of rela- ure7,wecanconceptuallyextractallpairsofcolumnssuch as(Home Team,Away Team),(Home Team,Date),(Home Team, tional tables T, each of which consists of a set of columns, Stadium), (Home Team, Location), etc. or written as T ={C ,C ,...}. 1 2 Because not all these pairs are meaningful mappings, we Todayrelationaltablesareabundantandareveryrichin filter out candidates with a coherence-based filtering and a nature. In this study, we use a corpus of 100M tables ex- local FD based filtering. tractedfromtheWeb,andacorpusof500Ktablesextracted 3.1 ColumnFilteringbyPMI from spreadsheet files crawled from the intranet of a large enterprise. When given a large table corpus (especially web tables), some tables are inevitably of low quality. Quality issues 2.2 SolutionOverview can arise because (1) columns may be mis-aligned due to Ourapproachhasthreemainsteps,asshowninFigure1. extractionerrors(especiallyforcomplicatedtableslikepivot Step 1: Candidate Extraction. This step starts by ex- table and composite columns); or (2) some table columns just have incoherent values. haustively extracting pairs of columns from all tables in In both of these cases, the resulting table column will the corpus as candidates for synthesis. For each table T = {C ,C ,...,C } with n columns, we can extract 2(cid:0)n(cid:1) such appear to be“incoherent”when looking at all values in this 1 2 n 2 column. For example, the last column Location in Table 7 ordered pairs. However, many column pairs are not good havemixedandincoherentvalues. Wewouldliketoexclude candidate for mapping relationships because (1) for some such columns from consideration for mapping synthesis. columnpairifthelocalrelationshipisalreadynotfunctional, Therefore we measure the coherence of a table column then it is unlikely to participate in true mappings; and (2) based on semantic coherence between pairs of values. We some table columns are of low quality and are not coherent apply a data-driven approach to define coherence based on enough(e.g.,withmixedconcepts). Toaddresstheseissues, co-occurrence statistics in a corpus. Let s(u,v) be the co- we use FD constraints as well as value-based co-occurrence herence between two values u and v. Define C(u)={C|u∈ statistics to prune away low-quality candidate tables. C,C ∈ T,T ∈ T} as the columns in the table corpus T Step2: TableSynthesis. In this step, we judiciously syn- containing value u, and define C(v) similarly. Clearly, if thesize two-column tables that describe the same relation- C(u)∩C(v)isalargeset,itmeansuandv areco-occurring frequently (e.g., u = USA and v = Canada). Then they in- tuitively are highly related and thus should have a high se- mantic coherence score. WeusePoint-wiseMutualInformation(PMI)[14]toquan- tify the strength of co-occurrence as a proxy for coherence. p(u,v) PMI(u,v)=log (1) p(u)p(v) Wherep(u)andp(v)aretheprobabilitiesofseeinguand v fromatotalofN columnsinatablecorpusT,definedas p(u)= |C(u)|, p(v)= |C(v)| and p(u,v)= |C(u)∩C(v)|. N N N Wedefinecoherenceoftwovalues,denotedbys(u,v),asa Figure2: MappingsfromWikipedia1forcountrynamesand normalizedversionofPMIcalledNormalizedPMI(NPMI), threetypesofcountrycodes: IOC,FIFA,andISO.Thethree which has a range of [−1,1]: have identical codes for many countries, but also different ones for many others (in red circles). PMI(u,v) s(u,v)=NPMI(u,v)= −logp(u,v) Country IOC Country IOC Country ISO Afghanistan AFG Afghanistan AFG Afghanistan AFG Usings(u,v),thecoherencescoreofacolumnC ={v ,v ,...}, 1 2 Albania ALB Albania ALB Albania ALB denotedasS(C),issimplytheaverageofallpair-wisescores. Algeria ALG Algeria ALG Algeria DZA American Samoa ASA American Samoa (US) ASA American Samoa ASM (cid:80) s(v ,v ) South Korea KOR Korea, Republic of (South) KOR South Korea KOR S(C)= vi,vj∈C,i<j i j (2) US Virgin Islands ISV United States Virgin Islands ISV US Virgin Islands VIR (cid:0)|C|(cid:1) 2 (a)B1: IOC-(1) (b)B2: IOC-(2) (c)B3: ISO We can then filter out a column C if its coherence S(C) Table 8: Example two-column binary tables for synthesis: is lower than a threshold. (a)CountriesandIOCcodes,(b)CountriesandIOCcodes, wheresomecountriesusealternativesynonymscomparedto Example 4. Table7isanexampletablewithfivecolumns. thefirsttable,(c)CountriesandISOcodes,wherethecode Column coherence computed using NPMI in Equation (2) for some country can be different from the first two tables. would reveal that the first four columns all have high coher- ence scores, because values in these columns co-occur often in the table corpus. 4. TABLESYNTHESIS The last column Location, however, has low coherence, Using candidate two-column tables produced from the because values in this column are mixed and do not co-occur previousstep,wearenowreadytosynthesizerelationships. often enough in other columns. We will remove this column Recall that synthesis provides better coverage for instances when generating column pairs. (e.g., synonyms) as discussed in the introduction. 3.2 Column-PairFilteringbyFD 4.1 CompatibilityofCandidateTables After removing individual columns with low coherence Inordertodecidewhatcandidatetablesshouldbestitched scores, we use the resulting table T = {C ,C ,...,C } to 1 2 n togetherandwhatshouldnot,weneedtoreasonaboutcom- generate binary tables with ordered column pairs B(T) = patibility between tables. {(C ,C )| i,j ∈ [n],i (cid:54)= j} as candidate tables. However, i j most of these two-column tables do not express meaning- PositiveEvidenceforCompatibility. fulmappingrelationships,suchas(Home Team,Away Team), Let B = {(l ,r )} and B(cid:48) = {(l(cid:48),r(cid:48))} be two binary rela- and (Home Team, Date) in Table 7. i i i i tionships produced by the previous step, each with sets of Since our goal is to produce mapping relationships, we (left, right) value pairs. If these two relations share many applylocalFDcheckingtopruneawaycolumnpairsunlikely common value pairs, or |B∩B(cid:48)| is large, they are likely in tobemappings. AsdiscussedinDefinition3weaccountfor the same relationship and compatible for synthesis. name ambiguity (like (Portland → Oregon) and (Portland Let w+(B,B(cid:48)) be the positive compatibility between B → Maine)) by allowing approximate FD that holds for 95% and B(cid:48). We would like to use set-based similarity to quan- of values. tify compatibility based on the overlap |B∩B(cid:48)|. However, Example 5. Continue with Example 4, we have pruned common metrics like Jaccard Similarity, defined as ||BB∪∩BB(cid:48)(cid:48)||, would not work because if one small relation is fully con- awaythelastcolumnLocationfromTable7basedoncoher- ence scores. Four columns remain, for a total of 2(cid:0)4(cid:1)=12 tained by another (B ⊃ B(cid:48), |B| (cid:29) |B(cid:48)|), the compatibility 2 should intuitively be high, but the Jaccard Similarity score orderedcolumnpairs. Only2outofthe12columnpairssat- would actually be low. isfyFD,namely,(Home Team,Stadium)and(Stadium,Home Containment metrics would mitigate this issue, but Jac- Team). cardContainmentisasymmetric–wewantittobesymmet- ricbecauseboththecompatibilityofB,B(cid:48) andthecompat- We note that around 78% candidates can be filtered out withthesemethods. Theprocedureusedinthisstepcanbe 1, FIFA, and found in Appendix A. ISO3166countrycodes ibilityofB(cid:48),B areessentiallythesamething(w+(B,B(cid:48))= should change based on the length of values. For example, w+(B(cid:48),B)). GiventheseweuseasymmetricvariantofJac- forshortvaluessuchas“USA”or“RSA”(forSouthAfrica), card Containment called Maximum-of-Containment [8] for anyabsolutedistancethreshold≥1wouldincorrectlymatch w+(B,B(cid:48)): the two. Fractional threshold on the other hand would re- quire an exact match for short strings like these. We fur- |B∩B(cid:48)| |B∩B(cid:48)| w+(B,B(cid:48))=max{ , } (3) therrestrictthethresholdtobewithinsomefixedthreshold |B| |B(cid:48)| k = 10 to safeguard false positives. Combining, we use ed θ (v ,v )=min{(cid:98)|v |·f (cid:99),(cid:98)|v |·f (cid:99),k }. Example 6. Table 8 shows three two-column candidate ed 1 2 1 ed 2 ed ed tables, B , B and B , respectively. The first two are for 1 2 3 Example 7. We continue with Example 6 in Table 8. the IOC code, while the last is for a different ISO code. All When using approximate matching for positive compatibil- of these three are valid mappings but are for two different ity, w+(B ,B ) will now be updated to max{4,4} = 0.67. country-code standards, as explained in Figure 2. 1 2 6 6 This is because in addition to the first three matching rows Using Equation (3), we can compute the positive compat- between B and B , now the fourth row“American Samoa” ibility between each pair of tables. For example, we have 1 2 w+(B ,B )=max{3,3}=0.5, because |B ∩B |=3 (the and “American Samoa (US)” will also be considered as a 1 2 6 6 1 2 match, as the Edit Distance between the two values is 2 first three rows), suggesting that the two tables share a sig- (ignoring punctuations), which is no greater than θ = nificant fraction of mappings and are likely to be compatible ed min{(cid:98)13·0.2(cid:99),(cid:98)15·0.2(cid:99),10}=2. for synthesis. Efficiency. Although conceptually compatibility scores Efficiency. There are hundreds of millions of table pairs can be computed for all pairs of candidates, in reality most for which we need to compute compatibility. Let m and n tables share no common values, and will have a score of 0. be the numbers of values in a pair of tables. For each pair ApracticalissuehereisthatgivenN totalcandidatetables, we need to make O(nm) approximate string comparisons, we need to perform O(N2) expensive containment compu- eachofwhichisinturnO(|v1||v2|)whenusingconventional tations. With millions of tables, this quadratic step is too dynamic programming on the full matrix. This is too ex- expensive even for large Map-Reduce clusters. pensive even for production Map-Reduce clusters. In reality we observe that the scores for most pairs of Ourobservationisthattherequirededitdistancethresh- tablesarezerosincetheysharenooverlappingvaluesatall. old θed is small in most cases. So using ideas similar to For example, Table 1a is about countries and Table 1b is the Ukkonen’s algorithm [35], we only compute DP on the about stock tickers. They have no overlaps in value-pairs, narrow band in the diagonal direction of the matrix, which so both positive and negative weights are 0. Computing makes it O(θed·min{|v1|,|v2|}). Since θed is small it makes scores for these non-overlapping sets is clearly wasteful. this step feasible. Pseudo-code of this step can be found in To address this problem, we use inverted-index-like re- Appendix B. grouping in a Map-Reduce round to map all tables sharing Synonyms. In some cases, synonyms of entity names at least some common value-pairs to the same partition, so may be available, e.g., using existing synonym feeds such thatcompatibilityiscomputedonlyforpairsoftableswithin as [10]. If we know, for instance,“US Virgin Islands”and each partition. Specifically, we evaluate w+(B,B(cid:48)) only if “United States Virgin Islands”are synonyms from external B and B(cid:48) share more than θoverlap value pairs (both left sources,wecanboostpositivecompatibilitybetweenB1and andrightvalues),andsimilarlyweevaluatew−(B,B(cid:48))only B2 in Table 8 accordingly. We omit discussions on possible if B and B(cid:48) share more than θ left-hand-side values. lookup-based matching in the interest of space. overlap Inpractice, thenumberofnon-zeroweightededgesismuch smaller than N2. This optimization makes it possible to NegativeEvidenceforIncompatibility. scalethepair-wisecomputationsteptohundredsofmillions Positiveevidencealoneisoftennotsufficienttofullycapture of tables. compatibility betweentables, as tables of different relation- Approximate String Matching. In real tables, val- shipsmaysometimeshavesubstantialoverlap. Forexample, ues from different tables often have slight variations, such it canbe computedthatthe positive compatibility between as “Korea, Republic of” & “Korea Republic”, or “Ameri- B inTable8aandB Table8cismax{3,3}=0.5(thefirst, 1 3 6 6 can Samoa”&“American Samoa (US)”. In practice, there secondandfifthrowsmatch). Giventhehighscore,thetwo are other extraneous information in table cells, such as the will likely merge incorrectly (note that one is for IOC code footnote mark“[1]”in the fourth row in Figure 2. These whiletheotherisforISO).Thisissueexistsingeneralwhen artificially reduce positive compatibility and in some cases one of the columns is short and ambiguous (e.g. codes), increasenegativecompatibilitybetweentables,whichisun- or when one of the tables has mixed values from different desirable. mappings (e.g., both city to state and city to country). Toaccountforsuchminorsyntacticvariations,weuseap- We observe that in these cases the two tables actually proximatestringmatchingbetweencellvalues. Specifically, also contain conflicting value pairs, such as the third and we measure the Edit Distance, denoted as d (v ,v ), be- fourth row in the example above where the two tables have ed 1 2 tween a pair of values v and v . We treat v and v as a the same left-hand-side value, but different right-hand-side 1 2 1 2 match if d (v ,v ) is smaller than a threshold θ . Here values. Thisviolatesthedefinitionofmappingrelationship, ed 1 2 ed we use a fractional threshold defined as θ = min{(cid:98)|v |· andisaclearindicationthatthetwotablesarenotcompat- ed 1 f (cid:99),(cid:98)|v |·f (cid:99)},whichisdynamicallydeterminedbasedon ible, despite their positive scores. ed 2 ed thelengthofstring|v |,|v |,andafixedfractionalvaluef We thus introduce a negative incompatibility between ta- 1 2 ed (e.g., 0.2). We choose to use a fractional distance instead bles. GiventwotablesB andB(cid:48),definetheirconflict set as of an absolute distance, because the desired edit distance F(B,B(cid:48)) = {l|(l,r) ∈ B,(l,r(cid:48)) ∈ B(cid:48),r (cid:54)= r(cid:48)}, or the set of values that share the same left-hand-side but not the right- ISO 0.7 hand-side. For example, between B in Table 8a and B -0.5 3 3,4,5 Table 8c, (Algeria, ALG) and (Algeri1a, DZA) is a conflict.3 1 0.5 -0. 7 4 ISO IOC -0.7 To model the (symmetric) incompatibility between two -0.33 0.8 0.6 tables B and B(cid:48), we define a negative incompatibility score 0.67 0.33 1.5 w−(B,B(cid:48))similartopositivecompatibilityinEquation(3): 2 0.67 5 IOC 1,2 (a) (d) |F(B,B(cid:48))| |F(B,B(cid:48))| w−(B,B(cid:48))=−max{ , } (4) 1.3 |B| |B(cid:48)| -0.5 3,5 -0.7 3,4,5 Example 8. WecontinuewithExample7inTable8. As 1 0.5 -0.7 4 1 0.5 idTsiassbculuebsss8teaadntaeinaardlliaeBnr3d, wtihniellTplaeobasldietitv8oecincioscmomrpraaecxtit{bim63l,iet36yrg}ebse=tbwe0ete.w5ne,eBnw1htiwcinoh 0.67 -02 .33 1.0 (b) 0.67 -02 .33 1.0 (c) different relationships (IOC and ISO). Usingnegativeincompatibility,wecancomputew−(B1,B3) Figure 3: Graph representation of candidate tables. Solid as−max{3,3}=−0.5,sincethethird,forthandsixthrows vertices on the left represent tables for ISO codes; hollow 6 6 conflict between the two tables, and both tables have 6 rows. vertices on the right represent tables for IOC codes. Fur- This suggests that B1 and B3 have substantial conflicts, in- thermore, solid edges indicate positive compatibility, while dicating that a merge will be inappropriate. dashed edges indicate negative incompatibility. Edges with In comparison, for B1 in Table 8a and B2 in Table 8b, weight of 0 are omitted on the graph. which talk about the same relationship of IOC, their conflict set is empty and w−(B ,B )=0, indicating that we do not 1 2 havenegativeevidencetosuggestthattheyareincompatible. Wewanttomaximizethesumofthisscoreacrossallparti- tions, or (cid:80) w+(P). This is our optimization objective. 4.2 ProblemFormulationforSynthesis P∈P On the other hand, we do not want to put incompati- WeuseagraphG=(B,E)tomodelcandidatetablesand ble tables with non-trivial w− scores, such as B and B in 1 3 theirrelationships,whereB istheunionofallbinarytables Example 9, in the same partition. Since we disallow this produced in the preprocessing step in Section 3. In G each to happen, we treat edges with negative scores w− below a vertexrepresentsatableB ∈B. Furthermore,foreachpairs thresholdτ ashard-constraints. Notethatanegativethresh- ofverticesB,B(cid:48) ∈B,weusecompatibilityscoresw+(B,B(cid:48)) old τ (e.g., −0.2) is used in place of 0 because we do not and incompatibility scores w−(B,B(cid:48)) as the positive and over-penalize tables with slight inconsistency due to minor negative edge weights of the graph. quality and extraction issues. We ignore the rest with in- Example 9. Given the tables B , B and B in Table 8, significant negative scores by essentially forcing them to 0. 1 2 3 Let w−(P) be the sum of substantial negative weights in P we can represent them and their compatibility relationships defined below. as a graph as in Figure 3(a). As discussed in Example 7, the positive compatibility be- w−(P)= (cid:88) w−(B ,B ) i j tween w+(B ,B )=0.67, which is shown as solid edge with positive weig1ht 2in this graph. Similarly we have negative Bi,Bj∈P,w−(Bi,Bj)<τ edge weights like w−(B ,B )=−0.5 as discussed in Exam- Weusethisasaconstraintofourformulation–wewantno 1 3 ple 8. This graph omits edges with a weight of 0, such as edgesinthesamepartitiontohavesubstantialconflicts,or, w−(B ,B ). w−(P)=0,∀P ∈P. 1 2 Putting these together, we formulate table synthesis as Since we need to synthesize compatible tables into larger follows. mapping relationships, in the context of graph G we need to group compatible vertices/tables together. This natu- Problem 10 (Table Synthesis). rwahlleyrecoearrcehspPon⊆dsBtoreparepsaernttistioansiunbgsePto=ft{aPb1le,sPt2h,a..t.}caonf bBe, max (cid:88) w+(P) (5) i synthesized into one relationship. Since different partitions P∈P correspondtodistinctrelationships,thepartitioningshould s.t. (cid:88) w−(P)=0 (6) bedisjoint(P ∩P =∅,i(cid:54)=j), andtheyshouldcollectively i j P∈P (cid:83) cover B, or P =B. (cid:92) P∈P P P =∅, ∀P (cid:54)=P (7) Intuitively, therearemanywaystopartitionB disjointly, i j i j butwewanttofindagoodpartitioningthathasthefollow- (cid:91) P =B (8) ing desirable properties: (1) compatible tables are grouped P∈P together as much as possible to improve coverage of indi- vidual mapping relationships; and (2) incompatible tables Byplacingcompatibletablesinthesamepartition,wescore should not be placed in the same partition. more in the objective function in Equation (5), but at the We translate these intuitive requirements into an opti- sametimeEquation(6)guaranteesthatnoconflictingnega- mization problem. First, we want each partition P to have tiveedgecanbeinthesamepartition. Equation(7)and(8) as many compatible tables as possible. Let w+(P) be the are used to ensure that P is a proper disjoint partitioning. sum of positive compatibility in a partition P: Example 11. WerevisittheexampleinFigure3(a). Us- w+(P)= (cid:88) w+(B ,B ) ingtheformulationabove,itcanbeverifiedthatthebestpar- i j titioningis{{B ,B },{B ,B ,B }},whichgroupstwoISO Bi,Bj∈P,i<j 1 2 3 4 5 sameleft-hand-sidevalue,buthavedifferentright-hand-side values. This could be due to quality issues in the original input tables, such as the example in Figure 4 that has in- correctchemicalsymbolsfortwooftherows(thesymbolof TelluriumshouldbeTeandTelluriumshouldbeI).Qual- ityissueslikethisareactuallycommoninlargecorpus,and manifestthemselvesasinconsistentmappingsinsynthesized results. Since the majority of tables in the partition should agreewiththeground-truthmapping,weresolveconflictsby Figure 4: A real table with errors that can cause conflicts. removing the least number of low-quality tables, such that the resulting partition has no conflicts. Let P be a partition with candidate tables {B ,B ,...}, 1 2 tables and three IOC tables into separate partitions. This each of which is a set of value pairs B = {(l,r)}. Recall i partitioning has a total score of 2.77 based on Equation (5), that in Section 4.1 we define a conflict set F(B,B(cid:48)) to be without violating constraints in Equation (6) by not placing {l|(l,r) ∈ B,(l,r(cid:48)) ∈ B(cid:48),r (cid:54)= r(cid:48)}. We can again leverage negative edges in the same partition. synonyms and do not treat (l,r),(l,r(cid:48)) as conflicts if (r,r(cid:48)) It is worth noting that existing techniques like schema are known to be synonyms. matching [31] only consider positive similarity (because FD Now we want to find out the largest subset P ⊆P such T do not generally hold in tables), and as a result merge all 5 thatnotwotablesinP conflictwitheachother,whichcan T tables in this example, producing results of low quality. be formulated as follows. Theorem 12. The problem Table-Synthesis is NP-hard. Problem 14 (Conflict Resolution). We prove this using a reduction from graph multi-cut. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) There also exists a trichotomy of complexity depending on (cid:12) (cid:91) (cid:12) the number of negative edges in the graph. A proof of the max (cid:12)(cid:12) Bi(cid:12)(cid:12) hardness can be found in Appendix C. (cid:12)Bi∈PT (cid:12) We can show that the loss-minimization version of this s.t. F(Bi,Bj)=∅, ∀Bi,Bj ∈PT (9) problemcanbesolvedusingLP-relaxationandrandomized The objective is to include as many value pairs as possible, rounding [5], to produce O(logN) approximation. Details under the constraint that no pairs of tables in the selected of this LP-based solution can be found in a full version of subset P can have conflict. this paper. While this LP based solution is practical for T This problem is NP-hard (reduction from Independent problemsofmoderatesizes,wearedealingwithgraphswith Set). So we iteratively find and remove a value pair that millionsofverticesandaquadraticnumberofvariables,for conflicts with the most other value pairs. Pseudo-code of which existing LP-solvers cannot currently handle. this procedure can be found in Appendix G. Asaresult,weuseanefficientheuristictoperformgreedy Wenotethattherearemanyexistingmethodsforconflict synthesis. Specifically,weinitiallytreateachvertexasapar- resolution[28]thatcanconceptuallybeappliedtothepost- tition. Wetheniterativelymergeapairofpartitions(P ,P ) 1 2 thatarethemostcompatibletogetanewpartitionP(cid:48),and processingstep,anditisinterestingtoexploretheirapplica- bility. Because we donotconsider this post-processingstep updatetheremainingpositive/negativeedges.Thealgorithm tobeourkeycontribution,andweincludethisstepherefor terminateswhennopartitionscanbemerged. Pseudo-code completeness,wedonotperformanexhaustivecomparison. of this procedure can be found in Appendix D. Efficiency. While the procedure above appears straight- 4.3 SynthesizedMappingsforCuration forward for graphs that fit in a single machine, scaling to While the synthesized mappings produced by our algo- largegraphsonMap-Reduceisnotstraightforward. Weuse rithm are generally of high quality, for many applications a adivide-and-conquerapproachtofirstproducecomponents very high precision is required. For example, for commer- thatareconnectednon-triviallybypositiveedgesonthefull cialspreadsheetsoftwarelikeExcel,anyerrorintroducedby graph, and then look at each subgraph individually. More black-box algorithms can be hard to detect by users, but discussions on this step can be found in Appendix E. hasdamagingconsequencesandthusunacceptable. Insuch Example 13. Figure 3 shows how Algorithm 3 works on settings, our approach of pre-computing all candidate map- a small graph. The algorithm first merges {B } and {B } pings from table corpora allows humans to inspect and cu- 3 5 to get Figure 3b because Edge ({B },{B }) has the great- rate these mappings to ensure very high accuracy. High- 3 5 est weight. The weight of Edge ({B },{B ,B }) changes as quality mappings produced by automatic algorithms can 2 3 5 w+({B },{B ,B })⇐w+({B },{B })+w+({B },{B }). greatly reduce the effort required by human curators. 2 3 5 2 3 2 5 TheweightofEdge({B },{B ,B })alsochangessimilarly. It is interesting to note that synthesized results we pro- 4 3 5 Thealgorithmthenmerges{B ,B }and{B }togetFig- ducehaveanaturalnotionofimportance/popularity. Specif- 3 5 4 ure3candfinallycombines{B }and{B }togetFigure3d. ically,foreachsynthesizedmapping,wehavestatisticssuch 1 2 The algorithm stops because of the negative weight between as the number of web domains whose tables contributed to {B ,B } and {B ,B ,B }. this mapping, and how many raw tables are synthesized in 1 2 3 4 5 the same cluster, etc. Such statistics are very well corre- ConflictResolution. Weobservethatsynthesizedrelations lated to the importance of the mapping, because the more often have conflicts that require post-processing. Specifi- itoccursinthetablecorpus,themorelikelyitisfrequently cally, when we union all tables in the same partition to- used and important. This property makes results produced gether, there will be a small fraction of rows that share the by our approach amenable to human curation – instead of listofcountriesandcapitals listofpokemonsandcategories truth. Finally we combine these high-quality web tables listofcarmodelsandmakes listofaminoacidsandsymbols with instances in Freebase and YAGO if they have cover- age. Notethattheresultingmappingrelationshipshaverich Figure 5: Example queries with“list of A and B” synonymsforthesameentity(e.g.,asshowninTable6),as well as more comprehensive coverage for instances. Con- FIPS5-2 ISO3166-1Alpha-3 structing such a benchmark set, and ensuring its correct- FIPS10-4 ISO3166-1Numeric ness/completeness is a time-consuming process. We intend IANACountryCode ITU-RCountryCode to publish this benchmark set online to facilitate future re- IATAAirportCode ITU-TCountryCallingCode search in this area. ICAOAirportCode MARCCountryCode Enterpriseismoredifficulttobenchmarkbecauseofthe IOCCountryCode NUTS(EU) difficulty in ensuring completeness of instances in certain ISO3166-1Alpha-2 SGCCodes(Canada) mappings–thegroundtruthmaybeinmasterdatabasesfor Figure 6: Geocoding Systems whichwehavenoaccess(e.g.,employeeandlogin-alias). Nevertheless,webuilt30besteffortbenchmarkcases. Recall resultsonthesetestsshouldbeinterpretedasrelative-recall lookingatafullcorpuswithmillionsoftables,onejustneeds given the difficulty to ensure completeness. to look at synthesized results popular enough. Metrics. We use the standard precision, recall and f-score 5. EXPERIMENTS to measure the performance. Let B∗ = {(l∗,r∗)} be a ground truth mapping, and B = {(l,r)} be a synthesized 5.1 ExperimentalSetup relationship for which we want to evaluate its quality. The precisionofB isdefinedas |B∩B∗|,therecallis |B∩B∗|,and |B| |B∗| TableCorpus. Weusetwotablecorporaforourevaluation. the f-score is 2pprerceicsiisoionn+·rreeccaallll. Thefirsttablecorpus,henceforthdenotedasWeb,hasover 100 million tables crawled and extracted from the public Methodscompared. We compare the following methods. web. These tables cover diverse domains of interests. • UnionDomain. LingandHalevyetal.[30]proposetounion Thesecondtablecorpus,denotedasEnterprise,hasabout togethertableswithinthesamewebsitedomain,iftheircol- 500K tables extracted from spreadsheets files crawled from umn names are identical but row values are disjoint. We the intranet of a large IT company. applythistechniquebyessentiallygroupingtablesbasedon column names and domain names. We evaluate the result- ComputingEnvironment. Weimplementedalgorithmsde- inguniontablesagainsteachbenchmarkcasebypickingthe scribedinthispaperasMap-Reduceprograms. Weranour union table with the highest F-score. jobsinalargeMap-Reducecluster,alongsidewithotherpro- • UnionWeb. Noticingthatonlyunion-ingtablesinthesame ductionjobs. OurinputforWebhasabout223Mtwo-column domain may be restrictive and missing instances for large tables with a size of over 200GB. relationships,weextendthepreviousapproachtoalsomerge tables with the same column names across the web, and Benchmarks. We have built a benchmark dataset to eval- evaluateallbenchmarkcaseslikeabove. Thisisavariantof uateourframeworkonWebtablecorpus2. Thisbenchmark UnionDomain. datasetcontains80desirablemappingrelationshipsthatwe • Synthesis. This is our approach that synthesizes map- manually curated. These relationships are collected from ping relationships as described in Section 4. two sources. • SynthesisPos. ThisisthesameasSynthesisexceptthat • Geocoding: We observe that geography is a common do- it does not use the negative signals induced by FDs. This mainwithrichmappingrelationshipsthatareoftenusedin helps us to understand the usefulness of negative signals. auto-join and auto-correction scenarios. Examples here in- • WiseIntegrator [22, 23]. Thisisarepresentativemethod clude geographical and administrative coding such as coun- in a notable branch in schema matching that collectively trycode,statecode,etc. Sowetake14casesfromaWikipedia matches schemas extracted from Web forms. It measures list of geocoding systems3. We omit codes that are impos- the similarity between candidates using linguistic analysis sible to enumerate such as military grid reference system, of attribute names and value types, etc., and performs a andonesnotcompletelylistedonWikipediasuchasHASC greedy clustering to group similar attributes. code. Figure 6 lists all cases we take. • SchemaCC. In this method, we mimic pair-wise schema • QueryLog: Wesamplequeriesofthepattern“listofAand matchers that use the same positive/negative similarity as B”inBingquerylogsthatsearchformappingrelationships. our approach. Because match decisions are pair-wise, we Figure 5 shows a few examples with true mappings. aggregate these to a group-level based on transitivity (e.g., For Web, after selecting mapping relationships, we curate iftableAmatchesBandBmatchesC,thenAalsomatches instancesforeachrelationship,bycombiningdatacollected C). This is implemented as connected components on very from web tables as well as knowledge bases. Specifically, largegraphs,whereedgesarethresholdbasedonaweighted we find a group of tables for each relationship, and then combinationofpositive/negativescores. Wetesteddifferent manually select high-quality ones to merge into the ground thresholds in the range of [0,1] and report the best result. 2Mappings in the web benchmark is available at • SchemaPosCC. This is the same as SchemaCC but without negativesignalsinducedbyFDs,sincetheyarenotexplored synthesizing-mapping-relationships-using-table-corpus/ intheschemamatchingliterature. Weagaintestthresholds 3 in [0,1] and report the best number. 1.0 Incomparison,usingonlyrawtablesfromWikiTablewith 0.8 no synthesis has high precision but low recall, because not e0.6 only are certain instances and synonyms missing (these ta- Scor0.4 bles tend to be short for human consumption), many rela- tionshipsarealsomissingaltogetherfromWikiTable. Sothe 0.2 approach of manually going over high-quality WikiTable to curate mapping relationships is unlikely to be sufficient. 0.0 SynthesisWikiTableWebTUanbiloenDomaiUnnionSWyentbhesisPoCsorrelSactihoenmaPosCSCchemWiasCeCIntegratorFreebase YAGO iTTabhlee,WebbuTtabcolnesiadpeprrsotaacbhleussensotralwimtitaebdletsositmheilaWr itkoipWeidki-a domain and thus has substantially better recall. While the Algorithms AvgFscore AvgPrecision AvgRecall precision of WebTable and Synthesis are comparable, the Figure 7: Average f-score, precision and recall comparison. recall of Synthesis is substantially higher (0.88 vs. 0.32). Despite this, we want to note that the setup of this com- parison of is very favorable for WebTable – we select the • Correlation [12]. Inthismethod,weagainmimicpair- best table among the hundreds of millions of raw tables in wiseschemamatcherswiththesamepositive/negativescores WebTable, whereas in Synthesis we only use relations syn- as Synthesis. Instead of using connected components for thesizedfromover8websitedomainsthatisthreeordersof aggregation as in SchemaCC above, here we instead use the magnitude less (Section 4.3). Because it is not possible for correlation clustering that handles graphs with both posi- humantogoovermillionsoftablestopickusefulmappings tive or negative weights. We implement the state-of-the- inpractice,WebTableonlyprovidesanupper-boundofwhat art correlation clusterin on map-reduce [12], which requires can be achieved and not really a realistic solution. O(log|V|·∆+)iterationsandtakesalongtimetoconverge UnionDomainandUnionWebsynthesizetablesbasedonta- (|V| is the number of vertices of the graph and ∆+ is the ble column names and domain names. The recall of these maximumdegreeofallvertices). Wetimeoutafter20hours two approaches is considerably better than WikiTable and and evaluate the results at that point. WebTable, showing the benefit of performing table synthe- • WikiTable. Wikipedia has many high-quality tables cov- sis. However, this group of approaches merge tables only ering various domains, many of which have mapping rela- basedoncolumnnames,whichareknowntobeuninforma- tionships. Tounderstandthequalityofusingrawtablesin- tiveandundescriptiveinmanycases. Weobservethatwhen stead of performing synthesis, we also evaluate each bench- applied to the whole web, this often leads to over-grouping mark case by finding best pair of columns in a Wikipedia andunder-grouping. Theoverallf-scoresoftheseapproaches table that has the highest in F-score. arethebestamongallexistingmethods,butstilllagbehind • WebTable. This method is very similar to the previous Synthesis, which uses values that are more indicative of WikiTable, but use all tables in the Web corpus instead of table compatibility. just Wikipedia ones. SynthesisPos uses the same algorithm as Synthesis but • Freebase. Freebase [7] is a well-known knowledge base does not consider the negative incompatibility induced by that has been widely used. We obtained its RDF dump4 FDs. It is interesting to observe that result quality suffers and extract relationships by grouping RDF triples by their substantially, which underlines the importance of the nega- predicates. Wetreatthesubject→objectasonecandidate tive signals. relationship,andtheobject→subjectasanothercandidate. SchemaCC performs substantially worse than Synthesis. • YAGO. YAGO [34] is another public knowledge base that Recall that it uses the same positive/negative signals, but is extensively used. We process a YAGO data dump simi- aggregate pair-wise match decisions using connected com- lartoFreebase,bygroupingYAGORDFtriplesusingtheir ponents. This simple aggregation tends to over-group and predicates to form subject-object and object-subject rela- under-group different tables, producing undesirable table tionships. clusters. Note that in all these cases, we score each benchmark SchemaPosCCignoresthenegativesignalsusedinSchemaCC, case by picking the relationship in each data set that has sinceFD-inducednegativesignalsarenotexploredinschema the best f-score. This is favorable to all the methods – a matching. Unsurprisingly,resultqualitydropsevenfurther. human who wishes to pick the best relationship to be used CorrelationissimilartoSchemaCCthatalsomimicsschema asmappings,andwhocouldaffordtoinspectallthesetables, matcherswithsamesignals,butaggregateusingcorrelation would effectively pick the same tables. clustering. Overall, its f-score is better than SchemaCC, but is still worse than Synthesis. We think there are two main 5.2 QualityComparison reasons why it does not work well. First, at the conceptual Figure 7 shows the average f-score, precision and recall level, the objective of correlation clustering is the sum of across all 80 benchmark cases in the Web benchmark for all positive and negative edges. Because the number of table methods compared. Synthesis scores the best in average pairsthatwouldbeindifferentclustersfarexceedstheones recall(0.88)andf-score(0.90),whileWikiTablehasthebest that should be in the same clusters, making negative edges average precision (0.98) 5. dominate the objective function. However, in our problem, we should actually only care about whether tables in the 4 same clusters correspond to the identical mapping, which 5Since WikiTable methods miss many relationships, we ex- are the intra-cluster positive edges that are more precisely clude cases whose precision is close to 0 from the average- modeled in our objective function. Second, a shortcoming precision computation. This makes the average precision of the parallel-pivot algorithm [12] is that it only looks at favorable to WikiTable. The same is applied to other table asmallneighborhoodforclusters(i.e. one-hopneighborsof and knowledge based methods.